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Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 13

by Briers, M L

  “That was- a mistake.” Cade admitted bringing a frown to her forehead as she titled her head, resting one cheek against her hand and regarding him- she had sensed the mood in him change almost as soon as he had lay down with her- like a darkness had descended in his euphoria and she wondered at it.

  “Go on.” She urged when he said nothing more and Cade pushed himself up with his elbows, taking her with him as she shifted her hands to his shoulders- her legs straddling him as he sat there for one long moment- one large hand rubbed over his face as he blew out a sigh.

  “I messed up.” He looked contrite, that wasn’t something that sat well inside her- her Alpha was always so sure of himself- in command- dominant and yet here he was admitting to a fault. What the hell could he possibly have done that seemed to have him shaken to the core.

  “I think this might be something I need to be wearing clothes for.” She went to get up and his hand closed around her elbow, holding her in place for a long moment before he just nodded and she scrambled to her feet, a million thoughts running inside her head and none made any sense to her.

  Vicky dressed in all fresh clothes as quickly as she could, while she watched him pull on his jeans and jumper out of the corner of her eye, slightly fearful of what he wanted to tell her.

  She was just pulling her jumper down over the waistband of her jeans when he strolled over to her purposefully, grabbing her hips he lifted her in his arms and wrapped her legs around his hips without a word. Strolling over to the bed he sat down with her in his lap as she released her legs and waited for as long as her nerves would let her.

  “Cade-“ They didn’t last that long and he sighed, deeply, a little too deeply for her liking.

  “Ok- I’m just- When Lycan’s find their true mates they bond with them- a bite with full descended fangs into the-“ He was motioning with his eyes to where his bite was evident on her skin. He had sealed the wound, but it would take time to heal for her, because she was human.

  Vicky hand flew to her shoulder- she had felt the bite- had just assumed that he had marked her again, a little harder this time, she had noticed the slight pain when she moved, but now, when she her hand slid under her jumper, she could feel the marks- her eyes questioning him as he reached for her hand and she released her jumper and slipped her hand into his.

  “That’s what you did to me?” He nodded, his eyes darkening as they narrowed on her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, he closed his eyes briefly as she waited.

  “What does it mean to be bonded Cade?” She ran out of patience again, this seemed serious enough for him to be so sullen that she worried what he had done to her.

  “It’s akin to a marriage Vic- but so much more-“ She slipped her hand from his and pushed herself backwards off his lap and he made no move to stop her as she stared down at him.

  “Go on- how much more?” She wrapped her arms around herself for the comfort of just that simple touch, she didn’t like this- didn’t like his mood- where this was headed.

  “If we stayed together- the bond would strengthen our connection to one another- we can already feel what each other feels- thinks- I could talk to you using my mind and hear your reply-“

  “Wait- you can hear my thoughts?” She took a long step back from him and he shook his head.

  “No-“ He denied hotly. Getting to his feet. “We can’t read each other’s mind- it doesn’t work like that- but if I reached out to you- you’d be able to hear me and I you.” Vicky took another step back from him and it took a lot for him to stand deathly still- the last thing he wanted to do was scare her anymore than she was already. He could feel the fear washing off her in waves and it gnawed at him.

  “What else Cade?”

  “An empathic link between us- I can feel your fear Vicky-“ He took a step towards her, his hand reaching for her and she took another backwards. “Don’t run.” He warned and she stood stock still, remembering his earlier words. She nodded her understanding once.

  “Everything is heightened between us- a touch-“ He held his hand out to her again and she hesitated before she reached for his hand, his fingers brushed over her skin and she shivered within. He took a step closer to her, leaning towards her, he waited to see if she would pull away from him, when she didn’t he lightly brushed his lips over hers and she felt that slight caress throughout her whole body.

  “It doesn’t mean that you can’t leave me, if you decided too.” He assured her and she nodded again.

  “Why are you so sad?” She could not only see it, she could sense it- as though the emotion were hers, but not as profound as it should have been if it really was her own.

  “I shouldn’t have bonded with you until you decided to stay with me- it was the choice I should have given you- but when I shifted, the wolf within was still so prominent within me and then when we-“ He stopped savouring the memory that was hers and his, both drifting into one- blurring the lines between them. “I lost control of the wolf- his desire to bond with you was too great, that I lost control for that one moment in time and I’m sorry.”

  “But I’m in no danger?”

  He shook his head, “No.” He was adamant and she nodded.

  “And you’re in no danger?”

  “No sweetheart. It’s not life threatening- but I shouldn’t have done it- it was wrong.” If she were a Lycan she would understand how badly he had behaved towards her- bonding with her without her approval was something that was common practice generations ago, when the males would take what they considered there’s- but now most sought the females permission, even though it was generally a foregone conclusion when you found your mate that you would move heaven and earth to be together.

  “So no harm- no foul, right?” She wanted pure clarity, she didn’t get why he was so despondent with what he had done- if she wasn’t tethered to him for the rest of her life and in threat of dropping dead if they were separated, then she still had the choice to leave and go back to her old life, if she saw fit.

  Right now that draw back to her old life wasn’t burning so brightly within her- hadn’t been since the moment she had met him- laid in his arms- made love through the night with him and now this- this- whatever it was- she didn’t feel any differently- she was still learning about him- today had been one big learning curve, especially when his Alpha side had berated Blue, she thought that might be a deal breaker, but after what they had just done- she wasn’t so sure.

  “Right.” He assured her again.

  “So we’re like- Lycan married?” That was kind of weird saying it and when that sexy grin of his crossed his face, lit his eyes, she couldn’t help but giggle a little.

  “Right.” He agreed giving her a look of curiosity as to where this was going and she gave a look around her.

  “So what’s yours is mine?” She teased and he grinned wider, wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her up against him.

  “And what’s yours is mine.” He reminded her and she shrugged.

  “But what’s important here is- what’s yours is mine-“

  “What do you want?”

  “Ice cream. I have a need for ice cream.” She grinned up at him giving him a sexy raise of her eyebrows and he growled down at her.

  “Chocolate- vanilla or mint choc chip?” He nuzzled against her neck and she chuckled.

  “Not very adventurous are you?” She informed him, bringing his eyes up to hers, questioning her without words. “Rocky road- cookie dough- hello?”

  “Adventurous enough to wonder where exactly on your body I want to lick my portion from.” He informed her with a wide grin before going back to nuzzling her neck.

  “Are you always horny?” She giggled as he ran his tongue over the smooth skin of her throat.

  “ A Lycan curse.” He growled against the base of her throat.

  “I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was a curse.” She chuckled when he brushed his thumb over the little bud of nipple that had risen against her jumper.

bsp; “In that case-“ He lifted her against him and she slapped out at his shoulders as she quickly made her demands.

  “Ice cream first!” And he growled at her as he wrapped her legs around his hips and started for the door with her clinging on around his neck.

  “Really? Because this isn’t embarrassing- at all.” She giggled nuzzling his neck as he bound down the stairs.

  Vicky stood at the kitchen counter trying to scoop ice cream from the assortment of tubs that he had gathered from the freezer for her, but he was being a pest- his hands were causing all kinds of excitement as he ran them under her jumper and over her sensitised skin- pressing his erection against her backside through their clothes as he nuzzled into her neck and she giggled against the teasing stroke of his tongue over her skin.

  Marcus strolled into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks- his eyes fixed firmly on her and Cade.

  “What the hell?” He narrowed his gaze at them as Vicky raised her eyes to him, just as Cade ran his hands down her thighs and she giggled, squirming to get away from him, with Marcus in the room.

  “Cade!” She berated and he stopped his hands roaming, wrapping his arms around her as he sighed against her neck, his teeth nipping her lobe as she squirmed some more. It was the squirming he liked, she was sure of it, the way her backside moved against his erection brought little growls to his throat.

  “What is that?” Marcus demanded on a low rumble of annoyance and Vicky looked from the ice to him and back again confused as Cade sighed.

  “Ice cream do you want-?” Vicky started and Marcus narrowed his eyes at her- the glare evident in his stare.

  “Not that-“ He pointed his index finger at the ice cream before lifting it towards her. “That.” He growled aiming an accusing finger at the bite mark on her shoulder that Cade had uncovered when he nuzzled her.

  She felt the tension wash through Cade as he stepped away from Vicky and faced his brother head on.

  “You know what it is Marcus-“ Cade placed his palms down on the counter top and Vicky saw Marcus’s eyes flick from the mark to her crimson cheeks and then towards Cade.

  “And she agreed to this?” He demanded and she heard Cade sigh, felt a pang of guilt from her mate and flustered at his predicament.


  “I did- is there a problem Marcus? Did I need your approval to bond with my mate?” It was the most brazen she had ever been in her life and she drew on all of her training in mock court battles and just prayed that she had pulled off the lie.

  Marcus looked visibly shocked by her admission- his mood changed instantly- his face lit up with the pride of having a new sister- for his brothers mate and he took long strides around the counter heading straight for her as he side stepped his brother.

  She squealed loudly when he grabbed her, turned her and scooped her up into his arms, the hug was almost what she would expect to receive from a large bear, should she be so stupid as to stand close enough to one and he chuckled happily as he crushed her against him.

  “Welcome to our pack sister.” He practically dropped her back onto her feet, making sure she was stable, before he turned back towards Cade and slapped him hard on the back. “Well done brother- she’s a fine mate. I’ll spread the word.” He stalked off without another word, his step brisker and full of life as he bounded out of the kitchen and Cade turned his eyes to look at Vicky questioning her.


  “Alpha’s don’t make mistakes- at least mine doesn’t.” She started to put the lids back on the tubs with an innocent little grin on her lips as he blew out a laugh from his lips, the smile spreading over his face as he helped her.

  “And if you decide to leave?” He whispered as he gathered the tubs in his arms and leaned in towards her as she stared up at him.

  “Then I’ll be the big bad wolf- not you.” She informed him before snatching up the dishes and strolling off around the counter towards the table as he watched her go. His heart warming even more with pride at having such a selfless mate.

  “My mistakes are mine alone sweetheart.”

  “What are looking at?” Cade slipped up behind her as she stood looking out of his bedroom window. The sky was clear with a generous dusting of stars set against the backdrop of dark blue and the infinite blackness, with the old moon high above them- shining down like a warning beacon to her senses in the silence of the night.

  “The moon looks full-“ She shivered with the knowledge of what could happen tomorrow night if Denavaux decided to retaliate for the loss of his men. Cade’s arm slipped around her- with her back nestled against the steel of his chest, just the way she liked it, he encased her body with his natural warmth. When he held her like this, she believed that nothing could ever hurt her. That nothing could get through Cade or his pack- but the fear that maybe it could, had her stomach churning within her.

  Would fate be so cruel to put the mates together and then rip them apart so prematurely? If she lost her life it would leave Cade alone without a true mate for the rest of his life- Like Marcus. She didn’t even want to consider what would happen if Cade was the one that was taken away- she had just found him and yet she wasn’t sure that she could live without him- his touch- his presence in her life- how the hell had that happened?

  “Tomorrow night.” Cade whispered against her hair as he brushed his cheek against the silken feel of it- every inch of her felt divine to his touch- no matter how or where he touched her, she felt like home- like his.

  He felt the anxiety within her- fear, as she stared at the night sky- at the moon that was the harbinger of doom that welled up inside her- her emotions swirled within him- mixing with his own tensions and he turned her in his arms towards him- his eyes searching her face as she looked up at him- an air of sadness flooded through him- but it wasn’t his own emotion, it was hers.

  “Come here.” He pulled her tight to his body and she nestled her cheek against his chest- her arms wrapped around his body as her palms held to his back- she seemed to want to get so close that she could curl up inside him and stay there- safe and warm and loved.

  He felt her love for him reach out and he embraced the feeling- letting the purity of what she felt seep into every cell in his body. His love flowed back towards her, until she felt stronger in his arms- less fragile as she faced his world.

  “Will they come?” Her words were soft and uttered with trepidation, she didn’t want to speak of her fears- he was so much stronger than she was- not just physically- he was Alpha- Her Alpha and she could never have his strength of will.

  “I don’t know- but the pack will fight as one to protect all-“ There was a steel will in his voice, an surety that soothed her.

  “How do I fight them?”

  “You don’t-“ He felt her pull back away from him slightly and he let her go. Her eyes searching his face- the deep frown on her forehead telling him just how unhappy she was with his statement.

  “You said the pack fights as one- I’m part of this pack Cade-“ The determination in her voice caused her words to strike a chord within him- she saw herself as part of the pack- that gave rise to hope within him and he smiled down at her, his eyes taking in the sudden change of her eyes from adamant to angry in a flash.

  “Don’t laugh at me- I may not be Lycan-“ She hissed up at him and he balked at her words.

  “I wasn’t laughing at you sweetheart- your words made me happy- that you would want to fight-“ He rushed out to sooth her temper and she frowned up at him again, edging herself back in his loose embrace a little further, a tip of her chin in a challenge.

  “Why wouldn’t I want to fight?” She demanded and he grinned down at her- she was even more beautiful when her eyes flamed like that.

  “Look- I want you and Blue here with the pups- do you know how to shoot a gun?” Cade wasn’t sure he was doing the right thing by arming her- especially if she wasn’t totally competent in handling a weapon, but she was right- she should be ready to fight, even if
he had no intention of letting those damn werewolves anywhere near the cabin.

  “Of course I do- what kind of a question is that?” She balked at him and he shrugged- that grin spreading wider.

  “Well you are a city girl and all.” He teased and watched her hiss a muttered curse on a long breath.

  “I can damn shoot- probably better than you country boy.” She snapped back and he nodded in defeat.

  “Fine- I’ll give you a weapon- it’ll have silver bullets- so make sure when you fire it, you don’t hit one of us by mistake-“ He cautioned in all seriousness and she nodded.

  “How will I know the difference? I haven’t met the whole pack and even if I had, I don’t think I could pick individual wolves out of a line up just yet.” The sarcasm in her tone had him chuckling.

  “Lycan’s are beautiful creatures- they are closer to wild wolves than werewolves- who tend to be scrawnier in appearance- their eyes are bordered red and they glow, and there is always the fact that they slobber like a dog-“ He turned his nose up at the thought of the Were, they truly disgusted him.

  Vicky couldn’t help but giggle at his attitude and he dragged his mind away from the Were’s to stare down at her, wondering what the heck she found so amusing.

  “You just have this look on your face, like you smelt something really bad- like Marcus’s feet or something- you looked so funny.” He grinned down at her, pulling her tighter against him, he liked the way her temperament could change so quickly- he still felt her anxiety within her- but it was being overridden by amusement and love.

  “Well that’s another thing about Werewolves- they stink like rotten garbage- probably their breath.” He nuzzled into her neck and felt her relax further against him, her body moulding to his just the way he liked it.

  “Cade-“ He dragged his mind from the thoughts of what he wanted to do with that soft body of hers when he felt her tense in his arms again- the rush of worry swooping through her and into him.


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