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Safe and Deputized with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 18

by Tonya Ramagos

  Page gave her a bright smile. “I’m so glad. You had all of us worried there for a little while.” The woman glanced at the sheriff’s closed office door. “Go ahead. He won’t mind you interrupting him.”

  “I don’t want to—” Before she could finish getting the words out, Paige reached around her and knocked sharply on the sheriff’s door. The voices inside halted and she heard John Cabelly say, “Come in.”

  “There.” Paige punctuated the word with a sharp nod. “Now you don’t have a choice.”

  Alex laughed and shot her a look. “Thanks.” She pushed open the door and stopped, stunned to see Adam Cooper sitting in the guest chair in front of John Cabelly’s desk. “What are you doing here?” Remember he was still her boss, at least for the time being, she quickly added, “Sir.”

  Cooper smiled at her. “I figured it was time I took a short vacation.”

  Alex gave him a look. “And you wanted to check up on my performance here face-to-face?”

  He chuckled and slid his attention to Cabelly. “See why I wanted her on my team? She’s a straight shooter even with me.” He returned his gaze to her. “You took down the killer. I’d say your performance here on the island was more than exemplary.”

  Alex shook her head. “No, sir. Deputies Palmer and Letson took down the killer. They deserve the credit.”

  Cooper lifted a brow. “Not many of my agents are willing to get into a pissing match over the praise I give them, either.”

  Alex swallowed a laugh. “Sorry, sir. Praise acknowledged and accepted. Thank you, sir.” She hesitated and then added, “But Deputies Palmer and Letson only took out one of our killers. There’s still another one out there, someone who still hasn’t paid for crimes he or she committed four years ago.”

  “We’ll catch him.”

  Alex wished she felt as confident as Cooper sounded. “The FBI isn’t stopping their investigation into Bella McDonald’s, Abigale Brigdon’s, and Patty Smart’s murders then?”

  “No and we won’t until their killer is caught.”

  “What can I do for you, Sykes?”

  The sheriff’s question briefly drew Alex’s attention to him before she stared at Cooper again. There was still another killer on the loose, one she hadn’t been able to bring to justice when she’d worked for the New Orleans PD. Going after him again would be a second chance for her to bring Abigale Brigdon’s memory the peace it deserved. Going after him would also mean she’d have to stay with the FBI. It would take her away from the island and away from Drake and Rhett.

  Alex took a deep breath and let it out slow, knowing she was showing a sign of pure nerves, but unable to stop herself from doing it. “I hope you do catch him. I regret that I won’t be a part of that.” She shifted her attention to Cabelly and said the words that would change the rest of her life. “If the offer you made me is still on the table, I would like to accept it, Sheriff.”

  John Cabelly didn’t look the least bit surprised. He did look pleased, though, and even shot Cooper a shit-eating grin. “It sounds to me like I just stole her for my team.”

  Cooper slowly nodded and studied her for a long moment before asking, “Are you officially turning in your resignation at the bureau?”

  Alex didn’t give herself time to second guess or hesitate. “Yes, sir.”

  Disappoint flashed with understanding in Cooper’s potent eyes. “I’d like to make you aware before you do that, as part of my team, I can make sure you are assigned to cases that put you close to this area more often.”

  Alex briefly closed her eyes. “Don’t tempt me, sir.”

  He laughed. “I had to try. You’re a top-notch agent, Sykes. I’m sorry it took me so long to pull you in to work for me and I’m even sorrier I’m losing you now. You will be missed around the bureau.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’m sure it won’t miss me anymore than I miss it.” She considered that statement and amended it with, “For a while, at least.”

  “How is your neck?” Cabelly asked.

  Alex brushed her thumb lightly over the cut. Though it had required a few stitches, it hadn’t been deep enough to cause any true damage. “It’s just a scratch.” She saw the corners of his lips twitch. “And my head is okay, too. Not even a scratch there. I’m fit to work whenever you’re ready to sign me on.”

  “Have you told Drake and Rhett, yet?”

  “I thought I would do that as soon as I find them.”

  “I believe one of them is making the rounds in the nudist colony and the other is near the resort. I’ll have Paige radio them and tell them to meet you at their cottage. If they’re needed for anything, I’ll call them back in.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Alex turned to Cooper and extended a hand. “In case I don’t see you back in Waterston, it was a pleasure working with you, even if it wasn’t for very long.”

  “You’ll see me.”

  Alex was nearly at the door when Cabelly said her name.

  “The minute the bureau releases you and you step back onto the island, come by here and get your badge.”

  * * * *

  Rhett met up with Drake on the sidewalk in front of their cottage. “Did Paige radio you, too?”

  Drake rounded the sidewalk and started up toward the cottage. “Yeah. She said to go home and the sheriff would call us back if we were needed.”

  Rhett fell into step next to him. “That’s the instructions I got. At first, I thought something might be wrong with Alex, that she’s had some kind of relapse or something, but we would’ve been sent to Weller’s instead of home if that had happened.”

  Drake stopped at the foot of the stairs leading up to the door and looked at him. “I’m not thinking there’s anything medically wrong. She’s made her decision. She promised to talk to us when she did, remember?”

  Rhett’s heart slammed hard against his ribcage. Christ, he’d known the day was coming, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to turn back the clock now. He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “Do you still think she’s going to leave?”

  Drake shrugged and walked up the steps. “We won’t know until we talk to her, will we?”

  No, they wouldn’t and, damn it, though he didn’t want to admit it, it was time to find out exactly where they stood with Alex.

  Rhett followed Drake into the cottage, paused when his friend did and shot a cursory glance around the empty living room and adjacent dining and kitchen area. He exchanged a wordless look with Drake and let the man take the lead down the short hall. The way Drake stopped short in the doorway to Rhett’s bedroom was the only indication Drake gave that he’d found her. The man leaned a shoulder against the frame and a quiet, “Geezus,” left his lips.

  “Is she in there?”

  Drake stepped aside, making room for Rhett to enter. Rhett froze when he saw her, as an acute dart of equal parts relief and amusement circled his heart before making a beeline straight for his cock. Alex lay in the center of his bed, her long strawberry-blonde strands fanning the pillow beneath her head, a sultry smile tilting her wicked lips, and her wrists bound to the headboard. His attention glided down the sleek, black, full-lace teddy that did nothing to conceal or contain her beautiful, ample breasts. Her large nipples were fully erect and pressing insistently against the thin lace.

  He saw her flat belly rise and fall in even, shallow breaths as his gaze slid to her slightly parted legs. Obviously knowing exactly where his attention had fallen, she bent one knee, inched that leg further away from the other one, and gave him a delicious view of her bare, shaved pussy.

  “Damn,” he breathed, and he heard a soft giggle escape her lips.

  “Welcome home, gentlemen.”

  Rhett pulled his gaze up her amazing body and locked it with hers. “Alex?” He made her name a question because, oh, holy fuck, there were way too many other questions ping-ponging through his mind to get anything else out.

  “That’s a hell of an outfit, baby.” Drake’s tone was thick and hot. He didn�
�t move from where he’d stopped just inside and slightly to the left of the doorway, but Rhett could feel the man’s careful restraint pumping off him in waves.

  Alex straightened the knee she’d bent and bent the other as she slithered in an obvious seductive invitation on the bed. “I thought you would like it.”

  “Who tied you up?”

  Rhett watched as a dart of mischief shot through her beautiful eyes.

  “I asked Chad to help me.”

  Drake stiffened and a warning growl rumbled from his throat.

  Alex angled her head back and laughed, the sound full of amusement and siren torture. “I’m kidding, Drake. I enlisted Michaela’s help. I needed someone to do it for me. As it turns out, she and Chad do a little experimenting with BDSM in their friends with benefits relationship.”

  The whole bondage thing had never really been Rhett’s cup of tea, but he couldn’t deny the sight of her bound to the headboard, her luscious body naked save for the barely-there lace teddy was flat out doing it for him.

  Drake took several slow steps toward the bed. “Why did you need someone to tie you up?”

  “I wanted to be sure the statement I need to make is crystal clear.”

  Following Drake’s lead, his heart hammering in his chest, Rhett moved into the room, rounding the foot of the bed to the opposite side. “What statement is that, sweetheart?”

  She held his gaze for a meaningful moment and then said the words he’d been praying to hear. “That I’m yours.” She looked away, her gaze finding Drake. “And yours. I always have been. Nothing ever changed that. Nothing ever will.”

  Rhett tried to speak around his heart, now securely lodged in his throat. “What are you saying, Alex?”

  She turned to him again, her eyes filled with emotions and glistening with tears. “I’m saying I love you.” She glanced at Drake. “Both of you.” Her attention returned to him. “I’m saying that everything about me, my mind, my body, and my soul will forever belong to both of you.” Her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth and uncertainty flashed through her angelic face. “That is if the two of you still want me forever.”

  “Is that your final decision?”

  Rhett looked at Drake and bit back the grin of his life when he saw his friend had already started working the buckle of his gun belt free. Needing to touch her, wanting desperately to seal those words with a kiss, Rhett climbed onto the edge of the bed as she shook her head at Drake. Yes, that was her final decision.

  Rhett leaned over her, gathered her in his arms, and stole her mouth the way she’d stolen his heart years ago.

  * * * *

  Drake had more questions that needed answers. He told himself they could wait as he shed his clothes and joined Alex and Rhett on the bed. Rhett had taken possession of one set of her lips and he would happily claim the other pair. He reached over her, gliding his hands up the outsides of her legs as he pushed the lace teddy to her abdomen.

  Geezus, the woman and her newfound love for slinky lingerie tormented his cock to mind-blowing combustible levels. He shifted, lifted one shapely leg, and licked it from the inside of her ankle to her knee as he settled between her legs. Leaning in, he continued to kiss and nip the inside of her leg until he met with the apex of her thighs.

  Soft, pleading moans muffled by Rhett’s mouth escaped her throat and she wiggled her hips. Drake would’ve rather heard her beg, but watching as her body quivered and her pussy lips flexed was close enough to begging for now.

  He wedged his shoulders between her legs, shoved his hands beneath her bottom, and lifted her pussy to his mouth. A low-throated growl rumbled from his chest as he closed his eyes and momentarily lost himself in the scent of her hot juices.


  Her strangled plea told him Rhett had finally stopped kissing her. He opened his eyes and slid his gaze up her satiny flesh to see his friend had relinquished control of her mouth in favor of tasting her breasts.

  Smiling, Drake lowered his head between her legs. His lips tingled in anticipation of clamping around her pouty labia. His tongue pulsed in excitement to swipe over her engorged clit until she quivered against his mouth. His gut rumbled with the hunger to feast on the milky cream already coating her folds. He saw more of that cream pooling in her vagina and knew he couldn’t wait another second to lap it up.

  “Your pussy is as beautiful as it smells,” he said against her sodden folds. Her hips bucked in an attempt to find his mouth and he gave it to her, opening wide as he put his lips to hers. He drove the tip of his tongue between her lips and licked her from the thin strip of skin just above her anus all the way to her clit, loving the tormented sounds she made as he pulled his tongue back.

  “Drake, please, eat me.”

  That plea had him growling like an animal as he balanced his weight on one hand, reached between her legs with the other, and spread her pussy wide. He closed his lips around her clit, clamped the swollen bud in a pressured nip, and filled his senses with the dark taste of her passion.

  In seconds, she was writhing against his face as he pistoned his tongue deep inside her sodden channel, fucking her pussy in rapid thrusts and pressured bites to her labia that had her screaming in ecstasy. Her inner thigh muscles flexed around his face, her hips bucked, and she exploded in spectacular sounds and a sinfully sexy grinding that nearly had him coming with her. Her body convulsed, milky cream flowed freely out of her vagina, and he eagerly lapped it, drinking every drop he could and moaning over the stupendous taste until her body finally stilled.

  His cock aching and his heart more full than it had ever been, he eased from between her legs and stretched out beside her. A glance at the bindings around her wrists told him that he owed Michaela a thanks the next time he saw the woman. She’d used leather wrist cuffs secured to the headboard by a single strap that would allow him and Rhett to position Alex however they wanted without having to set her free.

  Rolling onto his side, he traced her freckles with his gaze, loving the sleepy way she looked up at him through her heavy-lidded eyes. “You know I’m not done with you yet.”

  A slow, wicked smile unfolded on her lips. “I’m hoping you never will be.”

  Drake dragged the back of his fingers down her silky cheek. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to, baby.”

  Rhett moved back as Drake gathered her into his arms, rolled her over, and spooned himself against her back. He glanced over her head, waited as Rhett shed his clothes, and then nuzzled his face at her ear. “Are you ready for another one, my love?”

  * * * *

  Alex had never understood how it was possible that Drake or Rhett could make her come so spectacularly and she’d be ready for another one in an instant. As Rhett crawled onto the bed in front of her and Drake settled more comfortably behind her, her clit throbbed in a renewed raging demand even as the muscles in her ass flexed in a plea to be stretched and filled.

  “Yes.” The word turned to a hiss of pleasure as Drake skimmed a hand over her hip, turning it as he slid it between their bodies and pushed it between her legs. He lifted her top leg, angling himself behind her, and she felt his engorged cockhead glide along the slit of her ass. She whimpered, straining against the bindings on her wrists in an attempt to reach for him when that quick feel was all he gave her before pulling his hips back.

  “Shush.” Rhett brushed a soft kiss to her lips as he stretched out in front of her and pressed his body to hers. “He needs to get the lube first, sweetheart.”

  “Tell him to hurry.”

  The boyish grin she loved so much unfolded on Rhett’s lips. “Drake, you must be losing your touch, man.”

  “The hell I am,” Drake grumbled as the heat of his body briefly left her back before returning almost instantly. “She’s in such a rush because I just showed her what my skillful touch can do and she’s eager to feel it again.”

  Rhett rolled his eyes and Alex laughed, albeit breathlessly. She held Rhett’s gaze and let him see the playful
ness in her eyes. “Actually, I’m in a rush because that last orgasm must have been defective. I think that skillful touch of yours needs more practice.”

  Rhett cracked up, but Drake’s touch turned her continued laughter to a moan of sheer pleading pleasure.

  “Are you sure about that?” His voice was hot and husky in her ear as he worked two well-lubed fingers into her ass in a wiggling motion of unrelenting progression that had her breath quickening as the bittersweet pain spread through her system. “Hmm.” The sound was full of cockiness as he pulled the fingers back only to thrust them deeper again. “I’ll be happy to practice all night long.”

  Before she could respond, he pulled his fingers free. Her needy protest morphed to a moan as he drove his cock into her ass. She sucked a breath through clenched teeth as his cock pushed past the ultrasensitive ring of muscles and continued to sink deeper into her well-lubed ass. The bittersweet pain morphed to a mind-numbing pleasure as the nerve-laden tissue of her ass sucked at his cock, drawing it in as far as it would go. The spark of intensity that overtook the pain spread the erotic burn through her system, emphasizing the pleasure.

  She opened eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed and locked gazes with Rhett as Drake stopped his cock buried inside her to the hilt and began biting his way over the back of her shoulder. She tugged at the bindings on her wrists, wanting to draw Rhett closer, needing to feel his cock in her pussy now that she had Drake’s in her ass.

  With her wrists bound, there was only one way to get what she wanted. She’d done this to herself, but she done it with the knowledge that it would drive Drake wild and she’d always secretly suspected Rhett got off on it, too, even though he tended to be the gentler one.

  “Rhett, I need you. I want to feel your cock fill my pussy while Drake’s is inside my ass.”


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