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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

Page 40

by White, Angela

  Kenn didn’t want to answer. If he gave Zack the okay and he hurt her, all the problems with Eagles came back. Not with Adrian though, it was all his idea anyway, the Marine assumed. Angela could never have come up with this on her own. It was too good. Seeing Zack break her nose would be almost as great as doing it himself. Tempting.

  Impatient, and scared, Angela’s sharp voice snapped at his ego again. “Are you loyal to him, Kenn? Because I have my doubts and Adrian probably does too.”

  “You’ll have to challenge or I’ll have to tell him to volunteer when everyone else refuses,” Kenn ground out, hating her. “A challenge will work every time. It’s a serious insult not to accept it.”

  Angela surprised him again, this time with gratitude. “Thank you.”

  The Marine shook his head. “For telling you the secret that will get these men to hit you? Crazy ass broad!”

  Kenn moved into the supply truck as Angela headed for the parking area, hoping it would be mostly deserted for the ugly scene that was coming. She hadn’t told Marc she was taking the test and he was hot. “Wait until he learns your other secret,” the Witch warned.

  Marc was on her heels now, not as her shadow, but as a verbal combatant that she was quickly tiring of sparring with. Why couldn’t he understand and accept her choice? She turned to face him stiffly. This would be the last time she tried to get him to see reason. It was tiresome and hurtful. She dropped the next hard truth without mercy.

  “If I pass the cage match, I can go on the mission.”


  “You don’t get to tell me that, Brady.”

  His face twisted at the reminder. “Fine. Do what you want. You will anyway.”


  He stopped his departure, but didn’t turn back and she moved closer with tired steps. “Please.”

  Marc couldn’t resist and he turned to find her only a step away, without a shadow that he could see in the darkness. “What?”

  “I need to do this.”

  Her almost desperate tone snagged his attention and he took a real look at her this time, seeing the truth. She was tired. And afraid.

  “We’re about to go to war, Brady. I’ll be on the front lines. This is something I need to do now so I’ll know how then.”

  The depth of her fear had Marc reaching for her before he thought about it.

  Aware of their audience even if he wasn’t, Angela flinched back and Marc froze, wounded.

  They stared at each other, feeling the old frustrations, and underneath, the loneliness. It was crushing, heartbreaking, and so strong she wasn’t sure she could resist if he moved even an inch closer.

  Marc seemed to sense her weak state and took a step back. “I need to know where we stand, Angie. Soon.”

  She nodded stiffly. “I’ll let you know as soon as the mission is over.”

  “I’m coming along.”

  “Good. It’ll be like old times.”

  There was a flash of joy in his face and then anger again. “What the hell is wrong with him? With you? It’s back toward the Slavers!”

  Angela pushed her resentment away. “I hope to get Max and Lenore to come back with us. If I’m there, she might.”

  Marc shook his head. “Your life for theirs is a bad trade.”

  “Who says I’m not coming back?” she asked coldly.

  He scowled. “You shouldn’t even take that risk. He shouldn’t take it.”

  “I want to go Brady. I also want to be an Eagle.”

  “I’ve got that, loud and clear.”

  “Then what’s the problem? Was everything on the trip here an act? Tell her what she wants to hear.” Angela’s voice became an eerie imitation of his. “You would have made a good Marine. Just smoke, right?”

  Marc shook his head, getting angrier at having his words used against him. “I meant it, but you’re reckless. Look at the way you’ve handed yourself over to Adrian after only a few weeks.”

  “He’s worthy of it,” she stated defiantly.

  Marc’s control broke. “You hope! You don’t even know him yet. You’re drunk on the power he’s offering!”

  Angela gasped in pain. “You think that?”

  Marc shrugged indifferently. “Does it matter? You’ve made your choice and you don’t give a damn about anyone else, not really.”

  That blow hurt more than the first and Angela struck back, sure of his weak spot. “That sounds familiar. I wonder if it’s your own guilt finally speaking up. Must suck to be so in love with someone that you couldn’t give a shit if they’re happy or not.”

  She leaned closer. “Who are you and what have you done with My Brady? ‘Cause he would never treat me this way.”

  Before Marc could think up a response, she spun from him and moved into the back of the garden area. Hurting, he trailed her. Was she right? Did he care if she was happy? A month ago, he would have said that was all that mattered to him, but…


  The howl was close and they both stopped, sweeping the distance. Now a common noise in the night, Marc agreed that eliminating the nest was a good idea, he just didn’t want her anywhere near the battle.

  “Ask yourself why, Marc. And try honesty this time,” she instructed, movements agitated.

  A smile was forced out of him. No, he hadn’t been blowing smoke. She was one of the strongest females he’d ever known and any branch of the service would have been proud to have her.




  The second chilling howl was answered almost right away and Samantha froze in panicked fear. They were back! Pain flared in her scarred leg and she automatically clutched at the empty ghost before remembering where she was.

  The garden truck was deserted except for her. A handful of guards outside were the only people still on this side of camp and fear overwhelmed Sam. Not again.

  She shoved herself up from the dirt with a gasp. The trailer door was open!


  Closer, the call had an almost human cadence and the Storm Tracker ran for the door, panicked. She lunged at the handle and jerked it down as a dark shadow came through the last of the space.

  The door hit it and Sam kicked instinctively, foot connecting with something warm and hard. Seeing movement, she pulled her gun.

  “Do not fire that weapon!”

  Sam flinched at the shout, fingers tightening. Wait. It talked. Not an animal. She eased off the trigger and moved back as her eyes went over the scene in horror.

  Adrian on the dirty semi floor, hands up in defense, two heads watching in shock from the bottom of the door. Sam let go of the gun. She’d almost shot Adrian!

  She collapsed, not crying, but sucking in a huge lungful of air.

  Adrian waved the two Eagles in as he went out. “Take care of her.”

  Jeremy stepped quickly into the truck with Neil behind him and Sam cringed back. “I didn’t mean to hurt him!”

  The Eagles exchanged uneasy glances.

  “You didn’t,” Jeremy stated, moving closer while Neil hung back. “You did surprise him, though, something none of us have been able to do.”

  Distracted from her fear, Sam’s tone was a bit snotty. “Why do you try? Aren’t you guys his loyal minions?”

  Kneeling down next to her, Jeremy looked at Neil, and got a short nod in response.

  “Because we don’t follow blindly. Some do, but not his main support. He has us, but only if he remains worthy.”

  Sensing a moment for real questions, Sam let hers out carefully. “But the secrets he keeps! How can a… liar be trustworthy?”

  Jeremy held back a frown and it was Neil’s calm voice that gave Sam another piece to Adrian’s puzzle.

  “Because he would do anything for these people. He’s already killed for them, for their safety. What’s a lie compared to a life?”

  Neil slowly picked up the gun by her foot and handed it back. “He takes shattered
people like you, Sam, and puts them back together, heals them. He can give you what you’ve lost.”

  Samantha wanted desperately to believe she had found true safety. “And the evil he lets walk free here?”

  “Should he kill without proof? If he did that, this camp would rip itself apart,” Neil explained.

  “But we know…”

  “You think you know, and some of us agree, but neither of those is proof.”

  “I hate this waiting!” she blurted out angrily and both men grinned.

  “So do we. It’s something the Eagles struggle with, but it’s for the dream,” Jeremy stated.

  “Adrian’s dream…”

  “Yes,” Neil responded carefully. ”He would give us the world that should have existed, if he can get enough help from people like you.”

  Her slacks had been replaced by jeans over boots, but the sweater remained, giving her a look of office casual that fit well with her promptness and attention to detail. Now keeping her hair in a ponytail while she worked, Neil thought she looked exactly like the mate of an Eagle should. From her slender, work-roughened hands, to the sensuous curve of her lips, Samantha was full grown woman.

  Sam’s response held hope and fear in equal amounts. “I don’t want to have to leave. I like it here.”

  “He won’t let that happen,” Neil soothed and both men knew they’d be there to help Adrian with it.

  “You’re one of us Sam, and I mean more than just a member of this camp.” Jeremy glanced at Neil and saw that his team leader was unsure. “For personal reasons?”

  Neil stared back at him reluctantly. “Probably.” The thought of her at their side for missions had just terrified him.

  “Then you’re unfit to make the call. Should I wait for one of the others?”

  “What are you guys talking about?”

  “He wants to recommend you to Adrian for the Eagles.”

  They turned to see Angela’s head in the open space, face stained with the nerves and curtness all the lower level Eagles displayed right before the tests.

  “And I agree. No woman should be held back because of a man’s fears or jealousy.”

  She disappeared, but before the trio could say anything, Marc’s head popped into the empty space wearing a rueful expression.

  “That was aimed at me. As you were.”

  He ducked out and they heard his mutter clearly.

  “Damn. Now where the hell did she go?”

  Sam and the two Eagles exchanged surprised looks and then burst out laughing, sending the last of her panicked fear out into the stalk-filled darkness.


  "You’re upset."

  Angela smothered the startled shout that wanted to fly out of her mouth, but her gun was drawn and pointed at him before she could stop it.

  Adrian was pleased with her reaction. He’d just confirmed his assumptions about distance with Dog… and that had been enlightening. Then he'd snuck up on Angela again, on purpose. She was ready for more and now, so was he.

  “Things are unfair sometimes.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”


  Adrian felt her need, responded. Brady had let him know she’d ditched her shadow, but not why. It wasn’t a stretch to guess that the Wolfman hadn’t liked finding out she was going on the mission, too. “Want a lesson?”

  “Yes, a real one!”

  Adrian eyed her bright red scab, and then stepped by her to the training tent that they now had to themselves. "You can talk to me."

  Angela watched him remove his weapons and followed his lead, sure there were guards on them. Brady might be out there somewhere, too, but right now his face was the last one she wanted to see.

  "I know that."

  Adrian raised a brow expectantly and she shrugged. "I'll handle it."

  Angela stepped into the hayroom to be hit with a sudden sense of worry. He'd taken out Neil so easily.

  "I won't hurt you." She’d tensed a bit and he couldn’t stop himself from comforting her.

  "I know that, too."

  Adrian stepped close to her, leaned in. They’d been taking it slow, working through small areas, but that was over now. "The hard way or the easy way?"

  Angela paled, but didn't hesitate. "Hard. I want to be able to kick his ass anytime I feel like it."

  Adrian didn't doubt who she was talking about. All of this mess was Kenn’s fault. Steeling his heart, he stepped back, eyes unreadable. "I challenge you."

  Angela immediately swung a roundhouse, sure he wasn't ready for it, and the blond staggered back at the blow… then returned the favor.

  It was only a light sting on her cheek, but shocked sounds echoed from the dim cracks around them. Adrian had hit a woman!

  Angela wasn't shocked; she knew what she'd asked for, and she leaned into her next swing, telling him she could take more.

  Adrian let her hit land and then delivered another slap, this one a bit harder.

  She swayed, caught her balance, fired back.

  Angela's hits became steadily harder, and each slap he delivered was received with a pinched up face and a healing heart. Before the War, she would have been on the ground already, begging not to be hit again.


  Adrian's blow knocked her down and Angela felt her rage spring to life as she picked herself up, blood dripping from her lip. How many times had Kenny done that to her? A hundred? A thousand? And she'd had to sit back and take it.

  Her grin was ice as she moved toward him. Not anymore. Now, she got to fight back! Her hit was full of fury, solid and well delivered, and Adrian staggered back again.

  Blood dripped from his nose, but his thoughts were still calm, safe.

  "Again, and mean it this time, Bitch!" he snarled, making his voice sound almost identical to Kenn's and she did just that, using the new skills she'd learned from Neil. Blood sprayed at the hit, rocking his head back.

  Three of the stunned men watching through the cracks in the bales moved closer to the doorway as the tension grew thicker and the hits harder, not sure who to protect.


  The insult had Angela swinging again, Adrian grunting at the impact. Neil had done his job.

  "Never get away! Mine!"

  Angela's fury was firmly in control and even though Adrian was no longer hitting back, she couldn't stop, shiny tears of rage rolling down her red cheeks with every swing.

  "Hate you! Fuck you! Pig!"

  Adrian stayed as still as he could and felt bitterness grow heavy in his heart for the Marine. Such a piece of shit Kenn had been.

  Angela stopped swinging, shoulder on fire. She rested her hands on her knees, getting her wind back.

  Adrian wiped his sleeve over his bloody face, waiting, not sure if it had been enough.

  "I'm not... either," Angela panted.

  He looked casually at his wrist. "Another five?"

  She moved toward him with fire burning in her depths.

  Kyle had called Neil, Seth already there, and the three men now stood together. Guarding the training area against witnesses, their unsure eyes occasionally slid to Brady, who had his stiff back to them, listening. What the hell was happening? Should they intervene? It looked like Adrian had provoked her with the challenge and was now letting her beat on him. If it had been a normal girl's slapping and pulling of hair, they wouldn’t have been so worried, but her hits were sturdier than they had expected, drawing blood… not to mention Adrian's return blows would be very hard to explain.

  "Is your fear gone?" Adrian asked, five minutes later.

  Angela considered, shook her head in a violent spray of blood and sweat. Usually, these stains and pains belonged to the men of Safe Haven and she relished the feel of them while they were there. He hadn’t told her what to do after their private lesson, but she already knew the camp wasn’t ready to see her this way.

  "Not completely. I still kept waiting for you to really hit me back."

  "What I did
was too much. It makes my heart hurt."

  She smiled in sympathy, going to him. "And mine, as well."

  Angela leaned close, so much that Adrian and those guarding thought she might hug him. Instead, she exhaled hundreds of brightly colored atoms that swirled softly in the air around their heads.

  "Breathe them in."

  Adrian did it without hesitation, their mouths close enough to touch if either of them moved, and he felt the magic instantly start healing their injuries. Hunger flashed up between them, sharp and dangerous.

  A minute later, the tiny colored orbs were vanishing. Her eyes flashed with amusement that he thought was a bit forced. She’d felt it this time, the future waiting for them.

  "The Eagles are debating just turning around and pretending they didn’t see anything, now that they think we're done."

  Adrian chuckled with her, but doubted Marc felt that way. "You did good, worked through some of it."

  Refusing to let Brady’s chaotic thoughts distract her, Angela smoothed her hair down, adjusted her clothes. "Sometimes I can't believe I didn't kill him."

  When Adrian spoke, she had no doubt it was the truth.

  "I'll give it to you if it will help heal the damage he’s done."

  "It means a great deal to me that you would, but I don't want him dead anymore." She stepped closer, unable to deny the attraction flying between them. “Not after all you've done for me and my son. That would hurt your dreams and I'd never do that.”

  "Our dreams."

  She smiled, face flushing. He was putting her in a position of power, teaching her how to lead them, and she allowed her gratitude to show. "I owe you a huge debt."

  He shook his head, using the moment to confront something he was uncertain about. "It’s nothing compared to what I owe you for not telling them who I was."

  Angela’s voice lowered, even though they were out of earshot. "When these people find out, you'll lose everything."

  Adrian’s voice was tortured. "I know and I deserve whatever they give me, but until then, I'll rebuild and teach them what the old world had forgotten."

  Angela ignored the voice wanting to know exactly where she fit into those plans. "You're doing great with them, especially the women."


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