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Blessedly Bound

Page 20

by Lucretia Stanhope

  His eyes got wide. “Miss Gwen, you do understand that juvenile records are private.”

  “I, well, it is just speculation.”

  “Fine, give me all you have and I will look into this brother and the juvenile case. Okay? You better stay home. Knit things and do your nails.”

  “Curtis that's…”

  “That's how ladies don't get themselves killed.”

  “What?” she asked, stunned at his boldness.

  “If you think you are onto something, really tracking a killer, what do you suppose will happen? Let us assume you are right in all your wild ideas. If so, then this killer has killed just to keep a secret, a secret you are going to uncover. You have a gun? You trained to catch killers? You have any way to defend yourself?” His questions, his tone, and the way he looked at her made it all seem scary. Lewis and Sebastian had both insinuated she was putting herself in danger, but Curtis said it in a way that made it feel more real.

  “No, I don't. You will look into it. Really?”

  “Yes, really. You tell me everything and I will. This paper you saw at Trisha's, where is it?”

  “Still in his, Mike's office.”

  “Okay, I'll start there and re-question Mike. Make me a promise Gwen.”

  She looked in his eyes that seemed to be pleading with her. It was the most emotion she had ever seen on his face. “What?”

  “You stop looking into this. It's dangerous for you. Promise me?”

  “I…” she started and paused.


  “I can't, Curtis. I need to for Lizzy and William. They deserve that much.”

  “Very well. If you keep interfering with my investigation I will have you arrested for obstruction of justice.”

  “For asking questions?” she asked, her voice getting shrill.

  “No, for your safety. Juvenile records are private. How ever you were planning on looking at them is illegal ma'am.”

  “Did Lenny have family?” she asked as her mind shifted gears.

  “No, and don't you be mourning a killer. I'll be in touch. Make some pretty crafts, get a cat. Redecorate, or plant a garden. Do something that isn't related to killers. Leave that to me.”

  She walked him out and after she was alone, she sat in the glass room thinking. The morning had been awful, starting with Lewis and ending with Lenny. Now she would never know why he took the fall for someone else. She knew she would find out who, no matter what Curtis threatened her with. He would have to arrest her to stop her from getting answers.

  “Lewis?” she called, walking the house. She could feel he was somewhere close, but he was sending a faded vibration. “Lewis, are you okay?” When she didn't get an answer, she tried to connect with him. Nothing.

  “Gwen, what is it?” he said, walking in from outside.

  “We need to talk about this morning, and Curtis was just here.”

  “I'm frankly tired of talking. Why don't you chat with Sebastian? You two can mull over why things happen and talk until the words run out, I've got things to do.”

  She looked at his face. His eyes read cold, empty, and watched her as close as she watched him. “Things to do?”

  “Yes, things to do.”

  “Okay, what the hell is going on? Lewis, please. I need you right now. Lenny, he's dead.”

  “You need me? What is going on? How about we stop with the never-ending questions from you. I have a few of my own. You tell me what is going on. You say you love me, but recoil from my touch. He's a damn monster and yet you crave his arms.”

  “This is about Sebastian?” she asked and his response was a shrug and raised eyebrows. “You are the one who told me I needed to get over things and make that magical bond with him. You can't imagine I wanted to work magic like that. I didn't even want to talk to him again.”


  “No, you suggested it. You are also the one who said we could never be like that. Never. You said that. You pushed me away. You broke my heart when you did. Have you forgotten that?”

  “You recovered nicely.”

  “Oh, Lewis. What did you want me to do? Pine over you forever? Didn't I cry enough tears to sate your ego? I loved you.”

  “Yes, well, I still love you.”

  “That's not fair. I love you, Lewis, but I put aside those other feelings because you told me I had to.”

  “Put them aside? Like that, turned them off?”

  “Not like that. You saw how hard it was, how long it took.”

  He started toward her and again she felt an unpleasant mix of desire and anger from him. There was something threatening in his presence.

  “You are afraid of me?” he asked, now looking hurt.

  “You're scaring me, yes, Lewis.”

  He pressed his lips together tightly and fisted his hands at his side. “I scare you? I scare you?” As he asked, he stepped closer again. Like before she backed up, keeping her eyes on him. “Me? Me who doesn't eat people? I am the scary one?”

  “You need to go, please, please go.” Before when she sent him away, angry about his lies, her voice had been demanding and she felt he would leave. This time she sounded timid and was afraid he might not leave.

  He continued forward, pinning her against the wall again. This time he leaned in to kiss her and she reached up to push him away, finding he was stronger than she had even imagined.

  The sensation that was racing across her skin felt invasive, prickly and she panicked, pushing at him with her magic again, this time using more force. “Stop it, please!” She didn’t even try to fight back her tears.

  Lewis reached out and snatched her hair, wrapping his fingers around a few strands and tugging.

  She cried out.

  He narrowed his eyes, and they both felt like the next few seconds lingered for minutes as they looked into each other’s gaze.

  He turned without a word, walking out.

  After he stormed off she slid down the wall and cried.

  Once she was done with the initial shock and crying, she stood up. If it had been anyone but Lewis she would have tested out her magic to the fullest, but it was Lewis.

  How could she even consider hurting him?

  She walked out of the room, feeling that he was gone. There was nothing again. Not even the usual connection they had. Lately it seemed weaker, especially when he left.

  As she tried to decide what to do with the rest of the day, it didn't escape her that he had taken her hair. Was he going to work magic against her? That must certainly be against the rules he lived by.

  Why did her life have to always be in a state of falling apart? Yesterday she was on the cusp of solving the murders. Today Lenny was dead, and her best friend, her lifelong friend was, was what? A part of the threats now?

  She spent the rest of the afternoon practicing calling the elements, but then it occurred to her she might draw something to her and Lewis wouldn't be there to help.

  She was alone.

  She cleared the circle and started dinner.

  In a few hours, Sebastian would be up and then she at least wouldn't have to be alone.

  While she cooked, she called and left him a message.

  S ebastian was at Gwen’s door shortly after sundown. After she told him what happened, he helped her gather a few things.

  “I thought something was off with him last night. That is why I took all the yarn and locked it up. I need to make you a charm. If he has a token from you that is not best. Do you have anything of his?”

  “Like what?”

  “A feather? Something like that. It's not needed, but would make the protection charm stronger.”

  She looked around. It wasn't like he stayed in a cage. “I don't think so.”

  “Okay, I may have something workable from when I helped him. You've done magic? Today?” Sebastian asked as he walked the room, making sure nothing had been attracted by it.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You were alone? It's still strong here
. Tonight I will teach you how to clean that.”

  After he cleared the magic residue from her house, they got in her car and drove to his house.

  Before they even stopped to sit, he took her to the altar room.

  The whole time he was gathering things, she couldn't stop thinking about Lewis. “You think he is with her, Fannie? He is abandoning me?”

  “Listen, what he is doing can't be the concern right now. He will come to his senses and when he does, we will help him as best we can.”

  “Sebastian, is he working with the woman who killed my mother?”

  “I am erring on the side of caution and assuming the worse.”

  Sebastian made a circle and Gwen watched as he worked voodoo.

  Despite trying not to think about Lewis, it was all she thought of. Why had he left her? Had she been a demanding witch? He had lived for her it seemed and she had lived as she pleased. That wasn't fair. Maybe she deserved this for being so selfish.

  “Sweetheart, never take this off,” he said, putting the necklace with the charm over her head. “Sleep in it as well. Never take it off.”

  “Okay, sure,” she said, and looked at the charm. It wasn't anything special, it looked to her like a misshapen gold coin, with some wax melted to it. “Did I do something wrong? As a witch, I mean?” Tears started to form in her eyes. “He seemed so hurt and angry. Did I do that?”

  Sebastian put one hand on each of her shoulders, looking her in the eyes. “We make mistakes, just like humans. We learn and grow. Things happen that change us. He is young by our standards. This could be growing pains.”

  “No, you didn't see the way he looked at me, or feel his hate, this must be my fault.”

  “We don't know what this is. What we know is you are days from getting justice for Lizzy and you are very close to facing a long-time family foe. You are also years behind in your magical training. Let us focus on that for now. I need to teach you.”

  “I've lost my best friend,” she muttered, and turned, walking out.

  Sebastian wished more than anything he could fix this for her, but he knew he couldn't. Lewis was pulling away and making bad choices from the day he met him. He was thankful they had already taken the biggest steps in her training and in their bond. They were pressed for time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  G wen woke still feeling like her world was spinning out of control. The luxury of the bed was not a comfort that morning. It was a reminder that she was at Sebastian's house because of Lewis and what had happened to Lenny. Because she couldn't trust her best friend and the safest place for her to be was the home of a monster.

  They spent most of the last night practicing with the elements, and then before bed they both worked on knitting some.

  Sebastian had been patient with her as she was easily distracted with thoughts of Lewis, which interfered with their practicing. Despite all the interruptions with her concentration, they did have a productive night, and she felt like she learned a lot.

  All the while she was getting dressed she kept thinking about Lewis. Until yesterday she never doubted his love for her. She loved him, he had to know that she loved him. He was there for the heartbreak she felt when he told her they couldn't be together in that way. He knew she loved him.

  Fannie, she thought as she brushed her hair. The woman who had taken her mother had now, or was at least trying to take her Lewis. Why did she hate her family so much?

  Gwen found Yardley at the foot of the stairs.

  “Miss Gwen, coffee and breakfast are ready for you.”

  Gwen followed him to the kitchen, where he poured her a cup of coffee and offered her a few breakfast choices. She opted for a danish. “Do you drink coffee?” she asked as she sat on the stool.

  “I do.”

  “Will you join me?” she asked, not wanting to be alone.

  He walked over and poured himself a cup before sitting on one of the stools beside her.

  “Have you been with Sebastian long?” she asked, testing the waters.


  She sipped her coffee and ate a few bites of danish while she made up her mind on asking any deeper questions. “I should leave you to whatever you need to do.”

  “I am to help you today, Miss.”

  “To help me? In what way?”

  “How ever you need.”

  “What are you to Sebastian?” She watched him frown. One day she would learn to better filter her mouth. Maybe. “I'm sorry. I should go.”

  “Finish your coffee, Gwen. You are safe here. If you want to go after, by all means. If you want to stay, you will find that you can knit your magic, or work with whatever forces you want quite safely.”

  His eyes said, 'I know what you are,' and his smile said, 'there is more to what I am than meets the eye.'

  She did feel safe and that was something she didn't feel at home. She reached up and rubbed the charm Sebastian made her. Did she really need protection from Lewis? She finished her coffee and decided it was vital that she feel safe on her own.

  After talking it over with him, Yardley walked with her out back and watched from a distance as she practiced what Sebastian had taught her.

  She cleared the area after each attempt and by lunch, she was feeling much better about her ability to call up the elements in a useful way.

  “I should go home and make something to eat,” she said as they walked in, and he locked the door behind her. “I need to check in on a few things as well.” She really wanted to call and see if the detective learned anything, but he said he would call her. Her mind raced over a few things. Everything was paused again and Lewis was gone. Gone and she wasn't sure that was a bad thing.

  She finally decided to head home, make pizza, and read the journals. Before she went upstairs, she walked around and made sure that everything was locked up. She took the key with her and locked herself in the altar room.

  While she thought she would read in the window, what actually happened was that she stared out the window thinking about Lewis. Every bird that flew by caught her eyes and she started to feel empty inside. She left the journal on the window seat and made her way down to the altar room.

  If she was a powerful witch for real, there must be something she could do about any of the hundred things wrong with her life. She paced the room, looking at the shelves. If she knew what to do, she was pretty sure Lizzy had the needed supplies.

  Her fingers mindlessly rubbed the charm around her neck. Lewis. What did she want to do about him? Nothing. He was angry at being subservient to her and that was fair. She would let him be. Maybe if she had treated him more like a friend instead of someone there to do what was needed, he wouldn't have been so angry. No magic was needed; she would have to make it up to him if he let her once his anger passed.

  Lenny was gone. He had the answers she needed but she couldn't talk with the dead. Could she? What was needed for that? Either dark magic or for the dead to be stuck there for some reason. If Lenny were stuck there how would she know? Where would he be stuck and how could she call to him?

  More questions and if Lewis was there he would know. Rather than cry about that, she walked over to the bookshelves and started flipping through books and papers. Maybe there was a spell to call on ghosts, assuming Lenny was a ghost. He could well have passed peacefully.

  He killed himself. That's not very peaceful, she thought.

  Hours later, she had found a few ways to call on ghosts who had successfully passed; most of them required a token from the deceased. She had nothing of his, so she was going to have to work on her memory of his face.

  She checked that the door was locked, gathered a few things, and made a circle. Before she started, she read the instructions a few more times. Her palms sweated as she wondered what would happen if she screwed up. Should she wait for Sebastian? Another few minutes passed as she read it again, and made up her mind. It seemed simple enough.

  She said the few opening lines, as she placed the toke
ns at the directional points of her space. She read it again and then closed her eyes, pulling up an image of Lenny in her mind while requesting he join her.

  She opened her eyes and looked around the room. She didn't sense anything different. She closed her eyes and repeated the process. Maybe he isn’t at peace, and not in a place to be summoned, she thought after another minute passed.

  She sat there a bit longer before she opened the circle and cleared the area.

  “Gwen,” the air seemed to whisper.

  She felt a chill race up her back and she spun around to see nothing.

  “Lenny?” she asked nervously.

  “I didn't kill myself. Help me.”

  “Help you? Help me, who killed William, and you?”

  The air heated up and she felt Lenny was being pulled away.

  “Please tell me,” she pleaded.

  He was gone and there was a pounding at her door. She raced out of the room and downstairs. At least she knew she could call Lenny. She needed to ask Sebastian how she could keep him there to ask questions, and also how they could help him find peace. Or maybe she could find a spell for that in the altar room.

  The house was cold and she wondered how long she had been up there, it was almost night, the last of the daylight was fading. As she swung the door opened, her eyes were drawn to a huge knife sticking out of the wood panel holding an envelope.

  Did she dare touch it? She pulled the door closed and reached in her pocket for her phone, calling Curtis on the personal number he had given her. He told her to leave it, not touch it, and stay inside with the door locked until he got there.

  She started coffee and paced the house, glad when she heard tires on gravel outside. She listened as he walked up the steps.

  “Curtis?” she yelled.

  “Stay inside, Gwen,” he said in a firm tone.

  Feeling better he was there, she went to the kitchen and made a sandwich while she waited for her coffee.

  When she heard the door open, she walked quickly to the main room. He looked at her, worry etched on his face.

  “I've got fresh coffee,” she said, her voice shaking.

  He walked in, holding a few plastic bags in his hands. “I warned you to leave things to me, Gwen.”


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