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Forever Daddy

Page 9

by Shanna Handel

  Mama reached out and put a reassuring hand on his back. “You’ll figure it out. No one ever loved their girl more than you love that Carrie. And she feels the same about you. Talk to her, Wes.”

  “I will, Mama. Thanks.” Wes leaned in and kissed his mother on her soft cheek, then rose to clear the dishes. He was determined to get to the bottom of the issue.

  Wes pulled the seat belt buckle down, then over Carrie’s waist, clicking it in securely. “There. My little girl is buckled in, safe and sound.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek, then shut the truck door, and whistling headed over to the driver’s side.

  Climbing in, then buckling his own belt, Wes put Carrie’s favorite country station on the radio. Then he handed Carrie her favorite treat when she was on a road trip, orange soda and salted peanuts.

  Her face shone with joy at the simple gesture. “Thank you, Daddy! You always know exactly what I like.” Carrie happily dove into her little snack.

  Smiling, Wes drove down the dusty road that would lead them off the ranch, thinking to himself about yet another thing he loved about this woman; she showed gratitude for every sweet little thing he did for her. “You’ve been taking care of everyone so much, I thought we could get away for a bit and you can let me take care of you.”

  “So, that’s what this trip is about, huh?” she asked, flipping a peanut up into the air and catching it in her mouth.

  “Partially,” Wes answered vaguely.

  “Well, just where are you taking me, exactly?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He winked at her. “I’m keeping it a surprise, young lady. You’ll see when we get there.”

  “Well, can you give me a hint at least?” She placed a hand on his thigh. “Tell me what you packed,” her hand moved up higher, “pretty please?”

  Moving her hand back to her lap, then holding it there, he said, “Not a chance, little girl.”

  Throwing him a pout, Carrie turned to look out her window at the passing oak trees. “Well, at least tell me when we will be back. It may be spring break, but I do have a school to run, you know.”

  “Yes, I know. Don’t get sassy with me.” Wes gave her knee a hard squeeze. “We will be back two days before you go back to school after break, so you can rest and tie up any loose ends.”

  “Humph. At least explain to me one more time why you feel we should take our honeymoon before our wedding. I mean, who does that?”

  Wes took a sidelong glance at his passenger. So far, he had gotten away with mysterious answers and threats of spankings for snooping, as to why they would be going on this week-long vacation, but it was time to tell Carrie the truth. “You want to know who goes on their honeymoon before they make life long wedding vows? Girls that have been working too hard and need a little TLC,” Carrie beamed up at him, then he continued, “and girls that have trust issues to work out. That’s who.”

  Furrowing her brow, Carrie looked at him indignantly. “What do you mean? I totally trust you.”

  “Carrie,” he hoped the love he felt for her was pouring out into his tone, “you’ve run from me too many times for me to believe that.”

  Quietly, Carrie looked down at her lap. “Hmm. Did I do that?”

  “I just want to get to the bottom of it. Find out why you run away. I want you to run to me when you’re upset. To share your feelings with me. I thought it would be better for us to resolve this issue before we commit the rest of our lives to one another.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Start off on the right foot so to speak.”

  Her voice small, she replied, “That makes sense.” She looked at him curiously. “But how do you do all that on a honeymoon?”

  “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest, honey. I know pre-marital issues can’t be resolved with a one-week luxury vacation package. But we can use this time to focus on each other.” He gave her hand another reassuring squeeze.

  Carrie got quiet for a while, focusing her attention on the picturesque landscape. With a little shrug, she said, “What do you have in mind?”

  “My plan is simple. I am going to take care of every need you have. From what you wear, to what you eat, to when we do whatever it is we do. For one week. You will trust me to meet all of your needs.”

  A small smile crossed Carrie’s red lips. “And let me guess. Spanking.” She shot a naughty look at Wes, then tossed a peanut in his direction.

  Laughing, he replied, “Yes. There will most certainly be spanking. Knowing you as well as I do, I’m sure of it.” He gave her thigh a playful smack. “But we start with talking. It’s a long drive to Mexico, and we have nothing but time.”

  Carrie groaned. “Talking about what exactly? Our feelings?” Wes knew Carrie had never been one to have long drawn out conversations about emotions, and was usually happy to say a few words and move on with the present, or shut down. That communication style wasn’t always going to work in a marriage, and Wes intended to fix the problem.

  Wes gave his little spitfire a sidelong glance. “Don’t get sassy with me, Carrie girl,” he said in his daddy tone. “Besides, you love to talk.”

  “I like to talk, yes, but not about—issues.”

  “We can take it easy. Just tell me some stories from your past, something I don’t yet know about you.”

  Sighing and blowing a stray strand of hair from her forehead, Carrie said, “Well, one time in fifth grade, I had a boyfriend, Dan Eberhardt. It was getting pretty serious; you know all that ‘check the box if you like me’ stuff.” Wes smiled as she continued her story. “Anyway, one day, Dan gave me a gold necklace. It was so pretty with a tiny charm on it. I didn’t care too much for Dan, but I loved that necklace, and even more so, I loved the attention that it brought me. I was the first girl in the fifth grade to have a real boyfriend after all. Well, Dan broke up with me only a week later and took the necklace back. The next day he gave it to the other Kerry, who happened to be my arch nemesis, Kerry Taylor, spelled with a ‘K’.” Carrie sat back in her seat, sighing, and dramatically placing the back of her hand over her forehead. “I think that was it. Left me totally unable to trust anyone, ever again.”

  Wes chuckled, but when he spoke, his tone was serious. “Cute story. If we are going to get to the bottom of this, you have to be honest,” he said, giving Carrie his ‘daddy look.’ “Is there anything else you need to tell me?”

  Waving her hand nonchalantly in the air, Carrie said, “There might be a few more stories hiding deep down in the dark depths. One time when I was riding, I fell off and hit my head pretty hard, I got lost in a cornfield once, I had a friend break my pinky finger in a fight, and Jim and Pam aren’t my real parents.”

  Wes was silent for a moment before saying, “Sweetie, can you tell me a little bit more about that?”

  “Well, I was riding straight for a tree and I pulled the reins to the right.”

  “Not that story, sweetie,” he said softly. Looking out of the corner of his eyes, he took in his little bride to be. Her golden curls were piled on top of her head and she looked so cute wearing his favorite skirt of hers. “I’d love to hear that one later, though. Tell me the one where Jim and Pam weren’t your first parents.” Wes carefully pulled the truck over into the deep shoulder of the road.

  “Oh, that one,” she said softly, folding her hands back and forth in her lap. “When I was five, Jim and Pam adopted me from the Shady Acres Home for Children.” She looked up at him with those big, dark eyes and his chest ached at the thought of his baby at an orphanage.

  “Apparently, I was brought there at the age of three. I don’t remember anything before that day, and I don’t remember much before my parents came to adopt me when I was five, just flashes here and there of helping out with the babies and playing with other kids.”

  Wes reached across the bench seat, and putting an arm around Carrie, pulled her as close to him as possible. “I’m sorry that happened to you, baby.” He had no other words, and tears choked his throat. Wes kissed her head, then rested
his chin there.

  “I’m not sorry. I honestly couldn’t imagine having better parents than Jim and Pam.” Carrie wiggled away from his embrace, turning her attention back to her treat. “And that is all I have to say on the matter,” she said, then pulled a big swig from her drink.

  “Still, I’m sure it was traumatic for you.” Wes pictured Carrie as a little girl being left at the orphanage, and the dire family circumstances that may have brought her there. His heart broke thinking how he could never hurt her like that. Then, he realized he hadn’t asked her the most important question. “Have I ever done anything to cause you to not trust me?” he asked.

  Wes was surprised at the swiftness of her response.

  “Yes,” Carrie answered quietly. “You didn’t propose soon enough.”

  “Tell me more about that,” Wes said.

  “When you know, you know... it should have been done sooner, and it left me wondering why you weren’t committing to me.”

  Never having seen that time through Carrie’s eyes, Wes tried his best to explain. “I’m so sorry, Carrie. We had only been together for a few months, I was trying to do things the ‘right’ way. I loved you so much that I was scared I would mess it up if I didn’t take it slowly. Honestly, Carrie girl, if I could do it all over again, I would have proposed the minute you said the words, ‘like a daddy.’”

  He was rewarded with a small, sweet, smile.

  Carrie sighed, “Wes, I’d rather just forget about the past. I know I carry issues with me, but who doesn’t? And I apologize for any hurt those issues have caused you in the past. If we keep caring for one another like we do, and you are patient with me, everything will be fine for us. You’re my best friend, my love, and my daddy.” She snuggled into his shoulder and whispered, “And soon to be my husband. Forever daddy.”

  Holding Carrie tightly to him, Wes was too overcome with emotion to speak. He felt her small weight against him and prayed that he could be the man that Carrie needed. The forever daddy that this precious girl deserved.

  Just like a little girl would, Carrie ran from corner to corner of the beach villa, checking out every nook and cranny. “Oh, Wes, it’s so beautiful. It’s just perfect.” She flew over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I love it. Thank you.” Leaning up on her tippy toes, she kissed Wes.

  Wes pulled Carrie in tight to his chest. “What would you like to do first, precious girl?”

  “Check out the beach, of course.” The little cabin was built right on the white sand shore, overlooking the clear, teal water that was just yards away from their back door.

  “Then let’s put your suit on, first.”

  “I don’t need to, I won’t get my skirt wet, I promise.”

  “I know you all too well, sweetie. You will be right in that water splashing around and getting soaked. I don’t want that skirt getting ruined, it’s my favorite. It will only take a minute to get changed.”

  Pouting only for a moment, Carrie acquiesced. “Fine. Did you pack my red bikini?”


  “Okay, I’ll wear my purple, sparkly, string bikini.”


  “The black one? With the little cutouts at the tops of the triangles? You loved that one when we were in my parents’ hot tub at Thanksgiving.”

  “I do love that black bikini, and it might be hiding here somewhere. But no, I packed a few new suits. Ones that I’m a little more comfortable having you wear when there are other men around. Although this beach is private, it’s not totally uninhabited.” He stepped towards her and slowly trailed his finger tips from the top of her shoulder, down her chest, over her stomach and rested his hand on her hip. “Some things are for my eyes only, little girl,” squeezing her hip as he growled into her ear. With a slap to her rear, he turned and headed towards the luggage. Choosing the larger of the two brown leather suitcases he had packed, Wes opened the silver buckles with a snap. Peeling through several stacks of folded outfits, Wes pulled out his suit of choice. “Come here. Let’s get you dressed.”

  Carrie looked at him shyly. “I can put it on myself.”

  “Let daddy help you.” Wes took a step towards Carrie, and she came to him. “These straps can be tricky,” he said with a wink. “Arms up.” Wes helped Carrie out of her shirt and bra, loving the rosy blush that was rising on her cheeks. He then slid on the navy and white tankini top that he held. It was cut straight across at the top, with a thick white band and straps. The straps crisscrossed in the back and the blue material had little white sailor anchors on it. Carrie stepped out of her skirt and panties, and Wes pulled up the bathing suit bottoms which were a white, ruffled skirt, with attached bottoms underneath. Carrie did a little twirl for him. She looked beautiful and modest, just the way he liked her unless it was private time. “Almost done. I just need to braid your hair so it doesn’t get tangled in the ocean water.”

  Carrie eyed him suspiciously. “You know how to braid?”

  “Let’s see if I do.” Wes guided Carrie over to the chair that sat in front of a dressing table. Using the comb, he had retrieved from the suitcase, Wes parted her hair into two sections. “Never brush curly hair,” he repeated the familiar phrase he had heard Jessica tell Carrie before. Wes then twisted her hair into two loose braids. Carrie inspected his work in the mirror.

  “Not bad,” she smiled. “Can we please go now, Daddy?” she asked, standing and putting her hands on her hips.

  “Don’t you put those hands on your hips at me, young lady,” Wes pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Pulling away and leaving her a bit breathless, he gave her bottom a sharp smack. “Let me put my suit on and we will be on our way.” Wes quickly changed in the bathroom, then folded their clothing neatly and placed them on the bed. He caught Carrie watching admiring his bare chest as he did so.

  “Nothing sexier than a man folding laundry,” she said saucily.

  Wes laughed as he grabbed two new beach towels, then took her hand in his. “Ready?”

  “Ready, Daddy,” she said, and they headed out onto the warm sand.

  The water was a beautiful aqua that darkened as it reached the horizon where it turned navy blue. Looking down into the water, Carrie could see her feet among the sand and shells of the ocean floor.

  “This is amazing. I’ve never been in the sea where the water was so clear.” Reaching down, she plucked up a sea star from the ground. “Look,” she said, holding it up to Wes.

  “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” He took the sea star from her and inspected it, then tossed it back into the ocean.

  “Hey, I was going to keep that,” Carrie protested.

  “Live and let live,” Wes said, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

  “This coming from a cattle rancher,” Carrie laughed. “Ever heard of a hamburger?”

  “I only kill to eat. And we run our ranch as humanely as possible. I still hate butchering day, no matter how many years go by, I never get used to it.”

  The cattle on the ranch were grass fed and free to roam the land. Carrie always respected the fact that Wes was personally involved in every step of his ranching industry. Never one to shy away from the more difficult parts of ranch life, Wes was there, start to finish.

  “Which reminds me of dinner. Tonight, we dine in the restaurant, tomorrow we are going to catch our own meal and grill it outside our cabana.”

  “I love fishing,” Carrie said, trailing her hands through the water.

  “And we will be scuba diving this week.”

  Jumping up and down, splashing Wes, Carrie clapped her hands, “You know that’s a life-long dream of mine.”

  “And the best part about staying at this resort is the horseback riding. There is a barn open all day and we can trail ride right off the beach up into the hills over there.” Wes pointed up and over Carrie’s shoulder towards a hilly forest that looked ripe for exploring.

  Throwing her arms around Wes, Carrie almost took him down into the water. “Oh, Wes, thank you. I’
m so excited.” She kissed him as he steadied himself and held her in his arms. He lived to make his girl happy.

  “The food is going to be amazing, too. I just know it.” Carrie’s chocolate brown eyes lit up. “And the margaritas.” She sighed, dreamily. “I’m going to have a margarita in a glass as big as my face. On the rocks with salt and sugar on the rim. Oh, and a shot of tequila with a slice of lime.”

  “Slow down, little lady. No one said anything about margaritas. Or tequila.”

  “We have to have tequila or what was the point of this whole Mexican fiesta?” Carrie demanded, putting her hands on her hips.

  Wes raised an eyebrow at her stance and lowered his tone. “Take those hands off your hips, right now.”

  Thinking it over for just a minute, Carrie made her decision and took her hands down and placed them, ladylike, by her sides.

  “The point of this ‘fiesta,’ is to set the tone for our marriage before our wedding. Not to get drunk.”

  “But I want to have at least a few margaritas while we are here, I mean we are in the capital of tequila.”

  “I’m sure you can have a few drinks while we are here.”

  “And a few tequila shots,” she demanded, quickly putting her hands back on her hips.

  Wes looked pointedly at her offending position. “Right then, out you go.”


  “Out of the water.” Wes took a firm hold of Carrie’s upper arm.


  “If you are going to be naughty, then you are going to be swimming with a spanked bottom.” Secretly he had been wanting to spank her bottom in that swim suit ever since he had pulled that little white skirt up and over her bare skin.

  Seeming furious, Carrie allowed herself to be led out of the water.

  They reached the beach and Wes dropped down on one knee, tugging her right over his other one. Carrie’s hands pressed into the sand, balancing her upper body over his thigh.

  “Please, Wes, not here on the beach.”

  “I think you’d better call me ‘Daddy,’ for the remainder of our trip. Seems like we need to clear up who’s in charge. This should help,” he said, landing a smack on her rear.


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