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Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6

Page 98

by Jordan Marie

  “Bedroom, Skye. I want you by the bed on your knees,” he growls, and chills run over my body. I think I’ve won. So, I smile in agreement and head towards the bedroom.

  “Freak man, I’m going to have to go….” I hear him in the background, so I pick up my pace, practically running to my room.

  I kneel down by the bed, anticipation is running through my system. All it took was his order, and my nipples pebbled like hard stones. Heat swamps my system, and desire coats the inside of my thighs. This man has my body on fire and he hasn’t even touched me.

  “Skye this isn’t some damn joke. Some asshole has targeted you here,” he growls.

  He’d be more convincing if he wasn’t undressing. I guess I should be more worried. But really, this has been going on for a while now and nothing has really happened. If the police or hospital security were more concerned, maybe I would be too. They’re not, so I can’t bring myself to be. Instead, my eyes are glued to this amazing man in front of me.

  His body is like a work of art. He’s tall and hard chiseled perfection. His dark skin calls to me. I love the way the light caresses it. I want to follow it with my tongue. For so long, I ignored anything that made me feel like a woman. Bull not only brings that back to life, with him everything is more intense than it ever was with anyone else. I lick my lips as he palms his hard cock and strokes it. Moisture gathers on the tip, and I instinctively lean towards him.

  “See something you want, Doc?”

  Nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach. I do. I absolutely do. I worry for a second, but he’s clean now. I’ve seen the reports, and I’ve been imagining his taste for days.

  “Bull, please.”

  He sits on the bed, and I lean up, bracing myself on his knees, thinking finally—I’m going to get what I want.

  “Don’t touch me, Skye. Sit back down,” he barks. I look up at him confused, but I do it. I do it automatically. I don’t even think to argue with him.

  His hand holds his balls, rolling them, and then he gives his cock one long stroke. I can’t stop the whimper that breaks free at the sight.

  “Bull, please.”

  “You see something you want, Doc?” he asks, and he tugs hard on his dick so the tip is almost at my mouth, and I think he’s going to give it to me. I want to stretch to get it, but I’m afraid he’ll stop after his last reprimand. My tongue though, comes out and curls, silently begging. At the last minute, he points the tip down, and I feel his heated pre-cum caress just under my collar bone. I wait for more, but instead, he reaches beside him and produces a bottle of lotion. I hadn’t seen him grab it, I was too engrossed in his body. It’s my vanilla and sugar lotion that I use all the time. He looks at the bottle with a leer. “Have I ever told you Doc, how much I love the way you smell? I dream of it. I’ve jerked off to it a hundred times. It reminds me of sugar cookies and that only makes me want to eat you up.”

  “Fuck, yes…” I moan, purposely giving him the word he loves to hear out of my mouth the most.

  “Hold them perfect tits out for me, Doc and get up on your knees. Now.”

  I do as he orders. When he commands me in that tone, my whole body convulses in need. He holds the bottle over me and a thick creamy strand creeps out, catches the side of my breast and then runs slowly down the deep valley I’ve created. He makes sure to do that several more times, my body shivers from the mixture of the cold lotion and the way I’m needing him.

  “Move over here woman and get between my knees, then wrap them tits around my cock.”

  Who knew I could get so turned on by this? I do as he tells me, loving the way his dick lays against my skin, so big and warm. My eyes trace the veins, and the way his pre-cum already has him slick, before I envelop him in my breasts. I never really understood why men went crazy, because I had larger breasts, but now I’m thankful, because they wrap his cock tight, and I hold him into my body. He uses my shoulders to guide me, and shows me the motion he wants. Slowly, I follow his lead, letting his strong, hard member tunnel through. At the end of each thrust the tip of his dick pokes out.

  My eyes are drawn to Bull. His gaze is intense, watching as he fucks my breasts. Every muscle on his face is tight—so rigid and precise. I’m dying to see him lose control. Make him go over the edge, like he makes me. With that in mind, I lick the tip of his cock every time it peeks through. I flatten my tongue and gather the pre-cum from the tip. When the salty liquid hits, it detonates on my taste-buds, I moan.

  Bull’s uncircumcised, and while the foreskin is covered with a mixture of him and the lotion, the head of his cock is all him and it’s delicious. When my tongue licks his head, his body shakes. I look up to see his scorching gaze on me. His hands overlap mine as he grabs my breasts. His thrusts get firmer, more intense, jarring my whole body, and I love every minute of it.

  “Did you like the way I taste, Doc?” he asks, and his voice is guttural, animal-like in nature, his eyes are glued to my chest, and the way my tongue licks the crevice of his head, every time he finishes a thrust to expose it.

  “Yes, honey. I want more. I need to be covered in you,” I tell him, and I don’t know where the words come from, but I know I want it.

  My words seem to be exactly what he wants, he tunnels faster, and I can see his balls literally pulse. He lets go of my breasts to pull his dick out from the valley we created. He strokes himself. Once…twice, and then jets of creamy, white cum bursts forth and lands on my breasts, stomach, my thighs, and then across my chin and lips. When he finally finishes giving it all to me, a giant shudder rakes through his body. This time when he looks at me, he’s still intent, but gone is the cocky Bull that normally comes out to play. In his place is a man who looks as if he is going to eat me alive. The thought alone is thrilling. I lick the stream of cum that landed on my lips, using my finger to gather it off my chin too. I’m doing it to further tempt him, to tease him—because I can.

  He stands and then picks me up in his arms without a word.

  “Wait. Where are we going?” I ask, holding onto his shoulder and neck.

  “We’re going to shower. Then, after I clean you up, I’m going to eat your pussy until you beg me to stop, and then I’m going to fuck you against the wall.”

  His words thrill me, and just to show my approval, I bite the tendon that runs on the side of his neck before telling him the only word my brain can seem to form.




  I rub the area above my left eye. The headaches have been getting better, but I can feel one forming. It pisses me off. After the workout that Skye just gave me, and the peace I feel, the last thing I want is another of these damned headaches. They vary in levels, but some of these fuckers can be blinding in pain. I’ve tried to keep the really bad ones hid from Skye. It shouldn’t make me feel weak, but it does. It’s worse now, because she needs me to be strong. She might not believe this threat is credible, but something in the pit of my stomach says it is. Which means, Skye needs a strong man, ready and able to defend her.

  “Headache?” her sweet voice asks me. She’s sleepy and there’s a huskiness in her tone that I could easily listen to for the rest of my life.

  “A small one,” I curve into her body, then turn her. I don’t want her to see me if the pain worsens. I kiss her shoulder, and I’m rewarded when she puts her hand over mine at her waist, and lets her fingers stroke gently against mine.

  “I like this the most,” she says.

  “What’s that, Doc?” I ask her.

  “You holding me, feeling you surround me, and hearing your voice when I’m tired—all of it. When I think of us, this is what comes to mind the most.”

  Her answer does funny things to me. No one has been proud of me like Skye is. At least none I can remember. None that mattered. Maybe that’s why my voice is so thick with emotion when I answer. It’s an unusual feeling.

  “Us, Doc? You better watch it, you’re starting to sound like you want to keep me ar

  Skye turns her head, to look over her shoulder at me. A man could die happy when she looks at him like that.

  “I never want to let you go.”

  My hand goes to the side of her neck, to hold her in place. My lips come down on hers, and our kiss is a promise. A promise that fills every part inside of me. I’m not going anywhere. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was my future. Every minute I get with her, I’m more convinced.

  She turns on her back, and our kiss deepens. She’s like aged scotch, going straight to my head. My hand trails down over her breast and stomach and that’s when it happens. Pain so intense that it flashes and hits me right behind my eyes. It’s like someone takes a red-hot poker and stabs them repeatedly. I want to keep it quiet, not to let her see, but when it happens all at once like this, I can’t prepare. I groan, and my eyes clench shut, then I fall back on the bed.

  Skye leans over me and her hand goes to my forehead. Even with the pain, her touch feels good. I just can’t enjoy it.

  “Bull? Tell me what’s wrong. Is it your head?”

  I hear her questions, but I can’t respond. All I can do is grunt, “Fuck.”

  “Oh God, honey,” I hear her, and a minute later she’s moves to crouch beside me. She’s pushing on my shoulder, trying to turn me on my side. I go along with it, because I’m hurting so bad, I don’t much give a fuck. This is probably the worst one I’ve had since we’ve started seeing each other. There’s no way to keep it hid, like I have the others. Skye tilts my head forward, and then her hands are at the base of my skull. She presses hard there, and keeps the same pressure, but pushes upwards in a circular motion. Slowly it eases the pain. Not a lot, but it’s not as blinding. “Any better?” she whispers near my ear. I hear it, but barely. The roaring of my blood and the beating of my heart echoes in my ears.

  “Little.” I can only manage one word. She clasps between my thumb and index finger. She moves her hand up to thickest area, and pinches—applying pressure. After a little bit, she switches hands. Slowly the pain lessens. It’s still there, but a dull roar compared to what it had been. “What are you doing?”

  “Using pressure points to ease your pain. We need to get you back to a neurologist.”

  “I’ve been to the doctors Skye. They can’t find a physical trigger. Which pisses me off, this isn’t in my mind.”

  She moves, situating herself behind me, maneuvering so I’m resting against her, in between her legs. My back is against her stomach and my head is on her chest. She tilts me to reach the base of my neck, and begins massaging there.

  “Of course it’s not. I read a little bit about the trauma that you suffered in your hospital file. Do you still have the tremors too?”

  “Well fuck, Doc. What’s the point of keeping shit from you, if you have already seen everything?”

  “Gee, Bull. I don’t know. A better question might be, why in the world would you try to hide this from me?”

  “I’m not weak, Skye.”

  “I never thought you were. Though, I’m starting to wonder how smart you are if you think I could ever view you as weak. Now, sit up for a second, and let me get you some medicine…”

  “No pills, Doc.”


  “I’m not taking no goddamn pills.”

  Her movements halt abruptly, she takes a deep breath and lets it out.

  “Now that I have you Skye, I’m not taking a chance on anything that might make me lose you. No pills.”

  “Bull? What does that even mean?”

  “I saw you, and the minute you stood up to me, something clicked. I knew you were it. I wasn’t about to touch that stuff again when I had my future staring at me.”

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “No pills, Doc. I’m not putting that in jeopardy.”

  “It’s Ibuprofen, and a very mild dose, and your future? Do you know how crazy that sounds? You didn’t even know me! Heck-fire! You don’t even know me now! I could be a serial killer! Bull, that’s not even sane and it’s a piss poor reason for being sober. You can’t pin your reason for staying sober on another person. That’s just doomed for failure.”

  “Who says? It’s a damned good reason for me. And I do know you. I know everything about you.”

  “No, you don’t, we just started dating, Bull, seriously…”

  “I know you love the smell of coffee, but can’t stand the taste. I know you take two hour long bubble baths even when you can barely stay awake, because it helps you unwind. I know your favorite food is Chicken Marsala, you only drink water with a twist of lemon on the side, but when you’ve had a really bad day, you will drink red wine. I know you love foot massages while you’re watching silly Christmas movies on television, even though you say you don’t like television. I know you hate the taste of spinach but love the dip made from it. I know you never talk to your parents, and that they cut you off when you became pregnant with Matthew. I know you will come up with the craziest words to use instead of curse words, because you don’t want to be a bad influence on Matthew. I know you love chocolate ice cream, but hate chocolate pudding. I know….”

  “Okay, okay. Stop it already. I get it. You take really good notes when I talk.”

  “I’m not taking notes, Skye. You’re important to me. Everything you are, and everything you do fascinates me. I’m not taking notes. I’m learning about the woman I love, because it brings me joy.”

  “Dang it, Bull! Do not make me cry. I’m going to get up and get you some ibuprofen. It’s not addictive, and hopefully it will stave off the majority of the pain,” she says, patting my back, “lean up and let me out of here.”

  I don’t want to. I don’t want to let her leave. I like this connection with her. I do it, but as she stands up, I grab her hand and pull her so her lips are near mine. I look in her eyes. They punch me in the gut, just like they have from the beginning.

  “I love you, Doc.”

  She doesn’t answer, like I hoped, but she leans in and gives me her mouth. My tongue leisurely invades her mouth, taking time to taste her, and relearn everything about her, from the flavor, the texture, and hidden areas. Her tongue mates with mine, just as slow, just as relaxed, and somehow, it draws a deeper response between us than has been there before.

  When we break apart her forehead rests on mine, her fingers are caressing each side of my neck.

  “You aren’t why I’m sober, Skye. You’re the reason I want to be a better person. The reason I want to be a man that deserves you,” I tell her, letting my hands get lost in her hair.

  “You’re the best man I’ve ever met, Bull. If I didn’t believe that completely, I would never trust you with Matty, because he’s the most important thing in my life.”

  I take in her words and let her leave me. Our eyes stay connected, because she backs away from me. I think it might be happiness I see in her. I can’t help but return her smile—even through the pain.

  “There’s something you don’t know about me, Bull,” she says before she leaves the room.

  I don’t want to tell her she’s wrong, but I’m pretty sure I know all things Skye.

  “What’s that, Doc?” I ask, just to humor her.

  “When you smile? I feel like I’ve just won the lottery.”

  Damn. That’s all I can think. Damn.

  “I’ll be sure to do that more,” I tell her.

  “That’d be appreciated, heck I might even reward you.”

  I do the only thing I can…I smile bigger.



  I definitely miss riding on the back of Bull’s bike this morning. Even though the temperatures are cool this time of year, there’s something amazing about holding onto him, while the wind whips through my hair. Plus, you can feel the joy radiate from Bull. Thinking of Bull makes my heart speed up. I’m in love with him. I haven’t told him and I’m mad at myself because I haven’t. I’m letting fear hold me back, and that’s not fair to me or Bull.

; I left Bull sleeping this morning. He’ll be mad, I know—especially after the note from my friendly-neighborhood-stalker. But, he was in so much pain last night, and it was almost three this morning before he fell back asleep. I sure wasn’t going to wake him up at four and tell him I had to leave to meet with my chief of staff in some emergency meeting. Walter texted. He asked me to come in for a meeting, before my rounds. He wouldn’t explain why, so I’m worried. If I had to explain all that to Bull, he would have demanded I wait for him, and then I’m pretty sure he would have insisted on being present at the meeting. Sneaking out was my best option. I sent a text to Blair, who gets up at four thirty every morning anyways. I told her I was going in early and that Bull was with Matty right now, but she would might need to be on standby because Matty’s holiday break at school starts today. I owe Blair so much and she barely lets me pay her.

  I’m driving down the road and my brake light comes on. I want to groan out in frustration. This damn car just cost me two hundred dollars in repairs last week. I rub the tension at the back of my neck and pray it’s nothing serious. My Christmas fund is going to be awful tight if it’s something major. Matty wants a bike, and I need to make sure he gets one, because he hardly ever asks for things.

  I come to the stop sign at the end of my street and the car comes to a stop okay—but the pedal goes all the way to the floor, before it finally stops. Damn. I don’t know much about cars, I was hoping the light meant I needed new pads or something. But now, I’m starting to worry it is low on fluid or something. That was supposed to have been checked at the last service.

  I decide to drive extra slow, just in case. Dr. Walter can just be pissed if I’m late. I listen to the music on the radio, while thinking over my night with Bull. Who knew life with a biker could be so…normal. Well, fucking hot, but normal. I’m grinning like a loon as I start down old Crawford Mountain. I came this route without thinking. There’s a second way to get to the hospital, it’s just that this one is closer. The bad part is, it winds and twists in ‘S’ shaped curves. They are so steep, that sometimes make you think you are passing yourself. I usually come this way, but if I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have—especially with my brakes acting up. I’m a little worried, but I can always gear the car down into a lower gear, and that combined with my brakes should be enough to make it safe.


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