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Lucan: #14 (Luna Lodge)

Page 3

by Madison Stevens

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, woman?” the man said, practically growling. Harsh coughing followed.

  Through blurry eyes, she stared at the man who spoke.

  The voice sounded familiar. It sounded very familiar.

  “Lucan?” Jamie said.

  His coughing continued, and she could see that although he wore classes, the burning liquid had still managed to find its way behind the shades.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry. I thought you were some pervert or something.”

  Jamie glanced around the street, wondering just who might have seen. It was more than a little dangerous for someone like him to be out in the open. She knew what the nut jobs said and what they wanted to do to his people.

  The sun glasses might help hide his amber eyes, but his size still made him stand out, and they couldn’t be too careful.

  “My apartment is just around the corner,” Jamie said, taking his hand. “Come there, and I’ll flush out your eyes.”

  Her own eyes still watered from secondary exposure to the spray. She could only imagine how painful it must have been for him.

  Lucan pulled his hand back. “I’m fine,” he said stiffly. He pulled off his sun glasses and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Red and pink from the irritation surrounded the normally beautiful amber of his hybrid eyes.

  Jamie took his hand back, not taking no for an answer. “Don’t be an idiot,” she said, and pulled him forward. “You’ll get yourself killed like this.”

  He snorted. “Your spray isn’t that strong.”

  “You’ll end up being too stubborn and walking out into traffic, half-blind.”

  Jamie waited for a few moments, but Lucan offered no retorts. He didn’t protest when she pulled him along.

  Her vision still wasn’t great, but it was clearly better than his. Despite his sure footing most of the time, without his sight, he fumbled around like he was in total darkness. Every once in a while, his feet would hit a crack, and he would bump into her.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  The low sound sent a shiver down her spine and directly to her very hot center.

  They reached her building, and she felt her heart skip a little when he placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m on the second floor,” Jamie said. “I’m afraid it’s all stairs.”

  Lucan grunted and followed her in.

  She slowly made her way up the stairs, enjoying the way he would grip her shoulder if she got just a little too far away.

  When they reached her door, she flicked the lock and led him inside. They made their way to the kitchen sink where she turned on the water.

  “Start rinsing off the spray while I go wash my face,” she said. “I’ll be back in just a bit.”

  Chapter Five

  Lucan splashed water in his eyes over and over. He rubbed in hand soap from a bottle sitting on the edge of the sink. His sight slowly returned, but the spray still burned in his eyes and nose.

  Sensitivity to things like pepper spray was one of the few disadvantages that came with having super-senses.

  He was only lucky that no one had chosen that time to attack. The way she’d been acting suggested someone had been after Jamie. Probably just some drunk loser, but that didn’t quell the beast that wanted to teach the asshole a lesson.

  Lucan toweled off his face and looked around the tiny apartment for the first time.

  It was small. No question on that. The living room, dining room, and kitchen all formed a single space, and with him in the room, it felt somehow even smaller.

  It made him think about when he lived in the Lodge openly. Despite all the years of the hybrids living in barracks situations, at Luna Lodge, many of them had gotten used to having their own homes. Even he had, at least before he’d been reported as dead, so as to allow the hybrids to have some free agents who wouldn’t be monitored by the government.

  Jamie didn’t have much in the way of furniture, but he wouldn’t have guessed she would, considering she’d just moved not all that long ago. A couch, TV, and small two-person folding table pushed back against total emptiness.

  His quick survey uncovered no evidence that she had any sort of roommate. Being alone with her made him happier than he had any business being when it came to her.

  Just because he’d decided to help her out didn’t change the realities of their situation.

  Jamie emerged from her bathroom. “Feeling better?”

  She’d scrubbed her face clean. None of the makeup he’d seen her wearing remained, but her hair was still braided. She’d also changed her clothes into something more comfortable: a pair of tight-fitting black yoga pants and a gray tank.

  His gaze drifted down her body and then back to her face. Jamie gave him a knowing smile. She knew she looked great like that.

  He cursed his body’s reaction. He needed to remember the big picture in all of this.

  “I was lucky to be wearing sunglasses,” Lucan said gruffly. “Maybe next time don’t be so trigger happy.”

  Jamie surprised him when she stepped over to him and gently guided him over to the couch. He sat when she pushed against his chest.

  “Let me see if there’s any damage,” she said.

  She placed a soft hand under his chin and stepped in-between his spread legs. He breathed in her sweet lavender fragrance as Jamie leaned over him to stare in his eyes.

  Lucan stared back, not really sure what else to do. His inner beast was too transfixed on the woman in front of him.

  Blue. He’d never really had a chance to stare at her eyes like this, but now that he could, he could see that they were a beautiful misty blue. As she looked at him, it felt like those eyes could peer right into his very soul.

  “Your eyes are still red, but I think you’ll be okay,” she said.

  Jamie stayed where she was, just watching him.

  A sweet burn started in him. His cock jumped in response.

  “Part of the reason I overreacted was because you grabbed me without saying anything first.” A faint frown appeared on her face. “Why were you following me?”

  Lucan frowned. “I was at the post office and saw you walking. You looked scared.”

  Jamie sat back and frowned. He loved the way her bottom lip popped out when she did. More than anything he wanted to take the offending lip in between his teeth.

  “You weren’t following me from work?” she said.

  Lucan shook his head. The color drained from Jamie’s face.

  “So I was being followed,” she whispered. “Did you see anyone?”

  Again, he shook his head. “Maybe I scared them off.”

  Jamie moved from between his legs and dropped herself onto the couch.

  “I was hoping it wasn’t true,” she said. “I hoped I was just being paranoid.”

  Lucan wasn’t really sure what to say. She’d been acting scared, but he’d assumed that she’d actually seen someone. He’d never actually spotted anyone, so there was a good chance that she was worried for no good reason.

  Her face as she turned the corner on the street popped into his head. It didn’t look like the face of a person who was spooked by nothing. Genuine fear had marred her features.

  “If you’re worried about that kind of thing, why are you walking home to begin with?” Lucan said.

  His words came out gruffly, and he cursed himself for making it seem like he was mad. Well, he was mad but not at her. More at whatever had made her feel this way.

  Jamie gave a small smile. “No car and a shitty-paying job. I gotta do what I gotta do.”

  Lucan frowned. “You should have stayed at the Lodge. I… We would have taken care of you.”

  Jamie shook her head. “Leah couldn’t handle what happened. It was all just too much for her. I can’t really tell her not to feel that way.”

  “And you? You can handle it?”

  She shrugged. “Bad shit happens. You move on.” She gasped and looked over to him. “I’m s
orry,” she said quickly. “I know you lost people there, but…”

  Lucan shook his head. “It’s fine.” He sighed and leaned back. “It’s pretty much the hybrid motto: shit happens and you move on.”

  He sat there thinking over her words. She wasn’t like how he thought she would be. Lucan had always seen most of the women at the Lodge as a liability, just another thing they needed to protect against the Horatius Group because of their weakness.

  Jamie wasn’t as strong as him, but she was far from weak. Even now, after leaving so quickly, she’d still found a way to support herself without needing anyone’s help.

  A soft hand landed on Lucan’s arm, and he turned to stare at the beautiful woman sitting next to him.

  “I never got a chance to thank you,” Jamie said quietly. “You pulled us out. If it hadn’t been for you…” She sighed. “I know how close we came to dying that night.”

  Lucan shook his head. “I did my job,” he said. “I only wish I’d been there sooner. Maybe I could have stopped them and saved more lives.”

  Jamie leaned in a little. He liked the feel of her soft, warm body pressed against his own.

  “Crazy people will always find a way,” she said.

  He supposed she was right. The townspeople couldn’t help themselves, but whoever was controlling them, whether the Group or someone else, wanted to see the hybrids hurt one way or another. Badly enough they’d sacrifice innocent people.

  It was hard to fight an enemy that was so ruthless.

  Lucan turned and stared at Jamie. He liked her clean face. That way he could see every beautiful line in her face, including the lines where she smiled.

  The sight only made him see how whatever shit life had tossed at her, she still found a reason to smile.

  “What?” Jamie asked, leaning in just a little more so their faces were much closer together.

  Lucan swallowed. His eyes shifted down to her lips, and the inner beast in him howled for a taste. Just a small one.

  “What is it about you?” Lucan whispered.

  Jamie shrugged and leaned in a little more. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  For a moment he thought he would close the distance between their mouths. Before he could even finish that thought, she climbed across his lap, and their mouths crashed together.

  Lucan pulled his mouth away from hers, trying to fight the beast.

  “Don’t think,” she whispered. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

  His inner beast roared to life as he pressed his mouth back to hers, taking over the kiss she had started.

  Chapter Six

  Jamie moaned against Lucan’s mouth, her hunger for the man almost overwhelming, a primal desire bubbling up from her soul.

  Damn, how she wanted him.

  No. It was more than that. She didn’t just want him; she needed him.

  Jamie couldn’t even explain why she wanted him so badly but knew she was supposed to be with him. It was like a giant neon light was flashing over him advertising the fact.

  When she leaned forward to kiss him, it hadn’t been a question of mere desire. Just once she wanted to do what felt right with the giant hybrid, rather than leave frustrated. Who knew when she’d get another chance?

  If Lucan walked out her door, Jamie was certain she’d never see him again. Something in her died a little at the idea.

  It wasn’t just that he’d saved her life. There was something more there.

  Lucan took control of the kiss, consuming her in the way she’d only dreamed about. Their tongues warred.

  One hand landed against Jamie’s ass as Lucan pulled her closer to him. Her heat pressed against the very large bulge in his pants.

  Jesus Christ! Large didn’t begin to cover it. She didn’t even know they came that big outside of porn.

  His other hand pressed against the back of her neck, turning her head as he plundered her mouth with almost feral eagerness.

  Jamie opened her mouth and their kisses grew in ferocity. She tasted the seam of his lips. So far, her time with Lucan was proving to be everything she’d hoped.

  Lucan pulled away. A rumble erupted from his chest, vibrating her fingers, a sort of guttural growl from deep inside him. It was a reminder that the man before her wasn’t completely human.

  The noise should have frightened her. Should have sent her running to the hills. Instead, her center grew wet and slick in response, coating her panties in her heat.

  His tongue slipped in her mouth, moving against her own in a sort of sensual dance, skating along the roof of her mouth and then twining with her tongue again.

  Jamie now moved against him, pushing herself hard against his hard erection. Never in her life had she wanted someone like this. Horny didn’t eve begin to cover the all-consuming feeling.

  She reached between them and slipped her hands inside his shirt, feeling the hot skin there.

  When she opened her eyes, she was pinned by the glowing yellow eyes in front of her.

  Lucan wanted her as badly as she wanted him. She could see it with just one look.

  Her hands slipped down to the line of his pants, and he pulled away from her mouth to stare at her.

  “What are you doing?” Lucan said, his voice almost a growl.

  Jamie shrugged and popped the button on his pants.


  The thick head of Lucan’s cock sprang from its confines with ease.

  He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when she wrapped her hand around the shaft and stroked him a few times. His head lulled back, and his now familiar growl came out again.

  Jamie slipped down his legs and planted herself between his knees. She licked her lips, eager to pleasure him some more.

  He looked down at her as she continued to stroke him. “What are you—”

  His words were cut off as she slipped the head into her mouth and pushed down, taking in more of his cock.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  Jamie didn’t stop what she was doing to give him any time to think.

  She knew that a little kissing was on a different level than what she was now doing. There were a million reasons they shouldn’t be doing this and barely five reasons they should.

  Jamie didn’t give a damn, though. It felt good, and that was enough reason at that moment. They’d both been through a lot lately. They both deserved some pleasure.

  Her mouth slipped up and down his hard dick, taking more and more of him into her mouth each time.

  It was a tight fit, and she wondered just how she’d fit something that large inside her. Not that it was going to stop her. In fact, it only made her burn more for him.

  Jamie continued to bob up and down. After a bit, Lucan reached out and placed a hand at the back of her head to help guide her up and down over him.

  She glanced up with him in her mouth. His glowing yellow eyes remained fixed on her face.

  Lucan’s large cock flexed in her mouth, and she wondered just how much more it would grow.

  Her tongue slipped down over the vein on the back, massaging the spot as she slipped him further into her throat, working her muscles around the head.

  His hand tightened at the back of her head before he started to move her faster over him, fucking her face as he pressed deeper into her mouth.

  After a moment, he froze. His cock shook inside her mouth as he emptied his hot cum down her throat.

  Watching the look on his face as he came in her mouth was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

  Slowly he pulled away, his eyes anywhere but on her.

  Jamie frowned and moved to place herself back on his lap. When he still didn’t look at her, she turned his face toward her.

  She leaned in and pressed her mouth to his. “I want more,” she purred.

  His eyes widened and flared a bright glowing yellow. Lucan opened his mouth to say something when a small knock came from her door.

  “Shit,” she mumbled, and then glanced at the time.
She looked back to him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It’s likely Leah.”

  Of course, Jamie had never planned to go down on Lucan when she left for work that night, so she couldn’t be too annoyed that someone interrupted their fun.

  Jamie climbed off Lucan and straightened her clothes. When she turned around, Lucan was standing, his face calm, his pants buttoned, looking like nothing had ever even happened. She opened the door.

  Leah stood there, a faint look of confusion on her face.

  “Hey, Leah,” Jamie said, and smiled at her surprised friend. “Look who came to visit.”

  Leah’s eyes widened at the sight of the hybrid. Despite her hurry to leave the Lodge, Jamie couldn’t help but notice her friend looking around the room, likely for a certain twin.

  “I’ve got to go,” Lucan said gruffly, and stepped between them.

  Jamie frowned. There was no way he was blowing her off when she hadn’t even had the chance to get her own cookie.

  He couldn’t run from her and pretend he wasn’t interested anymore. He’d just proven that.

  Jamie grabbed a pen from the table next to the door and stepped to where he was. With a speed that surprised even her, she pulled his hand into hers. Quickly she wrote her number on his palm and stared up at him.

  “Call me,” she said quietly. “We have some unfinished business.”

  He raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

  Something burned in Jamie, and she knew she wasn’t going to just let him go this way. She still wasn’t sure what it was about Lucan that pulled her in so much, but she knew what her body seemed to crave. She reached up around his neck to pull him down to meet her.

  Jamie kissed him hard, not even caring that Leah stood right next to them. When she pulled away, she and Lucan stared at one another for a moment.

  “Call me,” she whispered.

  Lucan cleared his throat. “Well, um, thanks.”

  When he turned and hurried down the hall, Jamie couldn’t hide the smirk on her face.

  She turned around. Leah just stared at her, a stunned expression on her face.

  Jamie sighed. “I think it’s an ice cream for dinner sort of night.”


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