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Harlequin Romance December 2020 Box Set

Page 38

by Susan Meier, Sophie Pembroke, Jessica Gilmore

  ‘No small print. We spend time together. You set the limits. If you’re uncomfortable say so and we stop.’

  Why did she get the feeling he wasn’t just talking about a walk around Dubrovnik?

  ‘And when were you thinking?’ Lily was aware that she was leaning towards him, that her gaze held his with coy challenge, that her voice was breathier than normal—and that hair toss was most unlike her. The atmosphere was charged, as if millions of pheromones were dancing around them, turning every word into a seduction, every look into a dance step.

  ‘There’s no time like the present.’

  Lily swallowed, her throat dry. The game had got suddenly all too real and she had to decide whether she was really ready to play. What would be the harm in saying yes? She might make a fool of herself, even more than she already had, but she couldn’t hide for ever. Not if she was going to keep her promise to Izzy and try living, not existing.

  Lily didn’t know what awaited her at the end of the summer, whether she would return to London, to her expensive sterile and lonely flat and her well paid soulless job and try for more balance, or whether she would make a more profound change. But she did know that if she didn’t seize the chance to try living a different way, she would add to her already too heavy list of regrets.

  ‘I guess not. So where do we start?’

  ‘Have you properly explored the island yet? Why don’t I show you around?’

  Wordlessly Lily nodded, getting to her feet, almost hypnotised, starting slightly as he took her hand and led her away from the party. Appetising barbecue smells wafted over and Lily could see children dancing, young people eying each other up and friends joking and talking. The sun was setting and the fairy lights took on an otherworldly gleam in the dusk as they walked, still hand in hand, towards the path that led back to the villa.

  Casually, slowly Damir began to draw small circles on the back of her hand as he held it. Languorous, light, almost casual touches that burned through her, sending licks of fire shooting up her arm and spreading throughout her body.

  ‘I thought you were showing me around, I already know this way,’ she said, and he laughed, low and deep and rumbling, vibrating deliciously through her.

  ‘Trust me.’

  * * *

  His words hung in the air, then Lily nodded, her clasp tightening on his as Damir led her to the top of the steep path that bisected the narrow island. Instead of continuing straight on to Fire Cove and the villa, he turned left, leading her up a narrow, twisting path that climbed higher and higher through the trees until, after a couple of minutes, they emerged onto the hilltop, Lokvar spread out before them.

  On one side the sun hung low over Fire Cove, on the other they could see and hear the lights and the sounds from the party. Before them lay the headland dominated by Damir’s hotel, behind them the island tapered to a point, the end marked by the old medieval monastery, now just picturesque ruins. Beyond that was the mainland, barely visible in the rapidly darkening dusk.

  ‘I used to come here when I was a boy,’ he said. ‘To look out at all this and swear…’

  ‘Swear what?’

  ‘That one day this would all be mine.’

  ‘And is it?’


  ‘Quite the conqueror.’

  ‘I try.’

  ‘Oh, I bet you do. And I bet you succeed. Who could resist?’

  Her words were teasing, but as she spoke the atmosphere became charged. Lily was so close, her hand still lay in his, her touch light yet searing through him. He could feel the slight movement as she breathed, smell the lemon of her shampoo, the sharp floral scent of her perfume and all thought of business disappeared, something more primal replacing it. She was warm, she was real and she was, oh, so desirable. He turned to look at her, at the sheet of golden hair falling down her back, her curves displayed by the silk vest top, at her long-lashed eyes, and he couldn’t resist the urge to reach out and touch her cheek, one finger straying to caress the curve of her mouth.

  Lily jolted, a small almost imperceptible move before she stilled under his touch. She wanted him, he knew it in every fibre. Despite their brief acquaintance, attraction burned between them, so tangible he could almost hear it sizzle. But this relationship wasn’t about attraction, the stakes were far higher and wooing her was only supposed to go so far. Damir knew that the sensible thing to do would be to make a joke, lighten the atmosphere and head back to the party. He wanted Lily onside but that didn’t mean seducing her. However, for once business wasn’t the first thing on his mind. For once his need filled him, the air almost palpable with want.

  And then all thought fled as Lily’s hand tightened on his and she moved a little closer, turning a little more until she faced him fully, tilting her face to his, eyes half-closed as Damir traced the sweet lines of her face, his fingertips trailing down her cheek, the curve of her chin and down her long neck, lingering at the sweet spot where her pulse beat wildly, before moving onto her bare shoulder and coming to rest on her back. She swallowed, biting her lip as she looked at him, blue eyes full of shifting emotions. Damir paused, one hand splayed on her back, the other white-knuckled as he waited for permission or refusal.

  ‘Is this part of the tour?’ Her voice was a little hoarse, husking out the words as if her throat was full.

  He smiled then, slow and full of intent. ‘Not usually.’

  Her eyes darkened to navy. ‘But this evening?’

  Damir didn’t answer, he just stared at Lily steadily and she looked back, the questions and confusion ebbing away as she moved her hand up his arm, trailing it lightly over his skin until she reached his shoulder, further up until it was her turn to explore his face, each light touch like liquid flame. Sensation pulsed through him, hot and sweet and almost painful as she teased her way down his cheek, her fingers tracing the lines of his mouth, the sensitive skin behind his ears, her face intent as if she was learning him by heart.

  ‘Lily?’ It was both question and entreaty, begging her for permission, and she nodded, face solemn, lips half-parted in anticipation.

  Primal need filled him. Damir wanted nothing more than to rush, to crush her to him, to explore her mouth, her body, to hear her moan and sigh and call his name, to tumble her onto the ground and cover her with his body. He wanted to tear at their clothes, for there to be no barriers between them. And he could do it, he knew it, sensed it as the air around them danced with the haze of desire; she wanted him as much as he wanted her. But he held himself back.

  Slowly, every movement full of intent, he pulled her to him, one hand still on her back, the other clasping the curve of her waist. She was tall but still a head shorter than him and he had to dip his head to taste her. It was a light kiss, an exploratory kiss, an anticipatory promise of what could be, and it overwhelmed him like no kiss had for longer than he cared to remember. She tasted of salt, of sweetness, like sunshine and the sea, and he wanted to sink into her and never surface.

  Lily made a small sound like a whimper as she stepped closer, crushing the curves of her body against him, and Damir groaned as he felt the softness of her breasts against his chest, her long legs tangling with his. ‘Lily,’ he said, this time in wonder, and she smiled against his mouth as she kissed him back. This second kiss was deeper, her mouth opening to his as she ran her hands along the planes of his back, setting him alight with every touch.

  Still he held back, not allowing the flames to burn them, managing with a Herculean effort to not pick her up and lay her on the ground. They had all night, they could even have all summer, and anticipation would only make the coming together sweeter. But it still took all he had not to rush her, to allow her to set the pace.

  Damir had no idea how long they stood there. The kiss deepened and intensified until he was consumed by her, every part of him aching to explore every part of her. He dragged his mouth from he
rs, ignoring her moan of protest, as he tasted her throat, her shoulder, as his fingers edged up her body, under her top, caressing every rib until he reached the underside of her breast, skin giving way to the lace of her bra.

  Impatient, he slipped his thumb underneath the material, needing the warmth of flesh, and heard her gasp as his hand slid up to cup her, as she leaned into his touch. His need for her was evident, palpable, almost painful but still he stood, taking his time, letting her take hers, giving her every opportunity to walk away.

  But she didn’t walk away. Instead she pressed even closer so it was his turn to moan, the friction of her body against his torture. ‘Lily,’ he managed on a ragged breath. For a moment he didn’t think she’d heard him as her mouth found his shoulder, and then she stood back. He was instantly cold, wanting to do nothing but to crush her against him, but he restrained himself, overwhelmed by how fast they’d ignited. It was nothing like the seductive games he was used to and the realisation of how close he’d veered to losing control scared him.

  ‘I…’ Her breath was as out of time as his, her chest heaving, pupils dilated, eyelids heavy. ‘I guess I’m not as bad at flirting as I thought I was.’

  He half closed his eyes, torn between a groan and a laugh. ‘Oh, you’re not bad at all.’

  Was that all this was? Flirting? He needed to process what had happened, to figure out how his emotions, his body had escaped his usual iron-clad control. To figure out what happened next because that kind of desire, that kind of want was incompatible with the man he needed to be. The man he had to be. The man he was.

  ‘Are you still up for showing me around some more?’

  ‘If you want me to.’

  ‘I’m only here for a short while. It would be a shame not to see a little bit more.’ Her meaning was implicit. She had one summer. One summer for him to convince her that he was the best custodian for Fire Cove. Damir knew that mixing business with pleasure was a mistake but he also knew that it would be very hard to pull back now.

  ‘It would,’ he agreed. ‘There’s a lot to see and do. I’d hate for you miss out.’

  ‘Great. I’m looking forward to the next part of the tour.’ She looked around and shivered. ‘It’s getting dark.’

  ‘We should head back.’ To other people, the safety in numbers, to give his body time to recover and his mind the opportunity to regain control. Damir extracted his phone and handed it to her. ‘Give me your number and I’ll arrange a date. You don’t get seasick, do you?’

  ‘Not as far as I know.’ She quickly pressed a few keys and handed it back. ‘Damir…’ She paused then took a deep breath. ‘Look, I have never been the sneak out of parties to make out with a guy kind of girl, I was usually the hang out in a kitchen and then leave early to study type. But, like I said, I want this summer to be different. So thank you, for making me feel so welcome. For offering to show me around. I really appreciate it.’

  ‘Really, there is no need to thank me, I’m enjoying getting to know you,’ Damir said smoothly as he started to make his way down the path, realising that in just a few minutes it would be totally dark. He felt curiously flat. He should be congratulating himself on the perfect start to his campaign to get Lily onside—but instead for the first time in a long time he was conscious of doubt. Getting his hands on the villa was as important as ever. But was he really willing to deceive Lily to do it? Or, judging by his out-of-control response, was it really himself he was deceiving?


  IT WAS THE perfect day for a boat ride. Almost too perfect, the sun out in force, the sea flat enough to please all but the most sensitive sailor. The omens were good for the day ahead. A day in which Damir was going to stick to the plan: give Lily an unforgettable day but stay in control of both his reactions and the situation.

  It all sounded so easy when he put it like that.

  Damir checked his arrangements one last time, preparation being key to a successful campaign. All was in order with freshly laundered cushions and blankets heaped on the cabin seat and a delicious selection of food, wine and beer chilling in the fridge. Everything was perfect.

  He just needed Lily to actually show up.

  ‘Hi, sorry I’m late.’ Lily panted up to the boat, a bag slung casually over her shoulder, hair scooped back into a loose ponytail. She looked ethereal in a blue sundress that floated down to mid-ankle, teamed with flat silver sandals, and Damir’s stomach tightened in automatic reaction to her presence.

  ‘Not at all,’ he said, extending a hand to take her surprisingly heavy bag before helping her into the boat, conscious of the feel of her hand in his. He hadn’t seen her in the few days since the party. He’d thought the time apart sufficient to assert sense over emotions. It was possible he’d miscalculated as electricity zipped up his arm when she took his hand. ‘I know it’s an early start, but it gets very busy in the old town later on.’

  ‘I don’t mind early starts, at home I’m usually in the office around seven-thirty. Thank you.’ She let go of his hand and looked around. ‘Oh, this is beautiful! I didn’t realise when you said boat ride that you meant anything this fancy. I would have done my hair and worn more make-up if I’d known. I’m going to let the boat down.’

  ‘You look fine.’ She looked a lot more than fine, honey-coloured hair falling around her face, her skin very lightly tanned, set off by the thin straps of the dress. Long and loose, the light fabric swirled around her body, showing off more of her curves than it hid. Damir realised that he was staring and with difficulty pulled his attention back to the conversation. ‘The boat is mine. Glad you like her.’ He tried for nonchalant, but couldn’t hide his pride.

  Like all island children Damir had been taught to sail before he could walk, but this boat was nothing like the small sailboats he’d grown up with. Teak and chrome, low in the water and speedy, it exuded class—and discreetly said money.

  The deck included a large sunbathing platform and a table flanked by two padded benches, perfect for sunset drinks and intimate dinners. Below deck was a small sitting room and kitchenette, a shower room and a separate bedroom, just large enough to fit a small double bed. Despite its compact size the boat was fitted out to the highest specs and worthy of Lily’s evident admiration.

  ‘I don’t just like it, I think I’m in love,’ she said. ‘Can I have a tour?’

  ‘Of course.’ He didn’t need to be asked twice, showing off every cubbyhole, every beautifully carved finish, talking through the engine specifications in detail, until her responses became a little more formulaic, her expression more polite than enthused.

  ‘Apologies,’ he said, a little ruefully. ‘My enthusiasm tends to run away with me where this beauty is concerned.’

  Lily ran one caressing hand over the glossy teak finish and Damir watched her trailing fingers, envying his own boat. ‘No, no, that’s quite okay. Far be it from me to get between a man and his great passion.’

  ‘It’s true,’ he admitted. ‘There will always be three in any relationship I have.’

  ‘At least you’re up front about it. And I’m sure your girlfriends don’t mind sharing you with someone so special.’

  ‘I haven’t had any trouble so far,’ he told her teasingly. ‘What do you think? Would you mind sharing?’

  ‘Luckily I’m not the jealous type.’ Colour edged her cheekbones as she spoke and she twisted round to look out to sea. The memory of the passionate kiss they’d shared hung in the air and Damir quickly changed the subject. Control was the theme of the day, and that kiss had been anything but.

  ‘I hope you don’t get seasick because I’m planning to take the scenic route today. It only takes forty-five minutes to sail into the City Port, but it’s a taxi ride to the old city from there or a fairly hilly half-hour walk. So I’m planning to sail a longer route, past Sunset Bay and into the old harbour. We’ll go right past the city walls so you can se
e them in all their glory from the sea—and get some understanding why Dubrovnik was so good at withstanding sieges. And why it’s the go-to destination for historical film crews as well.’

  ‘That all sounds amazing,’ Lily said. ‘Longer sail, view of the walls, all of it. Thank you for taking the time to do this for me. Is there anything I can do to help?’

  ‘Have you ever been on a boat like this before?’

  ‘Not as much as a dinghy. But I’m a quick learner.’

  ‘In that case, get ready to catch this rope. You can coil it up and then hang it on that hook there. Ready?’

  Damir issued a few quick instructions as he prepared to cast off and Lily was quick to catch his meaning, surefooted and steady as she helped him push the boat away from the mooring post. She stood next to him as he started the engine and began to guide the small boat away from the island, asking questions about what he was doing and why, seemingly genuinely interested in his answers.

  Damir, normally possessive of his boat, insisted she take the wheel once they were clear of Lokvar and their course set, guiding and coaching her as she gingerly increased speed in order to drive the boat at a steady pace across the calm, blue sea.

  ‘You’ve got a knack for this, good job,’ he said as he took the tiller back and she grinned with unfeigned joy.

  ‘Even I couldn’t mess up on a straight line with no other boats within one hundred yards either side. I don’t think I’d be comfortable gliding into the harbour and stopping alongside the platform the way you do. And I certainly don’t think I could manage if there were any waves at all. Oh!’ She scooped up her bag and held it up triumphantly.

  ‘I forgot! I made some cakes last night. You wouldn’t believe the way Antun watched me every second I was in the kitchen. He evidently did not trust me not to set something on fire or mess up his precious oven. But they came out okay and Ana gave me some of those amazing spinach pastries she makes as well. Don’t tell anybody, but I also managed to snaffle some of that gorgeous home-made lemonade Antun makes. I don’t know what his recipe is, he guards it with his life. I could get us some lemonade now. Do you have any cups or anything?’


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