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First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance

Page 9

by Michelle Fox

  Tao backed her up to the wall as he kissed his way down to her neck. “You’re so perfect, Audrey. You don’t even know how perfect you are.” His hands found her breasts, lifting them up, fingers grazing her nipples through her scrub top.

  Audrey stopped breathing as a bolt of pleasure seared her nervous system. Her good hand roamed his shoulder and then up to his hair. She threaded his locks through her fingers and held on.

  He nuzzled her neck, teeth lightly nipping the sensitive flesh there. She shivered as his hands moved to cup her ass and pull her hips into his. Their bodies cleaved together like two halves finally made whole.

  Tao came up for air then. “God, I want you, Audrey.” His gaze found hers, full of passion. “And I need you to know, I wouldn’t do this unless I wanted you. I need you to believe me or else we should stop.”

  Audrey shook her head. Stop? Was he insane? Every fiber of her being screamed for him to keep going. She didn’t just have to do this, she wanted it. “No, I believe you. Crazy as it sounds, I wanted you from the moment I saw you in that cage.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Which time? As a wolf or a naked stranger?”

  “Both,” she said without hesitation.

  A slow smile lit his face. “I wanted you the moment I smelled you.”

  “I smell?” She sniffed.

  “Like strawberries.” He leaned down and nipped her neck playfully. “And the beach.” He became more serious. “This might not work though. It’s just a theory. Nick might still...” He trailed off, leaving the words unspoken.

  Audrey cupped his cheek with her uninjured hand and tilted her head up until their eyes met. “But there’s something between us, isn’t there?” Her heart skipped a beat at the idea. This was insane. Crazy. Perfect. Right.

  “Yeah,” Tao said. “There is.”

  “Did you feel like this with your ex?”

  “No. You’re different. Special.” His arms around her tightened.

  “Why is that? Why do we want each other?”

  Tao shrugged. “I don’t know. My mom believed in fated mates. That wolves are made for each other.”

  “But I’m not a wolf.”

  “You are now.” He leaned in, resting his forehead on hers. “I’m sorry my brother bit you, but it brought us together and I don’t regret that.”

  “Me either.”

  Their noses touched and they breathed each other’s air.

  “I’m going to fight him, with everything I have,” she said, her voice quiet but fierce.

  “I know you will.” He gently tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “I don’t belong to anyone. Not even you.” She lifted her chin, defiant.

  “You’ll always be your own wolf, even if you give yourself to me.”

  “You won’t boss me around?” Uncertainty filled her eyes. Nick commanded her so easily, would Tao do the same? Would she even care? If she was honest with herself, she was half in love with the man. There was something about him that she couldn’t resist, not even when she’d thought he was just a wolf.

  His lips quirked in a smile and his hands drifted to her hips, pulling her into an even closer embrace. “Only in the bedroom. Can you live with that?”

  She thought for a moment. “I don’t know. Let’s see how tonight goes.”

  He chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. “So this is my tryout?”

  Audrey nodded. “Something like that.”

  “I’ll do my best to leave you with no regrets.” He cupped her cheek with one warm hand, his eyes changing with his emotions to a clear, sincere blue. A shiver shook Audrey’s spine as Tao’s lips covered hers, his mouth hot and demanding. He kneaded her ass as if testing the depths of her flesh. Then he deftly skimmed her waist and took the measure of her breasts, hefting them in his hands through her shirt, undaunted by her bra. His lips kissed the side of her neck, resting on the pulse there. After that, he nipped her collarbone, his mouth tickling her until goose bumps puckered her skin. Slipping his tongue under the collar of her scrub top, he tasted her skin.

  “I’m going to mark you, Audrey.” He straightened up and stared into her eyes. “To take you from Nick, I have to make you mine.”

  She pulled her top down, exposing more of her neck. “Do it.”

  “Not now. Later.” He grasped the hem of her shirt and lifted. Audrey raised her hands and let him disrobe her. Shrugging out of her bra straps, she waited for him to undo the clasps.

  She stood topless in front of him and held her breath. With a look of wonder lighting Tao’s eyes, his hands hovered over her chest as if afraid to touch her. It was agonizing. Audrey bit her lip afraid that, for all his talk of wanting her, this was the moment he turned and ran. It wouldn’t be the first time a guy couldn’t hack being with someone as big as her. There’d been one night in college…no, she wouldn’t think of that, wouldn’t give energy to the assholes who’d decided she wasn’t good enough for them. She didn’t believe them, didn’t think she wasn’t worth loving. The trick was just to find the right man.

  She just hadn’t expected there would be a metric shit ton of frogs to kiss.

  Was Tao another frog?

  Audrey hoped not. She wanted him, wanted his warm hands on her skin and his thick shaft buried in her. Even in wolf form he’d been eye candy unlike any she’d ever seen before. As a human, he was a god among men.

  His hands closed around her breasts and she sighed with relief, gasping softly when his thumbs grazed her nipples. Tao’s breathing became ragged, as if just touching her could set his heart racing.

  “So gorgeous.” He kissed the top of each mound. “I’ve been wondering what was under your shirt since you came outside the morning I tried to get out of the cage.”

  “Really?” she murmured not quite believing him.

  “You must know how gorgeous your breasts are.” He hefted the weight of one in his hand and gazed at it with rapt attention. “Although I have a hard time deciding which I like more, your ass or your breasts.” He gave her a devilish grin. “Well, there’s one way to find out.”

  She tried to form words, to ask how, but her brain had melted in a puddle of wet desire.

  Thankfully, Tao answered her unasked question. “I’ll have to try them both.” Ducking his head, he sucked the nipple into his mouth, wasting no time in gathering data for a decision.

  Audrey’s hand went to his head as she searched for a way to remain upright. Her nervous system was on fire and having trouble coordinating important tasks like standing. Tao sucked and nibbled at her nipple as he gently navigated her away from the wall and back across the room until her bed hit the hollows of her knees. One push and she was down for the count, grateful for the support of the bed and Tao’s thick hair to hold on to.

  Lavishing attention on her ample breasts, his hands snaked down her stomach to the waistband of her pants. With a quick tug, he pulled them down to her knees, and stepping back, he yanked them off. Audrey lifted her hips, begging for him to touch her. He obliged her by dipping his fingers into the wet heat between her legs, roughly shoving aside her underwear.

  “Oh,” Audrey gasped with wonder.

  He chuckled against her breast and, lifting his head said, “You like?”

  Audrey nodded. “Yes.” Pleasure sparked and her body tightened as it fought for control. Tao was the master of her body, knowing just how and where to touch her. His finger flicked across the sweet spot in her core while his tongue took her nipples to task. Sometimes he used his teeth on her tender flesh, the harder edges of his mouth making her shiver.

  Without warning, her body blew apart as an orgasm rushed through her. Audrey’s back arched, and her head rolled back as she tried to give the climax room to ride her. It was so sudden she didn’t even cry out, but she did stop breathing. She flew on the wings of pleasure for time unknown, everything in her body at a standstill except for the bliss having its way with her.

  Her body returned to earth first, collapsing into the mat
tress. Then her breathing came back online followed by the ability to focus her eyes once again. Tao was watching her, a mischievous gleam shining like tiny stars in his midnight blue eyes.

  She smiled, full of tenderness toward this hunky man who’d given her such intense pleasure before she was even fully naked.

  He smiled back. “Did you like that?”

  Audrey gave a shy nod. Like was an understatement. She’d more than liked it and, in the process, realized how inadequate every other lover she’d ever had was. Tao was the guy every girl dreamed of, a man who could crook his finger and make a girl come. She’d thought a man like him was a myth. Well, she qualified, he kind of is a myth with the whole werewolf thing. She suppressed a giggle at the thought.

  “Good. Because there’s more where that came from followed by even more.” Standing up, he took off his clothes. Audrey watched, wide-eyed as his sculpted form was revealed. The last time she’d seen him, she’d been so surprised she hadn’t noticed much detail beyond the fact that he was gorgeous. Now she had the leisure to drink him in, to take in all the little details. He had abs so defined, she could use them as a washboard. His skin had a dusky caramel tone that made her want to lick him and see what he tasted like. Her fingers twitched, wanting to trace all the lines and curves that made up his body, wanting especially to wrap around the hard shaft between his legs. A thrill of excitement went through her at the thought of what was to come.

  Returning to her, he began to inch off her underwear, pulling them past her thighs and down her legs, his fingers stroking her skin as he went. He smiled at her. “Tonight I’m going to take you so many times, you’ll lose count. Over and over again until you’re mine and mine alone.”

  Her eyes widened. “That? Sounds exhausting.” And exciting, too, but she was a little alarmed at his agenda. Would she even be able to walk tomorrow? Did she care? Well, no not really. Now that she had a man like Tao between her legs, she vowed not to waste a moment. Also, she loved it when he said the word mine with such a strong ring of authority in his voice. No man had ever been so intent on saying she belonged to him.

  Climbing back onto the bed, he hovered over her body, his breath hot on her skin. “I prefer the phrase ‘well used’ to exhausted. Baby, I’m going to take you until the only word you can remember is my name.” He sat back on his knees, his thighs straddling her hips and his impressive cock grazing her stomach. “Is that okay with you?”

  She couldn’t nod fast enough. “Yes. I’m in.”

  “Good. This is the last time I’m asking. From here on out you’re mine to do with as I please.” He returned to his hovering plank position over her. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you enjoy every second of it, even if it hurts.”

  Tao kissed her soundly then, giving her no chance to respond or ask what he meant by ‘if it hurts.’ He nuzzled her neck and, from there, nipped her collar bone again, grabbing it between his lips and pressing down hard on the flesh. Then he kissed his way down her stomach, the stubble on his chin scraping her as he went. Stepping off the bed, he kneeled down and, cupping his hands under her ass, pulled her to the very edge of the mattress.

  “You might want to find something to hold on to,” he said with a wicked smile.

  Obediently, Audrey’s hand twisted in the sheets. He was going to lick her there. The same spot he’d worked over with his finger. She was going to lose her damn mind. Audrey just knew it. First it would melt and then evaporate from the heat. By the time Tao was done with her, she would be clinically insane from lust.

  Which, when she really thought about it, wasn’t the worst way to lose one’s sanity.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tao inhaled the scent of arousal pouring off Audrey and wondered if he would lose it right there. His cock throbbed, desperate to be sheathed in the warm depths of the beautiful woman laid out before him. She smelled so damn good, a tantalizing mix of sweet strawberries and a spicy musk that made his nose twitch. He touched her thighs, delighting in their softness and then used his hands to winch her legs wide apart.

  He was going to make her howl again, and while she was still in the throes of that orgasm, he would be fucking her toward the next. God, he couldn’t wait. This wasn’t about Nick anymore, it was about Tao and Audrey and the feelings he had for her.

  Damn, she was sexy. All curvy and soft. She had enough give in her flesh to take anything he dished out. Her overflowing breasts were the most beautiful he’d ever seen, the creamy, unmarked mounds topped with rose pink nipples. The tips of her breasts jutted out now, just begging to be suckled.

  Tao looked at them longingly for a moment. I’ll be right back, he promised. First he wanted to sample the honey hidden between her thighs. He could already see she was wet and flushed pink with heat. He ran a gentle finger along her core, smiling when she hissed at the contact.

  She was so responsive; either moaning or speechless or sagging boneless against him. He loved all of it. Parting her lips, he nuzzled her core, inhaling the musk there as deep as he could, taking great big gulps of it until his lungs were full. His eyes almost rolled back in his head at the pleasure of her scent alone.

  The nose always knows. The woman had smelled good the second he’d caught her scent and she smelled better and better the more time they spent together. His last girlfriend had never hit his nose like that. I should have taken that as a sign, he thought to himself ruefully. Well, I won’t make that mistake again.

  With a low growl, he proceeded to show Audrey just how very much he liked her. He swiped her with his tongue and she quivered, making high-pitched mewling noises in the back of her throat. Oh, she was a hot one and it wouldn’t take much to blow her mind.

  Tao thrust his tongue into her tight, wet passage, taking its measure as he used a finger to keep her sensitive nub busy. Audrey went from quivering to writhing. He couldn’t see, but from the way her hips were twisting, he suspected her head was whipping from side-to-side. Moving back up a bit, he swirled his tongue over her core and just as he closed his lips over that tiny little key to heaven, he pushed two fingers inside her.

  She arched up off the bed as if she’d been zapped with a live wire, a hoarse scream on her lips. Normally Tao would stop then, but he knew she had more in her. Thrusting his fingers even deeper into her, he searched for the spot that would make the previous orgasm seem tame in comparison.

  Audrey gasped when he found it and went utterly still as if afraid to move. Tao growled, knowing the sound would hit her clit and put it back on high alert. Working his fingers inside her, he began scraping his teeth lightly, but sharply over her most sensitive flesh.

  She thrashed against his face, trying to push him away and get closer at the same time. Tao grabbed her hip with his free hand and held her in place. She wouldn’t get away from him, not until he was done with her. The beast in him rose up until it almost burst through his skin. His wolf was riled and fierce with the need to own this woman, to make her his.

  Soon, he soothed his inner beast. Soon she will be screaming our name.

  The wolf inside him snarled, impatient to stake his claim. Tao used his tongue as a whip, lashing Audrey between the legs and showing her no mercy. She began to pant and then yowl as he drove her over the edge yet again.

  Digging his fingers into her tender flesh, he sucked her clit into his mouth, nursing it until he felt her whole body convulse. She screamed, a sharp, high sound that shattered the air.

  “No, yes. Please. Yes,” she babbled. She screamed once more as she came yet again, her wet passage clamping down on Tao’s hand so hard he felt his knuckle pop. His cock threatened to explode right there.

  Unable to hold back any longer, Tao stood and started the process of wedging his stone hard girth into Audrey’s soft, giving body. Her wet heat washed over him and he threw his head back, groaning at the primal pleasure of it.

  If she smelled great, she felt even better wrapped around his cock. He was home. He’d found his place in the world and it was wit
h Audrey. The realization took his breath away.


  Audrey bucked and squirmed as orgasm after orgasm washed over her. Tao had turned her into a puddle with just his tongue. She couldn’t wait to find out what his cock would do to her. Probably cause her to burst like a super nova.

  His fingers inside her, his tongue working her over had done the impossible and delivered back-to-back orgasms. She was up to three and he hadn’t even fucked her yet. Incredible.

  Tao gave her all of five nanoseconds to recover from the last orgasm before he slid into her, ramming into her with enough force to shake her breasts. As if their movement drew his attention, he covered her torso with his, mouth seeking out first one delicate pink nipple and then the other. His five-o-clock shadow tickled over her overly sensitive skin making her tremble as he filled her up. He was going to make her come again, she could already feel it in her bones.

  Hold on, she told herself. Or else you’ll shoot up into outer space like a sex fueled rocket.

  Audrey wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and mirrored his thrusts between her legs with quick little flicks. He broke the kiss and nuzzled the nape of her neck, his teeth cutting into her flesh as he planted little love bites.

  “Are you ready for more?” he asked, his voice a rough rasp. For emphasis, he sped up, bouncing her body with the force of his thrusts as if she weighed nothing.

  Audrey struggled to hang onto Tao. Only having the use of one hand made things doubly difficult, but somehow she managed to wrap her arms around him. “Yes,” she said.

  “Can you take it? All of it?” He went even faster and harder. Now she was going back and forth on the mattress like she was riding one of those bulls in a honky-tonk bar, only lying down. He was going to bounce her right off of him and onto the floor at this rate. She dug her nails into his back in warning.

  “I’ll take whatever you give me. All of it. Everything.” She met his eyes, holding their gaze.

  Tao grabbed her legs in response, hoisting them up onto his shoulders. He didn’t speak again. He didn’t have to, his body spoke for him. He wanted her. She could feel it in how hard he was inside her.


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