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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

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by Sherry Ewing

  “The man I had crossed time for in my new reality, was already wed to another. I knew I could find no safe refuge from him, and I refused to become some man’s mistress, no matter how much I loved him. Besides, he knew me not, at least at this younger age I now found myself in. Instead, I married another man out of necessity. I came to care for this man, but I was not in love with him. He knew my heart belonged to another, although he never once faulted me for it in all our time together. He passed away more than ten years ago, and our son has taken over his title and the estates.”

  Jenna brightened with the news Ella wasn’t completely alone. “I am so glad you have a son, Ella.”

  “Aye, I have a son, at least in name only. He is a most ambitious man, and his greed for power and wealth will be his undoing. ’Twas afore I even had a chance to bury my husband that, in my grief and some unknown sense of honor to unburden my soul, I told my son the truth of my origins. ’Twas a mistake I have regretted every day I have taken another breath. He told me to never again set foot upon his land, lest he burn me at the stake for being the witch that I was to him. A son who turned against his own flesh and blood and cast me out from my own hall. I have not spoken his name since that day, nor will I ever do so again. He is dead to me.”

  Tears glistened in Jenna’s eyes threatening to spill over. “That is such a sad story, Ella.”

  Ella refilled their chalices. “Time is a test, Jenna. I will only know I have succeeded in my quest in finding love when I am once more reunited with the man whom I am supposed to be with. I would gladly traverse the length of England and Scotland over and over again, knowing that soon our paths will cross once more.”

  “But to spend your whole life waiting and wandering around for one split second in time on the off chance you will meet up again? Is anyone really worth that?”

  “Love is always worth waiting for, Jenna. It is worth any risk.” Ella replied kindly. “Once you’ve tasted that kind of deep unconditional love, you shall do anything within your power to have it again. But tell me, my newfound friend…what is it you are searching for?”

  Jenna shrugged. “I’ll only know once I find it, Ella.”

  The smile she gave Jenna entirely transformed Ella’s face. Her eyes sparkled in delight. “Mayhap, dear Jenna, you already have.”

  Chapter 17

  Jenna lifted her face to the sun before pushing her hair from her eyes as the wind whipped tendrils in every direction. Her other hand was clenched in a death grip around the pommel of the saddle while the landscape passed by her peripheral vision in a blur. She wasn’t going to fall. Of that, she was sure. With Fletcher’s arms securely wrapped around her, along with his gloved hands in firm control of the reins, she was perfectly safe atop the huge black warhorse. It was a beautiful animal, as horses went, and built to hold the strength of a warrior who, in his normal routine, wore the additional weight of heavy armor.

  Today, Fletcher was dressed differently, in only tunic, hose, and boots. He appeared relaxed, although he clearly kept a keen and vigilant eye on their surroundings as they went along their ride. The trip through another outlying village had left Jenna with mixed feelings, as she saw firsthand the difference between the lifestyle of those living in the castle and the serfs who tended the fields. They had looked so downtrodden as they went about eking out whatever meager existence they could in medieval England while in service to Berwyck.

  Jenna may not know what her roll was while she was here back in the past, but she certainly knew she wasn’t going to change the feudal system and the way these people lived and ruled. Such a feat must be left to those with power and wealth.

  She had been relieved when they went farther south and left the village far behind. Fletcher had told her he didn’t want to go north, only because he was afraid of the portal opening if she got near it. She understood his point, but again, Jenna had mixed feelings about the whole situation, even while Ella’s story and misfortune echoed in her mind.

  On one hand, she wanted to stay here and get to know this handsome man she apparently had crossed time just to be with. But on the other, she was worried and concerned for her mother and Amy. What torment were they going through not knowing what had happened to her? How couldn’t she be worried if they would presume Jenna had possibly been abducted when she didn’t return home? She would hope her mother would know her well enough not to think she had ended her own life because of some man. No breakup was worth that kind of an end.

  She put aside her troubling thoughts of returning home when Fletcher pulled on the reins, halting his horse some way down the beach. Fletcher dismounted then held up his hands to help her descend from the horse’s dizzying height. Reaching down, she placed her hands upon his broad shoulders, just as his hands reached out for her waist. He lifted her, and her body slid down against the length of his own. Every nerve in her body was tingling in anticipation from the contact, and she lowered her eyes so he wouldn’t read her thoughts of where her mind readily went.

  After grabbing a satchel and blanket from the saddle, Fletcher escorted her but a short way and spread the cloth upon the sand. Helping her to sit, he undid the belt buckled around his lean hips and laid down his sword so it would be undoubtedly within his reach. With amazing proficiency, he then proceeded with ease to lay out a picnic lunch for them. She hid a smile while she watched him, for this took some getting used to…this being waited on or just the simple gesture of being helped by someone to either sit or stand. She wasn’t used to this kind of attention, not that she was complaining. It was all the things her heart had longed for. Clearly, chivalry was alive in twelfth century England. She might as well enjoy all the opportunities the situation offered her.

  With a chalice of wine in her hand, she picked up a piece of cheese and began nibbling on the food. She looked over the head of the knight next to her, who lounged back on his elbow. Perhaps this was the reason for Fletcher’s every day clothing. The knights, who had accompanied them, were dressed in full armor and trying their best not to be boisterous. But they were men, after all, and boys will be boys, no matter the time. As they took out their swords and began hacking away at each other in an effort to amuse themselves, Jenna’s hand flew to her throat before she turned her attention from the men to her lunch with Fletcher.

  “When you mentioned an outing, I didn’t expect such a crowd to come with us.” Jenna announced a little louder than she intended, to be heard over the boisterous knights and sounds from the ocean.

  “A necessity, I assure you, my lady. ’Tis best to be prepared at all times. You never know when evil will come upon you unannounced,” Fletcher professed with a reassuring smile. “Do not worry. I shall keep you safe from harm.”

  “I didn’t doubt that for a second. Generally, a date in my time is just between two people, at least when you’re getting to know one another.”

  Fletcher gave her a look as though she was making fun of him. His words confirmed her suspicions. “Surely, you jest, mademoiselle? I can hardly fathom your sire would let you go out unaccompanied or without a chaperon. ’Tis just not done and hardly proper.”

  His thinking was so old fashioned, she had to remember where she was for a second. “My father passed away when I was younger, so it’s just been me and my mother. The future has a certain lack of the customs you rely on and expect here,” Jenna replied and went to refill his cup. “I go out every single day alone, including holding down a job to support myself. I’m the only one I have to depend on, although my mom and I are very close. Even she supports herself without a man providing for her.”

  “Your time must be passing strange,” he murmured with a furrowed brow while he seemed to become deep in thought from her words.

  “Tell me about it. It’s not easy for someone who has been so independent and allowed to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, to practically have to ask permission just to go outside the front gate. It seems like I’m never alone, unless it’s when I go to sleep at night. Even the
n, I swear I’ve sensed a servant coming in to check on me once or twice during the night.”

  “’Tis for your protection to ensure you are healing properly, Lady Jenna.”

  She looked over at him, and she could not mistake the sudden intimacy that came to surround them. She lost her train of thought while she gazed into his unusually colored eyes. What had he been saying?

  “Please…call me Jenna.” As she heard her own voice soften, he leaned forward, she presumed, to hear her shyly whispered request.

  “Jenna,” he said, just as softly. “Since you have given me permission to use your given name, you must needs reciprocate and call me Fletcher.”

  The almost seductive tone of his voice sent another rippling shiver up and down her spine. “If you insist…Fletcher.” She watched the roguish grin spread across his face.

  “Aye, I am afraid you must needs indulge my whim,” he continued huskily.

  Charm…he had loads of it, and she wondered if this was maybe only a game to him, although she doubted it. He seemed sincere enough, but considering how her past relationships with men had gone, she wanted to tread carefully and not get hurt again.

  “And is this all I am to you? Just a whim of fate you’re stuck with, Fletcher?” she blurted out smartly before she thought better of it.

  He sat up to lean forward and whispered into her ear. “It gives me great pleasure to hear my name as it passes your lips, even if you are cross with me.”

  “You’ve hardly answered my question. Do you think I’m just some easy conquest, because you, more or less, feel responsible for me?” The hair on the back of her neck rose. She wasn’t sure if her body’s reaction was from his hushed words spoken in her ear or was a warning sign to be wary of him.

  “I did not mean to insult you, Jenna, and I certainly meant no disrespect.”

  He was so close, she could see golden flecks of color in his eyes she had never noticed before. Once again, tingles of pleasure raced from her head all the way down to her toes. But, she wasn’t going to think about what was going on with her body. She tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear to distract herself. He seemed to be waiting for her to come to the realization and decision that he was sincere.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, biting her lower lip. “Everything is just happening so fast, it’s all very confusing. I think I may have said or thought that about one hundred times since I’ve landed here.”

  Fletcher reached over to take her hand between his fingers and placed a kiss on its back. She was expecting him to let go, but instead, he only cupped it with his other one, encasing her own trembling hand into a warm cocoon of comfort. “I do not feel this is some game we are playing, ma cherie, although a meddlesome ghost has gone to great lengths to put us together.”

  “You’re kidding me?” A laugh escaped her, and yet, if time travel were possible, then why not ghosts, too?

  “Nay, my lady. I would not jest about so serious a matter. I must admit, I am still bemused as to his motives, but I believe he may have been aware of my need to have someone to complete my life. He must have sensed your need, as well.”

  “I don’t know how a ghost from this century could know anything about what I need or want for my life.”

  Fletcher gave her a small smile. “I will not try to presume to know the wandering thoughts or motives of Sir Rolf, but you are here. Surely, that alone must tell you something of the miracle that has brought us together.”

  Jenna hesitated only for a moment. “And do you speak to this ghost friend of yours often? I assume he is a friend of yours.”

  “Aye, he was a friend, and I fought beside him for many a year.” Fletcher got another far off look in his eyes until he returned to the present. “As for having speech with him, that is another matter, entirely. I have only had one conversation with him, and that was the day you came to us upon the strand. ’Twas mostly a one-sided conversation, since he was muttering most insistent at me inside my head. ’Tis very alarming when one does not expect such an occurrence.”

  “That happened to me, as well! I thought I was losing my mind, or whatever I had left of it from this insane journey I seem to be on,” Jenna exclaimed. “I was wondering why I was here, and he said, ‘Because you wished it.’”

  “You were wishing to be brought here?”

  Jenna’s hand rose to her temple before she turned her eyes to him. “I suppose, in a way, I was. I was wishing for a time of grace and beauty, of knights and castles. Things long forgotten where I live. Now, here I am.”

  “Amazing.” Fletcher again brought her hand up to his lips. “I have often heard tell love is a leap. Sometimes, you need to jump in order to find it.”

  “Are you asking me to leap to discover it for myself?” Jenna murmured.

  “Mayhap, I am, along with having a little faith all will work out, as it should.”

  “And are you willing to jump along with me?” She held her breath while she waited for his answer.

  He smiled at her, and Jenna swore her heart was about to burst from her chest. “Most assuredly, my lady.”

  Jenna wasn’t sure how her hand found its way to cup his cheek. Her thumb rubbed across the bristly stubble on his face. She wasn’t even sure how she found herself leaning forward to kiss him until her lips were but inches from his own. His mouth parted as she began to close her eyes. Their breaths mingled together as one. For one heartbeat, reality had no meaning, and when his mouth descended upon hers, she forgot everything else but him. The kiss was one dreams were made of. Gentle, soft, undemanding, one she could replay in her mind a hundred times and still want to hit rewind so she could watch and relive the overwhelming sensations all over again.

  Thunder sounded in the distance, bringing Jenna back from falling off the edge of one of the most romantic phenomena that had ever happened in her entire life. Before she could speak, Fletcher captured her lips in another quick kiss that was over far too quickly for Jenna’s liking.

  “Fletcher…” she gave a breathless sigh. “That had to be one of the most perfect first kisses in the history of mankind.”

  “I would hope─”

  Thunder rolled again across the countryside before Jenna realized the noise was actually the sound of a fast approaching horse and rider. Fletcher stood so quickly, Jenna was unsure when he had actually had the time to grab his sword out from the scabbard to protect her. But these knights were well trained, and a line of defense was quickly formed to shield her and Fletcher from whatever harm might be coming their way.

  The sound of Fletcher stabbing his sword into the sand gave Jenna the peace of mind that they weren’t in any danger. The rider bore Berwyck’s colors. So immediately, Jenna wondered what was going on that demanded a messenger to come to find his captain. Sand flew as the rider brought his horse to a halt, jumped from the saddle, and then ran to Fletcher’s side.

  Fletcher broke the wax seal on the parchment and quickly scanned the contents before giving orders for the knights to mount their horses. Holding out his hand, he helped her rise, and they quickly gathered their things then made their way to his horse.

  “I must needs apologize for interrupting our outing, Jenna.” Fletcher said as he lifted her into the saddle. “Dristan writes ’tis most urgent I return.”

  He vaulted onto the horse in one fluid movement, as if he had done such a task for all of his life. “I understand,” she said and reached up to place her hand beneath his hair on his neck. With the slightest of pressure from her fingertips, he leaned down and kissed her.

  “’Tis not how I envisioned the ending to our time together today.” He pulled his leather gloves on and took hold of the reins.

  “I’m sure you’ll make it up to me,” she teased.

  He gave a merry laugh. “’Tis a promise I shall gladly make.”

  “I’ll hold you to it. No going back on your word.”

  “I would not think of it, my lady.”

  “Let us make haste, Fury,” Fletcher call
ed out to his horse. Flicking the reins, Fletcher urged Fury to bolt forward, and they made their way back to the castle with utmost haste. It had been a lovely day, despite its abrupt ending, but Jenna didn’t care. She rested her head on Fletchers shoulder, her arm tucked around his waist as they rode. She knew he would keep her safe, and Jenna believed, with all her heart, love had finally found her after all, and in the most unlikely of places.

  Chapter 18

  Fletcher fingered the parchment he held in his hands as the words swam afore his eyes. The missive was one he had been dreading. His father was gravely ill, and Fletcher was being asked to rush home, afore it was too late, to say a final farewell to his sire. Even as he reread the words, he knew it may yet be too late. His father may have already lost his life. He handed the document to Dristan, who read the information quickly afore he set it aside on the table.

  “If such missives continue to reach Berwyck, I may not have any of my personal guard left with me from our days of old,” Dristan surmised with a grim look. Folding his arms across his chest, he eyed Fletcher. “You must needs go with all haste.”

  “Aye, I am aware I need to travel, and quickly, but how can I journey with speed and take Jenna with me? She is not an experienced horsewoman. I am not sure she could handle the trip.”

  “You know, as well as I, you must needs leave her in our care. We shall look after her ’til your return,” Dristan replied wisely. “You will come back, will you not?”

  “You know the answer to that. I cannot, in all good conscience, leave her. She belongs with me.”

  “Aye, I may know you belong together, but I have the feeling your return will only be a temporary state of affairs. You will be leaving us.”

  “My lord, I─”

  Dristan held up his hand. “Do not deny it. You know my words are true. If your father dies, the king will want you to take your place and assume the title that will pass from father to son. ’Tis the way of things and cannot be helped.”


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