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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

Page 113

by Brittany White

  “No you aren’t a mistake; no all three signs happened with you, I’m sure of it. But that doesn’t mean that you feel the same way. I mean you’ve already said that you’ve made mistakes. Plus how do you realize you love someone?” He asked.

  “It’s just a feeling we get inside. I noticed you in the morning and couldn’t stop thinking about you all day long. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to find you in the room. Some people may say I fall in love too easily though. I just love the feeling of having someone to hug and kiss, and well of course do other things with!” She laughed a light laugh. “But I don’t know if you are telling the truth about how you tell for your species either. I have to take a chance, and I don’t know there is something a connection that seems to hold us together. I don’t get how I can feel this way about you. I am scared, my last boyfriend did say he loved me, well then he cheated on me. Wait what about the girls you take back and the testing? How do I know that you won’t do that still?” Liz questioned.

  “In our species we can only mate with many women before we marry. After the ceremony of marriage, our bodies will no longer respond to another female. That is why it is so important to make sure we have the right person. We can’t marry more than one time in our lives.” He explained.

  “Wow, if humans did that there would be a lot of people who would be extremely unhappy. I can’t imagine that, is it the same for the female?” She asked.

  “Just for our species. You won’t be changed in that way. We don’t mess with DNA’s of any other races.” He stated.

  “Does that mean we can’t have children?” She asked.

  “I’m not sure, there haven’t been any successful births on the planet as of yet.” He admitted.

  She wasn’t sure if she was happy or sad about it. She hadn’t thought much about whether she wanted children or not. Liz looked at him; she felt that just being with him would be enough for her.

  “We can always adopt a child. I don’t mind raising an Earth child.” He stated. “Or maybe we’ll be successful at mating. Really right now I think that is moving far too forward. I just need to know if you are willing to marry me or not.” He asked.

  Liz was taken aback by his lackadaisical way of asking her such a big proposal like it meant nothing much. “I don’t know it doesn’t seem like a proposal that holds much for the future.” She stated.

  “Liz, remember I’m not part of your species, I don’t know how they do it on your planet. If you want something different, I can only offer me. I will make sure you are happy for the rest of your life, and never lacking for anything. But there may be times I do something that seems rude or insensitive. I don’t mean it to be that way. I can only tell you I love you and want you to be my wife.” He explained.

  “Now that was a lot sweeter! Yes I would love to marry you.” Liz said. “But if you don’t get the promotion how much will I see you? You already said that the men on board can’t have women stay with them.” Liz added.

  “Don’t worry I have my ways, since you’ve agreed to marry me now!” Allen said.

  She laughed, sometimes he seemed to make little sense to her. Liz smiled at him. “I hope so, it would be sad to only see you every once in a while.” She admitted.

  He stopped and looked at her. “No that won’t ever happen, I’ll make sure of it, and I promise you.” He said to her, his face showing how serious he was.

  “I appreciate that very much Allen. Liz said.

  “Let me ask you this though, if you had to would you be willing to live part time on Hasastasha and the other part on Earth?” Allen asked.

  Liz thought for a few minutes about it. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it as an idea. If that means we get to see other more than if you are on the ship and I can’t go.” She stated.

  “Good because I might be able to find something to do, but also so you know, if I’m not able to make enough in half a year, it might be longer we stay on my home planet.” He explained.

  “Can’t you get a job on Earth?” She asked.

  “I have parents and relatives who still live on my home planet. The money I make working goes to support my parents now that they are older.” He explained. “My planet won’t take Earth money as a payment though. So if I didn’t work there, well my parents wouldn’t be able to stay in their home. I can’t do that to them, they really don’t deserve to be treated that way.” He told her.

  “No I agree, I didn’t know you had parents you were supporting.” She answered. “I can see your thinking, and I don’t have to worry about parents to look after either. So if I’m not working on Earth it’s not a big deal. Oh by the way what kind of work will I be able to do on your home planet?” She questioned.

  “Work, oh you can’t do that. You don’t know our language; most people don’t speak any language but our mother tongue.” He explained.

  Liz thought about how lonely it would be to not talk to anyone. She wondered if it was such a good idea to agree to stay on his planet, perhaps year round.

  “You can learn it, or we can look at getting you a translator. It can be implanted and you’ll be able to understand everyone. You talk and it will change your language into Hasastashian” He stated. “But I’m not sure how much they are and if we can afford it right away.” Allen could see the look of fear in her eyes about loneliness being overwhelming. He wasn’t sure how to make her feel better; he tried to search his mind for an easy answer.

  “I don’t know, I mean if you are around at least I could have you to talk too. Is there any way to at least visit Earth once in a while?” She queried.

  Allen looked down. “I’m not sure. I get free passage because of my job. If I’m not working on the ship it costs a lot of money. I’m not a rich person. I have some money, but my parents take a lot to care for, they aren’t healthy.” He explained.

  Her fear of completely changing her life and leaving behind everything she ever knew was building at a rapid pace. She could feel her heart as an ache settled inside of it. Will this work, she wondered, but didn’t ask.

  “If it wasn’t for my parents I wouldn’t mind being on Earth more. The half a year at my planet and half a year on Earth would only work with a really good paying job. I’m not sure if I can find that, I only have a certain set of skills.” He admitted. “But Liz I don’t want to lose you either because of whatever it is your feeling. Please let’s just try to work it out in a way that will be fine for both of us?” He pulled her chin up to look deep into her eyes.

  Liz could see his eyes as they changed color, one of the signs of his love. She just wasn’t sure what she wanted to give up being with him. Jason had been human, so this question of living on another planet would never come up. Perhaps she was dumb to ever get involved with an alien, yet alone fall in love with him.

  “I don’t know. I can’t lie to you and say that I’m okay with it, because I’m not sure if I am or not. I lived on my planet my whole life; it feels like my safe place in a way. I haven’t ever been on your planet, will I like it? I’m not sure yet. I guess the only way to really be fair is to say, let me see your planet first. After that I can think a little bit more about this decision.” Liz finally said.

  He looked down sad that she couldn’t make up her mind. “I understand it is a lot to ask you, especially since you’ve never been to my planet yet. But we’ll be there soon, and you’ll see it. I’ll try to not push you or confuse you anymore.” He stepped away from her, no longer standing close to her and touching her.

  She felt lost without him close to her, but she knew why he was doing it. If she didn’t want to live on his planet, they may not be able to make their relationship work out. He wanted to prepare himself for a pain that might come all too soon. Plus she knew that he was trying to help her out as well, but it hurt for him to move away and not touch her.

  Liz could feel the tears as they threatened to slip from her eyes and take a stroll down her cheeks. She tried to hold them back, but the sadness was so overwhelming. “
I feel so lost right now.” She cried out as the dam broke and tears ran down her face.

  Allen saw her crying and came to her side. He wrapped his arms around her and said, “Shh, its okay, everything will be fine.” But she could hear the uncertainness in his voice. “I love you nevertheless, and I can’t see you be in such pain.” He held her and let her cry a bit longer.

  Liz felt Allen rocking her in his arms and soon felt her eyes closing shut. Her head was heavy from being so tired and the confusion. Her mind didn’t want her to be prepared for happiness, but a disastrous ending. Her dreams guided her into a scene where she was telling Allen, “I can’t live her. No I’m sorry, I just can’t do it. I have to leave.” She heard her mouth saying in the dream. Liz could feel the tears in the dream and the moment seemed so real,

  “Hey are you okay?” Allen shook her awake.

  She looked around confused and saw that they were still on the ship. “It was just a nightmare, it was horrible. I hope it isn’t a sign of what’s to come.” Liz sighed heavily.

  “Dreams are often based more on our fears, over anything else. You can’t let your fear control you.” Allen said as he patted her head.

  “It just seemed so real.” Liz commented. But as her mind began to wake up she realized it was simply a bad nightmare.

  Allen pulled her closer and lowered his mouth to hers. Liz sighed deeply as his kiss deepened and he probed her mouth with his tongue. But he pulled away, “I don’t want to cloud your mind with sex, we shouldn’t do this again.” Allen said.

  She didn’t want to admit that he was right, but in her mind she knew it was the right thing to do.

  “Hey I’ll tell you what, how about I show you some pictures of my parents?” Allen said.

  “Sure I’d love to see them.” Liz perked up a bit.

  He pulled out an album and was flipping through the pages showing her the pages and explaining them. “This is my mom and dad.” He said.

  “Oh you look a lot like your mother!” Liz commented.

  “This picture is of when I was little.” He stated.

  “Oh you have a sister?” She asked when she noticed a younger girl in the picture with them.

  “She died a few years ago. It really broke my mom and dad up. Ever since then they aren’t the same. I swear I don’t even know if they talk to each other now. When I visit them, they barely say two words to each other.” Allen explained.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that. Death of a child has to be hard on parents.” Liz said.

  “This is why I can’t leave them; all they have left is me.” Allen said.

  Liz knew he was right. They had lost a daughter, how could they lose a son too? “I understand, really I do. So tell me about your planet, what is it like? Is it green? What is the weather like? All those things that will help me make up my mind.” Liz asked.

  Allen thought of the best way to explain his planet. “Really it’s a lot different than you could ever imagine. We don’t have the same types of flora or fauna as Earth. I think it’s beautiful, but this is what I grew up with. The weather is decent year round, you don’t need coats. I think the best thing is for you to see it, and then decide.” Allen stated.

  “Alright, so how close are we now?” She asked, excited yet nervous about her first views of the planet that may soon be her home.

  “About 10 minutes and we’ll go out of warp drive, you’ll see the planet and then we’ll be there. It’s all very quick near the end of the trip. I hope you like it.” Allen said and hugged her.

  She wanted to kiss him and have him make love to her, just in case it was the last time. But she tried to think about her life in a positive way. Instead they stood by the window and looked at waited for the ship to come out of warp drive.

  “Watch this it’s really neat.” Allen said as they heard a shift in the ship and suddenly they seemed to be stopped in the middle of space. “We aren’t really stopping, it’s just we were moving so quickly it seems like we stopped.” He explained.

  Liz watched and was speechless as so many stars showed up in the window in a second. They did appear to be stopped. “It’s amazing out here.” She commented.

  “There’s the planet below us.” He said and pointed out the window.

  She looked down at the planet. It was a purplish color from here and looked amazing. “It looks so nice from up here, is it the same on the surface?” She asked, her hopes rising up.

  “I told you I love it, but I grew up here.” Allen stated. “Once we are on the surface you can look around. But we have to go and visit my parents too. I do it after each trip. That way I can make sure they are both okay. Often times when I leave they wonder if I’m coming back or not.” He said.

  “I’d love to meet them. I’m so nervous right now, this means so much to both of us. I just wish I could easily say yes I’ll stay. But I don’t want to say that and then change my mind.” Liz explained.

  “I know, I get it, really I do. It would be like you asking me to only live on Earth. Perhaps if my parents were not living I could stay there part of the time. But I would really miss my planet. I’m asking you to give up everything you’ve known your whole life, just to be with me. Liz I’ll understand if you don’t want to do it. I’ll be heartbroken, and I might still try to make it work out, but in the long run I’m not sure if it will.” Allen explained.

  “I know it would be far too hard if I didn’t move. I will admit I’m worried about it. After all you did tell me that not many people speak my language. Not that I wouldn’t be happy talking to you, but what about when you aren’t home? What will I do?” Liz asked.

  “You can study the language and learn it; really it may not be hard for you. I don’t want you to feel lost though. Really I’m willing to think of other alternatives if we need too. I really would love to have you as my wife. I don’t know I’m so confused and just hoping you’ll love the planet.” Allen admitted. “But I’m fearful that you’ll find it too odd and unusual to like.”

  “We’ll see.” Liz commented. Hoping that he was wrong and that she at least liked it enough to see herself being stuck there for who knew how long before visiting her home.

  “We’re here. Let’s find out.” He said as they heard a noise of engines dying down and shutting off.

  “Your right that was quick, I didn’t even know we were landing.” Liz commented. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. “I’m ready.”

  They stepped off the ship and she looked around, unsure how to register what she was seeing. It looked nothing like Earth, or even science fiction shows. But it was amazingly beautiful. “There are so many colors, how could you not point that out about it?” She asked. “Oh wow, there’s the blue you were wearing at the expo!” She exclaimed as she pointed over at a bush type of tree thing. But not a tree, it was something else. “I love it, really I do. I don’t think I would ever tire of seeing this out our window.” She stated.

  “So that means you won’t mind staying?” Allen asked cautiously.

  “Yes I will gladly stay here with you. But can we try to go back once in a while? How about a wedding and my friends? How will I tell them?” Liz rattled off a row or questions.

  “I’ll talk to the captain and see if we can hitch a ride back to Earth and hold at least a little wedding there. It will give you a chance to say your goodbyes to people you love. Don’t forget though, if I stay with the ship and get promoted maybe we can visit more often.” He said.

  “But I can’t go with you for now. Let’s figure it out later which way we’ll do this. I think I would love to stay here for a while. I can help care for your parents too! And of course learn the language so they’ll understand me.” She added.

  Allen kissed her hard on the lips. “You’ve just made me the happiest man in the whole solar system and more!” He said. “Come on let’s go meet my parents and tell them the good news! They’ll be shocked I can tell you that, they didn’t think I’d ever get married!” He stated.

; “Maybe we can bring them some grandchildren too!” Liz smiled.

  “I think we’ll have fun trying to see if our DNAs will match up and create life!” He gave her a wicked look.

  Liz turned red and smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.



  Chapter 1

  “I don’t like this and they may seem innocent and willing to talk, but something about them rubs me the wrong way. I guess, I have reservations about an alien race that decides to come here with the flag of peace. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t make every effort to find a way to work with them. All I’m saying is that we should be cautious and have our eyes and ears open in case this isn’t exactly what we think it is.” Commander James Tanner had been in this man’s armed forces for 20 some years. He had the prerequisite buzz cut of his blond hair and a body that was made from discipline.

  “I think that you’re being closed minded, but I’ll be sure to take everything that you say under advisement. They are offering us a way to heal the sick. Diseases that have plagued earth for a long time doesn’t have to be that way. Their doctors have been very adamant that they can eradicate cancer with one inoculation. I understand your skepticism, but I think that you’re getting your idea about alien invasion from movies and television. This meeting is primarily to make some concessions and find a way to make this beneficial to all of us.” President Jan Adams was the very first woman president in the election of 2016. She certainly didn’t know that her administration would be given the biggest test of their lives.

  She had her dirty blond hair tied back into a ponytail and wearing a customary pantsuit that had pinstripes to give her that flattering slim look. In the last couple of months, she had begun to show a pattern that was almost like a rite of passage. Streaks of gray hair gave her that maturity, but she knew that the stress was weighing heavily on her shoulders. The world was waiting for her to make the first move. Dignitaries from around the globe had come here specifically to sit at the table of those that made those decisions for the rest of the population.


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