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Double Mountain Trouble: A MFM Menage Romance

Page 11

by Katerina Cole

  “Should we finally eat dinner now?” Tyler asked.

  She giggled. It was her fault they were all starving. “Ok, but I still don’t think we need to open that expensive champagne.”

  Tyler kissed her neck. “You get anything you want. I’m sorry I gave you a hard time earlier.”

  Lee’s hand rested on her hip. “We’re sorry if our money has hurt you. We don’t want that. But we do want you to eat. You’re going to need energy if we keep this up.”

  She nodded. “I want to eat too. And I’m ok with the money. Really. Everything has been overwhelming the past couple of weeks. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

  Tyler rolled across the king-sized bed to grab a room service book. “You would have to hurl a worse insult at us than to call us rich.” He laughed. “Forget the money shit. I bet you didn’t think the cabin would ever be like this.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  She giggled. Two weeks ago, she would barely speak to either to them. Tonight, she had been more intimate with them than any man in her life. And she loved it. Craved it. Needed it.

  “You’re right. I’ve been so busy trying to get my designs ready I didn’t really focus on anything else.”

  Lee kissed her shoulder lovingly. “And look where you are now.” He drew a circle on her hip.

  “I still can’t believe it’s real.”

  “It is. Every bit of it is real.” Tyler grinned.

  She pushed to sit up on the pillows. “Are you being easy on me? Should I be able to do more than I am? I mean back there.” She suddenly felt shy about her innocent spot.

  Lee propped himself up on his elbow. “We aren’t being easy. We want you to love it. And I’ll say it again. It’s worth the wait.”

  She chewed on her lip. “But I want it. I want to know what it’s like. Not just the toys.”

  Tyler looked at Lee. “You are a determined little thing. And we appreciate it. But it’s not a sprint to the finish line. Let your body take this in.”

  “My body wants you,” she purred. “And you.” She turned to Lee next.

  “That may be, but you’re not going to be happy if you get hurt and can’t have sex for a week, are you?”

  She scowled. “That’s a possibility?”

  Lee sighed. “You worked up two levels on your first night, baby. It’s not going to take long. In the meantime, let us love you. Let us give you pleasure. Enjoy the toys. We want them to feel good. Do they?”

  She nodded. “I didn’t know they could feel good. It’s weird. Is it weird?”

  Tyler laughed. “No, it makes you sexually evolved. Willing to try everything you can. Exploring something new isn’t weird. Enjoying it means you know how to handle your body and ours.”

  His words made her feel more triumph than she expected. “How many levels?” she asked.

  Lee blinked. “I don’t know how to answer that.”

  Tyler slid off the bed walking around to his dresser. They had wandered into his room. “I think I can.”

  He pulled out a velvet bag and dumped the contents on the rumpled sheets in front of them.

  Brooke gawked at the display. She had never seen toys like these in her life. But she knew they were all for anal play. All of them.

  “If you can take this one,” He held up a wide rubber cock. “I think you’ll be fine.”

  Brooke’s jaw dropped. It was huge, but still not as huge as either Lee or Tyler. “That’s going back there?”

  He nodded. “See? Baby steps. Let’s take it slow and have fun with it. No rush. It will be epic. We want you to remember it because of how much you loved it, not because of how much it hurt. Get it?”

  He began to repack his toy bag. Lee stretched next to the bed.

  “Want to take a bath before dinner is served?” he asked. “I think there will be plenty of time. I know we aren’t supposed to do any work, but I need to make some calls. I had a few urgent emails this afternoon..”

  Tyler appeared at the side of the bed, scooping her into his arms. He lifted her as if she weighed nothing. “I think I’ve got this. You get dinner and drinks started. You do work if you have to.”

  “Correct that. I never want to do work, but I’ll be downstairs working on dinner.”

  Tyler carried her into his oversized spa-like bathroom.

  “This is ok with Lee?” She didn’t know how it was supposed to work. Sharing was being defined in new ways tonight.

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  He started the shower, punching in the temperature controls and setting the lighting, so the shower glowed. It looked like there were candles on the other side of the glass walls. It was amazing.

  “Because you and I are alone. I don’t know. It’s ok? Is this considered cheating? Is he fine with it?”

  He nodded, closing the shower door behind him. “We both want alone time with you. And no one gets mad or jealous. It’s not cheating. We share. We never cheat,” he growled.

  She felt the rush of hot water trickle over her skin. Tyler rushed for the soap behind her. He poured a dab between his palms and began to lather it over her shoulders, letting his hands trail farther south.

  “So we can have sex?” she asked, realizing how naïve her question sounded.

  He nodded. “Yes, we can have all the sex we want. I can take you to bed every day if you want.” His dark stare made her heart thud. “Do you want that? You want me inside you every day?”

  “I think so.” She could barely breathe. Tyler was intense in everything he did.

  He continued to wash her body with strokes the massaged the bubbles into her skin.

  “You’re different than I thought you were.” Brooke’s eyes met his.

  He massaged her nipples, bringing them to life under his touch. “How so?”

  It was hard to concentrate when he focused on her body like this.

  “I thought you were a dick. But you aren’t. You’re sweet. You’re caring. You’re gentle with me.”

  His hands locked around her hips. She felt his fingers slide into place.

  “Ok, I’ll confess.” His voice was deep and husky.

  “Confess what?”

  “I am different with you. There’s something about you Brooke that makes me want to stop being a dick. I want to make you happy beyond sex. Beyond what I can give your body.”

  He rounded his palm over her bottom, drawing her to his wet body. It was like he was carved from stone. Every line of him, chiseled and sharp. He was a work of art.

  She sighed. “What else can you give me, Tyler?”

  “Me,” he growled, crushing his lips against hers. He picked her up, pressing her against the shower wall. The lights glowed behind her.

  His tongue twirled in her mouth.

  “I want to drown in you,” he moaned.

  She held on to him with all her strength wrapping a leg around him. He hiked her other leg to his hip. She moaned when his cock paused at her entrance. She wanted it. She wanted to feel him inside her again. She wanted this moment with him.

  “Drown in me,” she begged. “We can drown together.”

  “I’ve never done this, Brooke. Fallen for a woman like this.”

  Her eyes locked on his. “It’s ok.” If he didn’t take her she was afraid her heart would beat out of her chest. “I’ve never done this either. But I want you. I want Lee. I want this thing we have together.”

  His cock nudged enough to nestle inside her pussy.

  She hissed. “Please, Tyler. Please. Drown. Go under with me.”

  “I don’t do this.” She heard the anguish in his voice.

  She looked in his eyes. She traced the side of his face. “Do this with me,” she whispered. “I’ve never been so vulnerable. So open for any man. Fuck me like I fuck you,” she begged.

  “Oh God, Brooke. I can’t stop myself.”

  With one thrust he buried himself inside her. He slammed her into the shower wall, claiming her pussy with certain strokes. He hoisted her hips closer as he mov
ed in and out of her.

  The world fell away. She clung to him in the shower, kissing and moaning. She called his name in whispers when she felt her release come to the surface.

  “Fuck me, Brooke. Fuck me,” his voice was hoarse.

  She gripped his cock with all her strength. She loved it. How he felt. How strong and masculine he was, yet in this moment he was hers. He was vulnerable. He was giving her something he’d never given before. She knew what they had wasn’t defined in any dictionary. They shared more than skin and passion.

  “Oh I’m going to come,” she whimpered.

  His hips jutted in and out. “Come hard on my cock, baby.”

  “Yes.” Her nails dug into his back. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  He speared her with his incredible shaft and she knew they were soaring on a different planet together.

  Her orgasm spiraled through her. She felt drunk with the sensations. He grunted thrusting one last time until he spilled his release deep in her walls.

  “You’re mine,” he groaned. “Mine.”

  She nodded. “Yours,” she repeated.

  As they came down from their orgasms, Tyler rested his forehead against hers.

  “I’m already addicted to you.”

  “Mmm. Me too.” She turned around, leaning into his chest. “It’s ok, Tyler,” she whispered. You can trust me.”

  He kissed her, wrapping his arms around her body. “I do. For some crazy reason, I do.”

  She grinned. “It is totally crazy. How can I explain it?”

  “You don’t have to.”

  He returned to the body wash and lathered her breasts again, soaping every square inch of her until she was clean. He was thorough, as if he was remembering every curve.

  The water ran between them. Brooke knew she had found something so perfect it couldn’t be defined any other way.



  Lee wore a pair of pajama pants. She blinked at his bare chest. She wandered out of Tyler’s room completely satisfied.

  “Sounded like you had a good shower.” Lee smiled.

  She blushed. She didn’t know if she should feel guilty or not. It was hard to get used to this arrangement. Obviously, Lee had heard the sounds she made when she and Tyler were in the shower. That moment had been special. He had made love to her like a man in love.

  “Don’t do that, Brooke. We’ll have our time too without Tyler. It’s all good. I’m happy when you’re happy. We’ve shared a lot tonight.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Dinner should be ready minute.”

  She ran a towel through her hair. The perfect outfit she had spent the afternoon putting together was tattered. The makeup washed away. She was a new woman now. A woman she had decided to become.

  She sat on the couch, drawing her feet under her. She watched Lee. She wondered how he could be so calm. How he could be ok, knowing she had just had sex with his best friend.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked. “I know you want to say something.”

  She hesitated. “How do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “I would go crazy if I thought you were with another woman. I couldn’t stand it. Yet, you know I had sex with Tyler in the shower and you’re completely fine. I’m scared to death I’m going to hurt you. Or hurt him. That I’m going to come between you or lose you both.” She pulled a pillow to her chest.

  “Don’t. Don’t do that.” He sat next to her. “Look at me.”

  Her eyes locked on his.

  “That’s better.” He smiled. His hand caressed the edge of her thigh, rounding to under her leg, pushing the robe out of the way. “Does this bother you?”

  She shook her head. “No. It feels good.”

  “And it should. When I touch you, it feels good. When he touches you, it feels good. That’s all we want—to make you feel good. We’re not going to be mad or jealous.”

  His hand rested on her knee. He squeezed gently. “Is it starting to make sense?”

  “I think so.”

  “And when I do this.” He cupped her cheek, brushing his lips over hers. His tongue pushed between her lips, finding her tongue with a single flick. She melted into his lips, falling for his kisses. He broke away. “When I do this, it’s about you and me.”

  She nodded. “I understand.” She turned her mouth upward, she wanted another kiss, and Lee answered with passion. He growled, inhaling her lips with a fierce kiss.

  “I’ve got some work to do.” He rose from the couch. “Are you sure you’re ok with this?”

  “I am. Better than ok.” The more she asked questions, the better she felt. The more she talked to Tyler and Lee, the more she realized they meant every word they spoke. They were happy sharing her. It was an arrangement they enjoyed.

  “Do I smell dinner?” Tyler walked into the living room a minute later. He was shirtless like Lee.

  “It’s not ready yet. Still in the oven.”

  Tyler dropped his athletic frame on the couch and turned on the flat screen TV. “What do you think about basketball?” he asked.

  “I’ll watch anything.” She cuddled under his arm, inhaling his clean scent. The shower had been amazing.

  The entire night was amazing. There was a new kind of peace that wrapped around her. She had found contentment where she least expected it.

  Lee typed furiously on his laptop at the dining room table.

  “What’s going on over there, man? Why don’t you take a break?” Tyler asked.

  Lee’s brow furrowed. “Because the wording is off on the announcement. It sounds amateurish. I need to fix it. And this has to be official. They need weeks to get this right.”

  “Can I help?” Brooke offered. She pushed off the couch and stood behind Lee.

  “If you have a suggestion for this.” He pointed to the two lines of the opening statement. He was right. Whoever had written, had misdirected the speech.

  “Can I try something?”

  Lee rose from his seat, giving her the laptop. Brooke deleted what was on the screen and started over. Members of the media might only stay for the opening comments. Social media would grab the first seconds and run with them. Lee needed something that would set the agenda for their meeting. The punch needed to come from the beginning, not ten minutes into his talk. And she had a soft spot for the foundation. She wanted it to be their beacon of hope. She wanted other people to see what she saw in them.

  “What do you think about something like this instead?” She gave him his seat back so he could read the new introduction she composed.

  “Brilliant. Fucking brilliant, baby.”

  He had a wide grin on his face.


  He stood and kissed her. “It’s exactly what we needed.”

  She reeled from the kiss. She was starting to feel like a pinball, bouncing from Tyler to Lee, jolted by passion from each one. She liked how she reacted differently to them. It heightened everything around her.

  “Can you put the work away now and feed me?” she asked playfully.

  Lee slammed the lid on his laptop.

  “Absolutely.” He scooped her up in his arms.

  She kicked and giggled. “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the kitchen table.” He winked.



  Lee held a branch out of the way for Brooke so she could pass safely on the trail. It was hard to believe he was sharing this with her. Hiking was his solitude. Now it included her.

  They walked, avoiding the deeper snow drifts and watching the birds try to find food in the ice.

  “I can’t get over how beautiful it is out here,” she said.

  Lee nodded. “It is.”

  “And you own all of this?” She stopped to take in the view from the mountainside.

  He watched her. Her cheeks were rosy and her lips a dark red. She looked like she belonged her. A true snow bunny. Sexy and gorgeous.

  “We do,”
he replied.

  They continued to walk. “It’s cold, but I like it.”

  “Me too.” He smiled, wondering how he could touch her all bundled up in layers of sweaters and coats.

  “I understand why you keep mentioning why you want to stay here. Do you think you will?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “It made sense to take a break from StarCon, but it doesn’t make sense to stay away.”

  “Do you ever think about leaving the company?”

  He stopped in the middle of the trail. They were close to one his favorite hunting cabins. He could see it over the hill.

  “No. I couldn’t do that to Ty. We’ve built it from the ground up.”

  “But if you aren’t happy, Lee. Why stay?”

  He scowled. “Who said I’m not happy?”

  “It’s just, you seem frustrated, or something.” She frowned. “Did I say something.”

  “No.” He shook his head. He headed in the direction of the hunting cabin. Brooke followed him.

  “Is something wrong?” Brooke asked as they hiked deeper into the woods. Everything was silent around them. “Are you sure you aren’t mad?”

  He turned to face her. “Yes. Something is very wrong.” He crushed his lips into hers. “You’re all I can think about.” He came up for air. His hands tangled through her long hair, pulling the knit beanie from her head. “I want to be inside you again, Brooke. It’s all I can think about.”

  “Oh shit. Me too. But I was afraid to say anything.”

  He laughed. “Never be afraid to tell me that. Ever.”

  He tugged on her hand, drawing her to the cabin. “I have a solution to our problem.”

  Her eyes widened as they walked inside. “What is this place?”

  “A retreat within my retreat. Give me five minutes and I’ll warm it up for you.”

  He threw a stack of logs into the fireplace and crouched to start the kindling. Within seconds it caught and a small flame started. Lee stood and lit several candles next to the couch.

  “You’ll be warm in a minute.”

  She nodded, biting her lip.


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