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Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland

Page 11

by Gowland, Justin

  “Hey bud! How are you doing?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer just stood there watching me as I got closer. Not thinking anything of it I kept on walking toward him. I was about ten feet from him when I noticed that he had his sword out and it was beside his leg.

  I stopped and looked at him then said “You ok?”

  He mumbled something but I couldn’t hear what he said.

  “What did you say Marc?”

  “I said that why her?” He answered.

  “I don’t know why mate but it has hurt everyone.”


  “Why what?” I said getting a strange feeling in my stomach.

  “Why did you bring them here?” He said in a tight voice.

  “Marc I didn’t bring them anywhere. Why would you think that?”

  “You did don’t lie to me. You got her killed, you got my child killed, and you ruined my life.” He said slowly raising his sword.

  “Listen before you do anything stupid I don’t control them in any way, shape or form so put the sword down.” I said taking the shovel off my shoulder.

  “I thought that but they just keep turning up and the only reason I can see why they do is because of you and your visions. What’s to say that you say that when you are having them you’re actually talking to the Queen?” He said stepping forward.

  “Look whatever you’re thinking then you’re wrong. If I could change things I would but it has happened and there is nothing I can do about it. Just put the sword down and we can talk about all this.”

  “I have done nothing but think all this through and the only thing that makes me feel better at the moment is killing you for what you have done.”

  With that he lunged at me with his sword pointed straight at my stomach. I managed to side step to the left and brought the shovel up and knocked the sword to one side. He turned quicker than I thought he would and I managed to duck low enough to hear the sword whistle past where my head would have been. Lunging forward I managed to slam the metal part of the shovel on his shins. He howled in pain and jumped back hopping up and down rubbing one of his shins. The look that he was casting told me that if he managed to hit me then it would be to kill me. Dropping to a crouch he held his sword with both hands out in front and was taking side steps slowly in a circle. He was trying to come in at me from the side but with us circling each other I wasn’t about to let him.

  “Marc stop being daft you nut.” I said huffing. I was already tired from filling in Becky’s’ grave and this was taking the last of my strength. I had to try and take him down and do it without killing him if I could.

  “I said I will KILL YOU!” he yelled and came at me again this time reversing his swing to start lower down and move upwards.

  Using the wooden handle of the shovel I slammed it down on the blade of the sword and rushed forward at the same time. As my shovel handle hit the hand guard of Marcs’ sword I struck out with my right fist and landed a blow to his temple. It must have stunned him because he fell to his knees and as he did I placed my foot on the sword and slammed it to the floor out of his grasp. I kicked the sword away from him and into the gutter dropping the shovel I knelt down with my knees either side of his chest pinning his arms down. He turned his head to look at me and I saw the hate in his eyes which I had never seen before.

  “Marc will you fucking behave and calm down.” I shouted at him.

  “You killed her!” Marc spat out.

  “I didn’t do anything to her mate I loved her like a sister and I would never have hurt her or the baby. The fact that the Reapers came to the island is just coincidental and even if I knew they were here for me. Do you honestly think that I would put any of you in danger?” I asked.

  “The brother I knew before would never do that but I don’t know who or what you are now.” He replied.

  Looking at him and I knew that there was no way that I would be able to convince him any different. He was squirming underneath me as I was trying to figure out what to do when he bucked to one side with his back and threw me off. I fell to the side and my head hit on the kerb beside me. Looking around in a daze I saw Marc moving quickly to pick up his sword. He glanced at me over his shoulder as his hand grasped the sword. As he took hold of it he said “I’ll never forgive you for what you have done to me.”

  I watched from the gutter as the darkness seemed to swallow him.

  “MARC!” I shouted slowly getting to my feet.

  But from the looks of things he had made a run for it and in the dark I had very little chance of finding him there were to many hiding places in the village. Now I had a problem do I find somewhere to crash in village tonight or do I walk back to the castle. The first idea didn’t exactly appeal to me what with my brother nearby. I suppose a walk back the castle would be the order of the day. Lifting the shovel from the ground I headed back down the main road and out of the village.

  I reached the gate to the castle after a nervous twenty minute walk standing in front of it I raised my hand and banged on it till I heard the bar being lifted on the other side. The door opened and a flash light shone in my face followed by Rees’ rough voice saying “Walker what the fuck happened to you?”

  “Marc happened.” I said as I pushed past him.

  “What the fuck do you mean Marc?” He asked slamming the bar back down and running to catch up.

  I told him about how I had finished filling in the grave and went to find Marc in the village. I told him how Marc had found me first and then came at me with his sword and how he blamed me for Becky’s death and the fight that we had that ended with him running away into the night.

  “Fuck man I should have come with you but I think we should first get you checked out you’ve got a gash on your head and it’s bleeding like a twat.” He said.

  I just nodded and headed through the castle for the café and Maddie I needed to see her face. We walked past the kids in the gift shop and into the café where the adults were sitting. On seeing the state I was in the air was full of screeching chairs and then everyone was stood asking me questions.

  “Guys you can see he is hurt can we please leave him be and I will fill you in on what happened.” Rees said.

  Maddie pushed through the crowd and pulled me upstairs and into the apartment by now I was feeling a little lightheaded and slumped on to the bed.

  Maddie started to clean the gash with a towel and water then asked “What happened out there Jay?”

  I broke down in tears and told her everything that had happened since the funeral and what Marc had done and said ending with me telling her about him screaming as he ran into the darkness. I bowed my head because I actually did feel like everything that had happened was my fault in a strange sense. Maddie place her hands on either side of my head and said “Jay nothing Marc said has anything to do with what happened it was just bad luck nothing but bad luck. I miss Becky she was the sister I had never had and she helped me through a lot when we first got to the cottage and was the one to tell me to try and make a go with you when I told her my feelings for you. Marc was always a little nuts and I loved him for it but the fact that he is trying to blame you for something like this makes me mad. Do you think he will come back if we leave him alone?”

  “I would be surprised if he did come back. Maddie you should have seen the way he looked at me it was like he had never had a brother and the person in front of him was some creature he had never seen before.” I said.

  She kissed my forehead and said “The bleeding has stopped now and it doesn’t look to bad just a shallow cut near your hair line. Come one let’s get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings.”

  I stood up and started to slowly take my gear off and for the second night in a row with a heavy feeling in my heart. I didn’t know how things could bring me down any more than I was already but knowing the way things had gone lately something would happen. Maddie closed up behind me and put her arm over my waist pulling me in close to her. Falling asleep was
probably the last thing that I wanted to do but I could feel my eyes slowly closing and ending yet another bad day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The following morning I woke before Maddie which was the first time in the last few days. Swinging my legs carefully out of bed and slowly standing as not to wake Maddie I went to my bag and pulled out some clean clothes and went into the living room to put them on. I left my rifle and webbing in the apartment and went down stairs to make a hot drink. The dull light of predawn was slowly coming in through the café windows and I made it into the kitchen without bashing myself on anything. The kitchen its self was a dark and I flipped the light switch and started hunting for something to make a hot drink with. I managed to find a kettle and the sugar but could I hell find any tea bags so I had managed to find some hot chocolate mix and thought why not. After making the hot drink I sat looking out the window watching as the sky went red and orange then slowly blue with high gray clouds. I now had no other family except of the stupid dog that only turned up when it wanted. Maddie did mean everything to me now but with Marc now gone I felt a large empty hole inside he had always been a large part of my life before and now he was gone.

  Taking my hot cup of chocolate I went and stood in the doorway to the gift shop and letting the cool morning air fill my lungs and cool the hot chocolate. What were we going to do now? I watched as a few small birds flew over the castle walls toward the mainland and thought how lucky they were to be above all this death and destruction. I heard a door open and after a few seconds saw Rees coming up the steps from the castle kitchen and into Becky’s courtyard garden. He saw me stood in the doorway and waved at me. He had come out with his webbing on and carrying his rifle on its sling and I couldn’t help but think when are we going to be able to live without having to carry weapons?

  He stopped in front of me and said “I didn’t think you would be up this early especially after last night.”

  “I just woke up and fancied a hot chocolate and fresh air.” I said.

  “You hot chocolate? What is wrong and what have you done with Walker?” He said smiling.

  “It just didn’t feel right having a cup of tea this morning.” I said (Like shite was I going to tell him I couldn’t find any.)

  I turned and Rees followed me into the café and we sat down at a table.

  “So are we going to look for Marc this morning?” Rees asked.

  “I think it might be a better idea to let him cool down and let him come to us. The way he was last night I don’t think us forcing him to come back is going to improve matters.” I said.

  I sat looking at the hot chocolate in my hands waiting for Rees to say something.

  “Look I know he’s your brother but he is also one of my best friends if I went out do you think he would talk to me?”

  “To be honest I don’t know. He had this look in his eyes that I have never seen before he really did blame me for Becky’s death.”

  “That’s the thing I can’t seem to get my head round the fact he was blaming you for her death. If he needed to blame anyone it should have been me or his self (Just what Maddie said last night.) we were the ones who cleared that side of the village.” His face seemed to droop as he said that.

  “Look it was just bad luck for everyone. The Reaper could have managed to get round you somehow and waited to jump the first person that went near. We just don’t know how it got there or how your group missed it. All we can do is move on from it but Marc will have to sort himself out. I think he can’t come to terms with the fact it might have been his fault she died and has turned his anger to one person he could blame and that’s me.”

  “He has to see that he is wrong though.”

  “Maybe he will and then again maybe he won’t it could be possible he might blame me for the rest of his life. Come on let’s talk about something else.” I said.

  “Well I have been thinking about the fall back island we still haven’t been there yet to check it out.”

  “Your right the reason we got the boat was to check out that island as a fallback position. Who do you want to take with you?” I asked.

  “I thought you and Jacob would be coming with me?” He said looking me in the eyes.

  “Jacob yes, me no. I’m staying here at the castle for today at least. I have been blaming myself for a lot of things lately and I think that I need a day to clear my head.” I replied.

  “So who do I take with me then?”

  “I have an idea how about you and Mary could go have a look and make it a day out.” I said with a smile.

  “You want to make a recon in to a fucking picnic?” He asked looking surprised.

  “Why not? Like Jacob said that island is tiny and the chance that anyone is on there is remote. I am sure Mary would like the time away from the castle.” I replied looking him in the eye.

  With a sigh he stood up and nodded his head as he left he said “I’ll go sort things out with Jacob and you’re probably right about taking Mary with me. She has been locked in the castle for a while.”

  I raised my mug to him as he left the gift shop and I watched as he crossed the courtyard and disappear into the castle. I heard Maddie coming down the stairs and looked over just as she came into view.

  “Morning sweetheart!” I called over.

  “Morning, what time did you get up?” She asked.

  “Just when the sun was rising and I wanted to get some fresh air and a hot drink.” I said.

  “Did I hear you talking to someone down here?”

  “Yeah was talking with Rees as to what we were doing today.”

  “What are we doing today?”

  “Well Rees, Mary and Jacob are going to have a look at the fallback position and I am staying here to spend some time with you.” I said.

  “You're not going to look for Marc today?”

  “I think it might be a good idea for him to calm down on his own and if he doesn’t come back then he has made his mind up about us.” I replied.

  “That makes sense but are you sure he will come back?”

  “I don’t know but it’s all I can do. I can’t force him to come back so this is the next best thing. Let’s stop talking about it and get on with things here.”

  Maddie gave me a kiss and wandered over to the kitchen and after a short while I could hear the clatter of the pots and pans. Christine came in and started cleaning the tables down and moving the chairs. I felt like I was in the way so I got up and headed out of the café and into the courtyard. Sam and Toni were on their hands and knees pulling weeds from the garden they were both dressed in dirty looking jeans and shirts. Chris came out carrying some wood and started to make a small fence for round the garden. With the noise of the hammer and the giggling of the girls the castle felt like it had when we first got here.

  Walking past the girls and Chris I said hello then continued through the castle and out into the small courtyard where we had set up the pistol range. Rees, Jacob and Mary were getting ready to go out to the boat.

  “Are you lot ok?” I asked

  “We should be then island isn’t too far and we shouldn’t run into any Reapers there.” Jacob replied

  “Ok just be careful, and the other thing I wanted to ask is do we have enough fuel for the boat?” I asked Jacob.

  “When we got the boat it had just enough to get us here but because it runs on diesel we topped off the tank with what was in the bowser. So the boat now has full tanks there should be enough to do a few trips.” He said.

  “That’s great so when are you going?” I asked.

  “We will get away as soon as you stop asking stupid your questions Walker!” Rees answered.

  In reply I flipped him off and walked away into the castle. I walked through the large dining hall and into the library of the castle and sat on one of the chairs looking at the books on shelves. There was a lot of history in this room I just hoped that one day I could read some of them but today I just wanted my mind to wander. So I closed my e
yes and let my mind take me where ever it wanted to go. (Of course you know what happened don’t you.)

  I was stood on the coast looking out at the sea in the distance I could see a low blur hidden by a low sea mist. Turning I looked at the gathering of Reapers there must have been forty or fifty of them watching me.

  Mathleic was stood at the front and said “My Queen these are our most skilled warriors and they have never failed us.”

  “We have found where it is and we will soon take it and make it part of us or we will end it.” The Queen said with a hiss.

  “Your majesty we have had one scout return from the land in the water. He said that the others were killed in a fight with the other and the meat it is with.” Mathleic said bowing low.

  “Bring me this scout you speak of.” She said.

  The group of Reapers parted and the smallest Reaper I have ever seen walked through the group and fell to its knees in front of the Queen.

  “I will see what you have seen.” She said going to her knees and placing her forehead on to the small Reapers head. As soon as her head touched there was a flash of images showing my fight with the Reapers in the chapel and ending with the image of Marc beating the Reaper to death with his bare hands.

  Standing back up away from the small Reaper the Queen looked at her elite warriors and said “The abomination that has been at the edges of our dreams has been found and it will pay for being.” She shouted to the gathering.

  The warriors all shouted and a cruel look spread over Mathleic’s face.

  The vision faded and I looked about and for some reason I was no longer in the library but in the little chapel just off it sitting in the pews at the rear. (How the hell had I got in here and more to the point how the hell did I not whack something on the way.) I have never been a religious man but sitting there I felt a need to throw out a silent prayer to whomever and ask that Marc be kept safe. Quietly leaving the chapel I knew that I needed to talk with everyone and get things sorted. I just hoped that the fall back island was as good as Jacob said it could be.


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