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Before The Shores Of The Dead: The Complete Collection

Page 4

by Hilden, Josh

  “We lost a lot of people in the process,” she said looking down.

  “There is no shame in that. We’ve all lost people,” he said reaching over and placing a warm strong hand on her shoulder.

  She looked up and stared at him with glassy eyes.

  “Want to come with us?” he asked with no preamble.

  “What?” she asked afraid she’d heard him wrong. After his people had broken through the dead besieging the building she’d thought they would be on their way and her students would be left to fend for themselves against the dead.

  “Do you and the kids want to come with us?” he repeated. “I have to warn you it’s not going to be an easy trip, we are heading to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, to the shores of Lake Superior actually.”

  He was barely able to finish before she threw her arms around him and squeezed. Tears fell hot and wet from her eyes and onto his shoulder. As she sobbed Liam patted her back with one hand and hugged her with the other.

  “Thank you,” she whispered between tears.

  “You are more than welcome,” he replied.

  It was a long time before the tears, held back for days, stopped. Liam didn’t release her until she was composed..

  Now, New White Harbor

  Kelly was taken aback at the impressive results of the tests. The kids had just finished their finals, all they had left was the practical field evaluations and they would be ready for deployment. Riley had been sniffing around the day before to find out how soon he’d be able to get his mitts on them.

  Her head rose at the knock on her door.

  “Enter,” she said.

  “You busy Professor?” Nancy Sutton asked after she opened the door.

  Kelly’s gut tightened at the sight of the younger woman. She’d been dreading and hoping for this conversation in equal measure.

  “Of course not, and I’ve told you before, its Kelly,” she replied with a sad smile. She indicated the battered office chair for Nancy to sit in.

  “Thank you,” she said sitting down, the exhaustion everyone felt prevalent in her eyes.

  “What can I do for you Nancy?” Kelly asked closing the folder of tests. She knew this might be an intense conversation. There were some obvious questions which needed answers and Nancy deserved them.

  “Lisa says I need to do this,” she said obviously stalling.

  Kelly kept her mouth shut giving Nancy all the time she needed.

  “There are stories,” Nancy continued looking at Kelly, “stories about you and my dad.”

  Nancy said nothing. Inside her stomach was in knots, and they had nothing to do with her passenger this time. The two women sat there looking at each other for several seconds before Kelly broke.

  “What would you like to know?” she finally asked.

  “Did you love him?” Nancy asked.

  “No,” Kelly said.

  Nancy looked surprised.

  “I still love him, I will always love him,” Kelly finished.

  Then, Southwest of Toledo

  “It’s not your fault,” Kelly said.

  “I sent them in there, I sent those kids in there and they’re dead,” Liam said slamming a fist against the wall of the hotel room. “I should have known better, it’s Saigon all over again,” he whispered.

  “They volunteered,” Kelly said getting pissed. “We all listened to the broadcasts, we all knew there was only a small chance anyone was still alive in there, and we all decided to take the chance. Those kids volunteered to make the effort. Don’t you dare minimize their sacrifice with you goddamned self-pity!” she yelled.

  Liam turned and looked at her. His face was a mask of pain, fear, and rage. She saw it all in a flash, the years of hate and shame, the sadness and the terror. She saw the desire to see his family again and the need to apologize to those he felt he failed.

  Kelly crossed the room, took his worn battle scared face in her small strong hands, and kissed him long and deep. He struggled for a second then kissed her back, wrapping his strong arms around her and pulling her tight. Kelly responded by lacing her arms around his neck and losing herself in the moment.

  There were no words as the kiss morphed and heat rose from deep inside of her and blossomed into every inch of her body. Nibbling and sucking on his bottom lip she pushed Liam down onto the bed. Her hands were deft and his belt was whipped from his pants in seconds. That was quickly followed by his pants and underwear.

  As Liam reached for her Kelly stepped back and waggled her finger in a ‘No No’ gesture.

  She didn’t bother with a striptease or any other type of seduction. The raw need and desire was too intense, she needed this man, she wanted this man, and she hungered for him like she’d never hungered before. Her pants went first quickly followed by her shirt. Panties and bra were shed faster than her outer garments and then she was on him.

  Then he was in her.

  She made every attempt to control the rhythm, sliding up and down on him and rocking her hips with his. It felt wonderful and when Liam’s hands began to roam and found their way to her full breasts she moaned with pleasure. It had been so long and things had been so horrible, they shared comfort and passion in that perfect moment. Liam’s breathing grew ragged and Kelly knew he was nearing completion.

  Oh god he knows how to touch a woman, and damn I am close myself, she thought increasing her pace and feeling a tendril of pleasure growing within her. It was only going to be a few more seconds.

  “Kelly… oh god Kelly,” Liam groaned bellow her. She felt him stiffen and warm wetness filled her.

  Kelly seized his wrists and held them down on the bed as she rode him for all she was worth. Her breathing turned ragged. Her groans, which turned into moans, and finally she erupted in cries of ecstasy.

  “OH GOD!” she screamed as pleasure so intense it hurt exploded from her center. Kelly saw stars in her vision and collapsed across his chest heaving and choking back tears of happiness.

  They lay there for several minutes saying nothing. Liam spoke first.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Now, Kelly’s Office

  “So he was happy?” Nancy asked when Kelly finished the story.

  “As happy as any of us could have been on that trip north. I wish we’d have known about the little one,” she said patting her belly. “I think he deserved that joy and it was denied to him.” She felt the hot stinging of tears in her eyes again.

  “We had a difficult relationship,” Nancy said.

  “You were all he thought about. You and Charlie were what he was living for,” Kelly said smiling sadly at Nancy.

  “He had you,” Nancy said.

  “Yes he did and I had him, but our time was so short, so very short.” The tears no longer held back flowed freely. “I will cherish every second we had but in the end you were his heart and I think that was only right,” Kelly said sadly.

  Nancy stood and walked over to Kelly. When she reached her she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight. Eyes blurry with tears Kelly reached up with both arms and clutched the other woman to her.

  “You are family,” Nancy said. “The baby will be my little brother or sister,” she added with a smile and laugh. Then she released Kelly, retrieved her back pack, and removed an item. She hesitated for a second and handed it to Kelly. It was the rubber coated tablet Liam was always tapping away on.

  “Dad always kept a journal,” she said. “There is a lot in there and Kyle says he needs it back when you are done but I have it opened to a passage I think you need to read.”

  Kelly tabbed the device on and looked at a page of text. She began to read.

  “It’s crazy, everyone seems to be hooking up in the group. I actually performed two marriage ceremonies today, I don’t know if it’s legal for me to marry people but it’s not like there’s a government to object. Kelly was telling me today how much she wants to meet Nancy and Charlie, I love her so much. She is as important to me as
Nancy and Charlie. She is the other half of my soul. I didn’t think I would get a chance at love again. I will never be the son of a bitch who says the rise of the dead was a good thing but if it’d never happened I wouldn’t have met Kelly and I can’t imagine my life without her. When we get to White Harbor I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  The massive smile of happiness was contrasted by the fresh tears running down Kelly’s face. She reread the passage three times before looking up at Nancy.

  “He loved you as much as you still love him,” Nancy said.

  “Thank you Nancy,” Kelly said.

  Outside the temperatures continued to drop and snow continued to fall. It truly was a day for celebration.

  Part 4: “Capshaw’s First Command”

  Now, Dockside Duluth

  “Move it people, we have one hour and then either we have the fortifications up or it’s back to the boats!” Major Brian Capshaw called out. He stood on top of the cab of a liberated garbage truck, the Scouts had managed to get up and running before the Guard arrived. His field glasses were pressed to his eyes as he scanned the scene of Guard troops and risen dead.

  “Yes sir,” Captain Hacker called from his post on the ground. He had the laminated blueprints in his hands and was giving instructions to the engineers and sections commanders. All around him three and five person squads scurried over the water front area of Duluth while fire teams kept the dead at bay.

  The operation was supposed to be a simple raid. Capshaw was to lead the Guard troops into the abandoned lake city behind an advance team of Scouts. When the message from New Harbor arrived all of that was thrown out the window. Now instead of coming in and taking what they needed, they were settling in for a permanent occupation.

  “I want those streets barricaded in the next five minutes or there are going to be more dead-heads on us than we can handle,” Capshaw was calm and controlled in his orders. “I do not plan on being here after dark if the fort is not secure. My idea of a good time is not a sleepover with Dead Dave and Decaying Dora!” He thought he heard Hacker laugh. The man was entitled to his mirth, they’d been together for a long time now and he was like Capshaw’s good right arm.

  The Michigan Guard Troops knew their roles and didn’t need to be told twice. He watched, holding back a smile filled with pride as five person fire teams assembled the pre-made barricades across the streets. Behind them other troops sealed off the buildings and dealt with the dead inside of the mobile fortification. It was called a “Frater Fort” after Katie Frater the engineering student from Findley who’d designed it.

  “Major, I have Captain Skeels on the radio,” one of the Guard Communications troops said handing him a compact handset which might have been Desert Storm vintage. Some of the gear stored at the White River facility was far from its prime, but it was still functional so they had no complaints.

  Reaching down Brian took the unit with a grin. Like everyone else in the Republic’s defense forces he’d been shocked when the tough Sergeant Major had finally allowed himself to be promoted. “Captain Sleeks this is Capshaw.”

  When Riley Skeels had arrived with a fresh squad of Scouts from the Island Brian had been surprised. When Riley told him about the change of orders from the General he’d been irritated to the point of being almost pissed. When Riley told him what the refugees from Alaska had to say all other feelings had been replaced by fear.

  “Major, we’ve reached City Hall,” Riley said. Brian could hear steady and controlled weapon fire in the back ground. “This place looks like it was one of the last places to fall. We’re going to need some of those crackerjack engineers over here to shore it up once we’ve cleared it.”

  If Brian hadn’t known better he would have thought Riley was having fun.

  “Roger that Riley, we’re going to need another hour to construct the fort and clear the area around it,” Brian responded looking at his watch then glancing up at the midday sun high above his head.

  “Copy that Major. We’ll be fine out here until you arrive,” the young battle scarred Captain replied, then he laughed. “It’s not like we’re back on the docks.”

  Riley cut communications and Brian was sure the Scouts would have little, if any problem holding the building. The plan was to use the City Hall as the next fort in a plan to leap frog around the core of the city until they were in control of the important areas. Eventually they’d be able to use Duluth as their largest mainland stronghold for reconstruction. The Canadians were doing the same thing from their center in Sudbury and the plan was to link up on the north shore of Lake Superior in the next year.

  Or that had been the plan.

  Much like the first days of the rising, these plans had gone straight to hell.

  Then, Day One of the Rising, South End of the Mackinac Bridge

  “This has got to be a fucking joke,” Corporal Nathan Hacker grunted as he placed another sandbag on the pile. He wasn’t having fun but he was glad he wasn’t one of FNG’s, fucking new guy, stuck filling the bags from the massive pile of dirt the back hoe was piling up. “Who the fuck down in Lansing thought barricading Big Mac was a good use of our time?”

  “I don’t know Hacker,” PFC Tom Linden said tossing another bag on the barricade around their fire pit. The skinny Private was usually quiet and reserved which was why Nathan liked hanging out with him. “Haven’t you heard the reports coming in from the cities?”

  “It’s all a bunch of confused bullshit Linden,” Nathan said laughing. “It’s a bunch of damn welfare assholes and fucking thugs rioting because their President isn’t giving them free cell phones and cash for votes.”

  He didn’t see Tom Linden shake his head in disgust.

  “I knew when we elected one of them as commander in chief it was all going to go down the shitter,” he grunted tossing another sack of dirt. “Anytime you put one of them in charge of something you are pretty much guaranteed it’s going to be a colossal cluster fuck.”

  “One of who Corporal?” a calm measured voice asked.

  Both men froze.

  “I am quite interested as to just who one of them is Corporal?” Second Lieutenant Brian Capshaw asked. “Who are the people who turn everything they do into a colossal CF?”

  Nathan was frozen, unsure what to say.

  “I think Corporal Hacker meant a Democrat sir,” PFC Linden said turning to face the young dark skinned officer. The Second Lieutenant was imposing as hell in his BDU’s. “At least when GW was in charge we had a clear mission sir,” he added glancing at Nathan and giving him a dark look.

  “Is that so Corporal?” Capshaw asked.

  “Yes sir, you can’t trust the damn Democrats when it comes to defense,” Nathan stammered.

  “Well I don’t trust Democrats or Republicans, and I’m not real happy with the current President not keeping his promises,” Capshaw replied setting down his Carbine and taking a shovel from one of the young men filling sand bags. “I admit I bought into the promises of changes but they have been few and far in-between,” he said putting a spade full of dirt in one of the sacks being held by the FNG’s.

  “Umm yes sir, absolutely,” Nathan said watching the Lieutenant filling bag after bag without complaint. He was a little too stunned to speak, it wasn’t often you saw one of the officers getting their hands dirty.

  “You guys going to stack those or watch us do all of the work?” Capshaw asked. “I mean hell Corporal you don’t want to be out worked by one of them do you?”

  PFC Linden laughed at the look on Corporal Hackers face. Then both men began throwing more sacks onto the barrier.

  Now, Duluth City Hall

  The building was filled with the smell of decay and burnt cordite. The Scouts deserved the reputation they’d developed as some of the best zombie killers in the region, but if the town was still standing when they were finished it was a good operation.

  “Sir,” Captain Riley Skeels said coming to attention.

  “Good to see you Capta
in Skeels,” Brian said offering his hand.

  Nathan Hacker followed Brian but didn’t offer Riley his hand. The two young men were friends when not on duty but at the moment Nathan was focused on watching the corners and shadows of the massive building.

  Riley took it and a tired but satisfied smile broke his filthy, sweat soaked face. The Scouts had held the Duluth City Hall for more than ten hours. They were tired, they were thirsty, they were low on ammo, and they were victorious. The grounds outside of the massive stone building were piled with thousands of corpses.

  “What’s the rough count?” Capshaw asked releasing Riley’s strong hand.

  “More than five less than seven,” Riley said taking the canteen from his belt and opening it. “We lost two,” he added taking a long measured swallow.

  Brian winced. Losing two Scouts for more than five thousand of the dead was acceptable but it still hurt to lose men and women.

  “Was it worth it?” Brian asked.

  “Follow me Major,” Riley said and Brian was sure he saw a tiny smile on the warriors face. “You too Hacker, you’re going to want to see this.”

  Nathan looked to Capshaw who nodded. Slinging his rifle over his shoulder he followed them. It’d been that way since the bridge. Nathan always attempted to remain within a protective distance of Capshaw, the young man was convinced that as long as he was nearby the Major was invincible.

  The three men headed toward the ornate staircase. Instead of going up them Riley led them to a door behind the stairs. Several Scouts saluted as they passed and Brian reflexively returned them without thinking. Riley opened the door, Brian noticed the lock had been blown out, and removed his flashlight.

  “We have the generators working and the solar mats on the roof are still intact but it’s still pretty damn dark down there,” Riley explained shining his blight LED light down the murky shaft. The smell was repellant even to men who’d been fighting the dead for more than a year. “There were none of the dead down here but there was a body. We have no idea who it was, we think she was the station monitor, but she put a bullet in her brain then proceeded to rot in the closed environment.”


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