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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

Page 126

by Brittany White

  “I understand that you’re bored, but that’s no reason to treat me like a piece of meat. I think there is something to say for a little bit of respect. You know what they say about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar.” She saw this fire in his eyes, something that was making her feel like he was going to attack her at any second.

  “You’re right, I am bored out of my damn mind and I can’t take it anymore. I need something to alleviate the feeling of doing nothing. I’m just not used to standing around and twiddling my thumbs and sticking my head in the sand. I’m used to action. If you knew anything about me at all, you’d know that I’ve had my fair share of conquests. My brother might be getting married, but I think we both know that he’s really not gonna find his happily ever after. Julia is a nice girl and all, but I don’t think that he can handle her. She’s going to be the bane of his existence. She’ll constantly be leading him around by the nose and making him pay for things that he can’t possibly afford.” Billy grabbed her hand and placed it up against his Johnson, letting her feel what god had given him. It was not all that difficult for him to find out that she was interested. Her words might have said differently, but that hand now massaging his length was definitely sending another signal altogether.

  “I don’t think that we should be doing this out here in the open. The wedding is about to start and we can’t be doing something that others are going to frown upon.” “I really don’t care what other people think. I’m through playing by their rules. They think that they can make me feel like a puppet on a string, but I don’t need that kind of drama. If there’s a fire to be put out, I’m sure that somebody else can deal with it for right now, I have my own fire to put out between my legs.” India couldn’t help, but to feel the flexing organ and wanting more than anything to see it with an unbiased eye.

  “If you’re suggesting that we find someplace more intimate, then we’re definitely on the same page. They can’t exactly start without me. I’m the best man and apparently you’re the maid of honor.” This took her by surprise and she had been told that she was one of the bridesmaids. “I can tell from your expression that you didn’t know that Julia’s best friend had backed out at the last minute. I over heard her say that she would just ask you and that you would bend over backwards to please her.”

  “I’m getting tired of people thinking that I am, so dependable. I want to be unpredictable, wild and dangerous. I want to feel like I’m alive for the first time and I think that you can do that for me, Billy. Did you know that Julia has a bit of a crush on you? I think that is one of the main reasons why I want to sleep with you, so that I can hang it over her head. I’m not going to tell her right away, but if she pisses me off again, then I’ll be happy to regale her with the story from the beginning to the end with every juicy detail in between.” India really didn’t know if she was capable of a clandestine affair, but she was willing to at least entertain the idea.

  “Like I said, they can’t really start without us. I’m sure that we can go down the road to my parent’s beach house. Nobody will be there, considering they’re all out here waiting for the glowing bride to walk down the aisle. If you didn’t know, she’s pregnant and it’s basically a shotgun wedding. My brother has expressed cold feet on several occasions and I had to talk him down from the ledge at least twice already.” Billy pulled her hand off his cock, feeling slightly randy and in need of some much needed relief.

  India hadn’t answered his proposition of going down to the beach house, but she knew that he could have her and that she would go willingly. They moved away from the crowd, seeing that nobody noticed. They went to over to his motorcycle.

  Billy handed her a helmet and then climbed on and let the engine rev underneath the both of them. It wasn’t just women that got a unique thrill out of having that engine roar between their legs. Billy loved feeling all sexed up any time that he took it out on the road. He would translate that to his leering gaze and then before he knew it, he would have some young thing riding up and down his pogo stick in the middle of nowhere. He felt that India was a little different and more of a challenge, which was the reason why he decided to play his seduction games.

  “I have to tell you that I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never gone against the way people see me. I’ve always towed the line, but I think it’s finally time that I shed my skin. I need to turn into somebody that’s going to live for life. I don’t want to just go through the motions and wait for death to find me and take me to the other side. I want to grab onto this.” She reached around and now had her hand wrapped around his package. India knew that he was capable of delivering the goods and was not going to stop, until she got what she wanted. She still wasn’t sure how far she was going to go, but she needed to do this for herself.

  “I think that living is exactly what you need to do, India.” The introductions were made and it became painfully obvious that this girl was an introvert. She may pretend to be otherwise to those around her, but to anybody that knew her, you could tell that she was afraid of her own shadow. She didn’t wanna take risks, but on this day it was different. “I have a king size bed and I’m sure that I can find some champagne. What are your thoughts on bondage?” He wanted to shock her and on that word, he felt her fingers digging into his male anatomy.

  “Um… I really don’t know what to say to that. I guess I’m open to it.” He grinned behind her back, knowing full well that he had a box of goodies underneath his bed that he hadn’t utilized in some time. Most girls would shy away from him when they found out that he had a particularly kinky mind. He sensed that India would be hesitant, but most likely game for just about anything.

  “I only ask because I like to push the envelope and it’s very rare that I find somebody that’s willing to jump in with both feet. I promise you that by the time that we’re done; things between us will never be the same. You’ll look at me differently and I’ll see you, as an equal and somebody that I would like to get together with again. You know that I have to ship out in the morning, but that doesn’t mean that this has to end here.” He wasn’t even sure that he wanted things to escalate, only that this girl had taken him from looking at the clock ticking, to letting his passions flow freely.

  Chapter Three

  They arrived at the beach house and this was the first time that she had ever been there. India never really hung in the same circles as Billy’s brother. Brian was always having parties and she was supposed to come here for a clambake over the summer, but things didn’t go according to plan. Julia had invited all of her friends just to show them that she had made it. For the first time, India had the courage to lie to Julia and tell her that she was committed to a family function. There was a semblance of truth behind that lie. She was supposed to spend time with her family, but she could’ve easily gotten out of it.

  The sound of the ocean was crashing up against the shore from down below the walkway leading towards the beach. He got off the motorcycle, took her helmet and placed it gingerly on the side of the bike. Billy hated the dress and when he got a chance, he was going to strip it off her and find out if his suspicions were correct. The dress was frumpy, but he didn’t believe for a second that she had an ounce of fat on her body.

  India had to pinch herself to realize that this was really happening. The wedding would be stalled for at least an hour, until they finally had enough and decided to go on without them. It might be that they would get back in time, but it was also possible that they would lose track of time.

  Billy couldn’t be happier and coming home for the wedding seemed like it was going to be something that would make him want to put a shotgun in his mouth. India coming to him and then letting him dictate the terms of their union was almost like a gift that kept on giving. “I think that we should enjoy this moment.” He took her hand and brought her over to the deck, climbing the stairs, until they were now overlooking the rocky expanse leading down to the beach.

  “I don’t
know how I got so lucky to be with a man like this. He’s nothing like what Julia says about him, or at least he’s not with me. He’s kind and caring and he might be a little rough around the edges, but I think that’s part of his charm. I love this beach house and the white paint and all the windows makes it look bigger than what it is. Whoever designed this place had certainly had in mind the fact that they wanted to bring the outdoors inside.”

  Billy put his hands around her waist, placing his chin on her shoulder and looking out at the beautiful scenery that had gotten him laid too many times to count. One look at this magical setting and women were practically falling on their knees to show him their gratitude. It was his personal secret weapon and something that he used often to cement that next notch on his belt.

  I don’t know how I justified coming here with you, Billy. You’ve obviously got other motives for taking me here. Then again, you were pretty upfront about everything that you wanted to do.” Waiting for the other shoe to drop, she finally found herself being turned around into his arms. “I just need you to take things slow.”

  “India, slow is how you got here in the first place. You take things too cautious and sometimes you just need to throw caution to the wind.” He grabbed her around the waist, pulled her to him and let her feel the product of his arousal rubbing up against her in just the right way.” You came here because you wanted to become somebody else. Don’t get caught up in old habits or they will weigh you down like an anchor around your neck. I want you to open yourself to the possibilities.” Billy brought her into the huge kitchen that would’ve made any chef proud to be near.

  India sat there and watched him pull out a bottle of champagne and give her a glass. “This is where the reception is going to take place, which means, we really can’t stay here all night. Julia and her groom will be staying here and consummating their relationship.” A few sips of the champagne and she was finally loosening up enough that she was getting into the swing of things. A few more sips and her inhibitions were slowly crumbling to reveal the sexually wanton woman underneath.

  “I wish that you could see yourself like I see you, India. You have this special quality, something that is not easily measured. I find myself drawn to you and wanting to give you that pleasure that you have been denying yourself.”

  “I know that he’s trying to get into my panties. He needn’t try so hard, because he basically had me from the moment that we met. I was already stripping him bare in my mind and doing unspeakable things to him that has got my blood pressure soaring to new heights.” India felt like she was having an outer body experience.

  Billy turned her in the stool, waving a pair of scissors back and forth in front of her eyes. “I don’t think that you need that god awful dress anymore. I really don’t see you having a sentimental attachment to it.” With that, he began to slice into the fabric with his eyes following her shocked expression and waiting, until it opened up like a newly formed cocoon. Underneath it was a special little surprise that made him take a step back and look at her with his eyes on fire.

  Underneath the dress was a widow outfit, completely red and a perfect contrast to the ugly thing that was hiding something, so beautiful. Her breasts were pushed into that corset. He started to pull at the ties, while watching, as that abundance of flesh began to grow and overflow. Her nipples were already hard and once exposed; he pushed them together and began to lick back from one to the other in rapid succession.

  “Billy, I would tell you to stop, but I’m hoping that you won’t. If I say that I don’t want this, then I really don’t want you to believe it. It’s just my old self trying to raise its ugly head and I don’t want you to pay any attention to it. Do whatever you want to me.” India wasn’t sure what she was saying, but she was going with the flow and allowing this man, a virtual stranger to take control.

  “I’m glad that you said that, India. I was afraid that I was going to have to take this a step further than I would have liked. I sometimes get overanxious and the feeling of what is growing between my legs gets the best of me.” He dipped the bottle and heard her gasp with surprise, as the cold liquid began to move in rivers down from her neck and all the way down to her panties. It soaked everything in between. He continued to pour, even as it was dripping onto the floor and leaving quite a mess.

  After he had emptied the bottle, he endeavored to clean up what was still sticking in droplets to her skin. His tongue danced across her flesh, making her squirm and bite her bottom lip with a need that she didn’t even know how to voice.

  “If somebody had told me that this was going to happen today, I would’ve told them that they were completely out of their mind. I’m not like this and a big part of me wants to go screaming from this room. That small part that continues to grow exponentially is begging me to stay here and enjoy this. Billy really does know how to play a woman’s body like a musical instrument. He said that he was going to take me to new heights and I think that I believe him.”

  “That is one way to quench the thirst, but now I’m famished.” He lifted her easily onto the counter with a medley of pots overhead swinging precariously. She had her hands on the black marble top and she was shaking, but she was still letting him show her what it was like to really throw herself into something. “I think that what you need the most is an orgasm. You need that climactic moment, to seal the deal and make you want to experience everything. Let my tongue do the talking and I’ll show you exactly what your body is capable of. Put yourself in my hands and let all your preconceived notions about love and sex float away on the pleasurable experience.” Billy had found that seducing a woman was half talking a good game, while the other half was showing that you were not all talk and had action to back it up.

  India felt his hands on her knees, spreading them slowly, like he was enjoying the view and didn’t want it to end anytime soon. She felt her fingers digging into the marble top, while he easily spread her open.

  He still had the pair of scissors and he used them to cut both sides of her red panties. They fell away from her body and Billy snatched them in his hands to inhale the aroma and savor what was going to be a mind blowing experience of epic proportions.

  Going to the steel fridge, he came back with an ice cube tray, smacking it against the counter and letting a few cubes begin to melt on contact with the black marble top. Taking one into his mouth, he kept the end of it sticking out obscenely, making her eyes go wide and knowing with no experience necessary what he was going to do.

  “I don’t know about…THISSSSSSSSS.” The jarring impact of that ice cube touching her clit had her literally pointing her toes towards the ceiling and straining every muscle in her body to relax long enough to enjoy this. “Holy fuck… Holy mother of fucking god.” She had never used such profanity in the bedroom and most often than not she would just lie there and let them finish the deed and then turn over and go to sleep. “Yes…stick it inside me.” She felt that cube being inserted and then her legs began to tremble and that was the moment where she felt the rising tide of an orgasm that was going to take her breath away. It crashed over her and reminded her of the daunting sea coming to collect its prize. She screamed and she could hear the echo of it bouncing from one window to the next. She had her legs spread wide and inviting.

  Billy had gotten the first rush of adrenaline by opening her legs, but now it was something more. The feel of her juices coursing across his tongue only made his cock that much harder. He was still completely dressed, his shirt not unbuttoned and his pants were still firmly holding his family jewels and the staff that went along with it.

  He continued to play havoc with her senses, taking the last bit of ice cube and once again circling her clit to enhance the experience. Billy didn’t think that he had seen a more beautiful sight than her writhing and twisting on that countertop with her bare ass now sticking to it and leaving behind a very vivid memory of what they did here together. He would never be able to walk into the kitchen without smiling and reli
ving that moment over and over again.

  Finally, he pulled back, but it was with reluctance, because he really did want to continue on this same path. Had he been a woman, he most likely would have stayed down between her legs longer, but his cock was sending him signals that it was time to take things to the next level.

  Billy grabbed the butane lighter from the drawer by the stove, went back and pulled India on to her feet. She staggered and was barely able to stay standing, as she was dragged with insistence up the winding staircase.

  India had no idea what he was going to do with that lighter, until he entered into the bedroom and brought to life two candles that were now sitting there by the bed on either side on the night stands. They were red and then this intoxicating aroma of cinnamon wafted into the air.

  She was standing there in what was left of her black widow outfit. The stockings were ripped; the panties were gone and turned into confetti. They were still lying on the floor downstairs in the kitchen. Her corset was open and her breasts had heaved over the top and were now showing just how excited she really was.

  “I’m at a loss for words, Billy. I’ve never met a man that has been able to show me something about myself that I didn’t know.” “I think he knows that this is definitely taking me out of my comfort zone. He likes it and I can tell in his eyes that he’s enjoying showing me things that I’ve only either read about or seen on the Internet. It’s quite apparent that he’s getting something out of this. His cock is not going down and it’s been hard from the moment that he touched me.

  Billy put his hand on her chest and pushed her back on the soft mattress. The black Duvet that was on the top surrounded her like a cloud, while he stood there and looked at her almost naked body on display for his amusement and pleasure. “India, I hope you know that you always hurt the one you love.” With that, he reached underneath the bed, until his fingers came in contact with the black bag. He dragged it out and dumped the contents on the bed. He wanted to see her reaction and he got the impression that this was something that she had only thought about, but had never done.


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