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Torrid Teasers Volume 23

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by J. T. Schultz, Cassi Armstrong

  "Did you?” She slid into her chair, muttering angrily to herself. His keen sense of hearing came in handy, as he heard asshole and womanizer. As she finally looked up, he greeted her with a smile he hoped would melt her sudden chilly demeanor.

  "Jarred, I know you must think you're quite charming. However, I've known men like you. Wolves, in sheep's clothing."

  "Actually, it's Armani."

  He watched as she scowled at him, holding nothing back for a second. Then, just as quickly, she dropped a mask of indifference over her beautiful features.

  "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

  Ah, there it was. Her lawyer mode, sexy, determined, with an air of confidence. Intriguing. She was becoming more appealing by the minute.

  He studied her slender hands as she began to pour over the will. The memory of those soft hands brought his cock begging for her touch once again. Shifting in his seat, he cleared his throat. If he couldn't get his primal urges under control, this was going to be a very long and uncomfortable meeting.

  Chapter 3

  Having just shared a kiss with the sexy man seated on the other side of her desk made it difficult for Brianna to concentrate. Until she read the words, “upon contingency of matrimony.” A forced marriage? Who in their right mind does that? The father, Jeremy Forester. Probably tired of his son's womanizing

  Shit. Granddad never draws up a will unless it is airtight. Jeremy Forester? She knew that name. He was the man who had snatched up her grandmother's necklace at the estate sale. It had to be the same man. She scoured the full document for any mention of the valuable heirloom. Nothing.

  Brianna looked up to find Jarred's emerald eyes intent on her. The contrast between them and the black of his hair set her pulse racing. It didn't help that his strong features and permanently tanned skin added to his looks. It was hard not to notice his height or his broad shoulders. If her quickening memories of last night were right, he had a muscled body designed for the things they had done. She banished those thoughts from her mind.

  "Jarred, this will is airtight. In order to access this property, a valid marriage certificate is required."

  He narrowed his gaze, his eyes deepening in color. He was obviously not happy. “He is forcing me to pick a mate!"

  "Mate? Interesting choice of words.” Brianna looked back at the document, at Jeremy Forester's name. She wondered how to ask the question that was weighing on her mind. Bluntly, of course. “Jarred, did your father have an antique necklace? One he acquired at auction a couple of years back?"

  Jarred's look turned to one of inquisition. “There was an extraordinary sapphire in his collection. What of it?"

  He lifted a brow, looking too sexy for words. Damn him!

  Brianna felt her heart tighten. “It had belonged to my grandmother."

  A slow smile played across his lips. “Ah, yes. The one out of your control."

  Brianna forced a smile. “I can offer you a considerable amount for it."

  "I don't doubt it,” he told her with a sparkle in his green eyes that was more than alluring, it was downright mischievous. “It would seem that we both want something. You want a necklace and I want that property. Make it happen and we'll talk."

  "You don't understand, Jarred. My grandfather drew this up. It's airtight."

  "No, sweet Brianna. You don't understand. One way or another, I will have that property."

  Brianna reached into her top desk drawer, pulling out her checkbook. “Name your price, Jarred."

  His low chuckle caused the hairs on her neck to stand.

  "Brianna, my lovely, I don't want your money."

  His grin caused Brianna to become damp again. Except for her mouth, which was dry. “Well, what is it you want?” She reached for her glass of water, sipping as she waited for his answer.

  "You either find that loophole, or you plan to join me for a very long walk down a very short aisle."

  Water plunged down her windpipe. Alarmed, she started to cough, sure with the burn in her lungs that she was going to choke to death. She figured she should have a lung in her mouth any minute. She looked up to see Jarred kneeling in front of her, concern etching his brow.

  "I should have waited until after you'd swallowed,” he suggested a little late. Gee, what had been his first clue? “I didn't think you would react quite like that."

  Brianna cleared her throat. Jarred held out a black silk hankie.

  "Thank you,” she told him, taking the hankie. “How did you think I would react?” She wiped her hand, carefully folded the hankie and blotted at her teary eyes.

  "Well, I wasn't expecting you to drown yourself as the only way out,” he replied with a sexy smile. “Look, this is sound business. You want the necklace. I don't want to part with it, but I need a wife. It's a fair exchange. Besides, we already know we are compatible in bed."

  Brianna shoved the hankie back to him and blinked several times. “Good business? Compatible in bed? Love a duck! Wow, you aren't exactly Mr. Romance, are you?"

  "Well you certainly thought so last night.” He gently took the hankie from her and tucked it into the inside pocket of his expensive suit coat.

  "I was drunk,” Brianna defended herself.

  "You were incredible."

  He was hot, sexy and flattery was getting him everywhere, except a ring on her finger. “Jarred, I think you should leave."

  He lifted a brow and broadened his smile. “I will for now, but I want you to give some thought to my proposal.” With that, he turned and walked out of her office.

  That was a proposal? Damn him! As if she would actually give it thought. No way.

  Chapter 4

  Jarred stepped out of his office, hoping to clear his thoughts. If only he had listened to Collin. Follow your instincts, Collin had told him. He had always heard talk of the arrangement between the two families, how he and Brianna were destined for one another. Yet, when his father's will and Collin had told him it was time to claim his bride, Jarred had freaked. He had told Collin that he wanted to give Brianna a chance at her own destiny. Colin had smiled in his all-knowing way, again making the hairs on Jarred's neck stand on end.

  It hadn't been coincidence that she had ended up in his club. Nor had it been merely chance that had him spooning her into her own bed later that night. Collin, the master manipulator, had set it all up. A celebration of Brianna's partnership as well as his timely retirement had all but guarenteed she would be there.

  Jarred had steeled his resolve to see her as he did any other woman. He had not expected her entrance to make him feel as if his tongue had just rolled out of his mouth and onto the floor. From the first moment she had entered his lair, he had known. Collin had warned him it would happen this way, like he had been socked in the abs. His father had told him the same thing. He was following his insticts.

  Still, he fought it, even tried to give her an out. Brianna being a lawyer had seemed perfect for getting them both out of this draconian custom. Only now, wanting out was the last thnig he wanted. He wanted in.

  And she wanted the necklace. She certainly didn't want him. She was supposed to have taken one look at him and fallen into his arms. Well, she had done that, but it had taken several shots of Quervo. He had wrapped his body around hers all night. Her passion had left him breathless.

  He needed her.

  Glancing about his club, he smiled politely as a group of women gave him the once-over, whispering amongst themselves. This evening was going to take forever. Turning away, he glanced toward the busy door, and felt his heart pick up speed. There she was, in a blue dress that hugged her body in a seductive fashion. For a brief second, he was jealous of the dress and the shared closeness it had with her body.

  She caught him looking and cast him a smile. Very quickly, he was liking her more with every encounter. He noticed the way other men looked at her but she seemed oblivious as she neared him. “Hello, Jarred. I was hoping you would be here."

  "Seeing as it's my club,
I would say it was a safe bet. You look lovely."

  "Thank you. Do you have a minute to talk?"

  Jarred leaned in close to her ear, so close he knew his breath would tease her skin in case his words missed. “For you, I have the rest of my life."

  He fought the urge to rake his tongue over her creamy skin.

  "Very funny. However, that is one of the things I would like to talk to you about.” Her tone was sweet, yet held strength.

  "Lets go into my office, shall we? Get you a drink and have that talk?” He had known she would come around, just as he knew she was the one.

  He led her through the crowd, using the crush of patrons as an excuse to rest his hand at the small of her back.

  "What can I get you?” he asked, closing the office door behind them.

  "Wine if you have it, red preferred."

  "A woman after my own heart.” He grabbed the bottle of red he had opened earlier but had not had a chance to taste. It was perfect now that she was here to share it. Pouring two glasses, he brought one to her. “Now, you have obviously thought things over."

  "Thank you.” She quickly took a healthy sip. “I have been pouring over the will with a fine tooth comb."

  "I figured you would."

  "It's hopeless."

  "Hardly the exuberant answer to my proposal I had hoped for, but, I'll take it."

  "Jarred, you don't understand. You are positively a dream and a half, but I can't marry you. I would prefer to just buy the necklace."

  "It's not leaving my possession. The only way for you to have it is to marry me."

  She gave a heavy sigh. “I'm not the right type of girl for you. I spend a ton of money on clothes. I spend all my time working..."

  "I'm very wealthy and enjoy shopping, not to mention I work a lot as well.” He didn't see any real concerns, they were all likable qualities.

  "I have a notorious habit of picking up stray animals.” She said it like it was a bad thing.

  "That explains your original fascination with me,” he retorted, thinking it was a really, sweet quality about her. Her being an animal lover helped.

  "Come again?” she asked, sounding confused. “I said animals, not strange men."

  "I heard what you said. Deafness is not one of my flaws."

  Her dark blonde brows lifted and her lips gave him a sardonic little smile.

  Surely, she remembered him ... shifting. She had not minded then, but those had been very arousing circumstances. He let out a sigh. “Your love for animals, my little condition, ringing any bells?"

  Brianna's brows furrowed, “I don't remember anything about you having a condition. I remember you, I remember the dog...” A strange look crossed her face. “I thought you said you didn't have a dog."

  Jarred let out another breath, this time slower, more deliberate. “I don't, and it wasn't a dog. It was a wolf."

  "You own a wolf?” Her blue eyes widening in surprise.

  "No, my lovely. I am the wolf.” He told her bluntly, so there was no confusion.

  "Oh,” she replied. Her lashes fluttered closed while she proceeded to faint.

  Jarred moved toward her, catching her tenderly as her soft, curvy form went limp in his hold. “Well, you took that better than I expected,” he told the unconscious woman.

  Chapter 5

  Brianna's eyes fluttered open, staring into amazingly green ones.


  She was lying on the rich, black suede sofa, still in Jarred's office.

  "What happened?” No sooner had she asked, she remembered. “You're a wolf?"

  He nodded.

  "You want to marry me?"

  He grinned.

  She huffed. “I think you have things a little confused. I want my grandmother's necklace, not safe passage through the woods to her house."

  Jarred just smiled. “I've heard all the jokes, honey. You'll warm up to the idea, I promise you."

  "But you're a wolf!” Brianna exclaimed.

  "So, we're a little different."

  "Jarred, we are not talking about taste in furniture or hobbies. We are talking about different species."

  "Come on. Don't you get a little crazy once a month?"

  At his mention of her monthly cycle, her mouth fell open. “I don't howl!"

  "Would you like to?"

  "No! Get away from me, you..."


  Brianna recalled the fur on her sheets. Her hot one-night stand had been a wolf? She didn't remember hair on his back as her nails had raked over it, while his tanned strong form had moved over her with a ripple of perfectly sculpted muscles. His large thick cock stirred deep within her in a steady rhythm that had caused more than one hot soaking orgasm. She felt her blue silk thong dampen at the memory of the pleasure, as arousal tightened across her stomach. Her hand gently slid across the front of her lower abdomen, hoping it would ease the warm wet need that had built between her legs.

  Starring into Jarred's eyes, she witnessed the desire that had intensified in them, bringing them to a brilliant green. His lust scorched her, increasing Brianna's longing to again feel him buried deep within her, knowing it would be the only cure.

  A wicked smile traveled across his lips, making his handsome features even more striking. He moved closer until their bodies were only inches apart, not touching, yet close enough to feel the energy radiating off the other. Jarred held her gaze, his expression infused with arousal and amusement.

  Brianna tried to swallow, hoping to gain some moisture for her parched mouth. It seemed to fail, leaving her unable to speak.

  This only seemed to fuel the need in Jarred's eyes.

  "Tell me, Brianna. Knowing that I'm a wolf, as much as I am a man, did you really think for a minute that I wouldn't be able to smell your craving for me?” He gave a small laugh. “You refuse to become my wife, but I know that you cannot refuse me."

  He pulled her to him in a fluid swoop, pressing her pelvis hard against the throb of his own arousal. A moan escaped Brianna, giving Jarred opportunity to plunge his tongue deep into her mouth. Resistance was futile. She could do nothing but give in to the taste of his tongue and the quenching deliverance of his lips on hers.

  The wet between her thighs grew as his hands made their way over her legs and under the hem of her dress. She let out a small groan, tasting him in her mouth. She felt Jarred's rock-hard erection pressing against her causing an aching desire. She remembered his thickness and the pleasure his fucking had caused. As Jarred's hands now reached around and grabbed the flesh of her firm ass, hers moved over his chest to grasp his shoulders.

  Jarred moved to the floor. In the same fluid movement, his fingers found her thong and gently tugged with enough force that the fabric gave way. The dominance, though slight, was arousing as her clit pulsed. She pulled her mouth from his, allowing her fingers to lace through his hair as she heard him lower his zipper. She felt his finger caress her, stimulating her in the same fashion that her own finger had done that morning.

  "I want you inside me!” she moaned as his finger dipped in the wet folds. She thrust up around it, causing him to growl.

  His finger left her and she hungered for more. His strong hands grabbed her by the hips, moving her down to the edge of the sofa. The smooth plush of the fabric teased her flesh as she felt the tip of his cock tease at her opening. Her fingers tightened in his thick dark hair.

  "I'll make you my wife, Brianna!” As if to add emphasis, he thrust his long, thick hardness into her. Even as aroused as she was, he filled her and it felt damn good.

  Fire burned through her, scorching desire and need into tracks on her soul as he moved in slow, precise movements within her. She felt the excitement within her build with every thrust. Jarred's hand moved up to the low neckline of her dress and pulled the soft stretchy velour down, exposing her breast with its erect nipple. He moved it between his strong fingers and picked up the speed of his thrusts.

  Brianna grabbed his shoulders for support as he
moved harder and faster within her. His hold on her hip tightened and a groan left him as he released her nipple. She arched her back, grinding her pussy against him, rewarded with his hot breath and velvety smooth tongue to tease and excite her nipple.

  She felt his cock stiffen even more, his breath shallow and ragged. His teeth caught her nipple, grazing her tender flesh. His mouth closed around it and sucked as the pressure, building and tightening in her released, causing warm liquid to leave her as her body convulsed in tremors from the intensity.

  Jarred lifted his mouth from her nipple and straightened his back as her muscles tightened around him in a grip that invited him to join her. A primal growl escaped him. He gripped her hips with both hands, pulling her to him, burying his cock deep within her as hot semen shot inside. The intensity of his climax and the abundance of seed caused another jolt of ecstasy through her that again drove her body to shake.

  They remained still for several moments.

  She loved sex. She loved orgasms and Jarred, undeniably, was the best.

  She watched him push his hair back from his face. “Now, Brianna, say you'll be my wife.” He pulled his still partially-hard cock out of her, tucked it back into his pants and did up the zipper.

  Brianna came close to agreeing, if only for a second. Good business? Her lawyer logic kicked in. “So, that's your tactic? Fuck me to persuade me?"

  A wicked smile danced across his lips as his tongue slowly dragged across the lower. He paused from straightening his clothes. He was so hot, but she wasn't giving in. She barely knew him, which had not stopped her from riding him as if he was her own personal dildo.

  "Now don't get defensive, counselor. I was merely arguing my point. You can't resist me. Even now, I smell your need rising again.” He came to a standing position, moving close, keeping her legs open for him.

  She knew her dress was still hiked up and her womanhood exposed. However, it was the flicker she saw behind his eyes that had her spellbound. She didn't have to be a wolf to smell his lust for her. It was written all over his face, and lower. Brianna shifted slightly, running her still trembling hands down her sides as she stood, pushing her dress down to cover where his gaze had been straying.


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