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All in the Family

Page 11

by Taft Sowder

  He unzipped his pants and sank into the cushions to enjoy his time.

  * * * *

  The beat pulsed all around, lights flashing, people dancing; it seemed the entire club was alive, an ocean of sexual energy fueled by alcohol. Lust was in the air. Glenn stood close beside Loretta, sipping his beer from the bottle; his biceps bulged under his shirt, stretching the fabric taut. His chest was wide and full; hours spent at the gym had really paid off. He took another swig from his bottle, Budweiser, his favorite.

  Loretta swayed side to side, making sure that she brushed by Glenn as she did. He pressed closer to her, and she rubbed her bottom on his crotch in little circles. She smiled to herself as she moved. The beat of the music became intoxicating; she couldn’t help but lose herself in it.

  The beat suddenly stopped, and the lights went out. The entire club was dark. The lights came back up slowly, and a slower song came over the speakers. It was less intoxicating, and yet intriguing. A thought entered her mind that struck her as odd. She couldn’t help but think about the girl from the street corner, the one who looked far too young to be out there. Her eyes, the girl had piercing eyes, and yet they were so innocent. She recalled her face. The girl’s hair was teased around it, yet she couldn’t hide its angelic shape. She had round cheeks and a dimpled chin. The girl was beautiful, no doubt about it.

  “Have I lost you?” Glenn asked in her ear. It brought her back to reality, the love song over the speakers faded back into her ears.

  “Why?” She asked back. “Feeling horny are we?”

  He smiled a broad smile.

  “I’m horny,” she said, groping his chest. She kissed him, her tongue probing his mouth. She tasted the beer, stale and bitter, but she didn’t mind.

  Loretta waved at Barbra as she left, a little finger wave. Barbra sat at a table, several prospective males seated or standing nearby, each garnering her attention. Barbra had what it took to take any of them out with her, but she was still a picky woman. Another man approached the table with a strawberry daiquiri in hand. Loretta shook her head as she giggled to herself.

  * * * *

  Roy sat on the couch, still busy with his duties. His erection had lasted throughout the first flick, and he had already purchased a second. His hand worked ferociously. The squishing sound it made was nearly inaudible, but the moaning of the girl on the screen was, though exaggerated and overly dramatic, echoing throughout the empty house. The voice bounced off the walls and the hardwood floor. The man in the movie, to Roy’s relief, silently pumped away.

  He didn’t hear the doorknob turn; he didn’t hear the click of the latch or the squeal of the door on the hinges. What he did hear was the door slam shut. He jumped nearly off the cushion and fumbled with the remote. After muting the television, he turned to see who was there. He caught a glimpse of Jessica as she walked by the arched doorway. He thumbed the remote and shut off the TV while he pulled up his pants. He heard another door slam as he buttoned and zipped.

  He rolled his eyes, half annoyed, but half relieved. He knew he would have been in deep shit if Loretta or, God forbid, Herman had come through the door. Now he was in the house alone with a distressing teenager. The circumstances were perfect for him to either apologize if she saw him, or if she didn’t, possibly have some help with the task at hand.

  He pecked on the door lightly. He could hear her sniffling on the other side of the white painted door. He pecked again, a little harder this time. He smiled, knowing where this was leading.

  “What?’ He heard her ask quietly between sniffles.

  “Are you alright?” He asked, a false concern in his voice.

  “What do you care? Go back to your porn!”

  Roy giggled under his breath. “You saw that, huh? I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting anyone home for a while, ya’ know?”

  The door clicked, the sound of the tumblers sliding open, and then the door opened just a crack.

  “I won’t tell anyone,” she said looking up at him, her eyes sparkling in the hallway light. Her skin seemed to glow under the in the darkness of her room.

  “Well, I would appreciate that, but,” he paused and then was silent.

  “But what, you want to finish? Go ahead. I’m not stopping you. Just don’t get it on the couch, mom would have a fit.”

  “Well, I’ll...I’ll be careful,” he said, stammering around.

  “Oh,” she said, opening the door a little more. She stepped closer to him. He could smell her perfume now, a turn on. It wasn’t overbearing as most adult perfume was, and it was fruitier smelling. Raspberries or strawberries, he was sure of it.

  She looked into his eyes, and he returned her gaze. Her lip quivered. He leaned down and pursed his lips slightly. She came in to meet him, their lips met for the first time. It was a light kiss, nothing too over the top, and yet, it sent tingles running all through both of them.

  They kissed again, this time longer, this time deeper. His tongue parted her lips, and he began to probe her mouth, caressing her tongue with his own.

  She pulled back for a moment and looked up into his eyes. “Should we be doing this?” she asked.

  “Do you want to?” Roy asked.

  “Yes,” her answer was quick, not requiring thought.

  “Then yes we should,” Roy said with a big toothy smile. He pushed into her and more or less forced her backward, walking her toward the bed. She sat down on the bed and looked up at him. Her big, soft eyes twinkling in what little light came shining through the open door.

  “Now what do you want, Uncle Roy?” she asked seductively.

  “You know I’m not really you’re uncle.”

  “What?” His words siphoned the fun right out of the act.

  “Well, I am and I’m not. My dad married Loretta’s mom, and we were already here—you know what? Never mind,” Roy said.

  Jessica unzipped his pants, and like a child searching for a lost toy dug inside his pants with her hand. She found his member, erect and ready. She squeezed it in her hand. He let out a slight gasp. She squeezed it again, knowing that he enjoyed it. She worked it through the open fly and gently massaged it, stroking the shaft and head. He gripped her hair and pulled her head closer. She struggled, pulling back; just to give him some fun. He pulled harder. Finally her mouth was only an inch from the tip; she tongued the end, working her tongue in circles. That was when he moaned.

  She moaned as well, feeling her panties moisten.

  * * * *

  Loretta browsed the sex shop with Glenn by her side; they were pretending to browse the toy section, knowing what was coming. Glenn kept passing by her, gently caressing her rear with his hand as he did.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Loretta said, “but could you recommend a good toy for me?”

  “Why yes, ma’am. We have a large selection of the finest sexual aids available today,” Glenn said, mocking a sales rep. “What kind of toy could I interest you in?”

  “Hmm,” she said, “I need one that is large and in charge. I need it to be very thick and well veined; I love to feel the ridges. Do you have anything like that?”

  Glenn caressed his crotch in front of her. “Yes, ma’am I believe I’ve found just was you’re looking for. You’ll have to come to the back, and I’ll let you try it on.”

  She moaned a sexual noise in her throat and followed him to back and through the door. Hand in hand they went. They passed all of the rooms by; they had one particular room of which they were both fond. When they found their favorite room, the door was open and no one inside. Glenn graciously held out a hand and let her step through the threshold first. He entered right behind her, molesting her with his eyes as he walked.

  He shut and locked the door, and when he turned back, she kissed him long and deep. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she immediately went for his p
ants, unbuckling his belt and unzipping the fly. She pulled him out and fondled him, feeling him stiffen in her hands. It almost felt bigger than before. Passion and lust were swirling in the air around them; she could feel it, the sexual tension becoming greater with every passing moment.

  He moaned as she took him in her mouth, she moaned too, feeling her juices begin to flow.

  * * * *

  “How much longer?” Bobby complained.

  “Son, I told you it might take up to two hours to burn them. If we’re lucky, they’ll be done within the hour.” Herman was growing tired of answering his questions, but he knew that the boy was quite impatient, and that this was a boring procedure.

  “Well, thank God, I’m ready to go home,” Bobby said slumping in his chair.

  “Bobby, we have a lot of work to do before we can think about going home. We still have to pulverize the bones and then dispose of them. I have two more bodies that I need to take care of before we’re done. I can only keep them here on ice for so long, otherwise people start to get worried. I have to do that boy who bullied you.”

  “Robert,” Bobby said with a scowl. “Can I burn him?”

  “Sure,” Herman said after a moment of thought. “Did you not hear about that boy who broke into the house a couple of streets over? He was attacked by a dog and fell from a balcony; I have to get him ready, too.”

  Bobby sat up, rigid in the chair, trying not to act suspicious. Herman noticed a change in his deportment but didn’t say anything. If he had been involved, Herman thought, he didn’t get caught, and that was really all that mattered right now.

  “What crushes the bones?” asked Bobby, changing the subject.

  “Oh,” Herman said, excitement in his voice. Bobby was finally taking interest, now would be the time to teach him the family business. “Well, you saw how I loaded the bodies in the incinerators here. We’ve updated them, so they are automated now, and the afterburner takes care of any fragments that don’t get burned up to start with. When this is done, I scrape the bones and leftovers into a try. I then take these to a machine called a ball mil. After dumping the bones into the machine, I simply turn it on, and the bones are crushed into fine dust by heavy steel balls. This is what people call the ashes.”

  Bobby nodded, acting interested. At least it got his dad off the subject of the other boy. Herman went on to tell him a more detailed history of cremation and why some cultures preserve their dead rather than burn them, but Bobby was not interested, he just used it to pass the time.

  * * * *

  Roy panted, lying on the bed beside her. She had brought him to the brink of orgasm twice, and he had made her stop. What the hell was he waiting for, an invitation? Jessica was tired, her lips numb and her jaw sore. Taking his member from her mouth, she rolled on her side, stretching. She just wanted him to hurry so she could get something to eat. Her stomach growled, but only she could hear it.

  He began to fondle her breast through her top. She pushed his hand away, but it came right back. He reached under her blouse, finding her naked breasts; she had always hated to wear bras. He rolled her nipple between his fingers. He was still rock hard and now poking her in the back.

  Her lips parted, and a slight moan escaped them. The sensations flowing through her body were outstanding. She felt tingling like lightning coursing over her skin. Electricity coursed through her blood. Every heartbeat pumped liquid fire through her veins. Sensations quickening, she could taste the lust in the air. She could feel something building deep in her midsection, like a dam about to break. She wanted it to break, wanted the river to flow.

  Roy scooted down, and with his free hand gripped his erection and forced it between her legs. Expecting slick bliss, he was surprised to hit something else, not slick bliss, but damp cloth. She wore panties? She dressed the way she did and wore panties? What the hell? He rubbed himself there for a moment; she moaned more loudly this time. Then he tried to work around the fabric. She suddenly scooted forward, away from him; he kept a grip on her. She squirmed on her back, feeling helpless.

  “I didn’t say you could do that,” she said in a quivering whisper.

  “I want it,” he said and gripped her tighter.

  “Stop, you’re hurting me.” Jessica slapped at his hands.

  He only gripped even tighter and pulled her back to him.

  “I’m saving it for marriage,” she said with a whimper. “I’m not ready for this yet. I want to save it for that special someone.”

  “Are you saying I’m not special?” asked Roy in an annoyed voice.

  “Not special enough for that.” She pulled away from him, but he kept hold on her. He forced himself against the fabric, against her. She felt a tearing pain begin to burn, and she wanted to cry.

  * * * *

  Loretta stood bent over the bench seat, straddling it, the same place she had been for quite some time. He had been pumping away like a dog in heat. Like a dog, she thought. She turned and looked at him, he watched the action on the screen, and for a moment he almost really looked like a dog humping someone’s leg. The way they stared off into space. She forced back a giggle.

  Turning back, she decided she’d had enough, decided that it was time. She could do that with him; she knew how to push his buttons, knew what he really liked. She began to moan and be loud. He gripped her hips tighter. She began to work it, forcing him to come into rhythm with her. She worked it good. He lowered himself as she worked it, and his butt met the cold bench seat. She continued to work and moan. She could feel him pulsing. He would explode any time. She waited for it and didn’t have to wait long.

  “Oh, baby,” he said, “you’re gonna make me come.”

  She straightened, sitting up on his love rod, squeezing with everything she had as she rode. He grabbed her around the waist. Hold on tight, she thought with a smile. Her fingers worked below.

  He exploded, the first burst filling her with burning hot liquid. That sent her over. She moaned, nearly screamed while it happened, and in unison, they came together.

  When she was dressed again, she dug her cell phone out of her purse. Herman didn’t know she had it, but she had bought a prepaid cell phone when she first started going out on him so she could call a ride if she needed one. The phone rang on the other end, rang and rang until Barbra’s voice mail picked up. Barbra, you whore, she thought.

  “Hey, you’ve reached Barbra, leave a message.”

  “Barbra, you weren’t supposed to do this to me again.” Loretta pressed the ‘end’ button and tossed the phone back into her purse. She sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Glenn asked, buttoning his shirt.

  After a moment of silence she answered, “Barbra was supposed to give me a ride home after we got finished, but it seems she’s busy with her own agenda.”

  Glenn smiled at her. “I could give you a ride.”

  “In your cruiser? Would you handcuff me and take me in?” she asked seductively, leaning in for a kiss. “I think we would be better off if I was to walk home. I don’t know if he will be home, and we have company. Oh, Lord, and if my daughter saw me getting out of your car, it would be all over.” She thought about how Jessica would react. Jessica would demand to know what was going on. She’d use it to her advantage because she knew how that kind of thing worked. She would get her way, and that would be the end of it. If she didn’t get her way, she would tell Herman, and that would be the beginning of a disaster.

  “At least let me give you a ride most of the way, you can walk a block or two all by yourself, but that’s a long walk otherwise. That’s not the kind of walk you would want to do in this weather.” Glenn gently caressed her shoulders.

  It was a hell of a walk. It certainly was not the walk that she wanted to make in heels, not any of it if she were honest. With the temperature dropping slowly, and the wind picking up, any
one could tell a storm was on its way. It swept in from the west, the warmer air and the cooler air meeting; it was like starting a war. The two would twist and swirl together, a bitter fight as they mixed, leaving a path of destruction along the way. Loretta had seen her fair share of tornados when she was a child. She remembered taking shelter in the cellar. She remembered the cellar doors blowing off and one of her neighbors being swept away. It was night then as well, a dark night—black as pitch. They had found that man the next day impaled on a fence row, his face and body mangled from the high winds.

  She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “I suppose you could take me most of the way, we just have to be careful.”

  “You weren’t worried about being careful on the way over here.” Glenn laughed.

  “I was horny then,” she said with a smile.

  * * * *

  Jessica lay on her bed, sobbing into her pillow. Roy had left the room to clean up and said he wouldn’t be back in there tonight, but that he looked forward to having her to himself again soon. She was sad, shocked and depressed. The pain had been slightly more than she had imagined it would be. It was a shock to her how he had torn through her panties. It was more than she could handle at the time, so she had taken herself out of the situation. She had gone into her own world and fantasized about all kinds of different things. What Christmas would bring. What the New Year would bring. She only came back to reality when he finished. She felt the heat of it as he grunted, announced that he was coming and his rhythm stopped. A few thrusts, a hot feeling inside, and he was spent.

  He kissed her and caressed her and assured her that it was alright, but it was not alright. She had been betrayed and hurt by him. He took something that was rightfully hers without permission, and there was no way he could give it back. His pleasure had not come without a warning. “Don’t tell anyone, he had said. If you know what’s good for you, don’t tell anyone.”


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