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Excess All Areas

Page 10

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘Let a guy down gently won’t you? I thought it was going well. You know, all I really wanted from tonight was for you to give me a clean slate to start from, to see how we got on,’ Nicholas told her.

  They were stood opposite each other, in the middle of the courtyard, while the musicians continued to play their instruments.

  ‘All you wanted from tonight was to get me into bed and collect your prize from Gene and Bob,’ Freya screamed at the top of her voice, just as the players came to the end of a song.

  It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.


  Nicholas looked at her and shook his head. He put one hand to his mouth, as if in thought and then he turned to the musicians.

  ‘Can you just give us five minutes guys?’ he asked them.

  ‘It’ll take more than five minutes for me to tell you exactly what I think of you,’ Freya spoke, her body shaking with anger.

  ‘Oh Freya,’ Nicholas said with a sigh as the musicians hurriedly departed.

  He put his hands to his head and took a deep breath, as if wondering what he was going to do next.

  ‘I know about the bet. I overheard Bob and Gene laughing about it. They bet you to date the “prize pig”. They were practically wetting themselves they found it so funny. I was hurt and upset and humiliated. I’m surprised you didn’t ask them to raise the stakes. I mean Demi Moore gets offered a million to sleep with Robert Redford and you get offered a couple of tacky holidays and the services of some Canadian call girls. Didn’t you find that insulting? Particularly as I’m no Demi Moore,’ Freya continued.

  Tears were forming in her eyes even though she was trying hard to fight it.

  ‘I should have told you. I’m sorry,’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘What? Cut me in on the deal? Well it would have been something I suppose, but slightly too close to prostitution for my liking and for too little. I mean I really would get them to revise their idea of the going rate for fat girls these days,’ Freya answered.

  ‘Can we sit down? Have another drink? Come on, have some more champagne and let me explain,’ Nicholas said and he picked up Freya’s glass.

  ‘I don’t want any more pissing champagne. It makes me feel sick. This whole fake date makes me feel sick. I mean I can’t believe a thing you’ve told me tonight. I highly suspect your parents are alive and well and have retired to the Florida Keys,’ Freya shouted.

  ‘Believe me, they aren’t living it up in a retirement complex,’ Nicholas replied.

  ‘Aren’t you going to try and defend yourself? Tell me it was all a joke and you didn’t mean any harm?’ Freya questioned, staring at him.

  ‘I don’t have to defend myself, because I haven’t done anything wrong. I should have come clean about the bet first thing, when I got into the car tonight,’ Nicholas said, taking a swig of his drink.

  ‘You should have thought more of me and told them to piss off with their pathetic bets,’ Freya said loudly.

  ‘I did. What d’you think I’m trying to tell you? I told them it was pathetic, that they were acting like two kids in kindergarten and I wanted no part in it. I did a bet with Gene once, a long time ago, on the last film we worked together on. It was stupid and I was very, very drunk,’ Nicholas informed her.

  ‘Do you know how sad you sound?’ Freya asked him.

  ‘I told them tonight that I wouldn’t be involved in any bet because it was stupid and they ought to know better and also because by the end of the evening I had already decided that I wanted to ask you out,’ Nicholas told her.

  ‘I’m not following this now,’ Freya replied.

  ‘Freya, this isn’t anything to do with Gene and Bob or any bet. I asked you out because I wanted to go out with you. I was going to tell you about the bet because I didn’t want something like this to happen, but I decided not to mention it because I didn’t want you to know what they’d said about you - because it’s all crap,’ Nicholas spoke, sounding sincere.

  ‘This is stupid, la, la, la, la, not listening,’ Freya stated, unable to take in what he was saying and covering her ears with her hands.

  ‘What’s stupid? I like you. Why is that so hard to believe? When you burst into the restaurant last night and tore a strip off me I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I didn’t know what to say to you. You were like this big ball of energy, full of opinions, and I just knew that I wanted to get to know you better,’ Nicholas attempted to explain.

  ‘This is all part of the act isn’t it?’ Freya spoke.

  ‘Freya there is no act. This is me, this is it. I’m just a normal guy, trying to spend an evening getting to know you,’ Nicholas insisted.

  Freya shook her head. This was crazy. Nicholas Kaden, the Hollywood actor, looking and smelling so good, having organised a romantic dinner with flowers, candles and music was telling her he really liked her. She couldn’t believe it. This had to be a sure fire way for him to win the bet. He was trying to convince her he was genuine so he was one step closer to moving in for the kill, and the glory.

  ‘I think you’re terrific,’ Nicholas told her.

  ‘Stop it, I’ve heard enough,’ Freya answered.

  ‘You’re mad at me?’ Nicholas questioned.


  ‘Why? I’m trying to be honest with you,’ Nicholas insisted.

  ‘I don’t know what to think. It’s too confusing,’ Freya stated with a deep breath.

  What had supposed to happen was for her to get him to drink too much ouzo, make him eat the doctored dinner and dance at Zorba’s Greek dancing bar. She was supposed to be teaching him a lesson for taking liberties with her.

  ‘What’s confusing?’ Nicholas questioned.

  ‘This! All of this! You, the meal, the organisation this must have taken,’ Freya spoke, sitting down on the wall at the side of the courtyard.

  ‘Look, what do I have to gain by lying to you?’ Nicholas asked her.

  ‘Hmm, what was the top prize again? Ah yes, the fortnight skiing and indulging yourself with the local milkmaids,’ Freya answered.

  ‘I hate skiing and anyway, I don’t think there’s much chance of winning the top prize now do you?’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘No,’ Freya agreed.

  Nicholas came and sat next to her on the wall, his drink in his hands.

  ‘So you heard them say I’d accepted the bet did you?’ Nicholas asked her.

  ‘Well no, but they said…’ Freya started.

  ‘And you had such a low opinion of me it seemed natural that I would do something like that. Well, I suppose I can’t blame you. I mean, as I said, I did do it once, when I was drunk, in Morocco - when they tried to set me up with a man in drag,’ Nicholas said.

  Freya couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Nicholas joined in and smiled at her as she looked back at him.

  ‘I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what I believe. It isn’t every day I get people laying bets on me. I have no previous experience to draw on,’ Freya told him, her tone turning serious.

  ‘Do you know, I think you want this date to have been fiction. I think that if you let yourself believe it was real it would freak you out so much you wouldn’t be able to deal with it,’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘Don’t flatter yourself,’ Freya retorted.

  ‘I think you and I have a connection,’ Nicholas continued.

  ‘I think you’re deluded,’ Freya replied.

  ‘Well I know I felt something the minute you walked up to my table at the restaurant. I don’t know what it was, but it was something I wanted to pursue. I think you felt something too, but you’re too frightened to admit it,’ Nicholas carried on.

  His words made her skin prickle. He was looking at her as he spoke and he was sat just inches away, making her stiffen with what could only be described as excitement. She didn’t know what to do.

  ‘So what are we going to do? We have all this food, we have two musicians waiting in the wings and we have Roger halfway through a bowl of s
tew. You can’t really want to break up the party,’ Nicholas spoke, his words cutting through the tension.

  ‘I’m having trouble dealing with this. I wasn’t prepared for having a date, I was prepared for revenge,’ Freya told him.

  ‘God I am so glad I organised this. I could be in hospital right now,’ Nicholas remarked.

  ‘So you asked me out on a proper date, because you liked me? Because you found me attractive?’ Freya asked him.

  ‘Yes. The attitude I wasn’t quite sure about, but I decided to run with it,’ Nicholas replied.

  ‘God, do you know? I really think you’re telling the truth. Either that or you’re a really good actor,’ Freya responded.

  ‘Can’t it be both? Give a guy a break,’ Nicholas begged her.

  ‘Get me another drink. I’m too sober to even consider this,’ Freya ordered him.

  ‘Come sit back at the table, have some more to eat and I’ll get the duo back. You know you want to,’ Nicholas told her, standing up and taking hold of her hands.

  Freya stood up and let him walk her back to the table. She sat down, unable to take it what was happening. This hadn’t been on her agenda at all.

  ‘Just so you know, Gene and Bob are not friends of mine. They’re just colleagues I have to get along with. It’s the same as working in an office, there are people you like and people you don’t much care for,’ Nicholas told her as he handed her another full glass of champagne.

  ‘Well, I don’t much care for them,’ Freya stated.

  ‘I can understand that and I agree. They definitely think too much of themselves,’ Nicholas agreed.

  ‘But you’re different?’ Freya questioned.

  ‘I keep telling you. I’m just a guy in a strange, larger than life world. To be really honest with you, this is the first date I’ve been on in over three years,’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘Now that I don’t believe,’ Freya answered.

  ‘It’s true. I don’t get a chance to date and again, being honest, I’m not too in to dating. I find it difficult,’ Nicholas said.

  ‘What?! You, the famous celebrity who could charm the birds from the trees, finds dating difficult!’ Freya exclaimed.

  ‘That’s right, mock me! I have confidence issues too you know,’ Nicholas responded.

  ‘You have confidence issues! This is too much! How can someone who looks like you have any sort of confidence issue?’ Freya wanted to know.

  ‘Underneath this tough exterior I’m a shy guy trying to break out,’ Nicholas said with half a smile.

  ‘I’m the one who has confidence issues - about a million of them,’ Freya stated.

  ‘And I have no idea why,’ Nicholas responded, taking a sip of his drink.

  ‘No?’ Freya asked, thinking it was completely obvious.

  ‘No, I mean I see you Freya. All of you. And I really like what I see,’ Nicholas told her looking straight at her.

  Freya swallowed. It was by far the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her and it sounded like he meant it.

  ‘Shall I get the musicians back?’ Nicholas asked her.

  ‘That would be nice,’ Freya agreed.

  The musicians came back and after about another half an hour Harry brought them dessert. It was one of each choice on the menu. Freya didn’t know what to choose.

  ‘You didn’t say earlier how you are with the whole dating thing? Have you dated much recently?’ Nicholas asked her, taking a mouthful of ice cream.

  ‘No. Actually, I was in a relationship up until recently,’ Freya told him.

  ‘What happened? If that isn’t too personal a question for a first date,’ Nicholas asked her.

  ‘I think he realised the sort of person he was involved with wasn’t really what he wanted,’ Freya responded.

  ‘Had you been going out long?’ Nicholas questioned.

  ‘Eighteen months,’ Freya stated.

  ‘Then it was serious,’ Nicholas remarked.

  ‘No, actually I don’t think it was serious. I think we were both just marking time,’ Freya spoke.

  ‘So who ended it?’ Nicholas asked.

  ‘Does it matter?’

  ‘No, sorry. I was just being inquisitive, sometimes I can’t help myself,’ Nicholas told her.

  ‘I finished it,’ Freya answered.

  ‘And it’s over,’ Nicholas stated.


  ‘Good. I mean I wouldn’t want to be stepping on anyone’s toes,’ Nicholas told her.

  ‘And how about you? Would I be stepping on anyone’s toes?’ Freya wanted to know.

  ‘About half the world’s female population if you believe what you read in the news. No, I told you, I haven’t dated for over three years,’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘So was your last relationship serious?’ Freya asked him.

  ‘My last proper relationship was my marriage, so I guess you could say it was serious,’ Nicholas replied.

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘Well the story she tells is that I was having an affair. The truth is we didn’t want the same things. She wanted the fame and the money and I wanted children and a ranch full of horses away from everything,’ Nicholas informed her.

  ‘I think people should complete a questionnaire before they get married, so a third party can check their compatibility. It would save a lot of heartache in the long run,’ Freya spoke.

  ‘That is a great idea, you should patent that,’ Nicholas said with a laugh.

  ‘Perhaps I will,’ Freya responded.


  Before either of them were aware it was nearly midnight and Harry was getting ready to close up.

  ‘We should go. We’re the only ones left and Harry’s not as young as he used to be. He needs his sleep,’ Freya remarked as she watched the proprietor carry their dishes away.

  ‘Sure, let’s go,’ Nicholas agreed, rising from his seat.

  Freya stood up and Nicholas took hold of her hand. Slowly and gently he ran his fingers up and down the back of it and then he held it in his, squeezing it.

  ‘I just want you to know that I’m having the best time,’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘It got off to a weird start but I think it’s ending up OK,’ Freya replied, enjoying the feel of his hand in hers.

  ‘Good,’ Nicholas answered. Still holding her hand he led the way back towards the restaurant.

  Harry and Roger were talking as Nicholas and Freya emerged from the courtyard.

  ‘How was your meal? Everything to Sir and Madam’s satisfaction?’ Harry asked them.

  ‘Harry you surpassed yourself. It was sensational,’ Freya answered and she kissed Harry on the cheek.

  ‘I second that and I was floored by the homemade apple tart. Man that was so good,’ Nicholas told him.

  ‘Well no one makes an apple tart quite like Margot,’ Harry responded.

  ‘Give her my compliments and if she ever wants to sell the recipe she could probably make a fortune in the States,’ Nicholas spoke.

  ‘Give her my love Harry. I’ll try and pop in and say hello before I go back to England,’ Freya told him.

  ‘That would be nice pet, take care,’ Harry ended and he watched as Nicholas, Freya and Roger headed for the door.

  ‘There are photographers hanging around. Do you want me to send the car around the back?’ Roger asked Nicholas.

  ‘No, we’ll just get straight in the car and go, it’ll be OK. As long as you’re OK with that Freya,’ Nicholas said, looking to her.

  ‘I’m OK with getting in a car. I’ve done it several times before. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to take a picture of me doing it,’ Freya responded.

  ‘You’ll be fine. Just hold on to me and head for the car,’ Nicholas told her.

  With that said, he pushed open the door and stepped outside the restaurant.

  Freya immediately had to put one hand to her face as she was almost blinded by flashbulbs going off. People were shouting and there seemed to be dozens of them, shadowy figur
es making lights go off in her eyes at close range. Freya felt herself being jostled and then before she could react, Roger was holding the arm that Nicholas didn’t have hold of, and he was almost frogmarching her towards the car. She felt like she was desperately trying to get away from an assailant but then, as abruptly as it began, the noise had gone, the door of the car was closed behind her and she was alone with Nicholas on the back seat.

  ‘OK?’ he asked her.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Freya replied truthfully.

  ‘You look flustered. Do you want a drink?’ Nicholas offered.

  ‘No, I don’t think so, maybe. I’m camera shy - much better on the other side of the lens,’ Freya replied, trying to think straight.

  ‘Here,’ Nicholas said hurriedly pouring a brandy into a glass and handing it to her.

  Freya took the glass and drank some of the warming liquid.

  ‘Is it like that for you all the time?’ Freya wanted to know as the car pulled away from the restaurant.

  ‘No. Usually it’s a lot worse,’ Nicholas admitted.

  ‘How can you live like that?’ Freya wanted to know.

  ‘You get used to dealing with it,’ Nicholas told her.

  Freya finished her drink.

  ‘Listen, I’ve got a rest day on Friday. Would you like to do something?’ Nicholas asked her.

  ‘Like what?’ Freya questioned.

  ‘Well I don’t know. Why don’t you have a think about it and decide, seeing as I hijacked tonight,’ Nicholas suggested.

  ‘So you did. Completely ruined all my plans. Right now you should be sat on the toilet with chronic stomach ache,’ Freya told him.

  ‘God I’ve heard enough. I can imagine you’re quite creative when it comes to revenge,’ Nicholas replied.

  ‘Mmm, you’d better believe it.’

  ‘Then I’ll do my best not to upset you,’ Nicholas answered.

  The car pulled up outside the Calypso Apartments.

  ‘This is my stop,’ Freya told him.

  ‘It is,’ he responded.

  ‘I would invite you up to my room for coffee but the couple above me will probably start having sex,’ Freya told him.


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