Page 46
Container Recycling Institute, 67
Container ships, 113–114
Cook, Ken, 83
Copper, 20, 21, 59, 204
Corporate accountability, 257–258
Correa, Rafael, 30, 31
Cosmetics, 76–77
Costa Rica, 152, 244
Costner, Pat, 11–12
Cotton, 14, 17, 45–51
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 95–96
Cradle to Cradle (McDonough), 52
Credit cards, 148, 151, 160
Cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride), 65
Curare, 2
Cyanide, 15, 24
Davis, Mike, 26
DDT, 73, 79
Deca-BDE, 79–80
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 38
DeClerq, John, 169
Deconstruction, 200
Defoliants, 48
Deforestation, 2–9, 52–53
Dell, Michael, 58, 110
Dell Computers, 58, 59, 62, 205, 206, 256
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 26–28, 35, 134, 152, 246
Depreciation, 182–183
Depression, 150
Dharma Bums, The (Kerouac), 6
DHL, 115
Diamond, Jared, 39–40
Diamonds, 20, 25–27, 35
Digital TV conversion, 202
Dioxin, 54, 69, 73, 79, 171, 209, 213
Disney, 49–50
Disposable goods, 162
Disposal, 182–236, 256–257
Distribution, 106–143, 255–256
Do Not Mail Registry, 9
Dora the Explorer, 166
Dow Chemical, 91
Downcycling, 231–232
Downshifting, 158–159
Droughts, 2, 16
Duales System Deutschland (DSD), 197
Dublin Principles, 18
Dumanoski, Dianne, 45
Durning, Alan, 181
Dyes, 48, 51
e-Stewards program, 206
Earth Economics, 242
Earth Overshoot Day, 153–154
Earthlife Africa, 222
EarthRights International, 33, 258
Earthworks, 21, 29, 253
Earthworms, 51
Ecological Footprint, 152
Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, The, 5
Economist, The, 16
EcoPrint, 56
Ecuador, 30–31
EDC (ethylene dichloride)
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 142
Eisner, Michael, 50
Electricity, 35
Electronic waste (e-waste), 58, 185, 202–206
Electronics, 27–29, 57–64, 120
Electronics TakeBack Coalition, 58, 63, 202, 206
Elemental chlorine free (ECF) process, 54
Elgin, Duane, 158–159, 181
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 93, 98
Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, 98
Ending the Depression through Planned Obsolescence (London), 161–162
Envirogenetics, 75
Environmental Health News, 260
Environmental justice (EJ) movement, 87–88
Environmental Justice Networking Forum, 222
Environmental Paper Network (EPN), 9, 56
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 36, 54, 79, 88, 95–98, 115, 185, 190–192, 208, 215, 219–220, 225, 229
Environmental racism, 87–89
Environmental Working Group (EWG), 81–83, 95
Erosion, 7
Essential Action, 31
Etienne, Yannick, 49, 50
European Union, 5, 29, 72, 82, 133, 211, 234
Executive pay, 126, 258
Extended producer responsibility (EPR), 197–199, 233–234, 256
Extraction, 1–43, 253–255
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 39
Factor 10 Club, 41
Fair trade logo, 51
Farmers markets, 140–141
Federal Express, 115
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 96
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) of 1947, 97
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 231
Fence-line communities, 87–94
Fertilizers, 46
Financial crisis (2008–09), 5, 179, 184, 194
Fish, mercury in, 74–75, 95
Flame retardants, 60–62, 73, 79–80, 82–83, 169, 203, 261
Floods, 2, 4, 7, 12
Fluoride, 60
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 77, 95, 96, 99
Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, 97
Ford, Henry, 159–160
Ford Motor Company, 164
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 10, 40, 253
ForestEthics, 9
Forests, 2–10
Formaldehyde, 48
Fox, Peter, 174
Frank, Robert, 179
Freecycle, 120
Friedman, Thomas, 126
Fungicides, 46–47
Gallagher, Kevin, 136
Gandhi, Mahatma, 22
Gap, The, 108, 109
Geiser, Ken, 99, 101
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 128, 132
General Mining Act of 1872, 22, 254
General Motors Corporation, 164
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), 242
Germany, 31, 71, 197, 234, 256, 257
Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance (GAIA), 215, 216, 235, 257
Global Footprint Network (GFN), 152–153
Global Forest Coalition, 8
Global Mercury Partnership, 75
Global Trade Watch, 136
Global warming, 36
Global Witness, 25–27
Gold, 21, 23–25, 35, 75
Gold Rush of 1849, 24–25, 27
Golden Rules, 25, 34
Gone Tomorrow (Rogers), 228, 232
Good Electronics, 63
Good Jobs First, 122, 123
Goodell, Jeff, 36
GoodGuide, 62, 111–112, 140, 175, 184, 260
Government laws and agencies, 95–99
Great Depression, 128, 194
Green chemistry, 84, 105
Green Dot program, 197, 234, 256, 257
Green Press Initiative, 56
Greenhouse gases, 53, 65, 180, 186, 188, 235, 254
Greenpeace, 31, 62, 63, 91, 113, 222, 224, 225
Greenwashing, 187
Greider, William, 109
Greige goods, 116–117
Grey-water system, 17–18
Grossman, Elizabeth, 59–60
Grove, Andy, 58
Guernica Chemicals, 223
Guide to Green Electronics (Greenpeace), 62
H&M, 116–117, 118, 120
Haiti, 4, 49–50, 51, 132, 137–139, 178–179, 224–227
Halogens, 48
Hanger Network, 165
Happiness/unhappiness, 149–155
Happy Planet Index, 151–152, 242, 244, 251
Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2, 22
Hawken, Paul, 241, 245, 250
Hazard Ranking System, 98
Hazardous waste, 201, 208
Health care, 122, 247
Health Care Without Harm, 202
Heap leaching, 24
Helfand, Judith, 175–176
Heptachlor epoxide, 79
Herbicides, 46
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 59, 206, 256
Hexachlorobenzene, 79
Hexavalent chromium, 30
High Tech Trash (Grossman), 59–60
Hoekstra, Arjen, 17
Hollender, Jeffrey, 234
Home Depot, 9
Human Rights Watch, 258
Humus, 11
Hunger, 178–180
Hydrochloric acid, 61, 69
Hydrofluoric acid, 60
Hydrogen chloride, 69
Hydrogen fluoride, 61
r /> Hydrologic cycle, 2
Hydroxide, 60
Hydroxyl monoethanolamine, 60
IBM Corporation, 59
Iceland, 66
Incineration, 212–217, 224, 235, 257
Index of Sustainable Welfare, 242
India, 4, 5, 21, 22, 45, 47, 86–87, 90–93, 129, 134–135, 153, 165, 180, 193, 202, 236
Indigenous communities, 4, 37–38, 245
Individual actions, 239–241, 260–264
Industrial Revolution, 101, 102, 156
Industrial waste, 185–189
Infertility, 45
Inglewood, California, 126–127
Inkworks Press, 56
Insecticides, 46–47
Institute, West Virginia, 93
Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 34, 229
Integrity in Science Project, 99
Inter-American Development Bank, 132
Interface, 19, 185, 187–189
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 54
International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, 92, 259
International Chamber of Commerce, 228
International Conference on Water and the Environment, 18
International Council on Mining and Metals, 227
International Energy Agency (IEA), 29–30
International financial institutions (IFIs), 127–136, 139–140
International Labour Organization, 8, 21–22
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 38, 39, 128–131, 140
International waste dumping, 219–227
International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs, 38
Inventory, elimination of, 110
Ipecac, 2
Iraq, 243, 244
Iron, 20, 44, 59
Irrigation, 46
Isopropyl alcohol, 60
Jensen, Rhonda, 194
Jewelry, 23–25
Jones, Van, 6, 207
Jubilee debt campaign, 130, 131–132
Junk mail, 9
Just-in-time (JIT) model, 110
Kasser, Tim, 151
Katzen, Mollie, 158
Keep America Beautiful (KAB), 196
Kenya, 130
Kerouac, Jack, 6
Khian Sea (cargo ship), 224
Kid-Safe Chemicals Act (KSCA), 82, 83, 255
Kimberley Process, 26–28, 34, 253
King, Oona, 28
Knapp, Dan, 190
Knight, Phil, 109
Korten, David, 109
Kovalam, India, 236
Kyoto Protocol, 66
Lambrecht, Bill, 222
Landfills, 69, 207–209, 211–213, 235
Lane, Eric, 173
Lawns, 14
Layard, Richard, 176
Leachate, 207–209
Leaching (off-gassing), 69, 70
Lead, 15, 24, 34–35, 42, 59, 61, 69, 72, 73–74, 76–77, 79, 86, 91, 203, 205, 219
Lean manufacturing, 108–110, 116
Lean retail, 110–111, 117
Lebow, Victor, 160
Lerner, Steve, 89
Light-weighting, 41
Lightolier, 218
Lignin, 53
Lipsticks, 76–77
Lithium, 61
Local food movement, 140–141
Logging, 7–8
London, Bernard, 161–162
Lovera, Simone, 8
Lustgarten, Rita, 174
Luxury Fever (Frank), 179
MacKinnon, J. B., 140–141
Madagascar, 2, 3, 35
Makeup, 76–77
Makower, Joel, 185, 186
Malaysia, 8
Mandela, Nelson, 222
Maniates, Michael, 112, 159, 239, 240
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (Ocean Dumping Act), 98
Markey, Ed, 195
Marshall, James, 24
Mascara, 75
Massachusetts, toxics use reduction in, 218–219
Mazzochi, Tony, 85–86
McDonough, Bill, 52, 103
McKibben, Bill, 141
McRae, Glenn, 201
Mechanical pulping, 53
Medical waste, 185, 201–202
Mercury, 24, 25, 30, 34–35, 42, 54–55, 59, 61, 62, 69, 73, 74–75, 77, 79, 86, 91, 95, 203, 221–223, 257
Methane, 36, 209
Methyl-3-methoxyproprionate, 60
Methyl alcohol, 60
Methyl ethyl ketone, 60
Methyl isocyanate (MIC), 90, 91, 93
Mexico, 72, 135
Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti (National Labor Committee), 49, 50
Microchips, 59–61
Microsoft, 71, 203
Minerals, 20–29
Minerals Policy Institute, 253
Mines, Minerals and People, 253
Mining, 20–25, 35, 36, 59, 64, 75
Mirex, 79
Mitchell, Stacy, 121, 125
Mobil Chemical Company, 230–231
Mobile phone chargers, 103–104
Monitors, 61
Monocropping, 47
Montague, Peter, 211–212
Moosewood Cookbook (Katzen), 158
Morris, David, 34
MOSOP (Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People), 31–33
Mountaintop removal mining, 36, 254
Mozambique, 66
Mudslides, 4, 7
Muir, John, 7
Municipal solid waste (MSW), 185, 190–199
Municipal supply of discards (MSD), 190
Myers, John Peterson, 45
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 126, 136, 255
Nair, Shibu, 236
National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, 88
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, 95
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, 96
National Foreign Trade Council, 258
National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), 85, 96, 205
National Labor Committee, 49
National Marine Fisheries Service, 96
National Memorial for the Mountains, 36
National Ocean Service, 96
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 96
National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit (1991), 88
National Priorities Project (NPP), 243, 244
National Recycling Coalition (NRC), 196
National Weather Service, 96
Native Americans, 24, 196
New Economics Foundation, 152
New Leaf Paper, 56
Newsom, Gavin, 235–236
Newsweek, 234
Nickel, 59
Nigeria, 30–33, 35
Nigerian Petroleum Development Company, 33
Nike, 71, 108, 109, 165, 188
9/11 terrorist attacks, 147
Nitrates, 61
Nitric acid, 60, 61
Nitrogen dioxide, 65
Njehu, Njoki Njoroge, 39
No Dirty Gold campaign, 25
t-Nonachlor, 79
North Cascades National Park, 6–7, 10, 11
Obesity, 150
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 96
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 96, 123
Office Depot, 9
Office of Environmental Quality, 95
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, 96
Ogoni 9, 33
Ogoniland, Nigeria, 31–33
Oil, 29–35, 246, 254
Oil Pollution Act of 1990, 98
One Planet Living program, 40
Online shopping, 118–119
Only the Paranoid Survive (Grove), 58
Open-pit mining, 20–22
Oreskes, Michael, 173
Organic cotton, 51
Organic matter, in water, 11
O’Rourke, Dara, 62, 108–112, 117, 140
Orris, Peter, 84
Our Stolen Future (Colborn, Myers and Dumanoski), 45
Overproduction, 102
Overspent American, The (Schor), 167, 168
Overworked American, The (Schor), 156
Oxfam America, 21
Oxychlordane, 79
Pacific Institute, 17
Packaging, 194–198
Packard, Vance, 163, 194
Paglia, Todd, 10
Paolino & Sons, 224
Paper, 1, 8–9, 14, 51–56, 52–55
Papyrus, 52
Parchment, 52
Patagonia, 50–51
PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), 60, 73, 261
Peak oil, 29
Peek, Bobby, 223
PepsiCo, 196
Perceived obsolescence, 162–163
Perot, Ross, 126
Personal care products, 76–77, 264
Personal consumption expenditures, 146–147, 177–178
Pesticide Action Network Organic Cotton Briefing Kit, 47
Pesticides, 5, 46, 47, 79, 231, 262
Petroleum, 20, 29–34, 55, 230
PFCs (perfluorocarbons), 65, 79
PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), 73
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 224–227
Phosphoric acid, 60
Phosphorus, 59
Phthalates, 69, 71–72, 76, 124
Planned obsolescence, 160, 161–163
Plant-derived pharmaceuticals, 2–3
Plastics, 44, 194–195, 230–232
PVC (polyvinyl chloride), 42, 51, 61–63, 68–72, 124, 170–172, 184, 188, 257, 261, 265–267
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, 98
Polyester, 44
Polymers, 44
POPs (persistent organic pollutants), 73
Poverty, 178–179
Prescription drugs, 2–3
Print-on-demand technology, 119
Printers, 203, 204
Privatization of water systems, 16
Processed chlorine free (PCF) process, 54, 56
Procter & Gamble, 112
Product Policy Institute (PPI), 198–199
Production, 44–105, 255–256
Progress, redefining, 242–243
Project Return to Sender, 225–226
Project Underground, 31
Puckett, Jim, 205, 210
Puget Sound, 11
Pulping, 53
Putnam, Robert, 149, 238–239
PVC (polyvinyl chloride), 42, 51, 61–63, 68–72, 124, 170–172, 184, 188, 257, 261, 265–267
Quante, Heidi, 226
Quinine, 2
Rainforest Action Network (RAN), 5, 254–255
Rainforests, 2–4, 30–31
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) Act, 82, 83
ReBuilders Source, 200–201
Reciprocity, culture of, 238–239
Recycle-Bank, 229
Recycling, 9, 42, 52, 55, 56, 64, 66–67, 69–70, 190, 196, 197–199, 204–207, 216, 228–234, 266–267
Rendell, Edward, 225–226
Repairs, 192–194
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and 1986, 98
Hazardous and Solid Wastes Amendments of 1984, 98
Resource curse, 37
Responsible Care program, 93
Revolutionary United Front (RUF), Sierra Leone, 26
Rivers, 10–11, 24, 25