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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

Page 72

by Stalder, Janelle

  “I’m a growing boy,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. Turk chuckled, and the King’s mouth spread into a smile. They turned without another word and headed towards their camp. It wasn’t over, but at least it was for now.

  After having a quick meal around the fire Moose and Logan had built, Aiden headed back towards the spot the King had told him to meet them. Thankfully all his friends were alive and uninjured. Moose had a deep gash on his arm, but it was minor and had already been stitched. The camp was eerily quiet as he walked through it. Even during supper, everyone had been subdued. The men had fought long and hard and were exhausted. It was awful to think that even though they had fought all day it wasn’t over. No one had won, and they would only gear up to fight again tomorrow. There would be no late night drinking tonight, Aiden observed. Some people were already asleep.

  When Aiden came to the spot he saw the King and Turk were already waiting there. “Feeling better?” Turk asked, his voice holding a hint of amusement. Aiden patted his belly with a smile.

  “Much,” he replied. The Captain chuckled. There was a greater feeling of camaraderie between them after fighting together that day. Aiden felt oddly comfortable around the Captain now. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, or why the King had requested his presence, so he stood in silence.

  “I’m going to meet with Callum,” Jameson said, looking over his shoulder at the other side’s camp. “I wanted you to come with me as a witness.”

  Aiden swallowed awkwardly. “Okay,” he said, his voice slightly strained. Why him? He didn’t know, but he wasn’t going to argue.

  “Good luck,” Turk said, slapping the King on the shoulder.

  “You’re not coming too?” Aiden asked, surprised.

  “No, I’ll wait here. Usually only the King and a witness meet for renegotiations.”

  “Well I can wait here and watch, if you want to go,” he offered.

  Turk smiled, but shook his head. “Jameson wants you to go. I think he doesn’t trust my quick tongue around Callum.” He gave the King an amused look.

  “It will only do more harm than good,” the King said, confirming his friend’s suspicions. “We’ll be back shortly.”

  Turk waved them off as they rode down the hill towards the other side. Jameson seemed distracted, so Aiden kept quiet. A soldier met them when they reached the camp, and showed them to the same tent Aiden had visited before. Felix’s sister wasn’t there this time, thankfully. He wasn’t sure how Jameson would react after Diana’s warning. Callum and another man with dark skin stood in the middle of the small space. Both men looked just as exhausted as they did.

  “Callum,” Jameson greeted.

  “Jameson,” he replied shortly. He looked at Aiden and gave him a small nod.

  “It seems our men are equally matched,” Jameson said. “It is my opinion that we should settle things the way our forefathers did at a time like this.” Callum’s eyebrows rose, his face betraying shock. Aiden didn’t understand what the King meant, but the other two men seemed to understand immediately.

  “Are you suggesting –”

  “Yes,” Jameson said, interrupting him. Aiden watched as Callum considered his words. He regarded his brother closely. Finally he answered.

  “And our men?”

  “Would follow the winner, of course,” Jameson answered, immediately. It felt like someone had poured ice cold water down Aiden’s back at those words. There was something happening here that he didn’t get, but a sense of understanding was building.

  “Alright, I agree.” Callum turned to a small writing table, and motioned for his man to write. “It is agreed upon between myself and the High King that the war will be decided between a one-on-one fight,” he dictated as the other man wrote. “Whoever shall win between us will be named High King. The men of both armies are commanded to follow said winner with the same loyalty and obedience they gave to their former leader. Anyone who refuses to accept these orders from us will be charged with treason and sentenced to death.” The other man wrote quickly, an obvious look of disapproval on his face. When he was finished Callum signed his name, and stepped back for Jameson. Aiden watched as the King signed, a feeling of dread washing over him.

  “Tomorrow at dawn,” Jameson said, when he turned to face his brother again. Callum only nodded once. They looked at each other in silence for a moment before Jameson turned and motioned for Aiden to follow. They left quickly, riding back to their camp in a tense silence.

  “Now you know why I brought you,” Jameson said, when they were drawing closer. Aiden looked to him in confusion. “Turk would have never let me do that,” he explained, his tone sad. “But I had no choice.”


  Elisa had been speaking with her father when the King and Aiden returned. She could tell immediately that something was wrong. The King looked normal, but Aiden was as white as a ghost. As soon as their feet hit the ground, her father was there to ask what happened.

  “Let’s go in my tent to discuss it,” Jameson replied. “Get Markus and Hawk too, they’ll need to hear this.” Her father looked worried, but didn’t argue. When he walked away to get the others, Elisa slowly approached Aiden.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, keeping her voice low. Aiden turned to her, his eyes wide and frightened. He gave his head a slight shake, and then turned back to the watch the King wearily.

  “Elisa,” Jameson called out, making her jump.


  “Why don’t you and Aiden join us as well?” he suggested.

  “Uh, okay,” she replied, looking back to Aiden. He still wouldn’t really look at her. Something was definitely wrong.

  “Aiden, go get Diana from her tent, and then come back and meet us,” he ordered, turning his attention away from her. She turned to see Aiden walk slowly away. What could have possibly happened at their meeting that would have shaken Aiden up like this? She didn’t understand it. The King motioned for her to follow him, so she did so in silence. They weren’t there long before Hawk and Markus walked in, followed closely by her father.

  “We’re just waiting for Aiden and Diana,” the King told them. Markus came to stand beside her, letting his arm brush hers. They hadn’t spoken since their spat that morning. She wasn’t sure if she was even still angry with him. Which was really very hypocritical of her, she thought admittedly. She was the one who had gone and gotten a tattoo, as well as getting stupidly drunk on the eve of war. And she was the one who had kissed another man in their tent. I`m a horrible person, she thought, her shoulders slumping forward. It was not okay to cheat on someone, and yet she probably wouldn’t have stopped with Wolf if they hadn’t sounded the war horn. Her eyes closed at the thought. Suddenly memories of Wolf’s mouth on hers invaded her mind. The feel of his weight on top her body, and his gentle yet commanding touch. Goose bumps rose along her arm at just the thought of it all, and her stomach felt like she had just jumped off a ledge. Maybe she had? Maybe she had taken that step over the ledge with Wolf, and now she was just going to keep falling. Ugh, she scolded herself. What did that even mean? Was she admitting to having feelings for Wolf? No, she told herself. She was engaged to Markus. She had made her choice, and she would be happy with it.

  “Are you alright?” Markus whispered in her ear. Elisa opened her eyes to see him watching her with concern. She tried to smile, but could feel how strained it must look.

  “I’m just tired,” she answered.

  His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her, but he didn’t saying anything at first. Then he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. She let herself lean against him, taking comfort in the contact. “We’ll go to sleep as soon as this is over,” he said, kissing the top of her head. Apparently they weren’t mad at each other anymore, she noted, which only made her feel worse.

  Aiden walked in, holding back the tent flap so Diana could walk through. She smiled thankfully at him. Aiden gave her a weak smile as he came to stand be
side her. The King looked at them all slowly, his body visibly tense with what he had called them there for.

  “I have come to an agreement with Callum,” he began. “Our forces seem to be equally strong, today’s battle being proof. Our men fought long and hard, and, quite frankly, I don’t want to put them through that again.” Elisa saw her father straighten in alarm. Jameson’s eyes moved slowly to meet her father’s and a silent exchange passed between them. Her father was not happy. “Tomorrow at dawn, Callum and I will battle one-on-one. The winner will be named High King. As the current High King, it is my command to the King’s army and their Captain that they follow whoever is the winner, even if it is Callum.”

  “This is horse sh –” her father started, but was stopped when the King raised his hand.

  “The two armies will become one, and no soldier will harm another. Anyone who disobeys will be charged with treason and sentenced to death. As for the Riders and Sun People, I cannot command you and your people to follow my rule, I can only ask that you either agree to these conditions, or retreat now.”

  “Your men came here to fight, Jameson! Let them!” her father yelled. “This is madness! You would take away their right to end this themselves? Not one man out there will take solace in knowing that their King has offered himself up in their place!”

  “Perhaps not,” the King answered calmly, his voice low, “but their families will. When they return to their women and children, they will be thankful.”

  “Return home to follow the rule of some spoiled, slighted ex-Prince? Listen to what you are suggesting!”

  “Turk, that is enough! I know your thoughts on this without you having to voice them, but the deal is signed and agreed on. Now we need to figure out what will happen with the rest of you,” he said, turning to face Hawk. Wolf’s father looked just as upset as hers, but he didn’t yell when he spoke.

  “I am surprised at this course of action, but I won’t stand here and tell you it is wrong. As a leader, I know what it feels like to want to take the responsibility and danger away from my men.” He shook his head at some silent thought before looking up to stare into the King’s eyes. “I honestly don’t know how tomorrow will turn out. Your brother’s skills have grown since he was a young man. Do you feel like you can beat him?”

  The King let out a soft sigh. “I’m not sure, but I’d rather try this then lose more men to a battle with no end. What is the point of having one of us win this when all our men are dead? I will not let that happen.”

  Hawk nodded. “We will leave before dawn. I’m not sure what will happen should Callum rule, but for now I’d like to return home and discuss it further with my people. I wish you the best of luck,” he said, walking up to clasp the King’s arm. “May the God and Goddess guide you and keep you safe.”

  “Thank you,” Jameson replied, smiling sadly at the Chief. Hawk nodded again, and then turned to leave. He stopped beside Aiden and gave him a small smile before leaving. Elisa felt tears building. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was highly possible that they would lose Jameson tomorrow, and she didn’t think she’d be able to handle that. He was too close to her. Another constant in her life. It being threatened was too much to bear.

  “I’m not sure what to say,” Markus said, his voice sounding gruff beside her. She turned to see his torn expression. “This is unexpected, to say the least. I’ll support you though, as I always have, and will honor your agreement.” The King thanked him. “Though, I do hope you’ll win tomorrow, I’m not sure what to expect if your brother does.”

  “You and me both,” Jameson laughed, though there was no humour in it.

  “Tomorrow at dawn then,” Markus said softly, nodding in farewell. He grabbed onto Elisa’s arm and headed towards the opening. She stopped before he pulled her all the way out. He turned, confused, but let go. The tears she had been holding back were falling now, and there was no stopping them. Turning, she practically ran to her King, throwing her arms around his neck, and buried her face in his chest. Jameson’s arms immediately came around to hold her.

  “I don’t want you to do this,” she whispered.

  “Trust me, little bird,” he said in her ear, “this is for the best.” His old nickname for her undid her, and she cried harder. He held on until her tears slowed, and she was left hiccupping. She stepped back on shaky legs and felt her father’s hand give her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before she turned to leave, avoiding eye contact with anyone else in the room. The air outside the tent helped to cool her face. Her body felt drained from the physical and emotional stress of that day, so she didn’t protest when Markus grabbed her hand again and led her to their tent.

  * * *

  She didn’t think it was possible, but it felt like her heart might actually be breaking. Breathing was becoming difficult, and the whole time her insides fought the overwhelming fear and anxiety crawling through her. Diana tried to appear calm on the outside. She gripped her hands in front of her body so that no one would notice them shaking. Only herself and Turk remained with Jameson. Diana was letting Turk have his moment, as he continued to argue with an increasingly worn out Jameson. She could see the lines of worry around his eyes and mouth. He didn’t like to fight with his best friend; he had always been that way. It was one of the things she’d always admired about him. There was such a strong bond between the two of them, which had only grown since Turk’s wife’s passing.

  “You would throw away everything we’ve accomplished up until now on one fight?” Turk asked, his face red with anger.

  “What would you have me do Turk? Send my men out there to fight again? Have you not seen how exhausted they are?”

  “This is what these men are trained to do, Jameson! We don’t get random farmers and bakers to come and fight our wars. We have trained men who have been prepared for this since they were young!”

  “I will not watch as more of my men die, just because of a feud between myself and my brother!”

  “Oh! So this is what it is about?” Turk replied, throwing his hands up in frustration. “You’ve decided to risk your life all because you view this as a personal conflict?”

  Diana could see how weary Jameson was as Turk spoke. When he answered, his voice was filled with guilt. “That is exactly what this is, and you know it. If my father hadn’t named me King there would never have been a war.”

  Turk stepped nearer to him, looking at him closely. “You did not make your brother seek this revenge over something you had no control over. And you forget, you are our King. We will fight for you no matter the reason, and will do it gladly. Callum didn’t just attack you, he attacked all of Eden, so that makes it all our problem, not just yours.” Jameson looked pale as he kept Turk’s stare.

  “I appreciate your words, old friend, but no one else will die for me anymore. I’m putting a stop to this.” Turk growled, turning away from him and pacing.

  “He is skilled, Jameson. I’m not even sure I could beat him!”

  Jameson laughed. “Is the great Captain Turk admitting to being bested by someone?” he asked, playfully.

  “This is no joke,” he replied, pointing a warning finger at him.

  “Honestly Turk, are you going to make me stand here all night analyzing my brother’s skills, or will you let me get some rest before I fight for my life tomorrow?”

  Turk’s face paled, as did hers. “Sorry,” he said instantly.

  “No, you’re right. You need rest. I’ll go now,” Turk replied. Diana waited for them to embrace, but Turk just left silently, leaving her alone with the King.

  Jameson’s head was lowered, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he was lost in thought. Diana wondered if he even realized she was still there. The look of surprise on his face when their eyes met told her he hadn’t.

  “Diana,” he said, almost in a whisper. He cleared his throat. “I didn’t see you.”

  She tried for a weak smile, giving her shoulders a small shrug. “I didn’t want t
o interrupt Turk,” she replied.

  He laughed. “No one who likes their face should interrupt him when he’s on a roll.” They both laughed weakly, but it died off quickly. The lump in her throat seemed to grow so large, she could barely breathe around it.

  “I –” her voice caught as she began to speak. She closed her eyes, focusing on keeping it together. When she opened them Jameson stood directly in front of her, not touching her, but she could feel his warmth. He reached out a hand and wiped a falling tear from her cheek. “Why are you doing this?” she whispered. “I don’t want you to fight him.”

  He smiled sadly at her. “Have you already decided that I’ll lose?” he said, lightly. “I’m not that bad, am I?”

  She laughed while more tears fell. “Diana,” he sighed. “You heard what I said to Turk. This is something I feel I have to do.”

  She nodded, finding the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat. Forgetting her usual composure, she gave into her need and closed the distance between them, letting her forehead rest on his chest. He froze momentarily before one arm circled her waist, and the other reached so his hand was laced through her hair, holding her head gently.

  “I’ll be fine,” he reassured her.

  “You don’t know that,” she replied, her voice barely audible. She looked up at him, taking in the face that she had fallen in love with all those years ago in the same land they were now in. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  His eyes widened. “Diana, we’re not even together.”

  “I know,” she replied, hitting her forehead against him again in frustration. What was wrong with her? What was she even doing? She didn’t know. For once she wasn’t overthinking her actions, she was just doing what felt natural.

  “Hey,” he said, lifting her chin gently so she’d look at him again. He kept his hold on her face as his other hand brushed strands of hair away. “Talk to me, Diana. I need to know what’s going on inside that beautiful head of yours.” She wanted to shake her head, but his hold was too strong. A small whimper escaped her lips before she raised herself up on her tiptoes and kissed him gently on his lips. She lowered herself back down, watching him wearily. It wasn’t much, but it was the only thing she could do right now to express her feelings. The lump in her throat was too big to speak around and he wanted answers. He sucked in a surprised breath, his eyes roaming over her upturned face.


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