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Pool of Knowledge (The Hidden Wizard Book 1)

Page 14

by Vaughan W. Smith

  "I think it might have been. I bought it from Brangtur."

  "The city of blacksmiths? There are those there that know the secrets of magical metalworking, so there's a chance. If you bought wisely that is."

  "So, it might be dead?"

  "Might be, can't say for sure. We are safe for now. But the ferry has sustained serious damage," Falric said. He walked around, extinguishing flames where he could.

  "I can't believe the Shade did so much damage. Some of these areas look like molten metal burned through," Vincent said.

  "The unique makeup of the Shade burns so much hotter, that's why I was hesitant to light it up. Battling creatures of the Blight is not my specialty. But we achieved our aim," Falric said.

  "You're going to have to explain what the hell just happened," Alrion said, joining them at the edge of the ferry. He too looked over the edge, trying to see if the Shade was anywhere.

  "I'd also like an explanation before I turf the lot of you into the drink," a male voice said behind them.

  "The captain I presume?" Falric said.

  "Yes. Start talking."

  "We encountered a Shade, a rather vile and dangerous creature of the Blight. You should be thankful that we dispatched it."

  "Oh, I should be thanking for you destroying half of my deck? I can't continue with this kind of damage, not without going ashore and assessing."

  "You can thank us that you are still alive and this ferry is not completely and utterly destroyed," Vincent said, turning his back on the captain and walking off. Alrion turned back to the water, staring out in search for the Shade.

  "It was here for me, no question. I'm out of my depth," Alrion thought. He looked over at his father, a newfound admiration building. He crossed the deck to talk to him.

  "How did you do that?" Alrion said.

  "I've had some training, a long time ago. But you'll be surprised by the things you are capable of once you have a child of your own," Vincent said a grim smile on his face.


  A New Way

  Alrion headed downstairs to collect their things. The captain had decided to land at the nearest safe place on the shore and assess the boat for repairs during the day. The group wanted to be ready to leave as soon as possible.

  "What the hell was that?" Alrion kept thinking over and over. It was different than the other encounters he had seen. As strange as they were, they made sense. People reduced to animals by the Blight and behaving as such. A wizard gone rogue, attacking them. Not your everyday occurrence, but they made sense in a way. But the Shade was something else entirely. He needed to ask Falric about them in more detail. He decided to ask at the first opportunity.

  The ferry travelled much slower, as it diverted course.

  "They don't travel this way often; the water is shallower and probably has more dangers. That's why we are going so slowly," Vincent said.

  "Another setback. I fear that we haven't managed to shake our pursuit at all," Falric said.

  "Yes, clearly we are still being followed. Although it would have been easy to guess our intentions by following our route. Hopefully, now that we're stranded, we will get a chance to pass by unnoticed."

  "Perhaps, that depends on where we end up," Falric said.

  "How will we move on?" Alrion said.

  "We will find the nearest town, then buy some supplies and hopefully some horses. I'd hate to have to walk the rest of the way."

  "I guess we are taking the scenic route then," Alrion said. Vincent laughed.

  "You could say that. I'm glad you can have a joke after the night we just had," he said.

  "Just being philosophical."

  "Good. Some perspective is always useful," Falric said. They sun was beginning to rise and they caught their first glimpses of the shoreline. Ahead they could see a place to land. A section covered by small stones, which gently sloped up to grassy terrain.

  "Could be worse," Vincent said. They watched in silence as the ferry closed the gap, and the crew steered it onto the shore. Vincent looked over at the side of the ferry, assessing the damage in the light.

  "Worse than I realised. That Shade sure tore the ferry up."

  "I hope we've seen the last of that creature," Falric said.

  "You need to fill me in more on those things, in case we come across them again," Alrion said.

  "Of course. I will brief you on our way to the nearest town. I didn't expect to come across one, they are quite rare. But don't worry, I won't hold anything back," Falric said.


  "Be careful what you wish for," Vincent said. Alrion didn't reply. The crew steadied the ferry and adjusted the landing gear so that the passengers could walk down to the shore. Alrion stayed close to his father, and they inched along amongst the throng of people pushing and shoving to get off.

  Once they had made it onto dry land and were separated from the other people Falric spoke up.

  "You wanted to hear about Shades?"

  "Yes," Alrion said.

  "They are strange creatures, only really spotted in more recent times. I think the first reported and verified occurrence was around twenty years ago."

  "What are they?"

  "Shades are people, or at least were. If you think of Blighters as being stage one of contamination, then Shades are stage two."

  "More like stage ten," Vincent said.

  "Well in terms of development and challenge, yes, it is a big step up. But I don't think there are any other stages between Blighters and Shades."

  "Blighters can become Shades?"

  "No, but bear with me a moment. There are those called Tainted Ones, that we need to discuss."

  "Tainted Ones?"

  "Yes. Imagine a Blighter, except that they retain their mental faculties and can pass themselves off as a normal person. In most ways actually, they are still a person."

  "So, then what's different?"

  "They have been tainted by the Blight but did not revert to the animalistic form that you have seen in the Blighters. They can still infect others. But they have all the intelligence and cunning of a man, perhaps even more so."

  "They're like a normal person but are tainted by the Blight?"

  "More or less. But there's one more thing that is crucial to understand. They are also connected to the Blight."

  "Connected to the Blight? What do you mean by that?"

  "We believe that all creatures that are tainted by the Blight share a common communication method. It might be a shared mind or shared thoughts but they can somehow communicate through their shared link to the Blight."

  "So, they can coordinate?" Alrion said.

  "Exactly. And that's where Tainted Ones come into their own. As they have access to a normal mind, they can control and manipulate Blighters," Falric said. Alrion stopped walking and thought about that. He spoke up again after he had time to process it.

  "You think one of these Tainted Ones sent those Blighters after us in the mountain."


  "And those travellers we met in the forest might have been Tainted?"

  "I think it is quite likely. They aren't common here in Avaria, but there's nothing stopping them from coming here."

  "What's this got to do with Shades?"

  "Tainted Ones can also become Shades. I don't know the exact process. It could be they are sought out and transformed by other Shades, or it could be they take on too much of the Blight. But we know of at least one Shade that used to be a Tainted One."

  "So, the Shades are still intelligent."

  "Yes, very much so. But their bodies are changed significantly. They not only look perfectly black, they are transformed. Their body changes from flesh to something else. Strong like stone, but still soft. As I mentioned before their hearts crystallise and can regenerate their new body. It makes them incredibly difficult to kill."

  "Do they communicate?"

  "They must do, but I haven't heard of any speaking with a person. Our theory is that they are so
connected with the Blight that they can only communicate with other creatures of the Blight. Namely Tainted Ones and Blighters."

  "If I'm understanding this correctly then Blighters and Tainted Ones are two sides of the same stage of Blight taint. But the Shades are the next level."

  "Exactly. Once set upon something, Shades are relentless. I hope we managed to kill the one that attacked us last night. But if we did not, at least we have severely damaged it and slowed it down."

  "I hope it's gone for good. I don't want to face that thing again," Vincent said.

  "I need to accept the fact that it's probably still after me but will be delayed. And someone put it onto our path," Alrion said.

  "I believe so. It could be the travellers we met, it could be the wizard that attacked us. It could even be someone else we have not yet encountered."

  "But you don't know. That doesn't make me feel better," Alrion said.

  "It's the truth. We know enough to take steps in our defence," Falric said.

  "He's right son. We have to keep adjusting what we are doing and keep an eye out. The more we change, the more we can stay one step ahead."

  "We're shipwrecked and on foot."

  "But we are alive," Falric said.

  "What do they want with me? I can't do anything yet?"

  "They must be fearful of what you may do, or what you might learn. It's a good sign that we are on the right path."

  "I guess so," Alrion said. In truth, he was scared by the Shade. It was so different and alien. And looked relentless. Something about its inability to communicate made it even more terrifying. Like there was a force of evil on their trail.

  He took a greater look at the terrain they were walking through. It was lightly wooded, with a clear path to follow.

  "Strange area. Why is it deserted but also have a good path?" Alrion said.

  "I would say people come down to the lake from a town nearby, but don't necessarily inhabit this area," Vincent said.

  "That sounds reasonable," Alrion said. "Is Avaria a big country? In the grand scheme of things?"

  "Avaria? No, it is quite a small place. But it rose in power and popularity after the cleansing of the Blight," Falric said.

  "Did what my grandfather do prevent the Blight from existing here?"

  "No, there's actually no protection here at all. It was all one event, a single cleanse. However, as a consequence of that, any Blighters or exposed Tainted Ones were dealt with swiftly and harshly. They stick out more, and people are more inclined to be proactive in removing them. So, it's a safer place overall."

  "How bad is the Blight elsewhere?"

  "There are some places where there are more people affected by the Blight than those not. Some even think that's because the origin of the Blight is nearby. But it varies. I must admit I haven't travelled a lot lately, so I'm not sure. Vincent, you haven't travelled in years, have you?"

  "Not since before Alrion was born."

  "Yes, so we are as curious as you. But don't worry, we won't need to leave Avaria to complete your tasks. The Pool of Knowledge is hidden within its borders."

  "Good. Are we close?" Alrion asked.

  "Closer. I apologise but I want to keep our final destination under wraps a little longer. We've had a dark trail nipping at our heels all along, I won't feel safe sharing details like that until we can figure out how they are tracking us."

  "As much as it frustrates me, I concur," Vincent said.

  "As long as we're getting closer," Alrion said.

  "Well, we're getting closer to something. I'd say that's a town ahead," Falric said. Alrion could see houses in the distance, puffs of smoke rising from their chimneys.

  "That's a relief, I had wondered how long we were going to be wandering," Vincent said.

  "You were wondering? I would have relished twice a walk at your age," Falric said, scoffing at Vincent.

  "Next, you'll be telling us how in your day you had to drag yourself out of the womb and fix yourself a meal," Vincent said. Alrion laughed.

  "No respect," Falric muttered, but the grin on his face was unmistakable.

  There was no sign proclaiming the name of the town, or any formal entrance. They just ended up within the town. Alrion looked around as they walked, spotting a tanner, blacksmith, and a healer.

  "Falric, do local healers use magic?"

  "Some do, although many do not."

  "Is healing magic hard?"

  "It can be, but the basics are not too bad. And incredibly useful. Are you interested in learning some?"

  "Yes, at least that's something I can work on outside of being attacked."

  "Good point. If our trip continues the way it has been, we are going to rack up some injuries. I'll teach you a spell soon."

  "Thanks," Alrion said. He hadn't even considered the possibility, but seeing the healer's house, with its mystic symbols scrawled all over the walls had inspired him.

  "I'm going to find out some information," Vincent said. He walked over to a boy who was wandering through the town.

  "Excuse me, can you please tell me where we are?"

  "You don't know? This is Bowlern."

  "Bowlern? Don't know it. Our ferry landed nearby so we weren't planning on visiting."

  "Wow, that's exciting. Nothing much happens here, it's pretty boring mostly."

  "Is there a general store or somewhere we can buy things?"

  "Yeah, but there's not much there. You're much better off checking out the caravan."

  "The caravan?"

  "The Bright Caravan is in town. They have heaps of cool things, and since they travel around a lot they can probably help you more."

  "Thanks, kid," Vincent said.

  "You're welcome, I hope it helps," the boy said and continued walking.

  "I've got a good feeling about this," Falric said.

  "A caravan?" Vincent said.

  "We can find out what route they use, get some supplies and ask them about the area more. It could be very useful."

  "I don't think I've seen one before," Alrion said.

  "You'll know it when you see it," Vincent said. They continued walking through the town, Alrion keeping his eyes open. He had heard of caravans mentioned but never seen one. He wondered how it would help.

  As they neared what looked like the edge of town, they saw a row of brightly coloured wagons arranged in a semi-circle. There were streams of people, and lots of horses either wandering or tied up. Everyone appeared to be moving constantly, and the noise of conversations, banging, and general business filled the air.

  "Wow," Alrion said. They were right, he did know it when he saw it. The people looked like a different sort, but he couldn't quite pinpoint why. But they were so strange when compared to the townsfolk they had seen on their trip.

  "This could be good," Alrion said.

  "I hope so, we could use a break," Vincent said.


  The Bright Caravan

  The three of them made their way through the campsite for the Bright Caravan. A lead wagon with 'Bright Caravan' painted on it occupied the entire space, the letters a garish yellow on a light blue background.

  "Let's talk to their leader," Falric said. He had spotted a man with a large decorative hat sitting near the lead wagon. He was surrounded by other people who were asking him questions.

  "I'd say that's our man," Vincent said.

  "He certainly stands out," Alrion said. As they approached the man the small crowd around him spread out and turned to face them.

  "How may we help you fine folks? My name is Farver and the Bright Caravan is at your service," Farver said, tipping his hat, then replacing it on his head with a flourish. His voice had richness to it and energy that seemed out of place. Alrion thought he looked a lot older than he sounded.

  "Farver, nice to meet you. I'm Falric, and this is Vincent and Alrion," Falric said, gesturing to his companions. "We just arrived here, and are looking to move on to Paperton. I was wondering if we could buy so
me supplies from you, or get some advice on the best way to go."

  "Ah, Paperton. We don't trade there anymore, we're too big now and access is tricky. But we pass by on our way. It's actually quite easy, there's a main road that will take you most of the way there."

  "That's great. Do you have any horses you could part with?" Vincent said.

  "No, I'm afraid we don't. But we can help you with some supplies."

  "Where do I go?"

  "The rear wagon holds all our supplies," Farver said. He looked Vincent up and down. "Are you good with that sword?"

  "Good enough to be still walking and talking."

  "We really can't spare the horses, but maybe you could travel with us until we are close to Paperton. It's slow going, but you would be on foot otherwise. You don't have any faster options."

  "And in return?"

  "In return, you help us out if we run into any difficulties. Saves you walking, and you can help yourself to supplies and food."

  "That's a pretty good offer," Vincent said, looking over at Falric.

  "Are you expecting difficulties?" Falric said.

  "No, it's a safe run and we are big enough to deter most would-be bandits. But I've heard some rumours flying around and thought it would make sense to travel together," Farver said.

  "Sure, just give us a moment to discuss," Vincent said.

  "By all means, we will be packing up and leaving soon so we can make it to a good campsite this evening."

  "I'll be back soon," Vincent said. He walked away with Falric and Alrion close behind.

  "What's wrong? Don't you trust this guy?" Alrion said.

  "He's probably alright, but you never know. I'm concerned about us joining them, though."

  "You think we will make them a target?" Falric said.

  "Exactly. We have been attacked at just about every step since we left the academy. If it happens again while we are with them, there might be casualties."

  "It's a concern for sure. But surely by being with them, we could be more invisible? The three of us walking alone will stick out. By going with the caravan, we might blend in and destroy the trail," Falric said.


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