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Idan: A Sci-Fi Warrior Romance (Heroes of Avalere Book 2)

Page 11

by Jane Henry

  “Dizzy with fever. She doesn’t make sense when she talks,” Cambri says. “She has a virus of sorts. I do not know.”

  I sigh. I look about the small, dismal home. Dishes are piled high in the small sink, a bundle of wash by the door waited to be cleaned.

  “I will find a means to bring you all back with me.” But she is far too heavy for me to carry. I do not know how I would ever get her to go with me. Even with the help of my sister, we could not move her and avoid the bragni. And traveling encumbered would put us at great danger.

  “Get her medicine, Svali,” Cambri pleads. “Do you have any connections on Avalere?”

  As the wife of a wealthy leader, of course I do. She is right.

  “I will be back,” I say, concerned too much time has elapsed. By now, someone will have discovered I am gone, and then what? I plant a kiss on my mother’s forehead, but she is delirious and does not respond.

  “Be strong,” I urge Cambri, as I hug her. “I will get help.”

  The moment I flee my childhood home, I run, as fast as my legs can take me, back to the portal. I must not be found out. I pray Idan has not discovered my disobedience. When I arrive at the portal, it is dark, but no guards surround it. I go to put my hand on the passport key, when a low, growly voice comes from behind me.

  “Where do you go, mortal?” The hair on my arms stands on end. It is one of the bragni.

  I turn slowly. Disrespecting them can incur their wrath, and, when they are angered, they become violent.

  The creature’s large, wide eyes stare at me impassively, the mouth turned down into a frown. It is a short, human-like being, with a pig-like snout and thin mouth, short black hair, dressed in drab grays.

  “I must return to Avalere,” I insist.

  “And why came you here?” he asks with a leer.

  “To merely visit,” I say, trying to see a means of escape. I see none. The bragni takes another stop closer.

  “Visit? Visit whom, mortal? Do you belong here on Kleedan?”

  He is an unencumbered creature, not held to the trappings of morality and goodness. He leers at my ample chest, his gaze roaming the length of my body.

  “I may allow you safe passage if you pay me,” he mutters. “I will escort you myself.”

  He will not. It is a ploy. The bragni want nothing more than carnal indulgence, and the moment he gets close enough, he will grab me and take me.

  “Oh, no thank you. I really must be getting along now.” I attempt to sidestep.

  With a shudder, I move to the side, but he is there again. His thin, sallow hand with long, webbed fingers reaches out to me. Nausea rolls in my stomach as I feel his cold, clammy touch on my wrist. I finally see what I need. There, in the bushes, lies a sharp stick with a point like a spear.

  “So sorry,” I apologize, with a fake smile. “I would really love to join you, but I’m not sure I have time, as my husband, a member of the Avalerian Hisrach, followed just behind me. You really do not want to anger my husband.”

  The bragni’s head whips around. I take the momentary distraction and knee him. He releases my wrist, and I grab the pointed spear. I rear back and stab him with it. It strikes his upper shoulder, and he howls before lunging for me, but it is too late. My hand is already on the portal, and, minutes later, I am back on Avalere.


  How much time has lapsed? Will my husband know I have been gone, blatantly defying him? My stomach turns, sickened from the encounter with the bragni, as well as the fear that my leaving has been discovered. I run as fast as I can to the greenhouse, and there, upon the bench, sits Kada. Oh, thank the gods. She has not left.

  I gesture for her to come to me.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. “Has anything happened in my absence?”

  She shakes her head. “No, my lady. I heard the voice of your husband once, but he quickly left, and then I haven’t heard from him since. I have been sitting here, enjoying my book.” She smiles.

  “Oh thank goodness. Thank you.” I reach into the pouch slung about my waist and hand her a few small silver coins. “You were very brave.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” she says, slipping off the garment and giving it to me. “This is yours.”

  I slip the hood back on my head as I slide into my sweater and hurry back into the garden. Idan is nowhere to be found.

  This has gone far smoother than I planned. Now I must get the medicine from the apothecary. As I approach the castle, I hear a familiar voice.

  “Where do you go in such haste, wife?” The voice is only guardedly friendly. I turn, plastering a smile on my face.

  “Hello husband.”

  “I asked you a question,” he says, his arms crossing over his broad chest. His gray-blue eyes are narrowed, his jaw clenched.

  “To find you, my lord,” I whisper. “I am tired and hungry, and ready for rest.”

  “Very good, then. Come with me, and I will get you what you need.”

  Does he suspect me?



  In an hour, I am meeting with my brothers to be apprised of what has transpired. I am troubled by Gregor’s insistence that I was sighted in the tavern, and I wish to get to the bottom of this.

  A line creases Svali’s forehead. She sits a few seats away from me. When I found her earlier, running, her quick retreat concerned me. What does she hide from me?

  “Svali, come here please.”

  Frowning, she stands and makes her way over to me. “My lord?”


  “Yes, my lord?”

  “What troubles you?”

  She glances to the side and rubs her palms nervously on her tunic. “Nothing, my lord.”

  She lies.

  “Are you worried that when I meet with my brothers of the Hisrach later today, you will not be accepted because of your history?” I see no point in hiding my real concern.

  Her cheeks flush pink. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Svali.” My patience wanes. “Some on Avalere embrace traditional values,” I say. “They do not wish for a leader to be wed to someone with your history. You know, to me, it is not important.” I reach for her hand. I cannot help it. I want to make her feel better. I wish to put her mind at ease. I wish to know what troubles her. “Why did you choose the lifestyle you did?”

  “My lord?”

  “Answer the question, Svali.” What would cause a woman to prostitute herself? What would cause a woman to give up her dignity and pride?

  Her eyes widen as she meets my gaze, and I pull her closer. Why must I reach out to her? I wish to make her feel better.

  Her violet eyes fill with tears. “I needed the money, my lord.” To my shock, a tear rolls down her cheek. I wish to pull her to my chest and hold her, to kiss her until I melt away the tears and bring her peace again. Of course she did. Why else would she have done what she did?

  “And do you still need that money?”

  Her eyes shutter, and her back goes rigid. “No, my lord.” Steel hardens her voice. “I do not.”

  She lies.

  “Tell me the truth, Svali.”

  She frowns.

  How can I help her if she does not trust me? Have I not proven myself a trustworthy man?

  I have exhausted my patience.

  I have had enough of this. I stand, and take her hand in mine. “Very well, then,” I say, leading her to our bedroom down the hall. I have my methods for getting her to tell the truth.


  I will have honesty from her. I will not be able to lead her effectively if I do not.

  “Where do we go, my lord?” she asks.

  “We are going to our chambers. I cannot seem to get you to tell me the truth, so I shall find means to extract the truth from you.”

  She yanks free. “You will not.” Her eyes flash, and I can feel both fear and anger, as she glares at me.

  Will not?

  She can protest, but
I am stronger, and I am lord of her. I continue to walk to our room. When we are there, I pull her in, then shut and lock the door. The time for my next meeting is coming. I tangle my fingers in her hair and tug hard.

  “Will not?” I back her up against the wall. “What exactly do you mean, will not?”

  She attempts to push me away, but I pull her hair harder. I release her hair, spin her around, and give her a sharp swat with the flat of my palm.

  “Leave me alone!” she says, fighting me. This will not do. In one swift move, I lift the edge of her tunic, bare her, and spank her hard, my palm stinging with the harsh smack. Her breath catches and she tries to push me away, but I hold her over my knee, administering hard, biting swats. Four smacks later, she slumps against me, and I stop.

  “Will you speak to me now, woman?”

  “Fine!” she screams, earning her another punishing swat. She will learn to be respectful.

  “Will you speak to me with respect?”

  Her shoulders slump and her voice drops. “Yes, my lord.”

  I release her. She rights herself, glaring at me.

  No, this will not do.

  “You have ten seconds to get yourself together,” I bite out. “You will stop glaring and snapping at me. If you refuse to obey, I will have no choice but to take my belt to your backside.”

  Fear lingers in her eyes.


  I hold her gaze and watch her shoulders slump, the fight leaving her eyes, so she no longer resists my instructions.

  “You are not telling me the truth about your family, Svali,” I say. Her gaze flits from mine when a knock comes at the door. She and I stare at one another for a moment before I answer.


  “My lord, the Hisrach have convened in the dining hall. King Aldric has arrived.”

  I exhale. “I will be there in a moment. Please serve them, and tell them I will arrive shortly.”

  “You do not leave this room,” I tell her. “You are hiding something from me. I know not what, but I will find out, and, when I do, you will answer to me.”

  She pulls away from me, turning her head. “Stay in the room?” she mocks. “How lovely. What shall I do while you are gone? Sew a domestic little garment? Pine away for you while you commune with your brethren? Kneel in subservience to the master of the house?”

  My palm itches.

  Another knock on the door. “My lord, King Aldric grows impatient.”

  I take a fistful of her hair and pull hard. “You will learn your place, woman, if I have to cuff you to my bed.” I am no longer angry but determined.

  I glare at her, and she at me. I consider my options. I can tie her or cuff her. I can find someone who will watch her. Or, I can take her with me.

  I much prefer the last option.

  “You will come with me,” I hiss in her ear. “You will obey me and do as you are told, or I will take you across my lap and spank you in front of every single member of the Hisrach. Is that what you wish?”

  She stills and turns away. As I lean in closer to her, I can feel it, I can smell it. Can it be?

  Holding her wrists, I pull her up to my body, flush against me, and allow myself to be aware of all her senses.

  Her heartbeat quickens, her pulse racing. Her breath is hard and fast, her skin flushed, and right below the surface of her tunic, her nipples harden. Without apology, I lift her tunic. She gasps and tries to pull her wrists free, but I hold fast. I will not ask to touch what belongs to me. I slip my fingers between her folds, a slow, wicked grin spreading across my face.

  “You like that, don’t you, lovely?” I hiss. “You like the thought of my belt on your naked skin, my bonds against your wrists, helpless, as I make you do as I say?”

  She shifts away, but I stroke her slick folds until she parts her thighs and drops her head to my shoulder.

  “You are wet for me,” I whisper, my erection hardening as I fondle her. “What shall it be, Svali? My cuffs or my belt?”

  “Neither,” she growls, but she pushes her pelvis against my hand. I remove my fingers, and she whimpers.

  “You will do as I say, Svali. If you do, I will reward you with every delicious fantasy you never told another soul. I will treat you like my queen, and you will want for nothing. But if you do not”—I allow my voice to drop—“You will feel the taste of my displeasure. Though the idea of being overcome by me may excite you—”

  “It does not!”

  I yank her hair back, and tears come to her eyes. “You do not interrupt or contradict me, and I have had enough of your lies.”

  She quiets. Though the idea of my control may excite her, she will learn to prefer pleasing me.

  “If we had time, I would whip you for your insolence,” I tell her. My hands are still between her folds, and I can feel her excitement. I would not allow her pleasure as I punished her. This she will see.

  I right her tunic and stand her on her feet. “You will come and do as I say, Svali. You have already earned punishment for your defiance and lies. Do not push me further.”

  She frowns but nods, at least attempting obedience at this juncture.

  I have promised her a spanking right in front of my men if she disobeys me. I will follow through if necessary. My cock strains against my breeches at the thought of hauling her over my lap and spanking her while she begs me to stop. I swallow hard.

  When we arrive in the hall, Aldric stands with his arms crossed.

  “How is Carina? And the baby?”

  He smiles. “A daughter,” he says. “Carina is well pleased.” I can see it in his eyes and hear it in the tone of his voice. He is pleased as well.


  “Thank you,” he says, before he grows grave. “Idan, it becomes imperative we discuss the happenings here on Avalere and what has happened since last we spoke.”

  I nod, joining him at the table with Gregor, Zadok, and several other members of the Hisrach. The fierce warriors of Avalere sit tall, their bearded faces stern and uncompromising. I bring my wife in front of them.

  “Brothers, I wish to introduce you to my wife.” To her credit, she inclines her head in greeting. “Meet Svali.”

  They murmur greetings and she accepts them, before I bring her over to a corner of the room and gesture for Tamar to join us. I do not wish to embarrass her, but she must be watched.

  “Tamar, please stay with Svali to keep her under protection while I meet with my brothers.”

  “Yes, my lord.” He takes a seat next to her.

  She narrows her eyes at me, but I lean in and whisper to her, “Remember, Svali. You shall not disobey me, unless you wish to be taken across my knee in front of them all.” Tamar blinks, but he does not respond. He knows his place.

  She swallows and her cheeks flush. “Yes, my lord.” She exhales. I can see from Aldric’s expression he grows impatient. But where else will she go? She sits now with Tamar, and she very well cannot leave simply because she wishes to do so.

  Reluctantly, I turn away from her and join my brothers. I wish I had time to give her the good, hard, spanking she needs. From time to time, I glance back. She sits beside Tamar, speaking to him. Perhaps she will not cause trouble.

  Gregor speaks first.

  “We have trouble here,” Gregor says. “As you all know, some are not pleased with the appointment of Idan to the throne as Duke. They insist Old Avalere was based on one throne, and that instituting the second one dilutes our leadership. They say the authority of Avalere weakens.”

  Amidst murmurs and grunts, Aldric speaks. “And, yesterday, Idan was attacked on his way home. Have you all been apprised of the situation?”

  “We have,” Gregor said. “I have seen to the imprisonment of those who survived Idan’s defense. There was a total of four attackers, and he killed one. Three now stand trial.”

  I stand. “No doubt those who attacked did so in protest against the new appointment.”

  Zadok clears his throat. “F
urther, we have more to worry about than the attack on Idan and Svali. The very evening Idan was attacked, I saw him at the pub. Yet he insists he did not leave the palace. He could not have. Those in jail bear the mark of his sword, proving his whereabouts.”

  Aldric’s eyes narrow. “Someone impersonated Idan, then? Are you sure you saw him?”

  Zadok nods. “No doubt, my lord. I spoke to him myself. He has the very stature, coloring, and trick of speech as Idan.” He frowns. “I am glad we did not speak of the knowledge only the Hisrach would know. I would hate to think I divulged anything to a traitor.”

  Aldric growls but does not respond at first. He taps the table and looks as if he could commit murder with his bare hands. “So there is magic at play, it seems,” he says. “Someone pretending to be Idan endangers us all. We must watch and observe, being prepared to act as soon as we can and possibly draw this imposter out. Who knows what evil he has in mind.”

  I shake my head, angry such a thing has happened, but if we are to get to the bottom of this, I must keep my head about me.

  I realize I have not seen my wife in several minutes, and I glance her way.

  I get to my feet.

  Both she and Tamar are gone.

  Heat rises in my chest, my fists clenched.

  How dare she?

  “Excuse me,” I apologize to Aldric, rising. “I must check on Svali. She was told not to leave this room, and yet I see that she is gone. I will return.”

  Aldric frowns. “See that you do,” he says then he shakes his head. “And make sure you teach your wife to obey you, Idan. It will not do to waste time handling a disobedient wife on top of managing what we have to at this juncture.”

  Out of deference to Aldric as Warrior King, I grunt my understanding of his rebuke, but it fuels my own fire. Svali will pay for her defiance. How dare she disobey me in front of my brothers?

  I storm over to where she was, where not a trace of her or Tamar remains. How did they leave? Where did they go? I march to the large windows and see a little hallway just to my left. I go there. I want to throttle the servant who allowed her to escape, and, when I get my hands on her, she will not sit pretty for a good long while. Every minute away from council will cost Svali. I must rein in my temper.


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