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To The Bitter End (Dan & Chloe Book 3)

Page 4

by Nathan L. Flamank

  Beth felt sparks shooting down her spine when her husband’s lips pressed against the nape of her neck.

  ‘Can we at least get in out of this heat?’ Beth asked, fresh sweat was already running in beads between her breasts.

  ‘Sure,’ Michael said.

  Beth laughed when he spun her around and she hopped up in to his embrace. She wrapped her arms around his head and her legs snaked around his hips, she linked her feet at the small of his back.

  Michael’s mouth pressed against hers as he started to walk around the side of the ranch-house.

  Beth quickly realised that he wasn’t carrying her in to the house. Beth extracted her tongue from his mouth and she pulled back.

  ‘Where are you carrying me baby?’

  They were now walking around the side of the ranch and Beth caught the sparkle of water and she grinned when realisation dawned on her.

  ‘Mmm, lead on sexy.’

  Beth’s lips found his and her tongue invaded Michael’s mouth.

  At the back of the small ranch-house was a fast flowing stream that trailed down out of the mountains. The stream ran in a series of serpentine twists along the far border of the Constantine property and here, at the back of the house, a wide natural pool had formed. It wasn’t too deep but the water was crystal clear and inviting.

  There was a small natural step-off in to the pool and Beth’s eyes widened when she realised that Michael wasn’t about to stop. She held on tight as Michael stepped out over the edge.

  Beth laughed when a second later they hit the water and she unwrapped herself from her husband as the water folded over her.

  Beth surfaced and she swept her hands back through her hair. Michael’s head surfaced just in front of her. Beth pursed her lips and a stream of water shot from between her lips to spray against Michael’s face.

  ‘I guess I had that coming.’

  Although the pool wasn’t deep it was deeper than Beth was tall and she had to kick her feet to stay afloat.

  ‘My boots are slipping off,’ she commented.

  ‘One moment,’ Michael said and he dived down in to the pool. Beth felt her husband’s hands tug on her leather cowboy boots and when he resurfaced he held her boots aloft.

  ‘Don’t you dare!’ Beth warned but it was too late and Michael upended her boots over her head.

  Beth dived down in to the water and kicked her feet. She’d covered half the pool’s width before her head broke water. She turned in time to see Michael wading out of the pool on to a small grassy slope.

  Michael dropped her boots on to the grass and Beth watched as Michael stripped out of his clothes.

  Beth swam over to his side of the pool and she joined him on the grassy slope.

  Michael made short work of her clothes and he smiled at her when she was finally naked.

  ‘Cunt or ass?’ Michael asked.

  Beth laughed as she slowly stepped backwards in to the pool. The water was cold but the heat of the day made it refreshing.

  ‘That’s what I love about you Michael, so fucking romantic. Ass or cunt? Just what every girl wants to hear.’

  Beth was grinning as she said this and she dropped her gaze to her husband’s groin. He was already rock hard and she felt her juices starting to run down the insides of her upper thighs.

  The tingles and sparks that she had first discovered on Michael’s return to her had never left her. Michael always teased her about how he could make her orgasm just by touching her hand. Something that he was constantly doing, especially when they were in the company of others.

  ‘How about both?’ Beth laughed as she turned and dived in to the water.

  Beth surfaced in the middle of the pool and Michael was right there with her.

  ‘I love you,’ she said.

  Beth snaked her hands in to his shortly cropped hair and she pulled him close for a kiss.

  ‘I love you too,’ Michael replied.

  His hands found her naked buttocks and Beth gasped as he spread her ass cheeks.

  ‘We’re going to be okay aren’t we Michael?’ Beth asked.

  The question took Michael by surprise and he pulled Beth in to his body. His hands moved up to her lower back and he nodded his head.

  ‘I promised you that we’d make it, and I always keep my promises.’

  Beth nodded her head and Michael smiled.

  ‘Dan and Chloe know what they’re doing, they’re the toughest SOBs that I’ve ever met.’

  Michael cocked his head to one side and chuckled.

  ‘Well, maybe Tile is tougher.’

  Beth’s hands dropped to his shoulders.

  ‘You think all that we’re doing will stop the war?’

  Michael nodded his head.

  ‘How can you be so sure?’ Beth asked.

  Michael could hear the genuine doubt in his wife’s voice and he could see the fear in her beautiful green eyes. It broke his heart to hear Beth sound so scared.

  ‘Because I have to be, because the alternative is unimaginable.’

  ‘Promise me one thing baby?’ Beth said softly.

  ‘Anything, you know that.’

  ‘You’ll never leave me.’

  Michael smiled.

  ‘I lost you once Beth, it’s never going to happen again.’

  Beth kissed him, a soft kiss full of love and hope.

  Beth pulled back from his face and Michael saw that the fear had fled her beautiful face, for now the playful Beth was back and he welcomed it.

  ‘Okay baby, enough talk, let’s put that cock of yours to use.’

  Michael chuckled.

  ‘Where do you want it first?’

  Beth laughed.

  ‘You decide.’



  Beth crawled from the water on to the soft grassy bank. She hadn’t made it more than a few feet before she felt Michael’s powerful hands settle on her naked hips.

  ‘Nononono,’ she laughed shaking her head.

  ‘Yesyesyes,’ Michael replied.

  Beth collapsed forwards on to her elbows and she grunted as Michael’s thick and fully hard cock pushed in to the puckered tight circle of her ass.

  ‘Jesus!’ Beth groaned as Michael pulled her back on to his cock.

  Michael’s hand came up to the back of her head, she felt his fingers twisting in to her hair and when he pulled her head back she let out another loud moan.

  ‘Shit!’ Beth cried as Michael’s cock fully impaled her.

  Michael could see droplets of water trickling down the sides of Beth’s breasts and he reached beneath her with his free hand.

  His hand cupped her breasts and he squeezed the softness of her flesh.

  ‘Ah fuck it, fuck me hard Michael,’ Beth squealed. ‘I need it hard!’

  Michael pulled on her hair and Beth yelped as her head was yanked backwards. She felt pinpricks of pain shooting through her scalp as he pulled head back by her hair.

  ‘I said hard Michael!’ Beth all but shouted. She was rewarded with a powerful thrust that almost split her.

  Beth reached back between her parted legs, her fingertips located her swollen clitoris and she started to rub at the sensitive bud. Michael released his hold on her hair and she gasped when his hands gripped her hips.

  Beth’s knees left the ground as he pulled her back on to his thrusting hardness.

  ‘That’s it baby, like that, really fucking hard!’

  Beth lowered her head to her forearms and she noticed for the first time that her hands were clenched in fists. Beth pulled on the handfuls of grass that was clenched in her fists as Michael’s cock slipped from her.

  Beth didn’t have the chance to breathe out before Michael’s cock slammed hard once more in to her ass.

  ‘Yes!’ Beth screamed as Michael proceeded to slam his cock in and out of the stretched confines of her ass.

  Michael grunted and withdrew fully from Beth’s ass. He grinned as he saw the O of Beth’s hole slowly closin
g and he slammed his cock back in to her before her muscles could relax.

  ‘Jesus!’ they both cried out in synchronisation.

  He’s literally pounding me in to the ground, Beth thought as she saw her knees slipping down in to the soft bank.

  I don’t know where the sudden urge to be pounded came from, this isn’t love making, this isn’t simply fucking, this is, this is…

  Beth’s thoughts were shattered by the most intense orgasm of her life. Her vision grew blurred as she threatened to pass out from the force of her orgasm.

  What the fuck? Beth wondered.

  Beth peered between her suspended breasts to see fluid squirting from between her spread thighs.

  ‘What the fuck!’ Beth cried.

  I can’t believe I’m squirting, Jesus, that feels fucking amazing.

  The squirting created a deep intense sensitivity to her ass and cunt and her orgasm was now on a whole other level. The orgasm had built in to a series of crashing crescendos and Beth was relishing every single firework.

  Beth slid her fingers down over her labia and spread the soft silky folds and her squirting fanned outwards to coat the insides of her thighs.

  Beth started to chuckle, she could see the visible trembling in her legs.

  Fuck, he’s making me shake! Jesus!

  ‘Fuck me!’ Beth roared when Michael’s cock ploughed hard in to her ass.

  Beth lost all control.

  If it wasn’t for Michael’s hands on her hips and his hardness impaling her she would have collapsed in to a heap on the grassy bank.

  Beth pushed down on her left hand and slowly managed to push herself up until she was on all fours. She looked back over her right shoulder and she grinned at her husband.

  ‘Please tell me you’re about to come, my ass can’t take much more.’

  ‘No?’ Michael laughed.

  ‘No, really, no,’ Beth replied through her own chuckles.

  Michael grinned, he pushed her forwards until his cock popped free of her ass and Beth laughed as she collapsed on to her front on the grass.

  The noises coming from between her spread legs made them both chuckle.

  ‘Roll over,’ Michael gasped and Beth quickly rolled on to her back.

  Michael grinned down at her as he positioned himself directly over her naked breasts.

  Beth nodded her head and she pushed the back of her head down in to the soft bank. Beth tilted her face back and she opened her mouth.

  The first thick string of semen splattered across her tongue and she smiled as Michael worked his cock with his left hand.

  Beth was laughing hard by the time Michael was through. She knew that her face and hair was a now a sweet, sticky mess of Michael’s spunk.

  Beth pushed up on to her elbows and her lips closed around Michael’s right testicle. She sucked the ball deep in to her mouth. Beth laughed when a final thick streamer of creamy semen splattered in to her left eye.

  Beth could feel Michael’s thick cream slowly oozing down the sides of her face and she giggled against the mouthful of ball as his semen seeped in to her right ear.

  Beth released her hold on Michael’s sack and her mouth was instantly filled with her husband’s cock.

  I wonder how long I’ll have to suck to get him hard again?

  Beth didn’t have to wait all that long.



  ‘Show me the equipment.’

  ‘Later Dan, today we’re just going to enjoy being back together.’

  ‘Chloe, I have a lot of preparations to make, I need to calibrate the rifle, the scope, the…’

  Chloe’s teeth nipped the head of Dan’s cock silencing his objections.

  Chloe grinned up at him.

  ‘He doesn’t get here until the day after tomorrow Dan, now that I’m staying the prep time will be greatly reduced.’

  Chloe flicked her tongue across the “eye” of his cock and she smiled when his cock swelled.

  ‘Okay, you win,’ Dan laughed.

  Chloe opened her mouth wide when she felt Dan’s hands pressing down on the back of her head.

  Chloe took his cock all the way in to her throat.


  Chloe wasn’t stupid, she’d seen the haunted look in Dan’s eyes the minute that she had sat down in the hotel bar. She knew that she had a lot of work ahead of her if she was going to bring Dan back from the darkness.

  Chloe tilted her face up to the powerful spray of water shooting down from the showerhead. The hot water chased away a lot of her aches and she spent almost twenty minutes beneath the shower. By the time she stepped out of the cubicle she was freshly shaved, her hair had been shampooed and her skin was aglow from the body-scrub that she had used.

  Chloe snatched a towel from the rail and wrapped her hair with it turban-style. Chloe used a second larger towel to wrap her body and she headed back in to the main suite.

  Dan looked up from his laptop and he smiled at her.

  ‘Once I’m ready we’re out of here for the day,’ Chloe said as she took a seat on the small padded stool in front of the ornate dressing table.

  ‘I’m not sure that we should…’

  ‘Zip it,’ Chloe laughed.

  Dan smiled when Chloe ran her fingers across her lips pantomiming her words.

  ‘We have the time and there’s something important that we need to do today.’

  Dan’s face showed his concern and he got to his feet.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked Chloe as he squatted down in front of her.

  Chloe raised her delicate hands to Dan’s face and she cupped his grizzled features. She smiled at him and she nodded her head.

  ‘I’m fine baby, but it’s important.’

  ‘Okay, today you’re in charge.’

  Chloe playfully slapped his cheeks with her open hands, she kissed him before smiling at him.

  ‘I love you Daniel Constantine.’

  A look washed over Dan’s face and Chloe saw him rock back on his feet slightly.

  It’s like he hasn’t heard his name in a long time, Jesus, just how far gone is he?

  Dan cleared his throat and finally he managed to smile.

  ‘I love you too Chloe.’

  ‘Just Chloe?’ she asked. She needed him to say her full name, she had no idea why that was vitally important, just that it was.

  Dan smiled again and she saw some of the life come back in to her husband’s eyes.

  ‘I love you too Chloe Constantine.’

  Chloe grinned.

  ‘That’s better, now leave me alone so that I can make myself suitably…’ Chloe paused waiting to see if her husband would finish for her.

  Chloe felt her heart rate increasing as she waited to see what Dan would say.

  Please let there be enough of my husband left inside that fragmented shell.

  Dan smiled.

  ‘Fuckable?’ he stated.

  Chloe grinned and she turned to face the dressing table’s mirror. Chloe caught Dan’s eyes in the mirror and he smiled at her again before returning to his laptop.

  I think I can still save him, I don’t think he’s too far gone.

  Chloe opened her make-up bag and got to work.


  They’d been in the park for only a matter of minutes and already Chloe knew that she had made the right decision in bringing Dan here.

  Dan had looked at her questioningly when she had told him where they were going.

  They’d just stepped out through the hotel’s main doors when he’d asked her where they were going.

  ‘A park.’


  Chloe had laughed and she had held up the wicker basket that the hotel had provided for her.

  ‘Why do you think I asked the hotel to prepare a picnic?’

  Dan had chuckled and shrugged his broad shoulders.

  ‘Truthfully I did wonder that myself.’

  ‘Well, now you know,’ she had replied with a cheek
y smile.

  ‘Where exactly is this park?’ Dan had asked as they started along the sidewalk.

  ‘The hotel concierge told me that there is a beautiful park only a ten minute walk from here.’

  Dan had taken the basket and Chloe had slid in beneath his free arm. She’d walked next to him, her right hand resting on the hardness of his stomach, her high-heels clicking on the concrete sidewalk. Chloe was only too aware of her husband’s eyes on her plunging neckline as they’d strolled towards the park.

  The walk had taken them a little longer than ten minutes and by the time they had reached the park Chloe could feel beads of sweat forming between her breasts.

  The day had started warm and the forecast showed it was only going to get hotter as the day progressed.

  They’d found a spot on a high grassy rise that afforded them a full panoramic view of the vast parkland.

  Neither of them were expecting trouble but they’d both clocked the easiest route of escape if they needed to make a hasty retreat.

  The park covered a huge expanse of open meadows, a small woods bordered the park to the north and off to their right they could see a small lake where a mixture of adults and children floated toy boats and where mothers with babies fed an endless supply of ducks and geese.

  To the east they could see a large playground where children of all ages climbed a large jungle-gym and even from a good quarter of a mile away the sounds of the children laughing and calling out to their friends reached their ears.

  Chloe slipped her high-heels off and she smiled at Dan as she peeled off her lightweight summer dress.

  Dan smiled as his wife’s bikini-clad frame was revealed.

  Chloe waited for Dan to spread out the blanket that the hotel had provided with the basket and once it was laid out on the grass Chloe lowered herself on to her hands and knees.

  Chloe crawled on to the blanket and then dropped down on to her front. She rolled over on to her back and grinned up at Dan.

  ‘Sunblock me baby,’ she said before unfastening the front of her bikini.

  Dan was dumbstruck as the cups of Chloe’s red bikini fell away to reveal her full and rounded breasts.

  ‘Mmm, aren’t you worried about getting arrested?’


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