Sazon (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 4)
Page 48
Calderone’s arms wrapped around both of them.
Cassie looked up at Deke and smiled. “This…my friend, has made the hell of our childhood worth every fucking minute,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Josette,” a voice in the shadows whispered urgently.
Cassie leaned around Deke and frowned. When the voice called to her a second time and she saw a hand gesture, she stepped away from Deke and closer to the shadow. “Do I know you?”
When she got closer, she could see his face and it was one she never thought she would see again. She sneered. “What the fuck do you want?”
“Please, you can’t tell them who I am,” he whispered to her.
Cassie turned her head to see Peaches talking softly with her father and grandfather. Before she could turn back, the man beside her had grabbed her upper arm and was pulling her further into the shadows. Cassie turned to him, “Take your hands off me. I don’t like to be touched.”
“I’ll do more than touch you if you give me away.” He hissed as he brushed his hair away from his head. It was worn a little on the longer side and the color had toned down from the bright red it was twenty years ago. Now, there was gray mixed into the red.
“Get your fucking hands off me,” she called out a little louder.
“Shut the hell up, you stupid twit,” he whispered.
He went to shake her but Cassie had had enough. “Let me go you slimy bastard!” she yelled as she stepped away.
He went to grab hold of her again and Cassie leaned to one side. Her foot struck out and the man crumpled to the floor. He gasped and held his chest. He grabbed at her ankle but Cassie stomped on his hand. Then her foot struck again and she kicked him in the face.
He groaned and his mouth began to bleed. He curled into a ball and closed his eyes. He felt more than saw Cassie lean closer. “I told you I don’t like to be touched, you bastard.”
Deke, Iceman and Calderone came up behind her. Deke reached out and stopped Calderone just when he would have pulled Cassie behind him. Calderone turned to glare but Deke shook his head. “She really hates to be touched.”
When Cassie turned to them, Calderone asked, “How do you know my man Theo?”
Cassie snorted. “Is that what he calls himself now days? Theo?”
Calderone looked from Cassie to Theo then back to Cassie. “His name is Theo Bellini.”
Cassie shook her head and turned her head to stare at the man on the floor. “His name is Flynn Reardon.”
Deke gasped.
“How do you know this?” Calderone demanded.
Cassie turned to look at him. “Because this is the bastard that sold me to Mrs. Pierce. She gave him a couple hundred dollars and he turned his three year old daughter over to her. He walked away and didn’t even look back.”
Calderone snapped his fingers and two other men suddenly appeared. They dragged Flynn up from the floor.
When they had him on his feet, he raised his head to stare at his daughter. His eyes were filled with hate and he spat blood on the floor at her feet.
Calderone backhanded him.
Cassie narrowed her eyes at her father. “How many times did you visit that house, old man? How many kids did you supply her with?”
Flynn just shook his head. “Shut your fucking mouth girl. You don’t know anything.” Turning to Calderone, he wailed, “She’s a fucking liar. I was never there!”
“Cassie?” a bewildered Peaches called out.
She stepped around her father and stared at her friend. Cassie shook her head and said, “Oh Peaches, I’m so sorry.”
Peaches frowned and shook her head. “What are you sorry about?”
Cassie raised her hand and waved at her father.
Peaches turned her head and stared at the man in question. Her eyes went wide and she backed away.
“Peaches,” Calderone asked, ‘How do you know him?”
Peaches turned and stared at her father as tears ran down her face. She raised her hands to her temples and began to sob. “I remember now,” she whispered. “It’s like a bad dream but it must be true.” She turned and stared at Flynn. “I remember his face, but he was dressed differently. He was wearing a dark uniform. I think.”
Cassie nodded. “This is the piece of shit that carried Peaches up to the house. He pretended to be a cop. I couldn’t see his face that day, he was turned away from me but I saw the back of his head. I saw his hair. It was the same color as my hair. I didn’t know who he was at the time but I remember my father had the same color hair I did.”
Calderone snapped his head back around and searched Flynn’s face. He read the truth of her words. He reached out, grabbed the other man’s throat and tightened his grip. “I should kill you nice and slow.”
Leon stepped up behind his son and grabbed his shoulders. “Cal, don’t kill him yet. We need the information he has.”
A muscle is Calderone’s jaw twitched. He glanced at the men holding Flynn. “Take him to the playroom.”
Flynn eye’s got huge and he began to beg, “Please don’t do this.”
Cassie moved to Deke and felt his arms wrap around her. She cried silently.
“Oh Cassie,” Peaches whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
Cassie turned her head. She broke away from Deke and the two girls came together. “I’m so sorry Peaches. I knew he was a bastard for what he did to me but to do this to you?”
Peaches leaned back and frowned. “What do you mean? Why should you be sorry?”
Cassie shook her head. “When he brought you up to the house that day I heard him tell Mrs. Pierce that he had a hell of a time getting you. He told her he had to ram the car and he wasn’t sure if your mother was still alive or not.”
Calderone grabbed her by the arm and swung her around to face him.
Cassie narrowed her eyes at his action.
“Daddy, please let her go.” Peaches whispered fearfully. “She doesn’t like to be grabbed like that.”
“Flynn is the man who killed my wife?” Calderone shouted. He ignored Peaches’ warning.
Cassie tried to pull her arm free but his grip tightened.
“Cal, let her go,” Leon ordered. “She won’t tell us anything until you do.”
Calderone pushed her away from him. “To hell with this and to hell with you!”
Cassie rubbed her upper arm and glared at him. Peaches took a step closer but Cassie didn’t want her to close in. She took a step away. Then she turned to Leon. “In the Pierce house there is a den. Inside the den is a hutch. Pull open the right hand drawer and you’ll find a small white button. Press it and the hutch will open. There is a secret room behind it. That’s where you’ll find record books and tons of cash. I hope to hell you find this woman and end her life. If anyone deserves it, she does. If you let her live, I will come back here and you won’t like it if I do.”
Peaches gasped and stepped back.
“Did you just threaten my life, little girl?” Leon asked.
Cassie shook her head. “No I would never hurt you. You belong to Peaches, but I will hurt your business.”
Leon didn’t say anything for a moment then nodded. “Yes, I can see that you mean business, young lady. I don’t know what you think you can do to hurt us but feel free to try. I assure you we will deal with this woman and we will shut her down.”
“I have your word on that?” Cassie asked.
Everyone in the room gasped.
Leon straightened his stance. “I don’t know who you think you are woman but just this once, I’ll overlook your brashness and give you my word.”
Cassie nodded then smiled. “Thank you. I’ll give you the benefit of doubt.” She turned to Peaches and wrapped her arms around the other woman. “I’m so happy you’re finally home and that you have someone to love you again.”
Peaches had tears in her eyes. “I wish you had someone too.”
Cassie shrugged. “That was over a long time ago.”
Peaches smiled. “I think Deke wants that slot.”
Cassie turned her head and gazed at the man in question. “Do you think?”
“Oh yeah, I think.” Peaches grinned.
Cassie kept staring at the man I question as he stood at the door to the warehouse. “I’m afraid. Do you think I can trust him?”
“I think you have to try,” Peaches whispered.
“Are you gonna be okay?” Cassie looked unsure.
Peaches glanced over at her father and grandfather. They smiled back. “I think I have a good shot.”
Leon walked over to the two girls. He held out his hands out to Cassie. When she hesitated then put her hands in his, he raised them up to his lips. Gently kissing them he said, “Thank you for bringing our girl home again. We heard some of your story and what you girls went through. I marvel at your strength. I also want you to know if you ever need anything all you have to do is ask.”
Cassie nodded. “Please take care of my girl. She needs you and her father.”
Calderone wrapped his arms around his daughter. “I will always be here for her. Thank you for what you did for her.”
Cassie nodded then turned to see Deke standing close. “Can we go home now?”
Deke smiled. “Hell yeah, we can go home.”
“Will I ever see you again?” Peaches called out.
Cassie laughed. “When you least expect me, just turn around and I’ll be there. I’ll stop in from time to time to check on you. I love you Peaches.”
“Don’t stay away too long.” Peaches laughed.
Deke led her away.
~* * * *~
Calderone, Leon, Peaches and Iceman watched them go.
Iceman turned and held out his hand to Leon. “It was a pleasure doing business with you.”
Leon grasped his hand. “I’m glad to finally meet you. You asked for respect earlier tonight. I can honor that request.”
Calderone and Peaches wandered away leaving Leon and Iceman to talk. Calderone took his daughter back to the table and sat down beside her. He reached up and brushed her hair out of her face. “Are you really okay?” He sighed heavily. “I never thought I’d see you again. I have looked for you for a very long time.”
“Oh Daddy,” Peaches exclaimed. “Cassie kept me safe! With her beside me, no one touched me. I owe her everything.”
“I’ll see that she’s taken care of.” Calderone nodded.
“If you knew her, you wouldn’t say that.” Peaches shook her head. “She doesn’t want you to give her anything.”
Calderone frowned. “Then what? What does she want?”
“Nothing.” Peaches smiled. “She would take nothing for getting me home. She did it because it’s the right thing to do. She’s got a sense of right and wrong that goes deep. She said she got it from her mother before she died.”
Calderone gazed at his daughter in awe. “I was told her mother died when she was three.”
“She did,” Peaches explained. “Cassie used to tell me stories about her mom. Even if I knew they weren’t true, I always listened. I didn’t know how she could remember all that when I couldn’t even remember my own name but she did.”
Leon walked over to them. “What do you say we go home? It’s late and we all could use some sleep.”
Calderone got to his feet, then pulled Peaches up. The three of them walked to the back of the warehouse and got into a long black limo. It pulled away and disappeared into the night…Peaches finally got her life back.
Deke threw his leg over his bike and waited for Cassie to climb on the back. Where she belongs. Deke fought the grin that threatened to show Gator grinned at her and revved his motor. “Glad to see you Spitfire.” Gator nodded.
Cassie looked over at him. The name was something that surprised her. She then gave him a dazzling smile. She leaned forward and whispered in Dekes ear, “Can we stop somewhere for the night? I need some sleep. I’m wiped out.”
Deke turned to look her over. “Are you all right?”
“It’s just been some hellacious days I don’t want to repeat.” Cassie shook her head. “I’m just tired of all the bullshit.” She wiped a tear from her cheek. “And I’m going to miss that girl.”
Deke patted her hand and started his engine. She held on while he moved down the street. Almost at the outskirts of town, he pulled into the parking lot of a motel. Deke and most of the guys disappeared into the office. Gator and the others waited with her. A few minutes later, Deke came back and grabbed her hand. Leading the group, he found the door that matched his key card. He motioned to the next several doors for his guys to go to. Then he and Cassie went inside.
Cassie followed and flopped down on the bed. Groaning, she rolled over and closed her eyes.
Deke flicked the keycard with his finger then sat down beside her. “I need to ask you something.”
Cassie opened her eyes and looked at him.
“Why did you go with Sullivan so easy this morning?”
Cassie stared at him for a moment. “He promised he would find Peaches’ family. I had to give him one chance to keep his word. When he told me he had to put us both in witness protection after we testified, I knew he wouldn’t keep his word. We were getting ready to leave when you guys showed up.”
“Did you know who she belonged to?”
She shook her head. “No, but I knew where to find the evidence I needed to find out.”
“Where was the evidence?”
“In the secret room in the Pierce house.”
“How did you know that for sure?”
“I’ve been in that room,” Cassie explained. “I was too young to realize it the first time I was there. But I know more now.”
“And if old lady Pierce caught you?” Deke growled. “What would happen then?”
Cassie shrugged. “She would have killed me, I suppose. Or she would have tried, but I’m not the scared little girl she once knew. I’ve learned to take care of myself.”
“Why did you tell Leon where the room is?”
“I wanted someone to find it. I hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Sullivan yet, but I wanted someone to know.”
Deke reached out, grasped her face with his hands, and gazed into her eyes. He leaned over her and pressed his lips to hers. Cassie opened her mouth and groaned as his tongue slipped in. Deke’s hands slipped under her shirt and he passed his fingers over her breasts. Squeezing them, he pushed her shirt up and uncovered her. Pulling the cups of her bra down, Deke moved his mouth down to suck on her nipple. “I missed you and this,” he whispered close to her skin.
Cassie arched her back as his hand slipped down to her pants. He unbuttoned her jeans and his hand disappeared inside them.
She felt his fingers bury themselves deep inside her body. Cassie gasped and moaned.” And—I missed this…” her words were breathless.
Deke buried his finger deep then added another and another. When he was thrusting three fingers deep inside her, he could feel her respond. His cock throbbed against his zipper. He pulled away and whispered, “I need to be inside you now.”
Cassie pulled away and tugged her clothes off.
Deke joined her and settled himself between her legs. Without a word, he thrust his cock deep into her.
Cassie closed her eyes and moaned as thrust after thrust had her ready to explode. “I’m so close.”
Deke ramped up the speed and hardness of his hips. He felt the zing of his climax approaching and he thrust even faster. He felt her body tighten and he pulsed in her deep.
Cassie wrapped her legs around his waist and held on, as Deke sank into her.
Deke finally rolled to her side. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close. “I could get used to that,” he whispered as he kissed her temple.
Cassie sighed. “I don’t know how long we can be together. Sullivan and the Feds won’t just let me go. Peaches will have her father to protect her, so they will more than likely come a
fter me.”
Deke leaned over her and gazed into her eyes. “They’d have to get through the entire club to get to you. We will protect you from them.”
Cassie sighed. “I know you’ll try but I don’t want anyone dying for me. You guys mean the world to me and I don’t want anyone hurt. At best, you all could go to jail.”
“What are you going to do?” Deke felt his heart slow, then race up again.
“I don’t know…I don’t want to run again. I’m just tired of it all.”
“Let’s not worry about it tonight,” Deke suggested. Reaching over, he clicked off the lamp throwing the room into darkness. “Let’s get some sleep.”
Cassie snuggled in close to his warm, hard chest and closed her eyes. Drifting off to sleep, she felt safe again.
~* * * *~
It was still dark outside when Deke heard footsteps coming toward his door. Slipping out of bed, he pulled on his pants and reached for his weapon. He heard the footsteps stop and a light tapping on his door. He crept close and listened. He heard his own name being whispered.
“Deke, its Iceman. I need to talk to you.”
Deke reached out and turned the knob. Very slowly, he opened the door a crack and saw Iceman standing there. Iceman motioned for him to come out and Deke slipped out of the room.
Closing the door behind him, he walked down the hall a couple of steps. “What can I do for you?” he asked the other man.
“Your girl’s information was dead on.”
“Before we left tonight, Leon asked me to check out the house. He wanted me to bring the bitch back to him. Her and any evidence I could find.” Iceman shook his head. “We hit the mother lode. I’m guessing he’s going to use the information he found and either do the right thing and shut down this baby ring or take it over. If he takes it over, he’s going to lose a lot of credibility. Nobody likes baby porn. I’d rather deal with legal women than kids. I also think if he doesn’t shut it down, your girl will come back after him.”
Deke grinned. “She just might.”
Iceman shook his head. “I ain’t never seen anyone like her before. I can see why Gator calls her the Spitfire. You tell her if she don’t want you anymore, she should come find me. I’ll treat her like a queen.”