Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland

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Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland Page 7

by Gowland, Justin

  “So what happened at the farm?” I asked.

  Rees leaned over the front seats to look at me before speaking “Didn’t go to bad. We managed to get there without any hassle and quite quickly. We got out and looked round the farm yard. Nothing jumped out at us when got there so we thought it was ok, but I’ll get back to that later. We decided that Marc and Becky would have a look for the fuel and I would have a quick scout round.

  “We split up and they headed to the barn and I went to check the house and sheds. I could see the storm heading toward the town but we were on the outside edge. It had started to drizzle, but nothing more than that. I went into the house and there was nothing out of place. There wasn’t even any food in the cupboards or anything else worth taking.

  “Leaving the house I moved over to the sheds. It was then that I came across the smell you get with rotten meat. The smell started to get over powering the nearer I got the sheds. Opening the first door was like getting hit in the face with one of your rancid farts Walker.” He said grinning.

  He carried on “Well, I found one of the farm owners or a farmhand. He had his head caved in and his brains were splattered all over. There were flies everywhere and it looked like a fucking cloud lifted off him when I opened the door. I left him and went on to trying the other sheds. Nothing much else in the rest just farm equipment in the first two and the very last one had dead pig and her piglets. For some reason there were no flies in that shed. I then heard Becky shouting for me and I ran for the barn. She was standing at the side with that smug look she gets when she’s right.” Becky smacked him in the arm whilst not taking her eyes off the road. “Ow! Anyway, she had found the big tank that the fuel was stored in, it was nearly full. Then she dropped the big bomb on me. That had her grinning even more. Marc had found the fuel bowser in the fucking barn. We dragged that thing round to the back of the barn where the fuel tank was.”

  We were just leaving the town and had to slow down because of the fuel bowser and the swerving between the cars and vans. Rees then took up the rest of his story. “We had started to fill the tank of the bowser, when we heard the first keening of the Reapers. I told Marc and Becky to continue transferring the fuel; I went to have a look around. I went to the other side of the barn and looked over the hedges running round the nearest field. I saw the first two Reapers coming through the knee high grass of the field toward us. I had enough time to go tell the others that we had company. Then went back to watch them coming. Of course, things weren’t that fucking easy were they? No, there were six of the buggers and they were getting a tad bit too close. I decided to thin the herd a little and managed to get three down quickly. But as soon as I fired my first round they sped up. Running back to the others I told them that we would be getting visitors soon.”

  “Erm, I think what you said was ‘Those gray twats are coming.’” Marc said smiling.

  “Fuck you Marc!” Said Rees grinning, then began again, “We took cover beside the wall that went round the fuel tank. The first one round the corner lost its head to a round from Becky. I managed to wound one and it ducked back round the corner. The next thing we know that fucking idiot brother of yours pegged it round the corner of the barn after it. We heard the boom of the shotgun followed by another. That’s when Becky ran to see what had happened to Marc. I slowly followed with my rifle going first. The injured Reaper had his head blown clean off and was lying under the other one. Marc had managed to get the last one in the chest and from the black powder burns on the injury. I think he had the shotgun against its chest when he pulled the trigger.

  “Well, after that we got the bowser filled and got out of there. We never had any other trouble till we picked you up. Your turn to spill, so come on what happened after we left you at the marina?”

  I rubbed my hand over my face and then slowly told them what had happened after they left us at the marina. Speaking slowly I also told them of the vision I had just before they picked me up from the office unit.

  “Well, now we know how they pass on the infection or whatever it is.” Said Becky over her shoulder at us.

  “Tell you the truth Becky. I don’t think it is an infection, the way they are and their behavior says it is something else. But I haven’t got a clue as to what. Plus, it doesn’t explain why I am getting these visions or whatever they are.” I said slumping down in my seat.

  Marc cleared his throat and said “Er… I think it might actually explain why you are having the visions.”

  “What do you mean Marc?” Rees asked.

  “Well, you all remember when Jay got ripped up by that Reaper in the supermarket?” I nodded and so did Rees. “His side got infected and he was ill for a while after. You remember that gray skin round the edge that slowly went away? I think that you got some of that black blood in you. Your body managed to fight it off because there was so little of it. Also think that whatever happened whilst you were infected linked you to them. I think that it linked you to the queen in particular. Every now and then when they are actively looking for this person the link becomes active and you see what she sees and hear what she hears.” He said sitting forward.

  I sat for a few seconds thinking that through and it did make sense, but it also gave me a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. So I said “So if we go on what you have said and I think you are right. The person they are looking for is me.” Saying it aloud made me shiver.

  “Sorry, but yeah! I think the reason they are after you is that when you first got infected. You became part of their group, but when you got better it was cut and they now want you back.”

  “Bugger me! When did you become a fucking genius?” Rees said smiling at Marc.

  “Fuck you! Jolly green!” Marc said laughing.

  “All joking aside, Walker you are fucked mate. What if they can see through your eyes? They know where we are.” He said looking panicky.

  “Mate have you not been listening to what Jay has been telling you? He said they are looking for him and still haven’t found him. So I think we can say that he can see what they are doing, but luckily for us they can’t see through his eyes. They have a rough idea where he is, but they don’t know about the island yet.” Marc said.

  “He has a point Jay. Those vision things only started after you got injured.” Becky said.

  Chapter Eleven

  I sat even further down in my seat. The thought of me being a TV set to the Reaper channel depressed me. A deep down feeling told me that Marc had been on the money. Now the thought of what to do crept into my head. Did I stay with the group and risk pulling all the Reapers down on them? Or did I take enough food and supplies to last a short while and do a runner.

  The idea of leaving the group and the woman I loved was not all that appealing. I needed time to think about this. The first thing to do though was help Rees and the others get this fuel to the island.

  Rees was still leaning over the back of the front seat and was watching me. He just slightly shook his head and turned to look out the windshield. What was that supposed to mean? Now I was worried, if this thing inside of me had changed Rees’ view of me. If it had, then I was more than just screwed, I was dead.

  Marc had closed his eyes and was swaying with the movements of the Land Rover. I wanted to fall asleep as well, but with the revelation of the visions being what they were. I was scared to do it. So I sat listening to the wheels on the road and the soft snoring of my brother. My mind was constantly thinking what Rees thought and what would the others think of it when we told them. The worst part was would Maddie still want me now knowing that I was damaged goods.

  We reached the causeway with no problems. The tide hadn’t changed yet so we had time to cross. Becky eased the Land Rover down the ramp to the causeway. Passing over the sand we made good time and were back on the island quickly. We slowly went through the village and pulled up at the hard standing next to the castle.

  Rees and Marc unhooked the bowser and moved over next to the steps. Becky and I
climbed out of the Land Rover. I stretched and looked out over the headland. I could see the pleasure boat bobbing on the waves. There was a small dingy pulled up on the beach above the tidal line. That must have been how Maddie and Jacob got back ashore after bringing boat up from the marina. Becky came to stand next to me and looked out at the boat in the water.

  “That’s definitely going to be big enough for us.” She said.

  I just grunted and shrugged my shoulders.

  She looked at me and said “Come on lets get inside we need to get some food in us.”

  Grabbing my arm, she pulled me away and toward the steps. To be honest, my feet felt heavy and each step seemed to take forever. This must be how death row inmates feel like when they are off to get gassed or whatever. Marc had made me think that my life had come to an end. How the hell is the group suppose to trust me when I didn’t trust myself. I was fairly certain that the Reapers Queen couldn’t see through my eyes. But what if she could and they were on their way here now? (For fuck's sake, I need to grow some nuts. Preferably Brazil nuts, they can be huge and have a milky taste yummy.)

  Trudging up the steps to the entrance I bumped into Marc and Rees, who were carrying fuel cans to transfer what we had got today to the generator. I continued into the castle and walked downstairs and through the old kitchen. Chris and the two girls were weeding the garden and laughing about something. One of the girls looked up and waved at me. I gave her a small smile and a half hearted wave. All I could think was that I had put all these people in danger. Walking through the gift shop and into the café I saw Christine busy putting food on the counter for the evening meal.

  Walking past, I went upstairs to the apartment and dropped my rucksack at the door. Maddie must have been down in the kitchen helping sort out the evening meal. Honestly, I felt relieved that she wasn’t in the apartment. I needed to try and get my head sorted before anyone came to talk with me. I knew that if I stayed here in the apartment, I would get collared by at least one of them. Leaving the apartment I made way out of the castle and started toward the village. On one side of the village were the ruins of the abbey that used to be on the island. Making my way through the ruins I came to a low wall that looked out over the sea. Sitting with my back to the wall I watched the sea and tried to figure out what I should do.

  God, what if I turned overnight or something! Now there was something to worry about. I might end up losing my mind thinking like this. The only way I could be certain of keeping everyone safe would be by leaving. That would be best for everyone. Yeah, we had been through all this when back at the cottage, but that was before the visions. All these thoughts bounced round my head for what seemed to be hours.

  The sky had started to grow dark and I could see the sun setting behind the hills on the mainland. The sky had cleared from the storm and it had that red, orange and pink glow. (What was it my mother said ‘Red sky at night shepherds delight’?) The temp was slowly starting to drop and the stars seem to come out brighter. Watching the white tips of the waves crest on the shore was peaceful. Why couldn’t I have found a place like this before it all went to shit? I could have just forgotten that there were other people in the world and I wouldn’t be going through all this. (Yup, self obsessed.)

  I yawned and lay down on the grass and just looked at the sky. What do I say to Maddie she is the one thing that has held me together for the last few weeks and now I was thinking of leaving her. For that matter, could Rees risk me leaving? I mean I knew where they were and what kind of weapons they had and other important information. If I turned would I still hold on to that information or would it get wiped away?

  I heard a rustle in the grass and sat up on my elbows looking about. At one end of the wall I saw white hair and wagging tail. Ghost had come looking for me. He came round the end of the wall and lay down in the grass next to me. Rubbing between his ears, his tongue drooped out of his mouth and he closed his eyes. The last few weeks I hadn’t seen much of this crazy mutt, but I was glad that he was here now. He rolled onto his side and started to snore. (Fucking mutt fell asleep on me. Now I do feel used.) Lying back down next to a snoring dog I closed my eyes and fell into the darkness behind them and the sleep it held.

  Morning came with the caw of seagulls and the sound of the sea cresting on the beach. Opening my eyes and looking up at the sky, I saw very few breaks in the gray clouds. The wind must have picked up because the waves were crashing on the beach and the tall grass was bending in nearly every direction. Lying in the lee of the wall was protecting me from the wind. Ghost had done a disappearing act during the night or early this morning. The space where he had been was still compressed down and when I placed my hand on it. It was still warm, so whenever he had left it mustn’t have been long ago.

  Sitting up with my back to the wall I felt my stomach growl. I left the castle last night without any food or water, that hadn’t been very smart of me. Looking over the wall I saw that one of the village houses wasn’t too far away from the ruins. Getting up I felt the cold bite of the wind on my face and hands. Hanging my rifle on my back with the sling I put my hands in my pockets and slowly walked toward the house.

  I walked with my head tucked into my chest. I couldn’t help but think that the only person or animal that had come to see if I was ok last night was Ghost. Where had Maddie and the others been and why had none of them bothered. The image of Rees shaking his head, and then turning his back on me in the Land Rover popped into my head. That must have been why no one had come looking for me last night. He must have told them that I was a risk and that they were better off without me. I couldn’t blame him for thinking that, because it was what I was thinking as well.

  The house was a two up two down affair and the back door was wooden and not the newer PVC type. That made getting inside a little easier for me. Kicking out my foot hit just below the lock and the door flew open and banged off the wall. Taking my time I walked through to the kitchen and looked in the cupboards. There wasn’t much, but a few tins of soup and a bag of flavored rice. I put them on the bench, and then tried the taps in the sink, they groaned and a small amount of brown water flowed out, and then stopped. Shaking my head, I tried an idea I had read in a book once and went to the toilet. There was no water in the actual bowl but when I lifted the lid on the cistern there was some still inside. I went back to the kitchen and got a mug from one of the cupboards, then went and had a drink of the metallic tasting water. With my thirst taken care of, I decided to see if there was anything else in the house I could use.

  I was going through one of the wardrobes at the front of the house when I heard a noise from downstairs. Turning to watch the door, I lifted my rifle from its sling. I crouched behind the bed and using that to support the rifle I aimed at the door. I could hear footsteps on the stairs and the creak of the floorboards.

  “Walker are you up there?” Rees shouted.

  “I’m here! What do you want?” I shouted back.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “For god’s sake! What do you think I mean? You shaking your head and not being arsed to come looking for me last night.”

  “What shake of the fucking head? We all thought it was best to let you have some time to yourself. You had a lot to think about and I think everyone knew it.”

  “So you let me have some time to myself, but mate that look you gave me in the Land Rover on the way back and the way you shook your head. It looked like you had given up on me mate and thought I wasn’t worth it anymore.”

  “Piss off you stupid twat! You should know by now the only way I would do that was if you were one of them. Or that you were dead and gone. Both of which you’re not. So is there any chance I could come in there and not get shot?”

  “Yeah!” I said, sounding deflated.

  Rees walked in with his rifle hanging on his sling and his hands out in front. I stood up and let my rifle fall on to its sling and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Mate, I can’t tell you th
e shite that has been bouncing round my head since last night.” I said.

  “I can see that. What makes you think anyone hates you or wants you gone?”

  “I have a line straight to the Reaper Queen and I still haven’t figured if it is one way!” I said starting to get angry.

  “Like Marc said last night in the Land Rover they don’t know exactly where you are.” He said, sitting down on the other side of the bed.

  I looked at my feet and said, “I just can’t risk letting any of you get hurt because of me.”

  Rees sighed and said “Look at the world we live in now it doesn’t make a difference how any of us get hurt. It’s a dangerous place and anyone of us, including you, could die any day. Maddie was a bit pissed that you didn’t go back last night to talk to her. Don’t even get me started, I was ready to rip you a new one, but Derek said that you had more than likely gone to clear your head and you would be back. He’s a smart man that one. We all had a big talk last night when you weren’t there. Nobody said anything about leaving or killing you or booting your ugly arse out. What was said was that we could use these visions to help against the Reapers. So are you coming back the castle or what?”

  “What if I turn? We’ve already determined that I have the Reaper shit in me otherwise I wouldn’t have this connection to the Queen.”

  “Look the way I see it and it’s not just me that thinks this. Is that you have had this infection or whatever inside you for a couple of months and you haven’t changed in the slightest. Unless you call the visions a change so it is probably never going to happen. I mean, do you feel any different?” He asked.

  Looking back up at him I said, “Not really!”

  “Then you don’t have anything to worry about from me anyway.” He said with a grin.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “Dude you forgot that Maddie is still pissed with you.”


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