Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland

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Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland Page 8

by Gowland, Justin

“Oh!” I said.

  “Yeah, you thought she was pissed about the red flood comment yesterday. You should have seen her this morning when you hadn’t come back. Now that I think of it maybe you should do a runner. Because I tell you she is going to rip either your head off or your balls. Maybe even both the way she was banging around in the kitchen.” He said laughing.

  Taking a deep breath I stood up and held my hand out to Rees. He stood and took it and we shook.

  Then he pulled me into a large bear hug and said “Please don’t ever do that again. Leaving me with Marc was bad enough, leaving me with your missus was even worse.”

  Chapter Twelve

  We pulled apart and had a small laugh. Then made our way downstairs and out of the back door as we left I saw Ghost lying in the grass just outside the door. He must have brought Rees here this morning. (Here was I always saying that dog was stupid.) I called him over and gave him a stroke and we all set off for the castle. The wind had picked up and the clouds seemed to just slide across the sky.

  “How much fuel did you get moved yesterday whilst I was being a moody bitch?” I asked Rees when the bowser came into view.

  “We managed to fill the tank to the generator and still have roughly half left in the bowser. Jacob mentioned last night that he had seen some solar panels on some of the houses along the shore. He also said that if we could get our hands on some he might be able to figure out how to fit them. That might take some strain of the generator and lessen the amount of fuel we use.”

  “That’s not a bad thought.” I said as we climbed the steps to the castle.

  We walked past the small arms range and into the castle. As we passed the stairs to the second floor, Jacob came down with a look on his face that said he wasn’t pleased.

  “You ok there?” Rees asked.

  “No I am not fucking ok. That idiot child of mine has tried it on with one of Derek’s girls. She went running to her dad, who of course came and had a good go at me. That little shit tried to fondle her then ran off somewhere in the castle and no one can find him.”

  “Ok, where have you searched?” I asked.

  “We looked in the gift shop building and then we have searched all the bedrooms just now. I was about to have a look in the library and chapel next.” He replied.

  “Right, Rees you go with him and check out the chapel. I’ll head down into the bath house and have a look round there. Has anyone had a look outside?”

  “I think Becky and Maddie went out there. Derek and Christine have got the girl in their room trying to calm her down. The other girl is in her bedroom with the door locked. I will kill that little shit when I get my hands on him.” Jacob said as he stormed away.

  “Rees try to calm him down will you? We don’t know fully what happened yet and until we find Chris we won’t.” I said.

  “Ok Walker.” He said turning to follow Jacob.

  Looking around the entrance hall I shook my head. Walking down the stairs to the old kitchen I went to the door leading to the armory first. Opening it I stuck my head in and saw nothing out of place. After closing the door I walked to the bath house steps and flicked on the flash light I was carrying. My footsteps echoed in the large space, but a part from them I heard nothing else. Checking each of the large wooden tubs to make sure Chris hadn’t decided to hide in any of them. I turned to leave and was about to put my foot on the first step when I heard something scrape against stone. Turning off the light I stood and waited beside one of the large columns in the room. From the far left corner of the room I heard a sound like heavy stones rubbing against each other. Putting my feet as quietly as possible I moved towards the left hand wall and headed toward the sound. Every few steps I stopped to listen and was nearly to the far left corner of the room when I heard. The quiet sobs and sniffing came from a small opening in the wall. Taking my time I got as close as I could before turning on the flash light. Chris lifted his arm across his eyes and screamed in fright.

  “Hey, hey it’s alright Chris calm down. It’s Jay!” I said.

  “Please, I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t hurt anyone please.” He cried.

  I sat down on the flagstone floor and aimed the flash light away from his face. The light cast shadows around us but I could still see his face. The poor lad must have cried his heart out here in the darkness. I hated being in here at the best of times even with a light. God only knew what had made him come down here and hide in the dark.

  “Chris mate calm down and talk to me. I promise that I won’t make any judgments until I hear what everyone has to say. So come on tell me what happened?”

  He sat there for a few minutes getting his breath back and then said, “I was on the Xbox when Sam and Toni the two girls came in. They asked if they could play on the Xbox and I said that they could but to let me finish the level I was on. Sam said it was ok and she would come back later on. I just continued to play on the game. Anyway a few minutes later Toni asked if I had a girlfriend and I said no. I mean I’m only sixteen and didn’t have time for any of that before and I didn’t think it was as important now. I just sort of ignored the question and played the game.” I could see where this was going but I thought I might as well get the full story.

  He wiped his eyes with his shirt and continued talking “I was on the level boss when Toni asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I said no and that’s when she screamed that I touched her. I know I shouldn’t have run away, but I knew a lad from school who had touched a girl that was young and he got locked up. I didn’t want to get locked up or worse. Dad has always been saying that this was the best place for us to be. What with Rees and yourself keeping us all safe and making sure we have everything we need.”

  I felt sorry for him I know that hormonal boys get the stick for a lot of shit, but the hormonal girls can be just as bad. I sat thinking of what to say or do about this mess when as voice cut through the darkness.

  “Walker you there mate? Have you found Chris?” Rees shouted from the stairs.

  “Yeah, I am here and yes I have found Chris. Just give me a couple of minutes and can you get Derek, Christine and his two girls over to the café. I think we need to have a chat about this. Oh and get Jacob to come down here.”

  “Ok, how long?”

  “Say about ten minutes should be ok.”

  “Right” and with that I heard his footsteps move away.

  Looking back at Chris his eyes wide with panic I said in a soft voice, “Look we need to talk this out otherwise we will have more problems further down the line. You need to let me take the lead when we get up there and I also need you to stay calm and keep your mouth shut. Can you do that?”

  “I think so.” He said the relief in those words seemed to echo round the room.

  We both turned when we heard Jacob coming into the room. I called him across and told him what Chris had told me. His face went from pure anger to pure relief. I told him what I had told Chris about having to sort it out and he agreed. Next I turned to Chris and asked “Ok, we have one more thing that we have to sort out. Are you attracted to either of the two girls?”

  His face went red and he looked at the ground and shook his head. Something felt a little off about that so I asked another question “Chris, there’s something you aren’t telling us. Come on what is it? I promise your dad won’t be upset.”

  He said something but it was so quiet that neither I nor Jacob heard it.

  “Come on son speak up. I didn’t raise you to mumble.” Jacob said.

  Looking up at his dad Chris said in a halting voice “Dad… I…I’m gay.”

  I nearly clapped my hands at that. I had an idea that he might have been, but that he had to tell his dad first.

  “You’re gay?” Jacob spluttered.

  “I’ve known since I was nine that I was different. I knew for definite when I was twelve and had my first kiss.” Chris said his voice started getting more stable.

  “If that’s the case then why did you touch her up?
” Jacob asked.

  “Dad I didn’t. She only asked for me to be her boyfriend and I said no and then she started to scream that I had touched her. So I ran and hid here.” Chris replied getting upset.

  “Well we know what happened now. So let’s go to the café and have a talk about it.” I said.

  With Jacob in the lead we left the bath house and went out into the courtyard. All the time I’m thinking well at least this will stop Maddie from freaking out on me. We walked into the café and all the women looked ready to string Chris up. Have to admit the kid had balls because the way I was feeling about what Maddie was going to do or say had me scared shitless.

  “Before we start with what’s happened. You and I are going to have words.” Maddie said pointing at me. (Fuck looks like I was right.)

  Jacob and Chris sat as far away from the women as possible. Derek was stood near to the stairs his face was bright red and he kept clenching his fists. Rees was doing the best he could by standing in the middle of the two groups like referee.

  “Right let’s hear what Toni has to say about what happened then we can listen to Chris.” I said.

  Toni looked up and for a split second I saw doubt fly across her face.

  She wiped her eyes and then said “Sam and I came in to play on the Xbox and Chris was already on it. He said he was only going to be a few more minutes then we could have the console. Sam said she was going to find Mary and left. I sat next to Chris on the couch and he put the controller down. He asked if I had a boyfriend and would he like it if he could be it. I said I would have to think on it, but he moved across the couch and tried to kiss me. He also tried to grab my breast as well, so I screamed.

  “He got up and ran out of the gift shop. That’s when Maddie and mum came out of the kitchen and I told them what happened.”

  She slumped down in the chair and started to cry again.

  “Ok, so he tried to cop a feel whilst trying to kiss you is that right?” I asked.

  Toni just nodded her head but didn’t look up.

  “Did you give him any reason to think that you wanted him to do that?” I said.

  “Jay what the hell are you doing? He assaulted this girl for no reason.” Becky shouted.

  “Becky, I just want to make sure that she didn’t say or do anything to start this.” I said looking at Toni.

  There was that flash of doubt in her face again.

  “Ok so before we listen to anything from Chris is there anyone else who heard or saw anything?” I asked.

  Sam put her hand up; she was stood at the back of the crowd. She didn’t look very pleased at what was happening.

  “Ok, Sam what did you want to say?”

  “Before we came over Toni had said did I think she would have a chance with Chris and did I want him? I told her that I wasn’t sure if Chris was into either of us. Then we came over here to play on the Xbox. When we saw Chris playing on it Toni asked if I could leave them alone and that she had something to ask Chris.” She answered moving away from her sister.

  Toni cast a look at her sister that held daggers, but it was gone as fast as it came and she started to cry again.

  Christine looked at Sam and said “Why did you not tell us this before?”

  “You were all looking for Chris and no one would listen to me.” She cried.

  “Look let’s hear what Chris has to say.” I said.

  Chris clearly still upset told everyone what had happened in his own words and then told everyone why he wasn’t interested in any of the two girls.

  Derek cried out from the back “That could be a lie. He could be saying anything to save his own hide.”

  “Derek give you head a shake man. Sam even said that Toni fancied Chris.” Rees said.

  “Look the only thing that has happened is one person has seen something that wasn’t there and when they went for it they were told no. They then did something stupid about it. Now all that was hurt were some feelings and nothing more. I suggest we put all this behind us and try to move on. All I expect is for Toni to say sorry to everyone and then for everything to go back to normal. Does everyone agree?” I asked

  “I still don’t trust that boy.” Derek said.

  “Derek, I know that Toni has made us all look daft and this has upset you, but if anyone has anything to complain about it would be Chris. He hasn’t said a single nasty word about anything she has done. Let’s just leave it at that and get on with things, if Chris agrees to stay away from the girls for the time being would that make you happy?” I asked.

  “I suppose so.” Derek said.

  I looked at Chris and he just nodded.

  “Ok, right that’s that sorted. Now it’s time for me to get my arse handed to me by my missus.”

  I walked past everyone and grabbed Maddie’s hand and pulled her up stairs to the apartment. Just before I closed the door I could hear Rees asking everyone to get back to what they were doing.

  Turning to see Maddie stood in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed. Looking like she could rip me in two with her bare hands. I dropped my webbing next to the door and placed my rifle against the wall.

  “Jay, just what were you going to do?” She asked.

  “I thought it might be in everyone’s best interests to move on.” I said.

  “Who gave you the right to do that? We all depend on each other and on you the most, you’re the one everyone listens to and if anything what just happened downstairs proves that.”

  “That’s what frightens me the most. Is if I make the wrong decision or that the Queen can see where we are through me.”

  “I spoke with Rees last night and he said that might be why you didn’t come back. He also said that every time you had a vision you said they were still searching for you. If that’s the case then you’re just as safe here as anywhere.”


  “But nothing you are needed here by the others and especially me and I don’t want you fucking off any more. There is another reason for you to stay around and that’s you’re going to be an uncle.” She said her face softening.

  “What? How hell did that happened?” I said.

  “How do you think it happened? Becky told me yesterday before we left to get the fuel and boat. She managed to tell your brother last night and if you had bothered to be here you could have celebrated with him.”

  “Ok so I have been a massive dick again.” I said.

  “Look we all understand that you have this thing going on and that you’re frightened about it. What you don’t seem to get through your thick skull is that we are all here to help you get through this. All you have to do is tell us and if we can we’ll help.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  My shoulders sagged she was right I should have talked to them. It was that I felt the need to bottle it all up and keep it to myself. I was never one to let family or friends know my feelings that were bottled up inside.

  Maddie’s voice brought me out of my slump, “Jay, I asked if you wanted to go see your brother?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t hear you. What about us?” I asked.

  “Oh don’t worry you can make it up to me later on!” She said smiling.

  (Better make sure I still had some condoms. I might be about to become an uncle but I didn't want to become a dad yet. So shoot me.)

  She walked across to where I was stood and kissed me gently on the lips and left the room.

  Picking up my rifle and webbing I carried them into the bedroom and set them down at the end of the bed. Going through my gear I grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt. I got changed and slung my rifle on my shoulder but left the webbing in the bedroom and went looking for Marc. I found him on the wall looking at the boat bobbing around on the sea.

  “Congrats buddy.” I said as I walked toward him.

  He looked up at me and smiled, “Thanks.”

  “You ok? You don’t really seem that happy about it.”

  “Nah, I am happy it’s just that I wish it
had happened at a different time that’s all.”

  “Marc, if truth be told mate no time is a good time. It means we have to settle down and put our family needs well before our own. Becoming a dad no matter when is difficult for any man. So how are you and Becky taking the news?”

  “Well to tell you the truth we are still a little shocked. I mean she is taking it a lot easier than I am.”

  I felt sorry for him out of the two of us we had always thought I would be the one to settle down first. Now that this had happened it meant that he had to grow up and I think those thoughts were hard for him.

  “Hey you know I will be here to support you buddy.” I said.

  “Yeah if you don’t get scared and do a runner again.” He said looking back out at the sea.

  “Ok, I deserve that and yeah I should have been here last night. I promise that from now on I will be here for you and your new family. That is if you want me to help out?”

  “Well to be honest Becky and I will need someone to babysit when we want to go out partying.” He said turning to look at me with a daft grin on his face.

  I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

  “You tit!” I said laughing.

  With that we both turned to look out over the wall at the sea and the boat rolling on the waves.

  Hearing footsteps I turned to see Rees walking toward us.

  “I gather you finally found out about the soon to be rug rat?” He said.

  At the same time Marc and I said, “Fuck you Rees!”

  We all started laughing. It had been awhile since all three of us had something to look forward too and laugh at. I turned and resumed watching the boat when Rees said something I wasn’t prepared for.

  “You do realize that with having babies things are going to have to change again. We are going to have to make sure that the Reapers can never follow us here don’t you?” He said.

  “I hadn’t thought about it but I suppose it makes sense.” I said without turning.

  “What do you mean?” Marc said.

  “Ask Walker what I mean!” Rees replied.


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