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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

Page 106

by Brittany White

  “I guess I’m going to have to break out the ceremonial robes.” “I never wanted his attention and why he deems me appropriate for this dinner is beyond me. These robes are not very flattering, but maybe I can do some alterations to make the prince stand up and take notice. This might be the only way that I can get him off my back once and for all. He’s sophisticated, charming, but I doubt that he’s going to like my attitude, not to mention the scantily way that I dress.” She gave Scandal the bum’s rush, pushing her out the door with a glint in her of mischievousness.

  “I don’t like the look in your eyes, Scarlet. You’re obviously up to something and I just hope that you’re not biting off more than you can chew. Be careful, as the prince is very conditioned by his family to do the right thing. You can imagine that they will not be very happy with you and that unhappiness may turn deadly. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can warn you that these people are not to be taken lightly. We’ve both seen them in their element and they rule with an iron fist. It takes a lot of concessions for them to even consider allowing somebody passage on the rivers.” This was a planet that had the raw materials including those for building and those that were unique. Some were priceless on the black market.

  Chapter 2

  It was said that the river planet flowed into what was considered to be a fountain of youth. Those that were deemed worthy would take the inaugural journey with the royal family to be blessed by the waters within. They would primarily be baptized into a life of youth and prosperity.

  “You are my son and you may feel that this is an antiquated way of thinking, but it doesn’t matter. You’re to keep your mouth shut and to do what is required, regardless of what you think about any of this. I don’t feel good about your choice of companions for the dinner, but it is you’re right. She’s not one of us. I’ve heard of her exploits and let’s just say that I’m not impressed by her need for sexual gratification.” Rollins was Niles father. He looked at his son and knew that he did not turn out the way that he expected.

  “As you said, father, I have every right to choose my dinner companion. I have given her the bouquet. I do hope that you do not try to embarrass me tonight. I don’t want this and I never had a need to mate with anyone. I find her refreshing and she doesn’t stumble over her feet to please me. The others are followers, sheep’s that don’t know any better, but I can’t say the same thing for her.” Prince Niles Starr had been groomed for this moment from the day that he was born. The day had arrived. He was to choose his princess and most likely the one that would rule with him after his father had been long dead and buried.

  Niles wore the crown of responsibility with distinction. He showed compassion. It was one thing that he did only to get the goat of his father. He had chosen Scarlet precisely for the reason of getting underneath the skin of his father. He found her actions to be reprehensible and the stories of her sexual conquests were legendary. He did admit that he was curious about what it was like to taste that forbidden fruit. He could have chosen anyone. He had gotten his huge arms from the genetic makeup of his father, but the blue in his skin was given to him by his mother’s genes. It brought a tear to his eye to know that she would not be here for the big day.

  His father put his hands on his son’s shoulders in genuine concern for his son’s well being. “I know that you miss her, but you know that she’s here in spirit. I think that she will be here with us. We may even feel the electricity of her presence in the air. It is not uncommon for the other world to bleed into this one, so close to the age of choice. I know that I’m going to look for her.” Rollins had never remarried and he knew that he would never find another like Everest. She was one of a kind and it was her blue skin that drew him to her like a moth to a flame. His infatuation was met with fierce distrust, but she was finally won over by how kind and considerate he was to others. That was the air that he put on, until after the marriage was consummated.

  Niles whole body was lanky, but it was his arms that got him noticed in a hurry. He had to have his clothes custom made, just so that he wouldn’t rip through them with a light flex of his muscles. “I miss her, but I know that she’s always here where it matters.” He touched his heart. He didn’t want to tell his father that the day after her death that he had seen her walking like a ghostly image by his window in the middle of the night. He wanted to keep that secret to himself. It was the one thing that he shared with his mother and one that he would never share with another.

  “I do hope that you have picked something nice to wear this evening. We want to put on a good show. There’s a lot at stake and whoever we choose to bring with us to the fountain of youth will make all the difference in the world. They will stand with us and together we will show this world and the others that we can be trusted with the responsibility of the trade routes.” It was a hard job and one that was met with a premature graying along Rollins temple. He didn’t like being the bad guy, but he needed to make sure that those that wanted to trade were doing it for the right reasons. They had some problems in the past and that was when they put in safeguards to make sure that that didn’t happen again.

  “I had something made specifically for the occasion, father. You needn’t worry about me and I have everything well in hand. He stood from the table, hovering 6 feet high and walking with the weight of his arms holding him down. It was that weight that gave him the power of 10 alien men. He was a fierce warrior when it came to defending his father and his family. One punch and he could knock somebody out. They feared him and it was that fear that he felt was doing his family an injustice.

  He walked upstairs and stood at the window overlooking the orange and blood red sky of the evening. When the two suns went down, it would be time to bring Scarlet into his household. He had convinced himself that he was doing it against the family, but he harbored an interest in getting to know her better. It wasn’t primarily physical, but his need for procreation was making his libido go crazy. He couldn’t keep it down. It didn’t matter what he thought about, it was his need for physical release with a female form that pushed him into choosing someone that would most likely spread to receive him.

  A couple more days and they would take that pilgrimage and finally seal the fate of someone into their confidence. They would be given the rare gift of youth and they would bathe in the waters that would bless them with great intellect. They would drink from the well and feel the powers of health and healing flowing through their veins. He had no idea if Scarlet was the woman that would stand by his side, but he needed to find out one way or the other. He wore his bloodline like a badge of honor. The crest of his family was burned into his skin just below his neck in the center of his chest. It was a rite of passage and one that he screamed through the whole ordeal.

  Those that lived on the river planet heard his cries of anguish, but they could do nothing to soothe his pain. He touched the spot where the brand had been placed. It was there for all time. He knew that it meant that he was in the ruling class. He actually thought that his father was joking when he pursued him with the branding iron. It turned out not to be anything of a laughing matter.

  One of the suns had gone below the tree line. The other was in the process of doing the same. It was such an eerie sight, but also fascinating to watch Mother Nature in its glory. He steeled himself for what was to come, before turning and getting dressed appropriately. The white shirt and black pants were soon joined by a brown slick feeling coat. He picked up the jeweled bracelets. He placed one on his right wrist and the other was going to be given to the person that was worthy to wear it. Whether it was Scarlet or not remained to be seen.

  He heard the winged steed and looked out the window to see Scarlet announcing her presence in style. A Pegasus like animal with grey eyes landed in the courtyard and Sousa was right there to help her down, as gingerly as possible.

  Sensing something, Scarlet looked up at the window to see the form of the prince looking down from above. “Amazingly as it sounds, I’ve
never been with him and maybe it’s high time that I remedy that situation. He is very handsome and his blue skin is almost like an aphrodisiac. I want to reach out and touch him in a more profound way. I may not want to join him, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t play with my food first.” What Scarlet didn’t know was that Niles interest was not just about breeding. He had reached the end of the mating cycle. His father didn’t even know that his body was calling the shots.

  He saw her in the ceremonial robes and the alterations that she had made were definitely something that might make his father have a heart attack. The plunging neckline and the way that she showed off her assets was not what the dress was made for. In its natural form, it was all the way to the neck and all the way down to the ankles with no skin appearing anywhere. At first, he was appalled that she would do something like that, but then he had to smile at the gall that it took to take such a risk.

  He looked at her and saw her, as a pearl at the bottom of an ocean. It was a quaint term used by earthlings. He only learned it from Sousa, as he was a descendant from that planet. The way that he talked about death and famine and the way the people hurt one another was something that he could never wrap his mind around.

  Apparently, religion was a big contention between people in the east of the planet. They would fight over the right to worship in their own way. For Niles, he saw that compromise was the order of the day. He didn’t have to hold people to his values, as everybody had the right to live their lives in the way that they saw fit He looked at the gold bracelet on his wrist and the decorative stars that would signify his family’s name.

  Chapter 3

  It was time to make the grand gesture. He was to welcome the lady of the evening to his home.

  He couldn’t wait to see his father’s reaction, as Scarlet came through the door. It gave his heart a jolt of excitement to see his father staring at Scarlet like that of a pubescent boy getting his first look at the female form. His accusatory expression was then followed by the shaking of his head at the absurdity of seeing this woman flaunting her wares. The prince stood and greeted her with a silent bow with his hand crossed over his chest in respect.

  “Don’t mind my father. He will not be joining us for dinner. This is just for the two of us in the private setting of the dining room.” He took her hand and found the contrast in the color of their skin quite fascinating. “I want to tell you how lovely you look this evening. I see that you’re not about tradition and that you tend to go your own way. I can respect that. I would never try to change you.”

  His hand touching hers made her forget her manners. She had this instant vision of jumping into his arms and tearing off his clothes to see, if his anatomy was entirely blue all the way down to his package. She forcibly bit into her tongue to stop herself from doing something that would be considered untoward.

  The white and blue design of the dress was boring, but it was the slit up the side and the alterations that she made that gave it that extra special flair. “To be honest, I’m not sure why I’m here. I’ve never taken a liking to you before and I’ve never seen you try your hand at seducing me. I hate to be blunt, but I have to know why you would consider me a viable option over all others.” “He is a specimen and I have to say that I do find the idea of sleeping with him intriguing. I have to wonder what he would be like in bed and how it will look to have his blue cock sliding inside my sweet pink meat. It almost makes me giddy with impatience for that moment of truth. I have no desire to have his children, but having a bit of fun is not out of the question.”

  “Just between you and me, I really only invited you here, because my father would have such a problem with it. Did you see the look on his face, when you stepped from that Pegasus? I thought for sure that he was going to blow a fuse.” He found that he was using the vernacular of the earth region. Some of it didn’t make much sense, but it was all the rage with those that were living on the river planet. Somehow that seemed inexplicable; Sousa was able to impart his earthly ways on them to a degree. “I find your flamboyant attitude to be refreshing. I think that you being the mother of my children will be the best thing that has ever happened to this place.” He saw the look in her eyes and he backed away for a moment.

  “Look, prince, I understand that you like to needle your father, but don’t expect me to pop out babies. My body is my temple and I have no desire to become some kind of breeding project. That being said, I’m not at all opposed to something physical between us. I actually find you quite interesting and I believe that getting a look underneath those clothes is something that I could greatly get on board with. I just don’t want you to think that there’s anything here more than one night of pure bliss. You may not think so, but I’m sure that you’ve heard the stories and believe me they are true. I’m that damn good and more than willing to prove it to you.” “I love that he looks at me with shock, not unlike his father did when I stepped down and gave him a bird’s eye view of what I had to offer. The prince is not used to women showing this kind of initiative. I have to wonder what else I can do to make another part of his anatomy stand up and give me a salute.” She bent over at the waist, feeling his eyes burning between her deep cleavage.

  Feeling a little uncomfortable, he pulled her chair out and then sat on the other side away from her prying eyes. Her attempt at seduction was making him hard. He had always had control over that part of himself, but she was taking it out of his hand. “I took the liberty of getting the cook to make us something special for the evening. It’s known that the meal can not be something that we’ve had before. This will be a delicacy that is only brought out on these rare opportunities.” She circled her lips with her tongue, making him squirm in his seat. He tried not to look at her, but it was impossible.

  “I don’t see any reason why we can’t start with an appetizer.” Not one to shy away from making the first advance, she slithered down onto the floor and crawled to the object of her desire. “You can tell me no, but I don’t think that you’re going to do that, Niles.” By calling him by his first name, she was making it appear that they were on the same level. That was unheard of and she only did it to make him realize that she was not the one that he should consider to have his children. “I think I see a juicy morsel that needs my attention. Unfortunately, there seems to be this obstacle in my way.”

  He felt her teeth pulling at the buttons and they popped free with him staring straight ahead with his hands on top of the table. He couldn’t quite believe that this was happening, but the feel of the point of her tongue touching his heated flesh was more than enough evidence. “I don’t think that you should be doing that. Please, stop before you start something that you can’t finish. You don’t know this about my kind, but we tend to get overexcited. I’m not telling you that I’m going to go off, but I will become too much for you to handle.” His words only seemed to make her want to continue this exploration of his flesh.

  “This is going to happen and whether you are going to give it up to me freely is entirely up to you. I see that the color of your skin is definitely all over.” The blue shaft made her want to cover it in her hot spit. She grabbed it at the base, bringing it down to her mouth for a very unusual kiss. She stabbed her tongue into the eye and was greeted with a dollop of his cream. She slathered it all over the top with her tongue making for some sort of brush. It was sticky to the touch like glue, but tasted like ambrosia. It made her want more. She was powerless to resist the intoxicating flavor that greeted her.

  “You can’t do this and the preparations have not been made. I need time to get ready… Oh my god…you don’t know…you just don’t know.” He had his hands bunched into a fist and he felt the time was near. He could hold back the dam from bursting, but what he couldn’t stop was the growth of his manhood. In his over anxious state, he grew another couple of inches, until he was sporting a 10 inch piece of pipe between his legs.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said that I didn’t know. It’s been a known f
act for some time that you’ve kept yourself away from the clutches of those females that showed you any kind of attention. I thought that you were just a private person, but now I’m beginning to get a better idea. You really shouldn’t have hidden something like this. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Being a size queen, I can respect the kind of equipment that you carry around with you every day.” Her words were meant to comfort, but the only thing that it really did was make the prince aware of his condition.

  “You weren’t supposed to see that.” He felt her tongue licking around the top of his cock. He shuddered with the realization what this could mean. “This is unseemly and I don’t think that I can do this in good conscience.” Her mouth enveloped the knob and began to give it the spit shining that it deserved. He could feel that she was endeavoring to see how much she could take into her mouth. It was like he was carrying a Belton between his legs. This is what they called a makeshift club that was used back in the day to fight their battles.

  That was before weapons were made in the handheld variety that could kill with one push of a button. When they wanted to get back to the basics, they would dust off the Belton to show their resilience in the field of battle.

  Scarlet slathered all over his member making it slip easily to the back of her mouth. The huge helmet was bigger than the rest of the shaft and it took amazing willpower on her part to even get that into her throat. Her eyes watered and she forced herself to go beyond her own endurance.” They heard footsteps approaching the door and he extricated himself from the hot confines of her throat.


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