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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

Page 77

by Stalder, Janelle

  “Alright, let’s go get our tents packed up and leave him alone,” Wolf suggested, breaking the tense air amongst them. Markus nodded his head before turning towards the shore. Wolf saw that the northern army was also packing up their camp. They were now on the same side, he reminded himself. This was going to be weird.

  Boats were sailing towards the main land. It was then that he finally noticed something he hadn’t registered before. Wolf held out his hands for the others to stop. Logan, Aiden and Moose hesitated, looking at him expectantly. “Do you hear that?” he asked, straining to make out the sound. They all stood silently and listened, which was difficult with both camps making as much noise as possible.

  “What?” Logan whispered.

  “Look,” Wolf pointed towards Nysa. They turned their heads and listened again. Yes, he was right, there it was. A noise was filling the air and he knew exactly what it was as he saw people start lining the walls and shoreline. “They’re cheering inside the city, can’t you hear that roar?”

  Realization dawned on each of their faces. “Oh man,” Logan said, rubbing his hands together. “There is going to be a huge party tonight!”

  “Where?” Moose asked, squinting at the city.

  Wolf and Logan turned to give each other knowing smiles. Then they said together, “Everywhere!”

  * * *

  Aiden’s room inside the palace was huge. The walls were painted a faint blue, and had a massive bed that he would have never imagined sleeping in. Every bit of him wanted to just crash and sleep for days, but the streets had been insane when they arrived and were only getting worse. The sounds from outside filtered through the opened doors of the balcony that looked down on the central square. He loved Nysa. The people were ecstatic that the war between Callum and Jameson was over. When the two brothers walked through the streets, they were covered in thousands of rose petals. People were everywhere on the streets, balconies, and even on the roofs, trying to get a glimpse of them. Felix’s sister was stuck to Callum’s side, and Aiden caught the wonder on her face. He was happy for her, and for Callum. They would be able to live together now and raise their baby. Felix would have been happy.

  Before they could attend any of the hundreds of parties being held within the city walls, they were required to attend the one being held by Markus in the palace. The palace itself was amazing, and Aiden tried to drink in as much as possible when he first saw it. Everything was so different in every part of Eden that he had been to. Walking outside, he stood against the railing and looked down at the sea of people that filled the square. There was a band playing quick music and a crowd of people danced in front of them. Jugglers and other performers were scattered around, while people laughed and enjoyed the clear night. It was warm, but not uncomfortably like it had been during the day.

  “Are you ready?” Lily asked. Aiden turned to see her, and sucked in a quick breath. She looked beautiful. A gown of deep red covered her slim body, flowing in gentle waves to the floor. Thin straps of gold held it over her shoulders, and sparkled in the dim light. It was plain, and yet seemed extremely elegant. Her white air was piled on top of her head, while large golden hoops hung from her ears.

  “You look gorgeous,” he smiled. He was wearing a black suit Markus had provided; a soldier’s evening attire.

  “So do you,” she smiled, but seemed slightly uncomfortable.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m just not used to wearing clothing made by your kind,” she admitted, pulling gently at the fabric. “Elisa’s maid, Mary, insisted I wear it though, and I didn’t want to hurt the poor girl’s feelings.” Aiden chuckled, pulling her into his arms, and locking her in front of him on the balcony.

  “How is she?” he asked, referring to Elisa.

  “Fine,” she replied. “Her arm will be sore, and pretty useless for a while, but it could have been worse.” She went silent for a moment before continuing. “I can’t believe she did that for me.”

  “Why?” he asked, surprised. She turned so she faced him, absently running her hands up and down on his chest.

  “Well, it’s just – humans don’t normally help my kind, and I was just…shocked I guess.”

  “They’re your friends now. And if memory serves me right, you always said your kind doesn’t help ours either, yet you’ve done much to help us.”

  She sighed, smiling shyly up at him. “I know, it’s just still a bit new for me. I’ve never really had friends like this before.”

  Aiden stroked her cheek gently. “Don’t you have friends amongst your own people?”

  “Not in the way you do,” she explained. “My people are mostly solitary. They don’t show each other affection quite like yours. I’d say we’re more civil to one another than anything.”

  “Well you have lots of friends now, and we all love you.” Aiden could feel his cheeks burn when he said the word love. He gulped nervously, but Lily didn’t seem to notice. Instead she wrapped her arms around his chest, and laid her head against him.

  “You were remarkable today,” she said, softly.

  He laughed, holding her close. “In what way?”

  “In the way you moved,” she answered. “I saw you.” She turned her face up to look at him, resting her chin on his chest. “I don’t fully understand, but it explains why the Goddess is so interested in you.”

  He raised his eyebrows, trying to keep his features neutral. “Does it?” He wanted her to go into further explanation, but she turned her head and she replied a quick yes, before fading into silence again. Her body fit perfectly against his as he held her tighter. What were his feelings about this girl? He had thrown the word love out there carelessly, as if he didn’t have to think twice about it, but now he was. Did he love her? Was that possible, after only knowing someone for a short time? She was certainly beautiful, but that wasn’t just it. She was strong, smart, funny, caring, and generous. Someone that was easy to fall in love with, he decided. Except they weren’t part of the same world, and there was no way it could work between them. He’d be stupid to fall in love with her. Letting out a sigh, he dropped his chin onto the top of her head. When it came to girls, it was just never easy for him.

  “Shall we go down to the party?” she asked, not moving.

  “In a minute,” he replied, enjoying their time alone.

  * * *

  Strong arms wrapped around her stomach, pulling her against them. Rose let out a content sigh as she looked out over the water. The sun was setting, casting a purple glow into the darkening sky. It was absolutely gorgeous. Never in her life as a girl growing up in a small village in the north, would she have ever dreamt of seeing a place like this. Staying at the palace in Nysa, with her husband who also happened to be a Prince. Goddess, how did she ever get to be so lucky? An overwhelming amount of emotions hit, and she closed her eyes against the beautiful scene before her.

  Memories from that day lay waiting just inside her eyelids. Seeing Callum kneeling before Jameson, feeling that dread that it was all over and her heart was going to be permanently ripped from her body. Then the immense relief and happiness as they all watched the brothers embrace, and knowing that her dreams had finally come true. Callum and the High King had made a truce. Rose remembered blinking a couple of times, thinking she was truly imagining things. But she hadn’t been. Running with every bit of energy she had left, she had thrown herself in the same arms that held her now, and knew for the first time in her entire life that everything would be alright. Finally things would start to get better.

  Of course, Rose knew that they would now turn their sights to a new enemy. She overheard the King and Callum speaking about it, but she wasn’t going to let it spoil her mood just yet. Perhaps she’d be able to convince Callum to let his brother and their combined army go after Aziz without him. It didn’t take much thought to figure out what happened. Aziz set them up to destroy each other. She suspected it before this. At least his treachery was what brought Callum back to his family
. There was a visible lightness to him now, Rose noticed, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The two brothers still seemed a bit awkward around one another, something they would surely have to work on. Still, there was a sense of peace between them. She’d like to believe they were both happy to have their sibling back. There had even been a moment when she caught them laughing about something together, and it filled her heart with joy.

  “Why are your eyes closed?” he asked, turning her to face him. She opened her eyes slowly and gasped at the sight of him. Oh Gods, she thought, feeling suddenly weak in the knees. This was her husband? Before her stood the most amazingly handsome man she ever saw. In the length of time that she had known him, he never looked this way. His strong jaw was coloured by only a shadow of a beard, framing his perfect lips. The long, dark strands of his hair were pulled back neatly from his face. A golden band wrapped around his head, making him look all the more royal. He wore a suit made of the softest velvet, a dark black with golden trim that hugged his broad shoulders and chest. He looked refined and mighty. Every bit the warrior Prince she knew he was.

  He raised his eyebrows at her blatant appraising look, a cocky grin lifting his lips. “See something you like?” he asked, his voice husky. She smiled up at him, heat burning her cheeks.

  “How is your stomach?” she asked, ignoring his comment. The healer kept a close eye on him the entire day. The wound had ceased bleeding by the time they had made their way into the city. Once they had reached the palace, Callum was given a number of things to regain some strength, and the wound was immediately sewn shut. The colour had returned to his face, and he was moving with less stiffness than he had been earlier. He waved her off, hugging her to him, while he buried his face in her neck, peppering it with slow, sensual kisses.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked again, between kisses, his voice soft with concern.

  “I’m just happy,” she replied, tilting her head to the side to give him easier access. He pulled back, smiling down at her. “Are you?”

  He gave her a reproaching look. “How can you ask that? Of course I’m happy.”

  “Even without your crown?”

  “I have everything I’ll ever need right here,” he replied, giving her a quick squeeze. “And as much as I’d like to spend this entire night in this room with you, I think we need to head downstairs. My brother will be waiting.” She let out an exaggerated sigh, pouting her lips. He laughed, lowering her forehead to rest on hers. “Be careful little Rose, or I’ll decide to stay here anyway, and then you’ll never find rest this night.”

  Her breath quickened, as did her heart. “Who needs rest?” she played along. He grunted appreciatively, but stepped back to give her room.

  “Shall I help you dress?” he asked, ushering her inside the large room Markus had given them when they arrived at the palace. Theirs faced the water, but she could still hear the commotion out in the main square. The whole city celebrated tonight, and their excitement was contagious. Rose was actually looking forward to whatever the leader of the Sun People had planned. His parties were legendary, and she had never been to something so grand.

  On the bed, a beautiful gown was laid out for her. The servants had had to alter it a bit to fit her new body and had done a marvelous job. The dress was a pale cream that shimmered in the night, like it was made of pearls. The top fit snuggly around her bust, and then flowed over her stomach to the ground. There was also a necklace that had a long golden chain with a beautiful emerald attached. When she wore it, the jewel rested at the center of her chest.

  One of the servants had already styled her hair, taking her long tresses and curling them high atop her head. “If you help, will you be able to keep your hands to yourself?” she asked teasingly over her shoulder. Callum’s smile was all mischief. “I don’t want you losing focus.”

  “I can’t make any promises,” he replied, closing the distance between them.


  Everything inside the palace sparkled, from the room and its glittering lights, to the people that filled it. Elisa had only been gone a short time, but it felt like months. Dressed in another extravagant gown Markus had already chosen for her, Elisa stood inside the ballroom quietly watching everyone else. The gown was a gold that shimmered in the light, and made her feel like a Queen. The bandages around her arm kind of ruined it though, Elisa thought, looking down at her healing wound. Taking it out hadn’t been as bad as she thought it was going to be. Thankfully, Markus had talented healers in Nysa that had given her something to drink before they did it. She couldn’t remember feeling a thing, and had slept for the remainder of the day.

  When she woke up, Mary had been sitting on her bed, looking down at her with concern. Elisa hadn’t realized how much she missed the young girl until that moment. They hugged, and Mary expressed how happy she was that Elisa was marrying Markus and would be staying. Nausea had hit her at that point, but she convinced herself it was just from the medicine she had taken.

  Now, as she watched the people of Nysa, and the soldiers just recently brought together by Elrond’s infamous sons, she wondered what it would be like to call this all her home. Jameson and her father laughed together off in the distance. She thought about not seeing them as often, and it hurt, especially seeing how happy Jameson was now. He had his arm around Diana’s waist, and they looked completely comfortable. She was happy for them; happy that they finally admitted to their feelings. She knew that her father was probably pleased as well, since he had always been concerned for his best friend’s sake.

  Movement out of the corner of her eye made her turn to see Callum and his wife enter. The girl was close to Elisa’s age, and yet she was married to the Prince who was probably the same age as Markus. It was clear as day they were madly in love and very happy. Could she and Markus be like them? His arm was wrapped protectively around her shoulders, and he was watching her with a sense of contentment as her eyes took everything in, in wonder. Elisa could remember how she had felt when she had first seen the river that ran through the room and the intricate painted ceilings. She probably looked a lot like Rose now did. They walked over to join the King and her father, and although there was some awkwardness, they looked relatively happy to have their war at an end.

  “What are doing over here by yourself?” Markus whispered in her ear. She turned her head to smile at him.

  “Observing,” she replied.

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. “And what have you observed?”

  “That most of these people will be drunk before the food is even served.” He laughed, standing close to her side. Elisa decided he had a nice laugh. It made her smile instinctively in return. She turned her head slightly to observe him better out of the corner of her eye. His dark hair was curled around his tanned face. The brightness of his eyes still shocked her every time she looked into them.

  “Observing me now?” he asked, smirking. She felt her cheeks grow hot from being caught. “Ah, here come your friends,” he continued, the word friends coming out dripping with contempt. Elisa turned to see Wolf and Moose walking slowly toward them. Where were Aiden and Lily? She wondered. Elisa had a newfound love for the girl, after saving not just her life, but from being in the middle of a tug-a-war between Markus and Wolf.

  “Evening,” Wolf greeted formally, nodding his head at Markus. “How’s the arm?”

  She shrugged to say it was nothing, but the movement itself made flinch against sudden pain. “Fine,” she lied, her voice strained. Moose chuckled, but neither boy called her out on it. “How do you like Nysa so far, Moose?”

  “I think I’ll like it better when we get outta here and hit the taverns,” he replied, cheerfully slapping Wolf on the shoulder. Jealousy filled Elisa, surprising her.

  “Are you boys leaving so soon?” she asked, trying her best to keep her voice light. Her eyes bore into Wolf, but he didn’t seem to notice as he looked around the room lazily.

  “Not yet,” he answer
ed absently.

  “Going to go find some woman?” she pushed, her voice mocking. Wolf turned to face her with raised eyebrows.

  “If we’re lucky,” Moose chuckled, unaware of Elisa’s foul mood. Wolf wasn’t though, and he was staring at her, confused. She almost thought she saw a hint of pleasure in his eyes. Oh, so he thinks this is a game, she thought furiously. Smiling stiffly, she hooked her good arm through Markus’s, pulling herself closer to him.

  “Well, best of luck then,” she said, looking pointedly at Wolf. The corners of his mouth twitched, but he did a good job of keeping his expression passive.

  “Markus! There you are!” a lady cried, interrupting Elisa and Wolf’s silent war. All four of them turned to see an elderly woman approach, wearing more jewels than everyone else in the room combined. Elisa wondered how the woman even found the strength to walk with all that weight on her. Markus smiled politely at the woman, kissing her on both cheeks.

  “This must be your new bride-to-be,” she gushed, turning to Elisa, who smiled shyly at her.

  “You are correct,” Markus replied, clearly amused at the woman’s exuberance. “Elisa, this is my Aunt Simone. Aunt, this is Elisa.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Elisa greeted.

  “Look at how beautiful she is, Markus! Isn’t she just a sight, boys?” All three of them nodded and murmured their agreement. Elisa shot Moose and Wolf a narrowed look. “Oh dear, and look at her poor arm. I heard you were injured by one of those savages from the North.”

  “Now Aunt, you know we are allies with them,” Markus said, his tone mildly reprimanding. His Aunt simply brushed him off with a wave of her hand.

  “Well at least she is safe now,” she continued, as if he hadn’t spoken. “Soon you will be adding new little ones to this large palace. I can’t wait to see children running about again.” Oh Gods, Elisa thought, I might literally die of embarrassment. She thought she saw the two boys struggling to keep from laughing out of the corner of her eye.


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