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Mistake: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 11

by Lauren Landish

  Fresh sparks shot though me when Julian raised his hands up to caress my breasts while I rode him. Even the sight of his hands on me was erotic, the contrast between my light olive skin and his barely tanned paleness sensual and erotic. He knew just how much to tease my nipples and how much to lift my breasts to support the weight and to massage the skin. My hips sped up, lifting and falling until I couldn't take anymore, and I pitched forward, riding back and forth while we kissed. Julian's hands, deprived of my breasts, came around to hold my ass and my hips until neither of us could take the slow speed any longer. I just couldn't push myself back and forth fast enough, and his hips took over, joining me as we thrust together in harmonious waves, his upward thrusts meeting my backwards plunges. I was stretched, filled, my body on fire as we made love, faster and faster.

  I could feel Julian's cock swell inside me, and I knew he was close. I looked into his eyes, knowing I was close too. Julian's hips sped up even faster, and our bodies tensed before both of us exploded, his cock filling me up as he pulled me tight, my pussy clenching around him as I felt my second orgasm crash over me. Both of us stayed that way, our eyes locked on each other, our hips locked together, our hearts beating in one, a timeless moment that stretched on forever.

  Chapter 15


  After making love the first time, we fell asleep together, and I woke up about two hours or so later, the warm feeling of Krystal's body spooned against mine filling me with happiness. I kissed the ebony cloud of her hair, instantly intoxicated again by her scent.

  She pulled my arm around her chest and laid my palm on her left breast above her heart. With the feeling of her ripe breast in my hand and her beautifully curved ass pressed against my cock, I was in heaven, but my body was still tired, and wasn't ready for another round yet. Instead, I lay there in quiet contemplation as she woke up from her own nap, hugging my arms tightly. "I've never felt that before."

  "Me either," I said honestly. In my head, I could see a parade of all the women I'd fucked. It was a long list, I'd been a player for a decade. It didn't matter, though. Hollywood starlet, university co-ed, overseas exotic seductress or a Mom and apple pie American beauty, none of them had caused in me the feelings and sensations that I felt with Krystal. My playing days were over, that was for sure. "Krystal, I know you said it before, but my past, there's a lot of skeletons in my closet."

  "I know," Krystal said, turning in my arms to look me in the eyes. "Julian, it doesn't matter. I'm not saying I'm always going to be happy about your past, or about the things you've done. But the man I've come to know over the past few weeks..... that's who you are now. That's the man you've grown into, and the man I've fallen in love with."

  I blinked, and kissed her forehead. "I promise, no matter what, anything from my past, it will never poison how I feel about you. I love you."

  Krystal snuggled against my chest, and we held each other in comfortable silence for a few more minutes. When her stomach grumbled loudly, we both laughed. "Didn't you eat on the flight from New York?" I asked, rubbing the silky soft skin of her belly. I was glad Krystal isn't ticklish. "Or did you just work up that much of an appetite?"

  "Both. They didn't serve any food on the flight, and I only grabbed a quick sandwich inside JFK. And yes, making love with you is very energetic."

  I chuckled and rolled out of bed, snatching my underpants from the floor. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to raid the fridge. I can't have you starving to death in bed on me."

  She smacked my butt as I pulled on my shorts, laughing. "You're not allowed in my fridge, remember? I told you, one of my rules is not to mess with the kitchen stuff."

  I jumped up in mock outrage, rubbing my backside. "Hey! I've been cleaning up after myself. Besides, when you said that, if I remember correctly, you said something about deboning too. Now, after what we just did, do you really want to de-bone me?"

  Krystal's black eyes glittered with glee as she got my joke, and she threw a pillow at me. "Just for that terrible pun, I'm going to put you on dishwashing duty for a week. Meanwhile, go get some clothes on, and I'll meet you in the kitchen. If we're going to be together, you need to at least learn the basics. I'll show you how to make something."

  I nodded, snatched my clothes off the floor and ran across to my room, for the first time in a long time excited about learning something. Then again, I'd never had a teacher as sexy as Krystal. I pulled on some of my house clothes, just a regular t-shirt and lounge pants that I wore a lot, coming out to find Krystal happily arranging things, her hair tied up in a quick bun that outlined the graceful curve of her neck and the beautiful contours of her face. I stopped short when I realized what she was wearing. "That's my t-shirt."

  She looked down at the Nike shirt, and nodded. "Yep. I saw it lying on the floor, you must have forgotten it."

  I looked at her, my eyebrow raised. "Now, I seem to remember that I wasn't wearing a t-shirt under what I was wearing today. In fact, I am sure of it."

  Krystal blushed, her skin going an even cuter shade of olive, and she looked at me bashfully. "Maybe I happened to have grabbed it a few days ago?"

  I crossed over to the kitchen and pulled her into another deep kiss, our bodies melding together like they were designed for each other. "You've wanted me for a while," I said, setting her down. Before she could confirm or deny, I smiled. "Me too. But until the other day, I just wasn't sure I'd ever be good enough for you."

  "Kim really rocked your world, didn't she?" Krystal asked. She was only wearing a fresh pair of panties under my t-shirt, and I had to laugh at the unintentional double entendre.

  "Babe, you are not allowed to even mention another woman rocking my world while you stand there barefoot in my t-shirt and just some panties, got it?" I teased, brushing some of her hair back from her face. "Because nobody, and I mean nobody, has ever rocked my world the way you just did a few hours ago."

  Krystal's blush deepened, and she looked up at me, her eyes filled with love and something else. "Please Julian, don't break my heart," she said, laying her hand on my chest. "I can't take it if you do."

  I pulled her into another hug, and held her tight. "I promise Krystal, no more lies, no deceptions. I love you, and that's not going to change."

  Krystal hugged me back, and we stayed that way for a minute until her stomach grumbled again. "I guess that's our reminder why we're here instead of in bed," I chuckled, letting her go. "So what are we making?"

  "Well, you ate the ham I had in here," she said, sticking her head into the fridge. From that position, bent over the way she was, her ass looked absolutely delectable, and I had to resist the urge to touch it. My cock, however, gave me a little twitch, saying he was recovered and wanted some more. "So I guess we're going to have to go with just an omelet. My next day off, I'll take you grocery shopping with me, we can pick out some things for you to learn on."

  I was a good student, or at least as attentive as I could be, as Krystal taught me how to make the simple dish. She showed me how to whisk the eggs until they were light and fluffy, and how to chop and mix in the vegetables and bits of leftover chicken she'd found in the fridge as well. "Hmmm, you'd fail at Horst's inspection," she said as she looked at my cut up onions and bell peppers, "but not bad for a first attempt. Now, let's get our pan ready."

  I think I did a pretty good job, all things considered for my first time making an omelet. I mean, it turned over and folded up like it was supposed to and everything. Sliding it out of the pan onto the plate, I felt a real sense of accomplishment. "Well, how'd I do?"

  Krystal took a fork from the drawer and cut a bite, trying it out. She smiled slyly and took the plate, sitting down on the couch in the living room area. "Come on," I said nervously. "How is it?" I followed her into the living room and sat down, feeling jumpy. "Seriously Krystal, how is it?"

  "I'll let you taste and find out for yourself," she said, cutting another bite and holding it out for me. It was sensual, being fed by her, even if it
was just an omelet, and I almost forgot to chew. Finally, the flavor got through to my brain, and I ate the bite. "Well?"

  "You're better," I said, "but it is the best thing I've ever cooked."

  The approving look she gave me was the best reward I'd ever had for doing something, and her smile was just the cherry on top. We tore into the omelet together, devouring it in less than two minutes, and I dutifully took the plate into the kitchen, washing it along with all of the utensils we had used before drying them and putting them away exactly where they had come from. After I did, I washed my hands and dried them, turning to see Krystal looking at me from the couch with a look in her eyes. "What?"

  "Watching you wash dishes is sexy," she said, and I could see the stiff bumps of her nipples outlined against my t-shirt. "I am so having you do that more often."

  As aroused as seeing her like that made me, I forced myself to put that aside and say what had been on my mind even before we made love. "I'll be happy to," I said, coming over and kneeling in front of her. "But we need to talk about something. Krystal, I need to go back to Los Angeles for a few days."

  "Why?" she asked, her eyes suddenly filled with worry. I kissed her knuckles and smiled.

  "Because I need to close out some things there. I've got a car to put into storage, utilities to close out, things like that. A lot of it I can do from here, but there are a few things I need to do in person, including paying some parking fines. It shouldn't take me more than four or five days, but I want to leave California mostly clean. Also, there's a test I need to take."

  "Why?" Krystal repeated, and I realized I was doing a horrible job of trying to say what I wanted to say.

  "Because I want a new life here in Chicago with you. I talked with a buddy of mine in Los Angeles, he runs the gym that I used to go to. He said he can get me into a weekend long course where I can take the test to become a personal trainer through one of the national bodies. Now, it's not much, it's barely a start, but I was thinking.... well, I want to follow in your footsteps, Krystal. You've stood on your own two feet, and I want to do that too. I want to become the man that you deserve, and I want to move on past a long overextended adolescence. Although, I was kind of hoping you'd still let me stay here with you. If you want, I'll pay rent for my room and you can sub-let it to me."

  Krystal blinked, then smiled. "Julian Castelbon, are you asking to move in with me?"

  I nodded and kissed her knuckles. "Yeah, I guess I am."


  "That's what I was thinking," I replied, "although maybe someday we can get a bigger place than this."

  Krystal leaned forward and kissed me again, her tongue tracing my lips until I opened up and we were soon making out again. "Then your rent is to take me, right now, and make love to me again," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. "But this time, I want it a bit different."

  "Oh? How so?" I asked, eager to please. My cock was already straining my shorts, and I knew I was more than up to the challenge.

  "Shower, gel, and wash me from behind," she said.

  "Yes milady," I said, grinning. "Just lead the way."

  Chapter 16


  It was a weird sense of mirror deja vu as I watched Julian get on the bus that was going to take him to the airport. Part of me was impressed, trying to do it the same way I did. I watched the bus disappear around the corner and headed towards the El train station. I had planned to meet up with Kim for a coffee, and we were going to meet at a little place near Alinea before prep started for dinner service. It was a Friday night, which meant things were going to be hopping. I was so glad to be off the prep monkey squad and into the line, even though that too had plenty of hard work to go along with it.

  I saw Kim waiting for me outside the Starbucks, already sitting at one of the tables that dotted the sidewalk, a green tea smoothie in her hand. "Hey Krystal," she said, raising her cup before pausing. She stood up and looked me up and down, a smile breaking out on her face. "Congratulations."

  "What is it about our faces that gives it away?" I said, perplexed. "Julian was saying you told him the same thing."

  "For a computer geek, I'm pretty good at reading people's faces," Kim replied. "Go get your drink, and you can tell me all about it."

  I went inside and got my go-to, an iced dark roast coffee, and joined Kim outside. It was getting later in the year, and the warm sun was welcome. There would be too many upcoming days without it. "So what do you want to know?"

  I'd known Kim for too long not to be honest with her, and she was as close as any sister to me. "So are you two together?"

  "Yes we are," I replied after taking a sip. "He met me at the airport coming back from New York yesterday, and it was just magic."

  Kim nodded and took a deep drink from her frozen concoction. How she stayed so slim with sucking down a venti sized one of those three times I week I had no idea. "Magic, huh? And just how magic was it?"

  "You so need to find a man in your life," I groaned, taking another sip. We sat side by side and watched the sidewalk traffic go by, with Kim flashing me looks from time to time. I knew that expression, she wasn't going to stop. "Okay, okay, fine. Four times."

  I think it was the first time in our entire acquaintance that I'd seen Kimberly surprised. In fact, she was more than surprised, she shot a stream of green tea gloop about three feet out into the sidewalk, just missing a pigeon that was bugging customers for crumbs from their scones and sandwiches. "Four times? FOUR times? I haven't had four times this year!"

  I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. "Told you it was magical."

  "Four times," Kim muttered to herself, shaking her head as she went back to sipping her drink through a straw. "You know, I should get some sort of reward for that. Four times.... now, do you mean four times total, or four times.... you know?"

  I took a sip and smiled. "Four times of mind blowing you know. He had two himself."

  "What were the other two?"

  "Once with his tongue, once with his right hand. The right hand was in the shower."

  Kim contained herself that time, and we went back to sipping her drink. "So how is it you can walk today?"

  "Very slowly, although I'll have some time to recover. He's going back to LA until Tuesday, closing out his stuff there. He asked if he could move in with me."

  "And what'd you say?"

  "What do you think I said? Of course I said yes," I replied. "Of course, we still need to figure out how we're going to tell John and Mom, but we'll get past that, I'm sure."

  "You sure about that? Krystal, you know I have no qualms about it, hell I'm glad for you two, but I'm not Sandra or John. I mean, your mom is cool and all, but is she that cool?"

  "I think so. No, I take that back, I know so. And if not.... well, we'll make it on our own."

  Kim looked over at me, and I shrugged. "Okay, with our trust funds too. Those can't be taken away from us, at least mine can't. And he's taking the test this weekend, he's going to get into personal training."

  "That's a tough gig, you know. Lots of sales," Kim replied. "But, if anyone's got the look, he does. God that man looks like he could pick up a small car if he wanted to. Can he control it?"

  "Oh yeah," I said with a grin. "Lots of control."

  We finished our drinks, and Kim reached over and took my hand. "Krystal, I'm happy for you, I really am. Just be careful. I'm not saying careful of him, I'd have never told him the truth if I thought he would turn around and hurt you. But a lot of the world isn't ready for a situation like yours, and you might run into problems. I guess what I'm saying is, if you need help or support, you know you can call on me."

  "I know," I said, squeezing her fingers. "So tell me about what's up with you."


  "Alright, your time starts now."

  I could feel the shakes in my hand as I looked down at the test. Randy, the manager at Metroflex, had pulled some strings to get me into the session, and I'd been cramming ever sinc
e getting on the plane Thursday morning. In between stopping by the LA County Courthouse, where one of the clerks knew my name, to going by my lawyer's office to sign the paperwork to allow him to get the ball rolling on closing out what I couldn't stick around for, I hadn't had as much study time as I wanted. Now, with a mechanical pencil in my hand, a cheap pocket calculator next to me, and a twenty five page, three hundred question test booklet in front of me, panic was beginning to set in.

  You can do it, Julian, I heard Krystal whisper in my mind. Now just buckle down, and start right with question one. You keep plugging away at it.

  I knew the words were just a little bit of self-delusion, but it got me moving. I opened up the book, and read the first question. Which blood pressure is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?

  I grinned and bubbled in my answer. For the next four hours, I worked steadily, letting my mind not get too caught up on the things I flat out didn't know.

  While I had years on years of practical experience, there were certain things that were brand new to me. Randy had explained it to me in person on Friday afternoon while he ran me through a review session. "These certification groups, they know that because of the way state laws are, there's no actual way they can force everyone to be certified by them. Hell, most places don't even require you to have a cert at all if you're willing to carry your own insurance on it. So this test you're gonna take, it's just to stick some letters after your name to help get you in the door with places. But to make sure their cert isn't seen like some sort of joke, they put in a ton of words that they make up themselves. NSCA, ACE, ACSM, NASM, whatever, they all test the same stuff on the practical side of things. You're just going to have to try and remember as much of the jargon as you can. You'll do fine if you just use your brain, amigo."


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