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Hungry Boss

Page 110

by Charlize Starr

  I took a seat and finally scanned the bar closely as I sipped my beer. I didn’t see a pretty head of light red hair anywhere and felt disappointed. There was a group of cute girls checking us out from a table a few feet away though, and I nudged Roger. He chuckled and brought Dan’s attention to them as his eyes lit up. We ended up inviting them to our table. They were bubbly and flirting heavily with us and I knew the blonde was going to be an easy target tonight.

  We all ate as she scooted close to me and smiled at me with her soft topaz eyes. “What’s your name, darlin’?”

  “Angela,” she replied with a soft giggle and I sensed how young she was. I tried to figure out how old Jennifer was, assuming twenty-four or so considering she’d just graduated from college. I was twenty-five so it was a perfect match. Angela touched my arm. “Can I have a French fry?” She was skinny so I assumed that she didn’t eat very often like most of the girls that I met.

  “Help yourself,” I said absently as I pushed the plate a little closer to her.

  I ended up having three beers, and Angela was happy to drink the cocktails that I kept ordering for her. Everyone started to pair off, and I smirked as Chase left with a brunette. Angela was a sure thing, and I slipped my arm around her shoulder after I paid the bill. I paused as the door opened and Jennifer walked in wearing a short black skirt and a sheer white tunic, with her hair down over her shoulders. She looked stunning, and I eyed her legs as Angela pulled me towards the closing door. Jennifer looked at me before her eyes flickered to Angela. She tossed her hair and she walked towards the bar. I was aware of the eyes on her. I let Angela pull me through the door and felt my desire for her deflate, what little I’d had to begin with.

  We headed to her place across town in a cab. Angela led me to a small house and invited me inside. There was a girl with black hair on the couch and Angela giggled when she introduced me to her roommate, Ruby.

  I found a seat in the chair across from the sofa and Angela brought me some water. The girls flirted with me and I felt amused by the way they seemed to be competing with one another. Angela was the lighter one and Ruby seemed to be a bit more intense. I looked at them, tossing an idea around in my head.

  Angela made the first move when I went over to sit between them but Ruby was happy to grab my cock as I kissed her friend. I knew that one girl wouldn’t do it tonight. They both seemed to be down with the impromptu plans and dragged me to one of the bedrooms.

  I closed my eyes more than once to picture Jennifer in my mind as they took turns servicing me with their mouths, all the while with the other making it too easy to please her. I licked and tasted as I imagined what Jennifer would taste like and shot hard into Ruby’s mouth at the imagery in my head. Angela finished as well and I drank her in as my body pulsed with the orgasm. I felt one of them straddle me and tease me with their hands as I stiffened again and I managed to tell them to get a condom on me. I didn’t fuck girls like this without one.

  It felt automatic as I took them one by one, longing to feel more than I did. I didn’t even come again, though they both did.

  I waited until they were asleep curled up next to me before I changed into my clothes and left. I made sure that the door was locked on the inside before I pulled it closed and ordered a car from Uber. A small Toyota pulled up and a woman checked if I was her customer, and I nodded and got into the back.

  I didn’t even respond when she flirted with me and even offered to accompany me inside of my condo. I turned her down and walked up to the door. I felt like something was off in my head. I unlocked the door and took a shower before going to bed.

  Chapter Five

  I stomped right over to the bar after I saw Justin leave with the blonde. Of course, he was leaving with a woman, or a girl by the looks of her. Most of the team seemed to be leaving with women, and I sighed as I slid onto the barstool. This appeared to be a cute place with a variety of games on the various televisions and an excellent staff that asked me what I’d like right way. I stared at the bottles behind the bartender’s head and paused on one. “Bourbon on the rocks. The best you have, please.”

  He raised an eyebrow and grabbed a bottle on an upper shelf before he reached for a thick glass. He would be cute if I weren't in a bad mood now. I took a long sip, and he asked me if I was alright. I told him to start a tab and keep them coming as I cursed my intense attraction to Justin. It had just been a few days, and he was inside of my head more than he should be, considering what a pig he was.

  “Sure thing, sweetheart.” He winked at me with his bright blue eyes and kept the bottle directly behind him. I hadn’t drunk like this in a long time, since I had a habit of avoiding that. My mother had tarnished the fun of drinking. Dad never wanted me to feel like her leaving was my fault and was always open with me about her alcoholism. I wondered if a man had started her drinking and I laughed bitterly at the irony.

  I talked myself off the ledge as I reminded myself that I had a great job. It wasn’t worth losing. Justin was just a guy, and I’d forget about him soon enough. I slid my glass forward and felt someone sit next to me. “What demons are you running from? That’s a good bourbon.”

  I glanced at the man next to me as I reached for my fresh glass. “New in town and just relaxing a little bit.” He was kind of sexy with dark hair and deep green eyes, though they didn’t affect me nearly as much as Justin’s did.

  “Where from?” He asked for a beer, and I took a deep breath. At least I didn’t have to see him at work, that was a good thing.

  “Boston, so not far at all. I ended up getting a job here.” He was friendly and flirted lightly with me. He asked what I did. “Sports therapy. I work with the Hawks.”

  “Football? Impressive.” He smiled at me, and I nodded. “I’ll bet all of the players flirt with you all of the time.”

  “Not my thing,” I assured him with a big smile that I hoped covered my lie.

  “Lucky me.” He offered his hand, and I took it slowly. “I’m Keith Adams. I play for the Wings.” I should’ve recognized him as an athlete. I smiled and told him that I used to work with the Boston hockey team in college.

  “So, you’re a hockey fan?” he asked. I nodded and remembered I saw him playing a game on television the other night. He was good. “That’s good. Maybe I can get you to a game one of these nights.”

  “Yeah, that would be fun if I’m free. You know the life of a sports therapist.” I winked as he smiled.

  “We keep ours busy, but he’s not nearly as beautiful as you are.” I thanked him and blushed. We had a few more drinks, and he walked me out a few hours later. The world spun a bit and he took my arm. “That was some strong stuff you were drinking. Doing okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” I laughed. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. This must be what my mom liked about alcohol.

  “Can I help you home?” he asked. I stared into his face a few inches above mine as he slipped his arms around my back. “Anywhere you want to go, Jen.” I guess I had told him my name somewhere along the way. He slowly lowered his face to mine and kissed me. I closed my eyes and memorized the soft feel of his lips against mine. Keith was gentle as he teased my lips apart with his tongue and slipped it inside. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He knew how to kiss, and I wondered if he couldn’t be the cure for my problem. I pressed closer to his muscled body. Keith moaned against me and pulled away enough to ask me to come home with him.

  I knew that I should say no and go home. This wasn’t my style, and I was making the decision under poor circumstances and drunk to boot. “Get a cab,” I murmured before I tugged him back down to my mouth.

  He lived in a big house, and we took a taxi to the gate where he let me in. He pushed me against the stone once we were locked in. “You’re so beautiful,” Keith murmured as his hands slipped down my body and over my hips. He pulled me back, and we made our way to the house between awkward kisses. Keith opened the massive front door with the thick stained glass scattered over
the surface and led me inside before he took me to the couch. “Want anything to drink?”

  “Water would be great,” I replied as I watched him go into the kitchen and closed my eyes. I was turned on enough to do this and still irritated enough to want it. I’d never actually turned to casual sex to solve anything before, but there was a first time for everything.

  Keith brought over two bottles of water and stripped off his blue button-up shirt to reveal a white tank underneath. I watched him and admired his athletic body. He dropped beside me on the leather sofa and leaned in. I took a long sip as he kissed my neck. My hand shook, and I spilled some. “I’m so sorry,” I said as he told me not to worry and sucked my skin between his lips. The water hit my thin shirt, and I felt my nipples harden as the cold water washed over my chest and through my white lace bra.

  “So hot,” Keith murmured. His hand slipped over one of my breasts and cupped it before he kissed my lips. I moaned and arched my back. He squeezed harder and we made out like a couple of teenagers. I ripped his tank top off before he lifted my shirt and kissed down my body, pushing me back on the couch.

  Keith was confident but not arrogant, and I felt him wait to see if I was comfortable with everything that he did. His hands were slow, figuring out what made me tick and doing all of that well before he lifted me and carried me to his bed in just my white panties. He took a nipple between his lips and sucked as I moaned. He was good, and I was angry when I closed my eyes and pictured Justin doing this to me. “Are you a man whore?” I asked him as I pictured what was going on in another bedroom somewhere else in town.

  “I had some fun when I started playing, but I’m thirty now…more selective,” Keith told me and kissed down my stomach. “I’d like to see you again after tonight, Jen.”

  His words left my head instantly. He lowered my panties and started kissing up my inner thighs. I was lost in his hot breath when he parted my folds and I begged him to lick me. Keith buried his face between my legs and started licking and sucking in perfect intervals. I rocked against him to find my release. I came with a loud cry and dragged my hands through his hair as he grunted and sucked on my swollen clit. “Baby, you feel so good when you come.” He pulled away and moved up to kiss me. I ate my taste off of his lips and his hard cock teased my entrance.

  “Condom,” I murmured and he moved to find his wallet in his jeans on the floor. He ripped something open, and I spread my legs for him to move between them and slide into me with a slow thrust. “Oh, God.”

  “Tight…so good,” he said, moving back and inside again. We were slapping together in a rough rhythm until I was coming again and he followed with a long cry of my name.

  We collapsed together on the bed and I sucked in deep breaths. Keith rolled onto his side and slid his arm over my stomach. I made a mental notch on my head for my first experience with casual sex. I knew that this could go wherever I wanted it to, and I opened my eyes to turn my head and look at Keith in the dim light from the hallway. He was looking back at me, and I smiled as he kissed me softly.

  “Stay with me? Do you have to work early?” He asked and I shook my head and smiled. “Good. I’ll make you breakfast tomorrow.”

  He got our water bottles before shutting off the lights and pulling me against him. I felt weird sleeping here with him, but I closed my eyes and gave into the exhaustion that was overtaking me. I thought about Justin before I slipped into unconsciousness and hoped that I was going to be able to work with him and not feel the attraction anymore.

  Chapter Six

  I woke up and looked around, the alarm blaring through my bedroom. I got to sleep in today, but I wasn’t feeling the day. I rolled over and hit snooze on the device beside me. The beers weren’t affecting me since I’d only had a few but I still felt off. Fuck it. I got up and took a shower before I mixed up a protein shake and went to the gym. There was always some loud music playing there and a few guys to chat with. Just what I needed.

  A couple of the guys from the bar yesterday were there too. I nodded at them and placed my bag against the wall. “What’s up?” I asked and took a long sip of the vanilla drink from my cup.

  They were laughing, and I glanced at them with a curious gaze. “Jennifer was at the bar last night. Did you see her?” one of them asked.

  “I think when I was headed out,” I replied in a casual voice, wondering what they were getting at.

  “She left with Keith Adams from the Wings. I thought she seemed a little on the innocent side, but it didn’t take her long,” David told me. I felt rage flood my veins. “How was your girl?”

  “Good. It was a package deal that came with a roommate,” I tried to sound pleased but I was too mad and jealous to feel that way.

  “Nice. Are you going to see them again?” Brent asked me, and I shrugged. “That’s right up your alley.”

  “I went home after we were done.” I wrapped a towel around my neck and looked around the room to see what I wanted to do. I decided to do a hard run. One of the guys turned on Alice in Chains. After the hard run, I worked on weights, and I was glad that my shoulder was hurting after the exercise. It was like I was hurting Jennifer directly somehow and it felt good in some twisted way.

  I didn’t stop at practice, and I pushed myself as Coach urged me on. I didn’t look over too much on purpose, but when I finally did, I saw Jennifer sitting beside him looking pale and tired. She was sipping her coffee and her hair was twisted into a loose bun. She nodded at something Coach had said before she met my gaze. Her eyes narrowed and she frowned, forcing her eyes away from mine to look at the other players. What the hell was her problem? She went home with a fucking hockey player last night! “McLeod. Pay attention!” Coach yelled as I struggled to focus on the drill that we were working on. He pushed us hard, and we practiced some plays over and over for the upcoming game late this afternoon.

  My shoulder was throbbing as we finished and I stomped to the locker room. “Do you need to see Jennifer?” Coach called out. I looked up and met his eyes.

  “I'm all right, Coach.” I kept going and took a hot shower, not caring that I took longer than usual. I needed the heat, and I wasn’t about to go and see her for help. I grabbed some lunch with the guys before the game, and we headed back to change into our uniforms to do a quick practice on the field.

  I glanced over to the sidelines to see the coaches and Jennifer standing there. They were talking and taking furtive glances at all of us. Chase ran towards them as Coach waved him over and Jennifer asked him something. She smiled lightly and nodded before she looked over at Coach with dread in her eyes. Chase left, and Coach searched our group for me. “McLeod!!” He waved me over and I strode to the group with a scowl on my face.

  “What’s up?” I asked, looking into his face.

  “How’s the shoulder?” she asked. She looked so concerned as I glanced at her and her eyes clouded over. “Are you okay to play?”

  “I told him I was all right,” I snapped as everyone gave me a weird look. I went back out, and we prepared to start the game. I watched Jennifer sit down and stare at me. All of my lies came to the surface when I struggled with every play. At halftime, Coach yelled at me to get to the sidelines.

  “What the fuck is your problem today?” he demanded as I rolled my shoulder and winced. “You said you were fine.”

  “I was,” I replied as he ran a hand through his hair and glanced at Jennifer.

  “Take a look at this idiot.” He left no question in his voice, and she and I headed to her room with a heavy silence between us.

  “What happened? Nothing looked too bad out there,” she murmured. I sat down in the usual spot and let out a sigh.

  “It’s been hurting all day,” I admitted. She frowned at me. “I didn’t want to see you.”

  “Why?” Her face twisted in confusion and I glared at her.

  “Keith Adams? Didn’t take you long,” I snapped as her mouth dropped open. I wanted to kiss her so badly. Her eyes flashed at me.
r />   “He’s separate from this, and besides, you left with the damn blonde. Who are you to judge me for anything?” Her voice was rising, and she pressed her hands on her curvy hips.

  “I wanted to leave with you, Jennifer. Damn you and your rules.” I stepped forward and kissed her out of anger and frustration. She gasped against my lips. She tasted so good, and she melted against me as I tugged her closer with my hands around her back.

  “We can’t do this,” she struggled against me as I pulled her closer. “Justin, stop.”

  “I can’t,” I whispered and slipped a hand into her hair.

  “Not here,” she pleaded and I pulled away. “Let me see how you are. The team needs you.”

  I pulled away and let her feel my injury as I took several deep breaths. She asked me to take my shirt off, and I complied as she looked me over hungrily. It seemed that Keith didn’t scratch all of her itches. Jennifer worked quietly and added some heat for a few minutes as I stared forward and tried to control my need for her. Once she pulled it off, she requested that I move my arm around and see how it felt.

  “I can play, but I might need you after,” I said as I looked at her. Her lips were swollen, and I longed to kiss her again.

  “I’ll be here,” she promised as I stood and dressed again. We both walked out after she fixed her hair and checked her face. I checked in with Coach, and he sent me back out after conferring with her. The concern on her face was overwhelming. I kept looking at her since nobody had ever looked at me that way. I wasn’t close to my family and I’d never been serious about a woman before.

  I finished the game, but we lost by a touchdown. Everyone left the field dejected. The lecture from the coach was brief and very blunt. I changed into some street clothes before I went back to see Jennifer.


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