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Ever Found: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance

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by L. E. Bross

  Ever Found

  Lost Boys of Neverly Prep 2

  L.E. Bross

  Ever Found: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep #2 © copyright 2019 L.E. Bross

  Copyright notice: All rights reserved under the International and Pan- American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Cover Design: EVE Graphic Design

  Developmental Editing: Brandy Reece at Precision Red Pen

  Line Editing: Ink It Out Editing


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  ...The story will conclude with Ever After


  Social media links:

  More books by L.E. Bross

  To all my readers.

  Give your dreams as much energy as you give your fears.

  Chapter One

  I’m a swirling mess of anxiety and dread when I get to school the next morning.

  I didn’t sleep much at all, too amped up knowing Baz might have my sister’s location but he was solidly ignoring me. He didn’t reply to any of my numerous texts after I left Luc’s and the guys were MIA when I got home. The bikes weren’t in the garage and despite the fact that I sat outside my door until well after midnight, blowing up his phone, they never came home.

  I even waited in the kitchen this morning, but the house stayed quiet until I had to leave or be late. I considered ditching school but right now it’s my best bet to find Baz.

  When I pull into the lot, the spot where I normally park is taken. I guess one of the unspoken perks of being in the good graces of the LB was prime parking. I end up way in the back and by the time I get inside, first bell is chiming. I can’t seem to catch a fucking break.

  Somehow things keep getting worse.

  I came here to find Belle. Period. Then I made the mistake of caring about three boys I shouldn’t. And then, when I had the means to the end in my hands, fucking Trey comes along and blackmails me.

  I storm into school with a huge ass chip on my shoulder, ignoring the looks and whispers. Since English is in this wing, I have time to stop at my locker, but when I shove my thumb against the pad, I get a red blinking error. I try again. It’s not like my thumbprint can be wrong.

  Except it is.

  The warning bell chimes and I give up. I have my laptop so I can at least do the work while I wait for the lock to get fixed.

  As I head to class, my gaze strays down the hall, but the guys aren’t there. Disappointment settles into my gut. How am I supposed to get answers when I can’t even find them?

  The hall empties quickly and a few stragglers rush past me, hurrying to class before the late bell chimes. I step into English just as it happens and don’t miss the narrow-eyed stare of Mr. Reynolds as I slide into my seat next to Meri.

  “Nice of you to join us, Ms. Darlington.”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes and dig into my bag for my laptop. Meri sends me an are you okay eyebrow raise and I nod. Same as yesterday, the seats around us are empty. Teenagers are petty little assholes is all I have to say.

  I’m acutely aware that Ry is sitting in the same room. Which means the guys are at school. It takes everything in me to keep in my seat and not rush out of the room to find Baz. I’ll see him next period. He can't avoid me then.

  A muffled giggle comes from Aine and out of the corner of my eye, I see her next to Riot, twirling her hair and touching his arm every five seconds.

  Mr. Reynolds, for all his bluster at students paying attention, ignores them, which makes me even madder. I answer today’s questions with a little more force than necessary and Meri gives me the look again. By the time class is over, my fingers are sore and I’m ready to cram my laptop down Aine’s throat.

  The bell hasn’t even finished ringing and I’m out of my seat.

  “Ms. Darlington, a moment,” Mr. Reynolds says as I jam my things into my bag.

  “I’ll see you in Calc.” Meri gives me a sympathetic look and leaves with everyone else. Ry is the last one out and I don't miss the smug smile he shoots over his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry I was late, it won’t happen again,” I say, approaching Mr. Reynolds’ desk, but he just waves his hand, cutting me off.

  “I’m more concerned about the homework you didn’t turn in yesterday, Ms. Darlington. That essay is a large portion of your grade and unless you’ve forgotten, despite who your sponsor is, you must maintain a certain GPA to continue attending Neverly.”

  I reel back, eyes wide. “I turned it in during class yesterday.”

  “You may want to check because I don’t have anything from you. And I deduct a letter grade every day an assignment isn’t turned in, so your window shrinks very quickly.”

  He looks as if he’s dismissing me, but I know for a fact that I did it and turned it in on time. I’ve busted my ass catching up in all my classes.

  I yank open my bag and pull out my laptop, navigating to the page that maintains all the classwork. I click on English and on the assignment in question, only there’s nothing there. But that’s not right. I check Calc and Science and find the same thing. There’s no record of any work I’ve done at all.

  Icy panic crawls over my skin and I click back and forth, certain it’s a mistake.

  “There must be a glitch,” I tell Mr. Reynolds, trying to keep my voice from breaking up. “Nothing is showing up, which is impossible. I’ve done all the work since I started.”

  “No one in the last four years has had a problem like this, Ms. Darlington. It’s Panchard tech, which you must know is…”

  “Fuck.” I slam my computer shut and stuff it into my bag before spinning on my heel. Those assholes. It’s one thing to direct their minions into bumping and tripping me, but to stoop this low?

  Riot did say he was going to make my life hell, I just never expected the hit to come like this.

  “Ms. Darlington, we’re not done here!” Mr. Reynolds shouts behind me, but I shove the door open so hard it slams against the wall. Several people turn to stare and the whispers start.

  I don’t even care. My focus is on the two assholes standing at their locker watching me. Riot has his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his lips, as he leans back like he doesn't have a care in the world. That’s about to change.

  The bitch Aine, standing too close to Riot, turns to see what they're looking at and when she sees me, her smile turns smug. Her fingers curl around Ry’s bicep
and she whispers something in his ear. When his arm snakes around her waist and his fingers disappear under the edge of her shirt, I see red.

  Without care who’s watching I storm down the hall, pulling up short, inches from Ry. Aine tries to shove herself between us, but I tangle my fist in the hair at the back of her neck and yank hard, forcing her to step back or lose precious locks. Her shriek echoes down the hall but I don’t care.

  She’s not my target, not today.

  Now I’m chest to chest with Ry and before I can question my sanity, I pull my arm back, ready to sink my fist into his guts. His jaw hardens and he narrows his eyes right before arms wrap around me from behind, locking my hands down so I can’t move them.

  “You’re a fucking asshole,” I grit out at Ry as X holds me prisoner. “And you’re an even bigger one for stopping me,” I say over my shoulder.

  I wiggle and try to kick back but he avoids each move like we practiced this dance. A crowd gathers around us and I see phones pointed at us. The lines on Riot’s face grow harder and I watch the muscle in his jaw tick.

  “Get her out of here,” he growls at X. “Don’t give a shit where, just out of my sight.”

  “You screwed with my homework and my locker. Fix it,” I growl, teeth pulling back from my lips like a wild animal.

  He gives me a penetrating look and I swear I see glimpses of want mixed in with the anger. I stop fighting and stare at him, will him to stop being an ass for a few minutes and listen to me.

  Someone in the crowd snickers and a wall drops down over his emotions, cutting off any hope of cooperation.

  “No idea what you're talking about.”

  He shrugs and pushes off his locker and the crowd parts for him. Aine is waiting, her glance at me a little warier now, but she still steps to his side when he reaches for her. His arm goes around her waist and they walk off together. I hate that they look so damned perfect together, a striking picture of light and dark that draws more than a few envious stares.

  “You good?” X says too close to my ear when they’re out of sight.

  I grit my teeth, contemplating throwing my head back to clip X in the jaw. He must sense the intent because his grip loosens and I yank myself free, reaching down to grab my bag off the floor. I spin around and drive my finger into his sternum, sucking air in through my nose to keep from giving in to the crushing weight pushing down on me.

  “No, we’re not fucking good, X,” I all but growl.

  Regret flashes in his eyes before he hides it behind a mask of indifference. They are all so good at hiding pain and it’s the one thing I can understand better than most.

  “You brought this on yourself, sweetheart. Maybe you should go find Hook and cry on his shoulder?”

  With a lifted eyebrow, X turns and saunters off, the crowd once again parting as if he’s some kind of fucking god. I’m so mad that my hands shake.

  “You guys better fix this or I’ll make your lives a living hell!” I shout at his retreating back, not caring about the people around us.

  “You already have,” he shoots back without even looking at me.

  His words hit me like a freight train and I lean back against the lockers. After he’s gone, there’s no more drama, so everyone else wanders away until I’m standing alone, my pulse pounding in my ears. The warning bell chimes and I’m officially late for Calc but I don't care.

  If they’re going to mess with my homework, with my grades, why even bother going to class? The halls are so quiet, so empty, that I hear my phone buzz in my bag. I pull it from my bag on autopilot.

  Where are you? Are you sneaking around with Baz?

  Had to stop at office. Not with Baz, why?

  He’s not in class either.

  I shove my phone back into my bag, ignoring the new text alerts, and change direction toward the computer wing. I know exactly where he’ll be hiding.

  My boots squeak on the waxed floor and it echoes down the empty corridor. There aren’t morning classes down here so I don't see a single person, until I open the door to the computer lab. Baz wants to ignore me, fine, but I’m not letting him avoid me, not when he knows where Belle is.

  When he looks up the air in my lungs freeze. Dark circles smudge under his eyes and his hair is a disheveled mess. His ties hangs loose around his neck. I’m pretty sure his shirt’s untucked, too.

  “Lab isn’t open until after lunch.”

  His voice is strangely monotone and he goes back to whatever it is he’s working on. A twinge of guilt makes me cringe. I push into the room and close the door behind me.

  “You’ve been ignoring me.”

  And he keeps doing it for several long awkward moments.

  But if he thinks I’m going to leave, he’s wrong. I move across the room and drop my bag, then sink into the chair next to him. His laptop screen is lit up with lines of code that mean nothing to me, but it looks similar to what he showed me when we started looking for Belle.

  I watch as the bright green lines crawl up the screen and disappear. I wonder if Belle’s location is in there somewhere. I fight the urge to reach out and touch the letters that mean nothing to me, just to be close to her.

  “I know you hate me right now, Baz, but…” I suck in a shaky breath. “Did you really find Belle?”

  He glances at me from the corner of his eye and I realize that if he decides not to tell me, if he thinks I deserve that kind of payback, there’s nothing I can do about it.

  God, she could be this close and I might never know where she is.

  All because of secrets that aren’t even mine.

  Tears burn my eyes and a tightness builds in my chest until I’m sure the pressure is going to make my ribs crack wide open. Buzzing fills my head and I don’t even know I’m fighting for air until Baz tells me to breathe.

  But suddenly I can’t.

  Panic digs her claws into my lungs, my heart, until I’m trapped and helpless. Fire burns inside my chest and my brain screams at my lungs to expand, but only a high wheezing noise answers the demand.

  “Ever, you need to calm down.”

  Baz’s deep voice filters through the fog and I’m aware of his hand on my face, his thumb sliding over my jaw. Tears spill free even as the vise tightens. My fingertips tingle and I can’t feel my lips. I try to ask him for help, but I’m not sure my mouth is moving.

  “I think you’re having a panic attack,” his disembodied voice says. “You need to focus on breathing or you’re going to pass out. Look at me.”

  It’s like my gaze has a mind of its own, darting around the room unfocused, until Baz takes my face between his hands and holds me still. Finally, I settle on him, focus on the warm, dark chocolate color of his eyes as he inhales and exhales, encouraging me to mimic his actions. I lose myself in the concern I see.

  If he cares, then he’ll tell me.

  The grip on my lungs eases just enough that I can draw in a wheezy inhale. After a few of those, the prickling in my fingers begins to subside. A few more breaths and feeling returns to my lips.

  By the time I’m able to take a full breath, my skin is hot under his touch.

  He swipes his thumbs through the wetness coating my cheeks before letting go with a deep sigh.

  “You good?”

  I shake my head and huff out a half-choked laugh-sob. “Not even close.”

  His eyebrows dip down and he avoids looking at me. “I hate saying it, Ever, but you brought it on yourself. Things were good…”

  Now he shakes his head and with a tilt of his head, pins me in place with his stare.

  “I don’t understand why. It’s like you set out to deceive us from the start. You aren't in our house because of some scholarship, Ever, we all know that. But why bother pulling us in like you did, making us care about you, when you were planning on shoving us away? For fucking Hook of all people?”

  I swallow against the lump in my throat. “It’s not like that.”

  “Then explain it to me.” He lets out a fr
ustrated breath. “Please help me understand because I feel like a complete idiot right now. I told you something I haven’t told anyone but X and Ry. Christ, I trusted you with that part of me and it meant nothing.”

  “It didn’t mean nothing, Baz, it meant everything,” I say earnestly, reaching out to grab his hand. “I swear it will all make sense, I just need a little more time.”

  Baz shoves back his chair and stands. “To what? See if you like Luc and if not, then we’re some kind of fucking consolation prize? Not interested, thanks.”

  I grab his wrist before he can leave, pouring every ounce of truth into my eyes and hoping that he can see it.

  “If you find Belle, I can tell you guys everything. I just need you to trust me for just a little bit longer. It’s complicated, but if I could, I would.”

  His eyes search mine and I will him to see it. My pulse thuds in my ears and my gaze flickers back to the screen. She’s so close. When I look back, some of the fire is gone. He can’t pull away from me, not when he’s the only hope I have of finding my sister and finally being able to tell them the truth.

  I move closer. He’s stiff when I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest, but I hear the frantic thump of his heart proving he’s not as unaffected as he pretends to be.

  “I swear on Belle that if you help me find her, I’ll tell you everything. I just...she’s the only family I have and I have to do whatever it takes to find her. I hope you can understand that. I hope you can find it in yourself to trust me enough to let me prove to you I do care about all of you. More than I thought I could. None of it was a lie. I feel it, too.”

  I look up and smooth a wild lock away from his eyes. The glasses, the careless way he’s wearing the uniform today, the flush on his cheeks and the hunger in his eyes, it’s all overwhelming my senses.

  My gaze drops to his lips and I feel the vibration of his groan against my chest. His fingers dig into my hips and his breathing goes harsh.

  “You were supposed to go away.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  His lips crash down over mine, our moans mixing together even as he sweeps his tongue inside my mouth, dominating every inch of space, claiming it as his. I tease his tongue stud, knowing what that does to him.


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