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Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3)

Page 9

by Piper Frost

  “Good mornin', beautiful,” he murmurs, his lips pressing at the base of my neck as he pulls me back to him. His gravelly morning voice makes goosebumps rain over my body and my smile broadens. “I thought maybe you left.”

  “I wouldn't do that.” I turn in his arms. “I'd never do that to you. I found coffee though.” I grin wider as the pot gurgles and the smell fills his kitchen.

  “Any woman that loves coffee as much as me is welcome here.” He presses his lips to my temple and reaches for two cups. “Cream? Sugar?”

  “Sugar please. Do you I can make us something to eat. Toast? Or I'll treat us to breakfast.”

  “I'm not letting you buy me breakfast. I have eggs and bacon. And I think I have bread.” He opens a few cupboards and tosses breakfast fixings on the counter. “Glad you assume I don't have any food here, though. I'm not a completely helpless bachelor.” He smacks my ass then reaches around me to set the sugar on the counter.

  “Tyler goes through our food faster than I realize it's gone. I just expect everyone to live like us. Do you mind? If I cook something then?” I grip the refrigerator handle, but wait for his okay.

  “Have at it.” He pours his cup of coffee and adds cream to it then walks to the table. “Do you mind if I watch? I've never had a hot girl make me breakfast before.”

  I giggle and look at him. “Just sit right there. I'll get us fed. I just need...a frying...” I open three cupboards, not finding what I need, but the third is a charm. “I'll wash your dishes too. I swear.” I smirk at him. “You mind music?” I hold up my phone. Shaking his head no, he gestures to me so I put on a playlist I've been building for awhile. “Anything you don't like, just change it,” I insist as I set my phone down and get to work on the bacon before I start the eggs. He doesn't complain about my music once, and it makes me wonder if he listens to the same. I don't listen to much country music, not because I don't like it, but I have an eclectic taste of music, and he doesn't seem to mind.

  While I make us breakfast, he silently sits at the table, sipping his coffee and watching me. I don't mind, I like it and sometimes a giggle escapes when he catches my eye. The bright apartment, the smell of coffee and breakfast food, and being in Chase's company, all coupled with songs I love make me wiggle while I cook. After setting his plate in front of him, I go hunting for silverware. Topping off his coffee, I hand him the cream then grab my plate and sit across from him.

  “Look okay?”

  “Looks more than okay, Kaydence,” he says, grinning over his coffee mug. “And by the way, I've never gotten so turned on watching anyone cook before.” He adjusts himself and I giggle. He takes a bite of eggs and the minute it hits his mouth he moans. “Holy shit, she can cook! Thank you.”

  “I've been cooking for Tyler since he could eat solids. I used to cook for my sister. She didn't eat much, but I was always making something for us to eat.” I take a bite and smile over at him. “Are these eggs from the farm?”

  “Yes, ma'am. They're the only ones I'll eat anymore. If I leave I'm gonna need to start my own chicken farm.” He chuckles.

  I smile and push away the comment of 'if he leaves'. If he leaves, it's because he's supposed to. He can go places with his artistic abilities and if he leaves, he deserves something great. If he leaves...he deserves something great. I blink the thought away and take another bite before smiling at him.

  “You alright over there?” He pushes another bite of food in his mouth. “Looks like you're lost in your own mind.”

  “No. I'm fine.” I grin. “The eggs are good. The coffee is great. I noticed you buy the expensive stuff you grind yourself.” I chuckle.

  “It's fresher when you grind it right before brewing. I take my coffee pretty seriously.” He smiles and stands as he finishes his plate. “You cooked. I clean.”

  “I can appreciate that.” I sip the coffee and when I set my mug down, I stare at him. It's probably strange studying what I can, but he watched me dance around his kitchen while I made breakfast. I watch him until he notices me and pauses. Before he can question, I ask, “What're you doing today? Do you want to go to the orchard with me, Tyler, and Jo's kids? I promised I'd take them. There's a haunted hayride and other things Halloweeny for them to do.”

  “I gotta open the shop at noon.” He glances at the clock. “Shit, that's soon! I can get you home real quick. Shit, I'm sorry, Kay.” Approaching me, he wraps his arms around me and the chills that run through my body are unreal. Maybe it's because I've never had this from someone before that I can't get used to it, but I love this feeling. “I would much rather be hanging out with you,” he whispers right before pulling back and pushing his lips to mine.

  “That's okay.” I smile at him and scrub my fingers over his scruff. “I'll have Tyler get me. You go get ready for work.”

  “I'm perfectly capable of driving you home. You don't have to call your little brother, you know,” he mumbles, nuzzling my neck and letting his hands roam to my ass. “I really don't want you to leave today.”

  “Me either.” I quietly moan while I press against him a little harder. When I feel his dick start to stir in his boxers, I glance at the clock, realizing he doesn't have time for what I want. “Go get ready for work. I'm going to clean up breakfast.” I kiss over his jaw to his lips.

  Chase isn't like any of the other guys I've dated. I know people think that all the time, but he is different. He's better. He's the one I'm rooting for in the long run. Don't ask how I know that after just one date either. But I do.

  As we step outside, I rub my arms from the cool morning.

  “Ah, shit,” Chase mumbles, locking the door behind him. “Here, take my jacket. It's cold as balls out here.” He shrugs his jacket off and puts it over my shoulders, grinning at me. “That's adorable.”

  I smile and put my arms inside the warm sleeves. “It kind of fits.” I grin over at him while folding my arms around me.

  “You look good in my coat,” he says, draping his arm over my shoulders and pressing his lips to my head. “It's about two sizes too big, but it fits you just perfect.”

  When we get in his truck, he lifts the armrest so I slide to the middle and rest my hand on his thigh. I'm more comfortable with Chase than I should be after such a short time of intimacy, but I guess I have known him for a little while. When we pull up to the ranch it's kind of bittersweet ending our time together.

  “I had a great time, Chase. Thank you.” I kiss his cheek.

  “You're talkin' like you're never gonna see me again.” He holds out his hand. “Hand over your phone.”

  “My phone?” I ask, setting it in his palm. Dialing a number, he hits send and his phone starts buzzing from his pocket.

  “Now you have my number. I know you wanted it.” He winks and hands me my phone back. “You better use it.”

  I bite my lip, grinning at him before I unbuckle and move for his lips. It was just supposed to be chaste but he feels too good and he knows how to use his hands, so when they slide to my hips and move me to deepen our kiss, I move accordingly.

  Pulling away, I giggle. “Bye, Chase. Thanks for the ride.”

  “You did more ridin' than I did, doll.”

  While I laugh, my cheeks heat up and I slide out. My eyes hit Brandt's and he's standing on the porch, watching us like the truck is in flames.

  Oh great.

  “Came by to see if you wanted to have lunch up at the house today before taking the kids to the pumpkin patch.” His eyes won't leave Chase's truck. “You just getting in from yesterday?”

  “Um, yeah. How's your morning?” I glance toward Chase's truck.

  “With him?” Brandt blurts, walking off the porch toward me. “Your brother know about this?” He watches Chase drive away.

  “My brother?” I keep walking toward the barn. “I don't think so.”

  Brandt follows me. “Chase ain't the type of guy you want to be messin' around with, Kay.”

  “What? Why? What do you mean?” I g
lance at him while getting the horse's feed ready.

  “He's just not a good guy. Got a temper on him. Made his way around the girls in town before he left for Vegas. Just...don't. Okay?”

  I furrow my brows. “No,” mumbles from my mouth and I glance at him.

  “No?” He storms over to me. “Date around town all you want, Kay. I've known Chase my entire life. It's never ended well for any girl he's tried dating.”

  “Well...that's unfortunate for them.” I smile at him. “I'll be fine.”

  He stares at me for a moment then shakes his head. “Yeah, I hope so. Lunch is ready. Come on in and eat. The kids are gettin' antsy.” Before walking away, he pauses, looking back at me. “I'm just lookin' out for you, Kay. If there's one thing you don't need any more of it's drama. I'm just worried that's all you'll get with him.” He walks out before I can say anything and I stare at the food.

  Chase is the one I'll prove them wrong with.

  It's been a few days since that night with Kaydence. We've texted pretty much every day since, but our schedules aren't meshing too well so that's been about the extent of it. It's still weird thinking about her this much, but I'm not going to overthink it. She's the breath of fresh air I need in my life. I'm holding on tight for this ride. At least until she realizes she can do way better than me. Maybe not in this town, but the city's not too far for her to meet someone passing through. The ranch gets a lot of visitors.

  I'm surprised it's taken Brandt this long to show up here asking about her. When he warned me off after my night with her, it was the first time I've ever seen Brandt get defensive about anything other than his wife and kids. I respect the ties to his cousin and I respect his worry...but it's dumb as fuck.

  “What's this thing you got goin' on with my cousin?” He looks at me through narrowed eyes and I push out a chuckle.

  “She's a nice girl.” Trying to keep my cool, I'm still drying the glass that's been in my hand for about five minutes now.

  “She's too nice for you,” he finally says and I nod.

  “She is.”

  I'm not going to fight him on that one. The girl practically shits rainbows. I have yet to see her say something negative about anyone, which is a complete one-eighty of my lifestyle. At least the lifestyle I used to lead in this small hellhole. I shouldn't be pursuing her like I am, but I can't stop. She's a very welcome change.

  “She's had a shit go at life,” he says.

  I set the glass down and cock my head at him. “Haven't we all?” Leaning against the bar I ask, “You want to tell me not to date her anymore? Because if so, we're gonna have problems.”

  Kaydence is the first girl I've ever felt this way about. Hell, I'm not sure what half of these feelings I have toward her are. All I know is I'm happy when I'm around her. I can't stop thinking about her. And the sex was off the charts.

  “You're a grown man, Chase. You can do what you want.” He finishes his beer. “Just know, you hurt her at all and you may as well find another place to live. Us small town folk stick together, and word travels fast.” He tosses a ten on the bar.

  “You say it like I didn't fuckin' grow up here, Brandt. I fuckin' know this town more than you. I know what people say. It ain't like I'm datin' my sister or some shit,” I growl. The minute the words come out of my mouth his eyes narrow and jaw sets. “I'd rather not be taking dating advice from you right now.”

  The only thing stopping me from pushing this further, and I fucking would because I haven't fought anyone in a while, is the fact that he's Kay's cousin. Fuck knowing the guy practically my entire life. Brandt Kenshaw's one person I've always respected, but the guy's not showing much respect toward me right now. Reminds me of when we were kids and he went behind my back and fucked my sister, then dropped her for someone a little closer to home.

  Knowing what's good for him, he keeps his mouth shut and shakes his head, moving for the exit.

  “Have a good one, Brandt,” I mutter, shoving his money into the register.

  Not minutes after Brandt walks out, leaving me feeling on edge and ready for a battle, the door opens and Kinlee walks in. I sigh, not wanting another confrontation and I really hope that's not what she brought tonight. I can't take another person telling me to stay away from Kaydence.

  “Hey, you.” She hops up onto a stool.

  “Hey yourself, stranger.” I try to let the comfort that used to surround us take over, but we grew apart. I'd still consider her the closest friend I have from the Kenshaw clan, but even we don't talk that much anymore.

  “Who you callin' stranger?” Her eyebrows furrow. “You've been back in this town for how long? And you haven't even thought about stoppin' by to say hi?” She crosses her arms in front of her and I let out a laugh, because even when she's trying to be intimidating she's fuckin' funny as hell.

  “Come on, Kinlee, you know things ain't how they used to be.” I don't want to bring up the past because I'm not back here to relive it. We were young and stupid. I let shit go when I left and I grew out of whatever grudges I held, but I'm not about to cause drama where there ain't none.

  “Don't be stupid, Chase. We used to be best friends and I barely talk to you anymore.”

  I pour her what used to be her favorite beer and she smiles, staring at it before bringing it to her lips. She visited Vegas once in my entire four years there. One time I saw the girl that I, at one point, thought I could love. The minute I left the suffocation of this small town I realized it wasn't ever like I thought it was. My feelings for her were just me feeling needy. It took me getting my footing in Vegas to realize I lost a really good friend in her over all that shit.

  “You've got a toddler, Kin. Your life revolves around diapers and making sure he ain't stickin' his finger in any sockets.”

  “Oh trust me, there are literally zero open sockets in that house anymore.” She laughs. “Bo's practically wrapped that place in bubble wrap.”

  “He's a good dad.” I lean back and shove my hands in my pockets.

  “He's the best,” she whispers. I don't miss her quiet sigh and the way she glances up at me. The look she's giving me says it all, but I'm not about to bring it up. I'm not as stupid as she thinks everyone else in this small town is, and that one time she visited Vegas… Well, I've always been pretty decent at math and my sister's been pregnant a few times so I know how long you carry a baby for… The fact that her son looks a whole lot like Felder…and I know they spent the night together…

  “Kin, have you ever told Bo who the dad is?” I whisper.

  She looks at me confused and leans back. “I don't know who the dad is,” she insists quietly.

  My eyebrows pull up. I'm fairly certain I do. Anyway, that's her cross to bear. I’ve got enough shit in my life to worry about opening up that can of worms in someone else’s. “He's lucky to have you two.” I smile at her.

  “Thanks. But I think we're lucky to have him, ya know?”

  “Absolutely.” I sigh, running my hand down my face, groaning.

  “What's with the stress? This small town gettin' ya down again?”

  “Nah, Brandt was just in here giving me hell.” The words fall from my lips and I immediately see her face light up. “Why do you look so happy about that?”

  “I like gossip!” She laughs and I make a face at her. “What? The most adult talk I get during the day is when Bo gets home. I work with kids all day. The twins are out on their own now. And as much as I love my husband, he doesn't gossip. Not sure if you knew that about him or not, but he likes to stick to himself and his family.”

  “Oh I know.” I laugh. “Man of little words anymore. I think I've actually seen Bo more than you since I've been back.” I smile at her and the worried expression on her face is pointless. Me and Bo don't have beef anymore.

  “So? You're stressed?” she pushes for answers.

  “It's nothing, I promise.”

  “Brandt’s not one to come into a bar raisin’ hell over nothing.” She cocks an eyebrow
at me and I sigh, giving in to her.

  “Fine.” I smirk. “I've been talking to his cousin—” Before I can end my sentence, she lets out a squeal of excitement and claps her hands.

  “Kaydence!?” she shrieks. “You and Kay!?”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “So, you know her.” I can't stop smiling at the look of pure excitement on her face.

  “I love her! She's always at the ranch when I take Little Bobby out to play with the kids.”

  I smirk. Of course Kinlee spends more time at the ranch than I do. She's always been a part of the inner circle. Hell, look at me. Jealous that I don't spend a lot of time there. On a ranch. In cowboy boots.

  Fuck, what's happening to me?

  “She does love her some farm life.” I nod, grinning when Kinlee gives me the look like she needs more. “What?”

  “You like her? Are you dating her? Why's Brandt so up in arms about it? Do you think you could love her? Ooo, does the carpet match the drapes!?”

  I bark out a laugh and grab two shot glasses, filling them before sliding one in front of her. With a shake of her head, she slides it back so I down both then look her in the eyes. “I like her. A lot, I think. I guess you could say we're dating.” I rub the back of my neck. We've only gone out once, and I fucked her the same day, but we've been texting a hell of a lot more than I've ever texted anyone. “Brandt doesn't trust me, apparently. Bad track record and all.” I wink and she rolls her eyes. “And I'm not answering that final question.” I smirk at her and she chuckles, shaking her head.

  “Fine, I can respect that. Well I, for one, think you and her are a fantastic idea. She's sweet! And cute! And you need that in your life.”

  “She's awesome.” I grab the towel to wipe the bar top down, trying not to give away that the girl drives me crazy in the best way possible.

  “So screw Brandt. He's got a stick up his ass.” She chuckles.

  “I respect him wanting her safe. I get it. But it doesn't mean he's right.”

  “He's not. Trust me. He'll get used to it.” She smiles and stands, not finishing her beer, but she's a busy mom. “I gotta head home. Bo's probably wondering where I am.”


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