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To The Bitter End (Dan & Chloe Book 3)

Page 7

by Nathan L. Flamank

  The cube was a sound suppressor and would muffle any weapon up to and including a rocket propelled grenade. Dan had heard about it from a guy in Texas.

  Dan hoped that it worked as well as the Texan claimed.

  Dan wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and lowered his eye to the powerful scope.

  The scope was zeroed in on the front doorway of another hotel. The hotel was just a fraction under a mile away and Dan knew that the rifle was deadly accurate up to almost a mile and a half.

  Dan checked his watch.

  If the congressman was on time Dan would be pulling the trigger in less than three minutes.

  Dan started to breathe slowly. In through his nose, out through his mouth. Dan could feel his senses narrowing as his focus turned completely to the shot.

  The minutes ticked down and he lifted the small but powerful binoculars to his eyes. The binoculars in-built readouts informed him of wind speed, wind direction, humidity and distance to target.

  Dan nodded his head and lowered the binoculars. His eye returned to the scope.

  Dan saw a three car convoy pull up at the kerb directly outside of the hotel’s doorway.

  Two black SUVs sandwiched a black Mercedes and he watched as security personnel climbed from the SUVs.

  The scope’s magnification was so great that he could read the lips of one of the security guards.

  All clear, team one in position.

  Dan waited.

  He waited until the congressman was helped from the Mercedes.

  He waited as the security team flanked the congressman escorting him towards the hotel’s front door.

  He waited until the congressman stopped to talk to the doorman.

  Dan had studied the congressman for a long time and he had learned how the good congressman enjoyed chatting to each and every service person that he came in to contact with. The media thought it was thoughtful of the congressman to take the time to connect with the common man.

  Dan wasn’t so sure, as far as he was concerned a politician didn’t do anything unless there was something in it for them. It didn’t matter. To Dan it was just the weak link in the congressman’s otherwise flawless security.

  Dan breathed out slowly and his finger slowly squeezed the trigger.

  The cube worked in muffling the high velocity shot. If someone had happened to be out in the corridor it would have sounded like someone had dropped a large book, maybe an atlas, on to the floor.

  Dan didn’t wait to see if his shot was successful.

  Time was of the essence now. Hit or miss he had no time to hang around.

  Dan pushed open the cube’s spring loaded side and he scrambled out in to the suite.

  Before closing the cube he armed the high explosive mounted to the inside of the cube’s open side.

  The timer started to count down.

  He had less than five minutes to vacate the area.

  Dan performed a quick series of stretching exercises to get the blood flowing.

  He picked up his Glock from the chair that Chloe had recently vacated and he scanned the suite.

  He was sure that there was nothing of his left behind.

  At the suite’s main door he armed another device and the clock started to countdown.

  Dan exited the room, he tucked the Glock in to the waistband of his jeans and he covered it with his t-shirt.

  Dan jogged to the end of the hallway and pressed for the elevator.

  Within seconds the doors slid open and Chloe grinned out at him.

  ‘All good?’ Chloe asked as Dan stepped in to the elevator.

  ‘I think so but we’ll know soon enough.’

  Chloe pressed for the garage level and the doors slid shut.

  ‘All set your end?’ Dan asked.

  Chloe slipped her hand inside her shoulder-bag and she handed Dan a small square device.

  ‘All set, just hit the red button once we’re in the car.’

  Dan leaned in as Chloe tilted her face up to his.

  Chloe leaned back against the side of the elevator car as Dan’s tongue forced its way between her full lips.

  Chloe squeezed his crotch through his jeans.

  Dan was hard.

  Really hard and she wanted him.

  Dan stepped back and Chloe sighed.

  ‘When we’re clear I want your cock filling my throat.’

  Dan chuckled.

  The elevator reached the underground parking level and they quickly exited.

  The click-clicking of Chloe’s high heels echoed around the vast concrete structure as they moved quickly towards a battered black 1965 Mustang.

  The Mustang looked like shit but its engine had been recently reconditioned.

  Dan pulled the keys from his pocket and opened the driver’s door. He climbed in and reached across to pop the passenger door. Chloe opened the door.

  Dan pushed the key in to the ignition and he twisted it.

  Chloe loved the sound of the Mustang’s engine as it thundered to life. She settled in her seat and closed her door.

  Dan pulled his door shut and he smiled at Chloe.


  ‘Ready,’ Chloe replied.

  Dan pressed his thumb down on the red button.

  Light fixtures throughout the garage exploded in a spray of glass and sparks and the nearest security camera started to smoke.

  Dan dropped the small box on to the backseat. He put the Mustang in to gear.

  Chloe wound her window down and as the Mustang headed for the exit she could hear the throaty roar of its engine bouncing back from the concrete walls.

  She grinned at the deafening roar of the muscle car.

  The Mustang started up the small ramp that would lead them out on to the street.

  There was a small guard hut near the exit but no barrier (this little detail along with many others was why they had chosen this particular hotel). They both saw the security guard inside the hut but he paid them no attention as they passed. The guard was too busy thumping the small television that kept him from boredom induced insanity. Chloe smiled as she saw smoke spilling from the back of the deceased television.

  Dan turned right out of the exit and as they passed the front of the hotel they both looked towards the revolving doors.

  Several people were looking down at their expensive smartphones while others were busy gesticulating at their expensive modern cars.

  Chloe noticed a delivery driver climbing down out of his truck, the truck was parked directly in front of the hotel.

  No doubt he was wondering why his truck wouldn’t start.

  ‘What was the radius on that thing?’ Dan asked.

  ‘A hundred feet or so.’

  Dan slowed to take another turning and as the Mustang started to accelerate away the first explosive device’s countdown clock reached 00:00.



  Beth turned the volume up on the television and she called out for her husband.

  Michael came down the stairs taking them three at a time and he almost tripped over but he managed to regain his balance. He breathed a sigh of relief when he reached the hallway.

  ‘What!’ Michael called out, his wife had sounded terrified when she had called out his name.

  ‘In here! The kitchen!’ Beth shouted.

  Michael rushed through the living area to the kitchen at the back of the ranch house.

  He saw Beth standing at the kitchen island.

  ‘You scared the shit of me Beth,’ Michael said as he joined her.

  ‘Sorry, but look, he did it.’

  ‘Huh? Who?’

  Beth waved a hand at the small flat screen television mounted on the wall.

  Michael watched the news broadcast and the more he heard the more his mouth dropped open.

  ‘What’s an EMP?’ Beth asked.

  ‘Huh?’ Michael replied.

  Beth playfully elbowed his side and he looked down at Beth.

For the first time since entering the kitchen he clocked what Beth was wearing and he grinned.

  ‘Nice outfit.’

  ‘Yeah well I wanted to surprise you.’

  ‘You have. What were you saying?’

  ‘EMP, the reporter mentioned an EMP but I wasn’t really paying attention.’

  ‘Electro Magnetic Pulse, it’s some kind of device, some call it a weapon, it’s still in its infancy, why?’

  Beth turned her husband’s handsome head so that he was facing the television.

  ‘That’s what they claim they used at the hotel, an EMP that fried everything electrical, security cameras, computer modems, and back-up discs. It blew every fuse in the hotel and several nearby buildings have lost power too. It even affected people’s cars and such.’

  Michael nodded his head.

  ‘It would, all modern cars have electronics of one form or another, that’s why Chloe and Tile spent all those months getting that old Mustang in shape.’

  Beth’s frown made Michael laugh.

  ‘It’s a classic baby, no electronics, just pure horse power.’

  Beth nodded her head.

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Did they get the congressman?’

  Beth nodded her head.

  ‘They aren’t saying much at the moment but someone interviewed the doorman and he says that the congressman’s head exploded like a watermelon.’

  Michael picked up the television remote and channel surfed until he found a fresh news broadcast.

  ‘I didn’t think Dan was going to blow him up, just the rooms in their hotel.’

  ‘No, no, he didn’t, a rifle with that much power, from that distance, the bullet would have hit the congressman like a sledgehammer hitting an orange.’

  ‘Jesus Christ! You’re serious?’

  Michael nodded his head, a little too enthusiastically and Beth shook her head.

  ‘One day you’re going to have to tell me what your future self did during the war.’

  Michael shook his head and his mouth closed in to a tight line.

  ‘No, I don’t.’

  Beth was going to push but she knew that it would get her nowhere. She had tried to get her husband to open up about the war that they were trying desperately to prevent but on that particular subject Michael remained resolutely silent.

  Michael pulled Beth in to his arms and she turned to face the television. She pressed her back in to Michael’s chest and she smiled when his hands snaked around her.

  His hands closed over the lacy cups of her bra and she sighed theatrically when his fingers pulled on the front clasp. Beth smiled as he swept the bra from her breasts.

  ‘You’re like a fucking octopus,’ Beth chuckled.

  Michael twisted her exposed nipples and she shuddered.

  ‘The previous report mentioned that two of the hotel’s suites suffered explosions, the authorities are still trying to figure out what went on.’

  Michael rested his chin on the top of Beth’s head. His hands started to caress her breasts and Beth could feel Michael’s hardness pressing through his jeans.

  ‘The explosive devices were designed to shred those rooms, a chemical composite inside them would make the rooms burn hot, destroying any fingerprints or fibres.’

  Michael had to hand it to Dan and Chloe, they knew what they were doing when it came to destroying shit.

  Michael’s hands moved gradually down Beth’s front until his fingertips slipped inside the waistband of her frilly knickers.

  Beth didn’t stop him as he pushed her knickers down. Beth even helped by shaking her legs until the knickers pooled around her ankles.

  ‘With the congressman out of the way how many does that leave?’

  ‘Two,’ Michael said and he pushed Beth from behind.

  Beth bent over the kitchen island. Michael gently kicked the insides of her heeled feet apart.

  Beth’s breasts flattened against the island’s top and she twisted her shoulders to look back at Michael.

  ‘They’re almost done with the killing right?’

  ‘Right,’ Michael said.

  Michael knew that Beth had a problem with the killings. He knew that she knew that the men and women that had been targeted were the individuals most directly responsible for a future worldwide conflict. But as she had so often told him, right now those men and women hadn’t done a thing wrong. Right now, for all intents and purposes the people that Dan had killed and the two left to be killed were still innocent.

  Michael knew that the situation was a complicated one, and one that could drive a person crazy.

  Michael spread Beth’s buttocks and he crouched down behind his wife.

  Beth moaned when his tongue traced a path down between her buttocks. Beth swallowed and she gripped the edges of the island.

  Michael pulled her back on to his face.

  Beth cried out when his tongue delved deep inside her puckered ass-hole.

  ‘Oh God Michael! Don’t stop until we’re a mess!’


  Michael had lost count of how many times that he had seen his wife naked.

  Thousands, he mused. But I’ll never grow tired of seeing Beth’s perfect body.

  Beth rolled over and her eyes met his. She smiled at him.

  ‘I could feel your eyes burning holes in to my arse.’

  Michael chuckled.

  ‘I can’t help it, everything about you fascinates me.’

  Beth settled on her back and she smiled as Michael’s eyes settled on her large breasts. Beth pushed her arms in against her sides so that her breasts were now pressed together like two perfect circular mounds.

  ‘I love you Michael, I love you so damn much.’

  Beth blew a strand of her long hair from her face.

  ‘I love you too Beth, with all of my heart.’

  Michael lowered the sheets until Beth’s naked groin was revealed.

  Beth opened her legs and Michael’s fingers slowly started to stroke the folds of her labia.

  ‘Mmm, that’s nice.’

  Michael got between her thighs, his hands slid beneath her to grasp her buttocks.

  ‘I think you’ll find this nicer,’ Michael said softly as he guided his hardness inside her.

  ‘You’re right,’ Beth replied. She reached up and her fingernails scratched lines across Michael’s pectorals.

  Beth licked her bottom lip as she dragged her nails across his nipples and Michael moaned.

  Michael lowered his face and Beth opened her mouth. Michael ran the tip of his tongue along the line of her bottom lip. Beth’s tongue flicked out from between her lips to caress his.

  Michael’s hands gripped her buttocks and he pulled her on to his cock until he was deep inside her.

  ‘Uh,’ Beth groaned.

  Michael’s lips pressed against hers and he kissed her hard.

  Beth felt the tension building and soon she was reaching behind Michael. Her fingers dug in to his buttocks, her nails pressing deep as he slowly started to build a rhythm.

  Michael’s tongue invaded her mouth and Beth’s tongue swirled around his.

  Their eyes were open and they held each other’s gaze.

  Michael’s left hand released her buttock and Beth moaned in to Michael’s mouth when his hand closed over her right breast.

  Michael twisted Beth’s engorged nipple and Beth moaned louder. He twisted the nipple harder, stretching the sensitive bud, pulling it upwards until it was stretched fully. He twisted even harder and Beth grunted in pleasure.

  Beth loved it when Michael really worked her nipples, the rougher he was the more she enjoyed it and the ripples of pleasure that flowed outwards from her engorged nipple was only matched by her rapidly approaching orgasm.

  Beth pushed her head back in to the pillow and she grinned at Michael.

  ‘I’m almost there baby, come in me, come with me Michael.’

  Michael’s right hand spread wide and Beth gasped when she felt him force two
fingers in to her ass.

  Michael thrust his fingers in all the way to the knuckles and Beth shuddered.

  ‘Two can play that game honey,’ Beth laughed.

  Michael thrust deep when Beth pushed her middle finger deep in to his ass.

  ‘Gee-zus!’ Michael grunted.

  ‘Uh-huh, make me come Michael, make me come right now, come with me,’ Beth said.

  Michael grinned down at her. Propped on his elbows he twisted both of her swollen nipples.

  He twisted hard and rough.

  Pain shot through Beth as he stretched her nipples to the very limits.

  ‘That’s it!’ Beth cried and she started to come violently.

  Beth bucked beneath him and she thrust her finger all the way in to her husband’s ass. She curled her finger.

  Michael cried out and with one last violent thrust he started to explode.

  Beth could feel Michael’s creamy load filling her as he came hard inside her.

  ‘That’s it, fill me baby,’ Beth cried and she started to laugh.

  Michael’s laughter joined his wife’s as he continued to empty himself inside her.




  Dan smiled when Chloe opened the bathroom door.

  ‘You look so much better,’ he remarked.

  Chloe smiled.

  ‘Weren’t a fan of the blonde bombshell?’ Chloe asked as she resumed towelling her hair dry.

  ‘Not really.’

  Chloe climbed on to the double bed. On hands and knees she walked up the bed until she was straddling Dan.

  Chloe smiled down at her husband as he stared up at her. She finished with the towel and discarded it.

  Chloe reached down and her petite hand curled around Dan’s hardness. She lined him up and she sighed as his cock slid inside her.

  Chloe lowered herself down until he was fully impaling her. She lowered her hands to his chest and she waited for Dan’s gaze to move up from her naked breasts.

  Dan’s dark eyes settled on hers.

  ‘Who is next on the list?’

  Dan groaned.

  ‘Now? You wanna discuss that now?’

  Chloe offered up a small smile.


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