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The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

Page 8

by Marie Kelly

  “You eloped to be with the man you loved….those were your exact words to me six years ago”

  Grace had looked back in shock that he would remember the exact wording.

  “How would two people so in love not consummate a marriage? I would have struggled not to consummate our marriage before the end of the reception”

  Blushing once more she had felt the tears start to fill her large eyes, her lips starting to tremble “I…I had my reasons Alexos…I swear I never meant to upset you or your family”

  She had seen the anger on his face as he had pushed himself to the edge of the bed, his head falling to his hands as fingers had scraped through his hair with rapid movements, his back rigid. Grace had felt the need to put out her hand and trace her finger down the long length of it shocked at the sudden desire to lean into him and run her tongue down the valley of his spine, this thought shocking her with its intensity. Instead she had pulled her legs up to her chest, arms moving around as her hair had fallen around her small frame.

  Turning, he had swallowed the lump in his throat, the desire to pull her back in to him strong as he had stood moving away from the small woman curled up so vulnerably on the bed. He had thought so many bad things about this woman over the years, only to discover that she was the same inexperienced shy innocent from all those years ago, confusion and guilt filling him.

  Bending down he had retrieved his clothes from where they had been discarded on the floor, pulling on each piece of clothing in silence. With a last look at her he had moved back to the door, pulling it open and pausing.

  “Get some sleep” his voice distant, so matter of fact before silently closing the door.

  Grace had felt empty, the pain of loss flowing over her as she had rolled onto her side, sobs racking her small body. She could not understand her own reaction, so unable to hold back the flood. He had made love to her, opened something so deep within then turned his back and walked away, the sense of loss filling her.

  Moving from the room, Alexos had leant in against the opposite wall, his head raised heavenward with conflicting emotions tearing through him. How the hell was it possible? She had been married to the man she loved, used him by pretending to be an innocent, and yet she still had been. Hitting his head gently against the hardness, his body had felt the way their lovemaking had affected him. It had been even more intense than he could ever have imagined it, the memory of seeing her lying naked once more sending tremors through him. Standing taller he had caught the sound from her room. Was she crying? Leaning in against the door, the unmistakable sound had torn at him as he had against all better judgement slid back into the room.

  Hands pulling her around had made her jump, as she had been held to his chest enveloped by his strong arms, not having heard the door open again. His chin had brushed her head as sobbing she had clung to him, her face against his shoulder the sound of pain muffled against him, feeling the soft groan from him.

  “Don’t cry Grace, please don’t” his voice full of sadness as she had broken her heart against him, gulping in lungfuls of air, the sobs so violent, until the loud sounds had eventually been replaced by small snuffles. Pulling her back to look down into her tear-stained face, he had cupped her cheeks in his hands, his thumbs so tenderly wiping the tears from her cheeks, Grace only able to stare back at him.

  Raising her head to him, she had brought her lips to his, his kiss so gentle before his tongue had moved to lick the tears from one cheek then the other before trailing down so sensually to her parted lips, his kiss full of fire and a barely held back passion.

  This time as they had made love they had taken their time. Alexos exploring her body with his hands and mouth, no words needing to be spoken as the two had held the other close. When they had once more come together, the climax had been every bit as earth-shattering as the first, both staring in wonder at the other before she had curled up in the crook of his arm, with such a sweet and serene smile on her lovely face Grace had fallen asleep. Gently kissing the top of her head Alexos had listened as her breathing had deepened, his eyes solemn as so many thoughts had ran through his tired mind, before he too had succumbed to the pull of sleep, deep peaceful sleep.

  Knocking the door gently Carol had frowned, biting her lip pensively as she had once more checked her watch. At ten past five, it was not like Grace to be late. Taking a deep breath she had knocked louder, this time trying the door. Finding it open she had moved into the room, a large smile on her face

  “Wakey wakey…”

  The rest of the line lost as she had given a small shriek. The two in the bed waking with a start, Grace’s eyes flying open confused as to what was going on, the memories flooding back in glorious Technicolor as she had felt Alexos move beside her.

  “I…I’m so sorry” the embarrassed voice of Carol had repeated over and over as she had turned about to flee from the room.

  “Wait” the snapshot voice of Alexos had frozen her as he had reached over and lifted the telephone on her side of the bed, leaning over Grace who had held back a groan. Closing her eyes in complete mortification Grace had pulled the sheet up to her neck not sure what to say to her friend and workmate. Speaking quickly and decisively in Greek he had replaced the receiver before giving Carol, who was looking expectantly over at him a wide smile.

  “My housekeeper is under instructions to make a huge breakfast for you all, and my grounds man is prepared to help you set up your equipment for the morning. Please Carol, Grace and I will join you in about an hour”

  With eyes that had flicked to her Carol had said nothing, merely nodding before moving at speed from the room, so glad to be anywhere but there.

  Moaning, Grace had slapped her forehead.

  “Goddddd. I didn’t get a chance to set my watch last night” her accusing look aimed at Alexos, who had grinned back at her, Grace feeling the now all too familiar tightening of awareness of her body around this man. Leaning down he had kissed her, the determination to get up right away deserting her as she had fallen back against the bed, arms moving around his neck, the two once more losing themselves in the other.

  As the two had moved into the shower together, Grace had given him a schoolmarm look as he had pulled her in harder against him, her bottom against the rising hardness of him. Chuckling she had moved from him grabbing the soap and washing herself as he had too, and so the two were ready moving together back down the stairs, Grace feeling nervous.

  Chapter Four

  As the two had joined the group the other three had been ready to leave. Grace had felt the embarrassed silence as they had looked at each other, before Carol had given a wide innocent smile.

  “Sleep well?”

  The others struggled to hold back the laughter before Alexos had dropped his head looking up at her with a return smile “Well speaking for myself one of the best I have had recently - thanks Carol” wickedly turning to Grace who had laughed, nodding softly the air between the group instantly relaxing.

  “The car is outside for you, but if you don’t mind I will ensure Grace has something to eat before she joins you”

  The three had all nodded throwing her understanding looks as they had moved out of the door. Alone once more she had given a groan.

  “They are going to hound me for details”, giving a lopsided grin “good job they break up for a month…they might have forgotten by the time we regroup”

  Sighing softly as she had moved towards the dining room, throwing him a pained smile. “But I somehow doubt it”

  Alexos had nodded a strange expression on his face “Before we eat can I talk to you?”

  Grace stopping in surprise as he had moved towards the room she knew to be his study. Frowning softly she had followed him, curiosity filling her.

  He had stepped all the way to his large ornate desk, turning and perching on the edge before pulling her into his arms, Grace standing between his legs, his hands loosely wrapped around her waist.

  “Stay with me” his voice so
ft as his eyes had delved so deeply into hers. “Don’t go. You have a month’s break…stay with me”

  Grace had flicked her eyes to his, uncertainty written on every part of her features, before she had again dropped her head, shaking it slowly “I can’t…I really can’t”

  Lifting her chin with the hook of his finger he had pulled her head up, a note of pleading in his eyes

  “Please Grace…six years ago we lost each other, last night was our second chance…let’s not lose that too”

  He had seen the indecision within her, waiting silently as she had once more dropped her eyes, her mind wondering if perhaps there might be another option. “Last night…was wonderful…but I can’t stay Alexos…I’m sorry…I…”

  Grace had felt him stiffen and sigh; felt the change in him as he had firmly pushed her to arm’s distance. She stopping talking as he had moved around his desk and taken a seat in the large leather chair, Grace surprised to see the difference within him, his features suddenly more controlled. Gone the lover of that morning now someone she had never met before, someone cold and aloof, uneasiness seeping deep within her. As she had stood nervously unsure what to do he had watched her, his look assessing before he had given another small sigh.

  “I am sorry to hear that Grace” his hands reaching over to pull a small folder into his hands “When you phoned me six years ago…I was furious, I mean I was so angry Grace. I believed that you and your parents had set the whole thing up. I couldn’t understand why…but I was damn sure that I was going to make you all pay”

  She had watched him a sensation of unease filling her still so surprised at the change in him.

  “I discovered that your father’s business was not doing quite as well as he pretended. He had to take out a hefty loan to tide him over some problems. A loan which I was able to acquire”

  Dropping into the seat beside his desk her eyes had opened with disbelief.

  “W…why?” she had muttered softly as his dark eyes had glowed so black and cold “Because I intended to punish them for your actions”

  Gasping she had shaken her head “N…no my parents had nothing to do with what happened”

  Alexos had watched her with a small sneer on his handsome mouth “I know that. When I had everything I needed, I went to visit them. Your father was furious, and your mother was grief-stricken. The poor woman could hardly stop from crying the whole time I was there”

  Grace had groaned softly, her mind picturing her mother in tears, biting her lip, the pain filling her own eyes.

  “Your father told me that he had disinherited you, and I knew then that I was not the only person you had duped” A contemptuous look on his face “Your poor parents were just as much victims of your selfishness as I was. I left without even informing them that I owned the debt…I decided that they had suffered enough”

  Grace had stared up at him, pain on her lovely face

  “You bastard” she had managed, her voice hardly audible as she had held down the tears that threatened. Throwing the folder over to her side of the table, his voice had been cruel. “People in glass houses sweetheart…” silent as she had picked it up and flicked through the sheets that confirmed all he had said Grace looking warily at him.

  “What do you want Alexos? Why are you showing me this?” For a second he had watched her, his hands clasped together against his mouth before sitting back in the chair.

  “I am showing you this because I want you to stay”

  Looking at him with a frown of surprise she had licked her lovely lips. “I appreciate that you didn’t follow through with what you had planned…and I am sorry for what happened…and I know that after last night you might be thinking that…”

  His laugh had stopped her soft words, her eyes looking back at him in confusion.

  “No…last night as far as I am concerned was just an added extra, a very unexpected one…but most enjoyable” He leaning forward “Let me make myself clear Grace…I am not ASKING you to stay anymore, I’m just laying out what could happen if you DON’T stay”.

  Smiling once more as the colour had drained from her lovely features, his mouth had curled softly.

  “Truth is I really don’t give a damn if you are with me because you want or don’t want to be. My father is not well Grace, and his final wish is that he sees me settled. I expect you to remain here with me and play the part of the devoted fiancée”.

  Her look had become one of dumbfounded disbelief “Why…why me?”

  Alexos’ expression becoming firmer “Six years ago you used me Grace, and now it is my turn to use you. I need somebody who will not expect me to see an engagement through…a convenience if you like. If it gives my father some peace…then I want to give that to him”

  She had once more stared at the folder, her eyebrows pulled tightly together “W…will I have my own room?” her question meeting with cruel laughter from him.

  “This is not six years ago Grace…I’m not the idiot who promised to wait until we were married, and after last night and the way you reacted…do you really think that I will give up the opportunity for some more of that while you are here?…no you will not have your own room”

  Throwing the folder back down onto the desk she had stood, her small body rigid with fury “Forget it Alexos. I am not a toy to be used for sex or anything else. Find yourself some other little playmate to make happy families with”.

  Turning she had strode to the door, his whiplash voice halting her “If you leave Grace, then I will recall that debt and drive your father and mother into bankruptcy”

  As she had wordlessly reached out for the door handle he had added in a slower voice. “Did I mention that your father used the family home as collateral for the loan?”

  Dropping the handle she had spun around, real fear on her face “Why….why would you do that? You know that they have nothing to do with me, what is the point of punishing them?”

  He had stood moving slowly over to join her “It was not my father’s fault when you ditched me Grace, when you robbed him of the chance of grandchildren, but nevertheless he was one of those affected by your decision. So…I feel vindicated in using your parents to punish you also…the choice is yours”

  Grace had felt so angry, her eyes daggers glaring back at him “I may have been a disappointment to your plans Alexos…but you had choices too. You could have found some other willing woman to be your much wanted brood mare….the fact that you didn’t had nothing to do with me”

  For several seconds the two had glared at each other, before Grace had once more reached for the handle, the fight seeming to leave her, her shoulders hunching in defeat.

  “Fine. I will stay for the month…but no longer - I have work that needs done” her eyes full of hatred “But do not expect cooperation from me when we are alone”, hearing the sound of his footsteps moving towards her as he had left the desk.

  His victorious smile had caused her insides to cringe as she swallowed down the small lump, his hands pulling her around as his head had dropped to kiss her. Grace had stood stiffly, her mouth firmly closed not prepared to respond as he had once more moved her from him, the small laugh making her look up.

  “Now…this was why I wanted to get you to stay of your own free will…would have been so much easier…and enjoyable” Grace feeling the shooting pain and hurt at the cold-bloodedness of his plan and how he had hoped to use her to meet his own agenda.

  “You played me” she had bitten out, his eyes narrowing as he had nodded “Yes… Hurts doesn’t it?”

  Lifting her hand he had ran his thumb over her wedding ring, his eyes hard “You can start by losing this…don’t want any awkward questions as to why you would be with me and still wearing another man’s ring”

  Pulling her hand from his, Grace had looked down at the small piece of jewellery that had been part of her for so long. Biting her lip she had pulled it from her finger, ignoring his outstretched hand as she had placed it securely into her shorts pocket mak
ing sure that it was zipped carefully inside.

  Stepping back she had then wordlessly opened the door moving to the front entrance.

  “I think I will skip breakfast, for some reason I don’t think I could stomach food now” her hands clenching tightly as his laugh had reached her.

  “Strange, I’m starving; seem to have worked up quite an appetite. However, I’m sure that Yanis will be back from dropping off your friends if you wish to join them. I will see you tonight Cara”

  Without turning around she had moved to the front door, pulling on every ounce of pride that she could muster, determined not to turn and wipe the smug self-satisfied smile from his face.

  Reaching the rest of the group, she had refused to talk about what had happened the previous evening, although when she had informed them that she had planned to stay on, Carol had pulled her in for a big hug.

  “Oh my God Grace….go for it. He is gorgeous” her eyes shining “and you might not be telling….but I could totally tell that there was some history between the two of you” Grace bending her head to check some equipment refusing to say more. The day had gone past quickly, quicker than she wanted, knowing only too well what would be waiting for her when the rest of the group finally set sail back to the mainland. She had helped to pack everything up, ensuring that much of the research was put to the side for her to evaluate before the next leg of the project. While the others would be enjoying a much deserved rest, she had known that most of her month would be taken up with collating the figures and trying to finalise the Libya leg of the research. While the Libyans had initially agreed to the project, the government had revoked the agreement and Grace was desperately trying to salvage the original deal, spending a considerable amount of time phoning different officials in the government.

  Finally however, the sun had once more sunk into the sea, the group all enjoying one last sunset on the beautiful island before hugging Grace, all smiling warmly at her, Carol giving her a big wink as she had told her to take some time to relax. Giving her friend a small smile she had nodded


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