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The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

Page 11

by Marie Kelly

  “Looks like I may have to sneak into your room tonight” Grace holding down the small return laugh touched at his willingness to follow expected protocol. Left alone to unpack, she had turned to face him.

  “Why are you calling me Leotta?”

  Alexos looking down at her thoughtfully for a few seconds before answering

  “You may have married and obtained a piece of paper that said you were another man’s wife Grace, but you never consummated that marriage”

  Frowning softly she had looked at him questioningly

  “I WAS married Alexos” He shaking his head softly.

  “No. I still do not understand what you were Grace…but you were not married, and holding on to his name does not change that fact. As far as I am concerned you are still Grace Leotta, the woman who swam towards sharks”

  Biting her lip she had given a long sigh. It seemed futile to argue, Grace not exactly sure what she was arguing for as she had allowed him to lead her back down the stairs to the outside terrace where drinks and snacks had been laid out, his father already waiting for them.

  Sipping the refreshing homemade lemonade she had enjoyed listening as the two men had laughed and joked together, a small stab of sadness filling her that she had never been as close to her own father.

  “I was so delighted to hear that the two of you had found each other again”

  Nikoli’s voice had pulled her from her reverie as Grace had looked up with a smile, her eyes flitting nervously to Alexos “Y…yes”

  Sitting back the man had seemed content

  “I have organised for a small party to celebrate your engagement” he had told them softly, Alexos flashing her an encouraging smile.

  “Just a few friends, some family and of course your parents Grace”

  The clatter of her dropping the knife she had lifted to cut some cake had made the two men look around

  “M…m…my parents?” the only words she could manage, both men so aware of the pallor of her complexion as all colour had drained from her face, Nikoli leaning forward with concern.

  “My dear girl, are you OK?” worry on his face as Alexos had stood taking her hand as he had pulled her to her feet

  “I am afraid that I should have insisted that you lie down Grace” turning to his father “I fear that she was not well earlier but did not want to worry you”

  With authority the older man had nodded softly

  “Then you must lie down, it has taken me all this time to find myself a daughter-in-law….I want to make sure she stays well” giving her a paternal smile, Grace somehow managing a tremulous one herself as Alexos had led her back to her room.

  As the door had closed, she had groaned with pain, her whole body starting to shake uncontrollably as she had collapsed on the bed

  “You never said my parents were coming” her voice hardly a whisper as Grace had turned to look at him

  “How could you do this to me Alexos? I know you wanted your revenge…but could you not have spared me that?” as she had spoken tears had spilled down her lovely face, such pain filling her eyes.

  Groaning softly he had hunched down, his hands holding her shoulders as he looked so deeply into her large eyes magnified by the unspiled tears.

  His hand had risen to gently wipe away some of those tears, cupping her cheeks “It will be fine Grace…I promise you it will be. I don’t want revenge…not anymore. I did…but then…things between us have been so good”

  Adding softly “I did not know. My father must have done this on his own. I am sorry, truly sorry, but perhaps it is for the best. Perhaps it is time to face them”

  Giving a small ‘pfft’ sound she had glared at him “You have no idea what you have done Alexos. Not everybody had the same home life as you did”.

  Grace had pulled back from him, hurt and anger along with the pain on her features as she had bitten out “Do you really think that I wanted to be at your ‘party’ all those years ago?” her eyes now daggers of hatred, tears still flowing down her face as he had looked at her in astonishment.

  “What does that mean?” a harder look on his brow.

  “It means that I was ordered to go. Ordered to play seductress” her look of self-loathing so clear looking harder at him “Would your father ever have ordered you to be paraded before some woman Alexos, in the hope that you might be acceptable to her?” another sob leaving her “Mine did…over and over again”

  Alexos had felt uncomfortable, not having really thought about the women who had all arrived for the many weekends he had laid on. “He wanted the best for you” he had tried weakly as Grace had pushed away, rising and moving to the window.

  “You have no idea what you are talking about” her voice dripping with disdain.

  “You went to my parents’ house a couple of times, and you saw the fallout of what I had done and you felt sorry for them. But you never wondered why…why I was driven to it did you Alexos? No, you just preferred to think the worst of me because you were a victim too”

  Alexos had made to move towards her as she had turned; her hand outstretched warding him off. She had seemed so vulnerable yet cold and he had wanted to pull her into his arms to tell her everything would be fine.

  “You were right. I don’t feel well, my head is thumping. Please just go away” Alexos had paused, so unsure what to do before he had nodded and stiffly moved out of the room, Grace once more falling onto the bed her heart breaking.

  He had fooled her. Despite the way he had gotten her to stay for the month, she had grown to trust him, believing that he had grown to trust her, to care for her. She had been a fool; he had solely been planning to ensure that he destroyed her, that his revenge against her would be absolute. He could never love her the way she loved him. Gasping loudly the tears had stilled as her final thought had shocked her. She was in love with Alexos Manetas, the irony once more making the tears flow down her stricken face. What a stupid fool she was, he would have his revenge and it would be more complete than he could ever have hoped for.

  When she had cried out all of the tears, hurt filling every part her, blessed sleep had finally given her the peace she so badly needed. Alexos moving silently into the room had seen her curled up on the bed, her tear-streaked face pale and strained. Lying down, he had gently kissed her head, stroking her hair as she had stirred, her eyes opening slowly, smiling seeing him before the memories had flooded back, a pained look once more filling her.

  “I’m sorry Grace. You were right”

  Her features had become wary, Grace pushing herself into a sitting position, her eyes never leaving him.

  “I guess I never did think about why you had come that weekend” giving a small sigh

  “I guess I never thought about any of the women…I was thinking it was a big joke mostly, just something to keep my father happy. I suppose I assumed that you were really interested in me…especially after the dive…and I realised that I was interested in you too”

  Graces eyes had become less cold as she had coughed uncomfortably “I…I really don’t want to talk about this Alexos”

  His hand had reached out to gently take hers “I was so busy hating you for what happened. You’re right - I didn’t ask why you were there, or why you felt the need to have to run away with the man you loved…but I want to understand Cara. I really, really do”

  His look had held hers for so long before she had dropped her eyes, her teeth savaging her lips. She felt raw, empty. “I can’t right now” her voice so pained as he had pulled her down under him.

  “When you are ready to…then I promise I will listen”

  The surge of love that had crashed through her had taken her breath away, her eyes shining brightly as she had nodded softly, his mouth dropping to kiss her, the kiss full of so much passion, the two groaning, the need to hold each other rising so strongly. Pulling away from her with a ragged sigh his eyes had been full of longing as he had given a small chuckle.

  “Dinner is in thirty minutes�
��like I said formal dress is expected”

  Giving him a large grin, happiness once more filling her she had moved towards the en-suite bathroom, pausing and seductively looking over her shoulder. “I need a shower…want to share?” his throaty chuckle answering enough as he had joined her “If we are late…I am so blaming you”

  The two had made the meal, but only just, Nikoli commenting on how much better she looked with her cheeks glowing with some inner light. Grace had flicked a quick look to Alexos, her eyes full of humour seeing as he too had struggled to hold back a laugh, Grace having to look away to do the same.

  The meal and drinks after had been enjoyable. Nikoli had been kindly and interested in her career. He had seemed pleased with her accomplishments, looking over at Alexos with approval.

  As the three had moved up the stairs together, they had said their goodnights, each moving into their own room. That night she had found sleep elusive, missing having him in the bed beside her, however when she did finally drift into a deep sleep it had been full of the handsome Greek’s smiling face as he had told her he would wait for her to tell him everything.

  The next day Alexos had taken her on a tour of the estate and to some of the natural points of beauty on the mainland itself.

  As they had walked along the pier looking at the small stores, all selling their traditional Greek souvenirs for the plethora of tourists, she had seen him stiffen, his face becoming uncomfortable, Grace looking up at him with surprise, only ever having seen that look on him at one other time. Shifting her eyes to where he was now staring, his eyes flicking uncomfortably to her she had held back the small gasp of surprise seeing the woman now moving towards them.

  “Alexos, darling” the still stunning figure of the woman had draped herself over him, kissing him softly on the lips before pulling back and turning to her, the smile on her mouth not reaching her cold eyes.

  “Imagine meeting you here. It’s Grace isn’t it?…we met before…before you” her look one of discomfort as she had looked at Alexos once more, her teeth biting her lip as though she had said too much, Grace feeling her hackles rise.

  “Angelica isn’t it?” she had returned, fixing a small smile of her own her eyes scanning the immediate area “Is your husband not with you?”

  She had felt Alexos once more grow rigid beside her as he had interrupted.

  “Yes Angelica…what a surprise. Lovely to see you again” his eyes falling to his watch as he had looked at Grace “We really should be going Cara” his look moving to the other woman “It was lovely to see you again”

  She had smiled so sensually at him as he had nodded back, Grace aware of the tension between the two, frowning as she had looked down trying not to think about its meaning. As they had moved away, she had regarded him questioningly

  “I am sorry…did I say something wrong?” Alexos looked back at her with a small grimace.

  “Nothing you were to know about. However, she and her husband split up last week, and they are going through a pretty nasty divorce”

  Grace had looked back at the receding woman a gentler look in her eyes “No…I didn’t know…I am sorry to hear that”

  Alexos had given her a warm return smile as the two had moved back to the car. He had taken her to see the small temple, gaining pleasure in acting as guide. However, both had been aware as she had become more and more uptight as the hour of the party had approached. Returning to the villa that night she had showered and pulled on the wonderful full length cocktail dress they had bought only days earlier.

  The aqua silver off-the-shoulder designer dress had shown her lovely curves, the shade complementing her own natural colouring making even Grace gasp at how good she looked. Pulling her hair into a soft knot secured by an ornate comb she had taken more care than usual with her makeup, Grace not fully aware as to just how stunning she looked.

  Walking into her room Alexos had stopped in his tracks. She had always been beautiful to him, but he had had to swallow the large lump in his throat seeing her stood ready to go.

  “Oh my God Grace……you look….wow”

  A small blush had risen to her cheeks as she in turn had admired him. Wearing a tuxedo, the suit fitting his figure so well, she had felt the all too familiar flash of desire fill her. Moving forward he had dropped his head slightly to the side, a small contemplative look on his face as she had looked back before examining the front of her dress, looking to see what was wrong a concerned frown on her lovely features.

  “What…what is it?” she had questioned as he had pulled something from the inside of his jacket. Grace had watched as he had opened the large flat square box, her eyes opening wider seeing the jewellery that lay within the velvet interior


  Her eyes flying to his seeing the necklace and matching tennis bracelet “This…this is too much”

  A smile turning the corners of his mouth “A perfect match for the ring Cara”

  Lifting the bracelet he had secured it on her small wrist, raising it and turning her arm to lay a small kiss on the throbbing vein of her wrist, another flash flying through Grace. Taking the necklace he had moved around her, his fingers brushed gently against her neck, Grace shuddered softly at the feel of him. As he had secured it his lips had dropped to rest on the small of her back, this time Grace unable to hold back the small gasp, her body shivering as he had chuckled against her.

  Turning her around to him he had looked down into her wonderful face, the green of her eyes so bright.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known” something wonderful in his tone as she had only been able to stare back at him, her eyes so bright with the passion for this man.

  The small knock on the door had broken the moment as he had called back in Greek, the response seeing him turn to her, a small smile on his face.

  “Show time Cara” concern once more etched on her features. Taking her hand in his he had whispered softly “I will not leave your side Grace…you have my word” she smiling warmly back, the thought of that somehow making what was to come seem almost bearable.

  The party had only just began as together they had descended the stairs. Nikoli had greeted them both, his eyes growing softer as he had looked at Grace “You look wonderful” his comment as he had looked at Alexos.

  “You look after this girl, or you will have me to deal with” Grace smiling warmly back, an uneasy prickle of guilt filling her. As she had moved away she had looked at the man at her side, her face full of concern.

  “Alexos…how is your father going to take it when he finds out that our engagement is not real?”

  With a small smile he had brushed the comment away “Who says he has to know? We can talk about that later”

  About to argue, her eyes had fallen on the two people who had just entered the large ballroom, a small noise of pain leaving her as her hand had started to shake tightening in his. Alexos had instinctively known what the problem was, his eyes moving to where she looked, seeing her parents being welcomed by his father.

  “Let’s get this over with shall we?” his soft voice in her ear as she had taken a deep breath moving beside him.

  It was her mother who had spotted her first, her eyes filling with happy tears as she had seen her daughter for the first time in nearly six years. Opening her arms she had pulled her in for a tight embrace, Grace feeling as her own eyes had misted over.

  “Grace….oh my beautiful Grace” her mother had sobbed, real love in her eyes, Alexos feeling the warmth of their reunion. As the two women had broken apart the stern voice of the man beside her mother had sent an icy sensation down his spine, his eyes narrowing slightly.

  “That is enough Ellana…do not make a spectacle of yourself” the woman shrinking back, as had Grace, her body moving in tighter to him.

  “Well Grace. I see you did finally come around to your senses” his voice low with a sneer to it, before becoming warmer as he had turned to Alexos.

  “You are a most
generous man Mr Manetas. After what happened all those years ago I appreciate that you were able to see past her….indiscretion”

  He had felt the rush of anger towards her father, instantly sensing the fear the two women had for him. His Grace, a woman so fearless, his Grace who swam towards sharks was afraid of this small man before him. For the first time he had realised what kind of a childhood she must have had to endure, his respect for her growing even more that she had accomplished so much with her life knowing that it had been in spite of this man, certainly not because of him.

  Turning to her mother he had lifted her hand bestowing a gentle kiss on it, his eyes warm.

  “It is a great pleasure to see you again Mrs Leotta” her mother’s face breaking out into a large smile. Turning slightly his voice had been less warm as he had faced her father.

  “You are mistaken Mr Leotta. It is I who is indebted to Grace for giving me a second chance”

  Watching the two her father had sneered softly, though his voice was more respectful as he had ignored Grace “Indeed. You will always be welcome in our home” his look shifting to Grace “As will you” before taking his wife’s arm with the intention of mingling.

  As they had moved away Grace had released a deep breath. She had not even been aware that she had held her breath during the exchange. Looking up into Alexos’ eyes she had smiled.

  “Thank you” her voice full of sincerity as he had winked back down at her.

  She had found herself enjoying the night, especially when her mother had managed to sidle away from her father, the two women slipping into a small corner so happy to finally see each other. While they had kept in contact mainly through email she had missed her mother and she was so happy at now being able to hug her and see for herself that she was well, though she felt, not happy.

  “I am so sorry for upsetting you” she had whispered, her voice full of pain “I should not have done what I did, it was never my intention to hurt you”

  To her surprise the other woman had shaken her head stopping her apologies

  “No Grace…it is I who should be sorry. I should never have allowed him to try to push you into something you were not ready for. I am so proud of what you have achieved…so very, very proud” tears of pride in her eyes “can you ever forgive me?”


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