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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

Page 14

by White, Angela

  Adrian used the most common of his teaching tools. He distracted the Trooper. “How did she do, by the O’Neil standard?”

  Aware and willing to put off the choice, if even for a few minutes, the Trooper delivered his report. “Amazing for a female, awful for a man. She’s got almost no upper body strength. I doubt she’ll be able to do a pull-up for a while, but she makes up for it in quickness.” His voice lowered as he fell into account mode. “She was reading me in there, able to avoid. She also has the 3-set moves down. She’ll have it smooth, real fast if she works on it at all.”

  Adrian waited, knowing there was more, and he tried to ignore the inner man telling him to take the Trooper’s head off for hitting her.

  “She’s got one fatal flaw, though, unless we can help her. She freezes. She’ll cover it like she meant to go still, but it’s real.”

  “The moments we saw in the Qz.”

  Neil’s voice was more embittered than Adrian had ever heard.

  “Yeah. She’s afraid of being hit. She took every shoulder slide with a pinched up face and braced feet.” The Trooper’s tone was tortured. “I felt like so much him, I almost puked.”

  “What made you keep going even after you were allowed to send her out?” Adrian led, heart easing.

  “The look in her eyes when I started to call it. The disappointment! I’d only tapped her twice and I could see her adjusting to it, getting ready for battle.”

  Neil sighed. “If you can get rid of her fear of being hit, she’ll excel at Kai and probably a few other styles we use. It’s like…”

  “She was made for it?”

  Adrian supplied and Neil gave him what he needed without knowing it.

  “More so than even Kyle or Kenn. That’s why I couldn’t stop. She wants this!” His tone was incredulous and Adrian brought them back to the real issue in the Trooper’s mind.

  “You’ll use that to train yourself to handle her lessons and Sam’s. And anyone else we think fits this spot,” Adrian told him, feeling a chilling drizzle start to fall over them.

  “And if I say no?” Neil snapped harshly, already sure he wouldn’t.

  “Then someone else will give her the lesson, probably Kyle or Seth. You don’t have to be the one doing this, Neil. My word.”

  That had Neil blowing out a frustrated breath. “It feels bad, wrong.”

  “It’s supposed to. That’s a reminder from your heart that they are women. You’ll train yourself to see them as Eagles first, when it’s called for.”

  Not sure how, Neil didn’t answer and Adrian pinned him with hard eyes. “If you can’t, she’ll understand and so will I, but we both know that you can.”

  “I don’t like feeling like him!”

  “That’s what makes you one of the good guys, one of mine. Never doubt it, Neil. He enjoyed every blow he ever gave her. That’s the difference.”

  Chapter Five


  Of the two days Marc had been out of quarantine, one had been spent in trouble, doing hard labor. The other had been sorting out trucks and wandering the camp, lost without both Angie and Neil. He’d tried to work through some of the issues in his head, but every time he made progress, something would happen to throw him back into chaos.

  Like Angie training with Neil. He’d been hoping to run into her, and see how upset she was that he’d let Kenn trick him with the photo, but the sound of her being hit had gone through him like bullets. Even now, the urge to strike as the Eagle walked by was strong.

  Marc didn’t respond to the Trooper’s greeting. It wasn’t fair to Neil, who was only doing Adrian’s bidding, but there was no erasing the fact that his friend had hurt Angie, and Marc had been forced to allow it. That was a kick in the teeth to their relationship and it wouldn’t be repaired overnight unless something big happened.

  Marc spotted Angela in the long line for coffee and forced himself to the end of it, ignoring her and the chilly people studying his bruised face. He wasn’t sure that he could talk to her about any of it yet. He was too confused, too torn by wanting her happy and just plain wanting her, and until he could think clearly, he planned to stay back.

  Angela felt Brady’s coldness and clamped down on the urge to give in. He’d spent so much of the time here mad. He wanted her to keep her head down and only poke it up when it was time for them to be together, and until he realized that wasn’t nearly enough for her, she would give him some space to think.

  Nearby, Adrian spotted another setback coming, but chose not to step in front of his furious Marine. It was inevitable for the two men to have it out in public, he thought, but his eyes narrowed when Kenn headed for Angie instead of Marc.

  Adrian felt the humidity ease, the temperature now plummeting until he could almost see his breath, and he watched along with the rest of the sleepy camp, wondering if he was about to lose his right hand.

  Kenn shoved his way in front of Angela, only stopping when their feet were inches apart. His eyes went over the purple bruises on her shoulder and his anger went up a notch. “How did you get your schedule changed? Today, you babysit!”

  Angela gave him a warning look, ignoring the paper he was shoving her way. “I told the vet I’d help him once a week. He probably told Adrian. You’re making a scene over nothing.”

  “You don’t get to pick and choose.”

  Angela eyed him coldly, trying not to shake. “Are you sure?”

  “I make those choices!” Kenn snarled at the reminder of Tonya’s warnings. He couldn’t believe she’d passed Neil’s class. The Trooper had hit her. Why was he the only one allowed? Kenn thought furiously. Didn’t Adrian know he had more experience with that?

  Angela took a small step back. She’d made her decision last night, about how she would handle things with him, and now was as good a time as any to strike a match to the fuse. She slowly removed the chain that held the diamond ring he’d given her, drawing the attention of everyone in sight.

  “It’s over, Kenn. I’m sorry it has to be this way, but it does.”

  When she held the necklace out, Kenn snatched it long enough to let it fall to the ground. His heavy boot slammed down on the diamond, crushing the golden band into the dirt.

  “Don’t ever go through anyone else for a schedule change!” Unprepared for her fast reaction, Kenn tried to stay on the topic, but the fury was huge. Angela had ended things with him in front of the camp!

  Seeing his control flickering, she tried to distract, already sure it wouldn’t work. “It’s only a few hours. What’s the big deal?”

  The line had moved and she tried to step around, but he slid in front of her again, leaning close. “The deal, you sneaking bitch, is that schedule changes go through me and not your lover!”

  Angela’s hand inched downward as the watching camp muttered in surprised disapproval. She knew that tone. He’d gone over the edge.

  Everyone held their breath as Marc stepped out of line behind the arguing couple, with clenched fists. “I told Adrian to change her schedule, and I don’t answer to you, bitch!”

  Kenn swung as he turned, connecting with Marc’s jaw.

  Brady stumbled back, and the rage he’d awakened with flared to life. An outlet. Great!

  Marc ducked Kenn’s next lumbering swing and leaned his weight into a brutal gut shot. The cool hate of the man inside loved the Marine’s gasp for air.

  He landed a fast hit to Kenn’s temple and then another to his eye. “Don’t ever… talk to her… that way again!” Marc accented his words with his fists.

  Kenn dropped to the ground, blood flying into the dirt. It sprayed over his dusty boots and the sight of it had Marc stopping, realizing what he’d done. Again. He took a step back, and then another, fighting the urge that had been drilled into him to finish the job.

  Kenn stayed down, coughing and spitting blood into the dirt at Marc’s feet for the second time in as many days. Usin’ the knife next time, he thought, tired of being hit by his old CO.

  The peop
le gathered around watched silently, stunned to see Kenn taken down so fast. What would Adrian do? Everyone was listening raptly as he stopped a few feet from the trio.

  “Does this settle it?”

  There was only silence and Adrian shook his head, hard tone hiding his relief. “Go help with the livestock. Both of you.”

  Marc left quickly, stride stiff, and Kenn followed slowly, ashamed and furious.

  Adrian seemed angry, but inside he was satisfied and very thankful. Kenn’s words had been nasty. He’d deserved to be knocked down and Marc had even gotten him to swing first. It would have only been better if she’d done it herself, but had that happened, Kenn would have hit her back, right in front of a Mess full of sheep.

  And this wouldn’t be the end of it, Adrian knew, and he understood. After watching Angela these last eight days, he doubted he’d find a more perfect female warrior to mold. Once he trained her, she’d be deadly, and she would bring Samantha with her, without even trying. Others would follow, and he would be able to fill out the ranks with an even distribution of power; something that had caused the downfall of the old world. Without temperance, with no compassion, a leader was only a clever tyrant wrapped in a President’s cloak.

  Hoping the rest of the day would be more peaceful, Adrian moved into the dank spruce trees that lined the self-defense area, where Samantha was now set up in a canvas-covered truck, weather tracking. Only a few of the Eagles knew where she was and Adrian planned to keep her there even during the camp meeting tonight. Her ballot would be cast absentee.


  The training tent was crowded with the top three levels of Eagles, and their voices carried through the camp as they competed and worked out. Even over the howling wind, it was a constant noise on days they didn’t travel and for it to go silent, was more than unusual.

  Having forgone her coffee due to the stares, Angela paused inside the flap at their reaction, waiting. Adrian hadn’t given her an answer yet, and to these sweaty men, she had no permission to be here. On the other hand, he’d said free reign and after the scene with Kenn, she needed a workout.

  Steeling her nerves, Angela moved toward a far corner. She didn’t feel confident enough to jump right in, but if she hung around, maybe one of them would…

  “Over there.” Told to expect her, Doug jerked a big thumb at the game area.

  She smiled her thanks, changing direction, and despite the sticky weather, felt the temperature of the tent go from cool to ice. Angela slid into the first empty seat and pretended they had all gone back to what they were doing, instead of staring at her with expressions ranging from hostile to wary, with a few leers to even things out.

  “Only Level One. Keep repeating it.”

  Angela hit the button at Jeff‘s words, grateful there hadn’t been anything said in protest yet. “Thanks.”

  “Uh-huh.” Seth’s right-hand man moved away and Angela began firing the orange gun. Duck Hunt was one of her favorites.

  After only twenty minutes, she had cleared the level so many times that everyone was tired of hearing the annoying buzzer and she looked at Jeff before they could start complaining.

  “Permission to play through? Please?”

  The guard gave a short nod, not sighing in relief like he wanted to. “One set. At the first game over, you’re back to reps.”

  Angela grinned, hitting the restart button. That might be a while. She’d had a long warm-up.

  She never got to move onto the next part of the workout and neither did any of the men. When the hour call came, Angela was on one of the highest levels any of them had seen and a large group was crowded close to watch. Even the men who were adamant about not wanting her here were drawn to the groans and yells of triumph as she cleared another round of disks and got set for the ducks.

  A very simple game of aim and fire, the ducks’ evasions were hard, and the Eagles watched her pop the moving targets with admiration.


  “Where’d you learn to shoot?”

  “You’ve played before!”

  “She got Seth’s record with that!”

  They were excited, almost welcoming, and Adrian surveyed it from the flap. With all the noise, he had expected to find a fight; so had Neil, who was stopped behind him in surprise.

  “Bonus! Next round. Go!”

  Silence fell as she went higher and Angela let their hopes feed her determination. Kenn had the current high score and she wanted it!

  “Perfect score. Bonus round.”

  Disks flew into shards before their odd whining noise could echo; the gun firing with a steady rhythm broken only by her fast right-click to reload.

  “Round cleared. Bonus awarded.”

  “Did you see how low that last one was?”

  “I thought it was gone at first.”

  “Great shooting. Wait until she hits the real targets.”

  Jeff‘s tersely spoken comment reminded everyone there was a female among them and that awkward silence fell again.

  Mood much improved, Angela hit the start button with a snort. “I’m not swingin’ a dick, but I can shoot, right?”

  She opened fire as the round began, and got more surprised laughs from the crude joke than she’d hoped for.

  “Yes, you can.”

  Adrian moved out of the tent at Jeff‘s confirmation, satisfied she was holding her own. Behind him, that annoyingly wonderful bonus buzzer sounded again, and a loud cheer echoed, refilling Safe Haven with brilliant light.


  The Vet had put Kenn and Marc to work without a single question despite the bruised faces. Just glad to have the extra hands, he started them with worming the camp’s stray cats. Abandoned pets that had been drawn by the sounds of people, most of them were in good shape and Adrian liked having them around to help control the rats and insects. Too bad they seemed scared of the ants. Other than having the dogs out, he didn’t have a solution for the rodents yet.

  The vet left them on their own, going back to the animals in the larger pens and the two men worked silently, both knowing they needed to make peace, but neither wanting it.

  One holding, one shoving the huge pill down the small throat while avoiding the claws, they found a rhythm… like they always had on base. When they finished the cats, the vet moved them to pigs, and then the working dogs that had to be brought out one by one, because even standing was hard in that mass of tails and teeth.

  An hour after they had moved onto goats, Angela and Charlie joined them, the wolf on their heels. The boy worked with the dogs beside the tent, where Chris could guide him. Angela was left to her own devices after being shown what the vet wanted and she didn’t talk to the laboring males, tried not to even look their way unless she had to. She didn’t want to make things worse and the time went by slowly.

  Well after lunch Mess had come and gone, Kyle moved into their line of sight, drawing frowns from both sweaty Marines.

  “He wants you on the trucks now,” he told Marc, ignoring the other bruised man dripping sweat.

  Marc grunted, not sure if he cared what Adrian wanted, and moved slowly out of the vet area with steps that said to leave him be. He didn’t glance at Angela as he went.

  The wolf fell in on Marc’s right, shaking his coat, and they moved through the camp with no signs they noticed the whispers. Unable to ignore Adrian’s order, he headed for the next line of trucks that had come in, without acknowledging Neil’s second friendly nod of the day. He hadn’t forgiven the Trooper yet, wasn’t sure if he could.

  Eager to be clean, Kenn headed for his tent as soon as Marc and Kyle were out of sight. If Brady didn’t have to do this shit, neither did he.

  When Kenn stepped from the shower camper, Adrian was standing nearby.

  “People pick-up, asap, Zack has the details. After the meeting tomorrow night, Slaver recon.”

  Kenn winced when the blond turned from him, but clamped his mouth shut. A recon mission was just what he needed. Some time to make new p
lans and be away from Brady’s face for a while. He’d make sure Jeff and Allan, two of Zack’s friends, knew to keep an eye on them, and he would climb in his Bronco and get the hell out of here.

  Kenn’s chin lifted. Maybe he’d keep going. He had no doubts about his own survival in this new world. His shoulders drooped at that thought. Even if he found another camp of sheep to help with, there was only one Adrian and he was here.


  Neil saw Brady stalking across the camp toward the parking area and nodded, hoping the Wolfman had begun to understand, but received no response. He was still hot. Neil had seen the fight and wanted to tell Marc he’d done exactly right, but knew it wouldn’t matter. Their fast friendship might already be over.

  The Arizona cop was bothered by the thought. He had made only a few real friends during his entire life, until coming to Safe Haven, and he still valued each one. Plus, he liked Marc.

  Neil moved by the training area, headed to the hooch they had set up behind a few trucks to give their new Storm Tracker a private place to work. The sky overhead held that pale pink tone that said to watch out, but most of the camp was oblivious, thanks to the morning’s distraction. People were already laying bets on how long it might be before Kenn snapped for real. It was only a matter of… Damn!

  Stretched out against the hood of a dented car, Sam looked up at Neil’s intake of breath, smiling. “I wondered if he forgot about me.”

  Remembering how to move, Neil forced himself to act like he wasn’t suddenly drowning in a completely unexpected wave of need. Her body was laid out in a way that called to him and he tried to keep it from his voice.

  “You have a radio?”

  Sam held up the hand he hadn’t been able to see, showing her set. “Nothing to call about yet.”

  Neil moved to the bumper, fighting the urge to ogle her like a horny teen. He would head for the shower after this. “He said to tell you it’s too soon.”


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