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Page 29

by Aria Ford

  She fit so perfectly there, and my throat tightened as I jostled her between my legs. Taking her hands, I set them on the wheel before covering them with my own. Her back was stiff against my front, and I shoved the key into the ignition before she finally found her voice.

  “I- I don’t… I’ve never driven… before.” Soft, tentative, Aya’s declaration hit me in the gut to send a grunt from my mouth. Putting the gear in drive, I stepped against the gas pedal to slowly roll out of my parking space. Peering out of the windshield over her head, I pressed my lips to her crown to steal a taste from her.

  “We’ll be there soon.”



  My body ached from how rigid I had sat for the half an hour it’d taken us to drive to our special place. The dingy siding sent relief spilling from my chest, and I let out a hot, harsh breath when we finally pulled into the lot. Luciano didn’t bother to park in a spot, simply turning off his car at a haphazard angle. Clutching the wheel tightly, I gnawed on my bottom lip while he shuffled against my back to pull the key from the ignition.

  “… She wasn’t lying.” Softly mumbling in my ear, Luciano’s voice was hoarse, deeper than usual, and goosebumps washed my chest and arms. Reaching around my still chest, he caressed the base of my neck while his other hand pushed my hair over my shoulder. “I’m not a good man. I don’t care about the whores I fuck, and I make sure they know it. I’m not gentle.”

  My heart stuttered behind my ribs at Luciano’s confession, and my throat tightened as chapped, hot lips brushed the crest of my ear. Arms thick with muscle trapped me to him, forcing me to listen as his breathing became harsher and shallow. The windshield began to fog despite the heat, but I stayed quiet as anticipation mingled with anxiety in my chest.

  There was more he wanted to say, and I was content to wait.

  Luciano’s warm, dry palm dragged down my chest, his fingers slipping under my dress to creep through the narrow valley between my breasts. His breath hitched at my gasp, and I involuntarily arched into his thumb as it crested the heavy globe. Slipping from the wheel, my fingers fisted into his jeans as he moved south, leaving scorched skin in his wake.

  “Soft…” Muttering dazedly, Luciano paused at the vast plane between my hips. His knees kept mine firmly shut, and my thighs trembled with the desire to open. “I want to be soft… for you. Gentle… for you, mia Aya.”

  My abdomen quaked, big, fat tears forming against my eyelids as Luciano’s hoarse admission. Squeezing my eyes shut, a wisp of a whimper escaped my clogged throat, and he breathed a hard gust against my ear. Heat spread from my womb, a throbbing need that grew with each second that passed in mind numbing silence.

  He wants me to say ‘yes’. The thought burst into my mind, drying my mouth and restricting my heart to weak, fluttering beats.

  “I do! I do! I do… I do… I do…” Rasping out that sacred phrase, I twisted to throw my arms around his neck. My dress tore at the seams, unable to withstand the pressure, but I ignored the fabric’s crackling rips. “I do… I do… I do…”

  And I did. If I couldn’t have him, there was no point in living. Today had proven that. Every day had proven that. I did- whatever that entailed, I wanted it.

  Wrapping me in an iron embrace, Luciano’s chest heaved against mine as he extracted his arm from my dress. Shuffling out of his car, he carried me towards our place with hurried strides. Against my lips his artery throbbed hard, and I squeezed him to me to wrap my legs around his waist. His hard, rigid abdominal muscles flexed against my core even from behind his shirt.

  The sunlight vanished, and I cracked my eyes open to peek at the familiar space from under Luciano’s chin. Nothing had been moved, the almost empty room seeming big. A soft snitch echoed off the walls and coffee table, and I turned my gaze to his stony, tight expression.

  My body grew cold when Luciano set me on the bed, sending a violent shiver down my spine. Laying there, I stared into his soul and he mine, shielding nothing from me. The dark monster that lived inside him reared up majestically, swirling around in the shadows within shadows. Quivering from the weight of his gaze, I flexed my toes before he jerked his shoulders.

  Blood rushed in my ears, drowning out the sound of Luciano’s jacket hitting the floor. Holding my breath, my eyes widened as he pulled his button down over his head. Greed rose up inside me, my gaze darting over every inch of him. His bronzed skin reflected what little light sneaked past the curtains, and I licked my lips when his muscles tightened.

  With agonizing slowness Luciano crawled to me, parting my legs to nestle between them. Powerful arms braced on either side of my head, and I kept still as he furrowed his brow, pursing his lips together. My heart struggled to beat, and after a few seconds he finally moved.

  My lips tingled when Luciano kissed me, a soft, tentative meeting that sent electricity skittering across my face. Opening my mouth with no prodding, I moaned quietly when his tongue slipped behind my teeth to tangle sweetly with mine. The low, pleased sound seemed to give him more courage, his body bearing down to press me against the bed.

  Underneath my creeping fingers Luciano’s muscles quivered, already slicked in a light sheen of sweat. Dropping onto his elbows, he was careful not to place all his weight on me. Trembling fingers brushed my cheek, his tongue leaving mine to trail saliva heavily down my jaw. Tilting my head automatically, another moan escaped my dry lips as low pulses of heat surged through me.

  Big, unsteady hands gently tugged down my dress with sharp jerks, and I sucked in air through my teeth as the cold air of the room pierced my nipples. The soft, sheer fabric pooled against my hips, and I gripped Luciano’s shoulders as he lifted himself from my neck.

  “Oh, fuck…” Flowing down my chest, Luciano’s slurred groan shot straight to my core. Nuzzling my breast, his nose flicked my firm nipple, and I arched with a strangled whimper. Shivering lips closed around the peak to suckle lightly, pulling a gasp from my throat. Kneading my breast, he growled against my aching flesh before his mouth sailed to the left.

  “P- please…” Arching my back in a silent plea, I moaned loudly as waves of heat slammed into my heart. My fingers tangled in his short-cropped hair, holding weakly while he jerked up. Yanking my dress down, his hands left me flushed and panting as he struggled out of his pants.

  Draping himself over me, Luciano captured my mouth to swallow my moans and gasps. His naked body gyrated against mine, hot and hard and desperate. Need beat against my eye sockets, and I spread my legs wide in wanton invitation. Thick and silky, his rod brushed my folds to send a shock up my spine, and I tightened my grip on his hair.

  Tensing when his rough fingertips slipped between my lower lips, I shuddered even as he groaned out a slur. His thick digits prodded my entrance, thumb sweeping to rub my aching, swollen nub. Moving my hips instinctually, I bit down on his tongue as my heart stuttered in my chest. Grunting into my mouth, he ripped his lips from mine to pant harshly against my cheek.

  “Oh-h-h… my God- Oh- oh- oh…” Sinking into my depths, Luciano groaned but kept his hand still even as he thrust his hips. The smoothness of his rod slid up my abdomen, and foreign discomfort lodged inside me as my moans turned into stutters that went nowhere. “It’s- it’s… I-… Oh-h-h-h-h…”

  “Shit… Aya-”My walls tightened around Luciano’s finger, body writhing to create a delicious friction. Breathing hard, I whimpered before he withdrew. The sudden emptiness sent goosebumps to rest on my trembling thighs, and I pulled my knees up as he carefully re-entered my channel.

  “Ha- ha-a-a-a-…” Tilting my hips, I tossed my head to the side and my hands flew to the blanket underneath me. Luciano’s intrusive finger twisted and curled, and I ground my teeth together before he exited my cavern fully.

  Pulling his hips back, the head of Luciano’s rod set against my weeping entrance before he dropped to his elbows. My body tensed, and he grabbed my face to force me to look at him. His cheeks were pink, eyes blazing like
onyx and mouth a thin line.

  Pin needles pricked my core as he thrust slowly, his eyes never wavering. Trapping under his elbows, I couldn’t pull away from Luciano’s sweet submerge. Deeper he descended into my channel, stretching my walls as my brain short circuited. My lungs refused to work, sending a fire through me that only intensified the throbbing pain between my legs.

  “Fuck- fuck- fuck- fuck…” Muttering hoarsely, Luciano groaned when his hips finally met mine. Still he pushed, determination glinting in his dark gaze to sink as far as he could. My nails bit into my palms through the blanket fabric, and I didn’t dare move as he took a deep, ragged breath.

  Screaming for air, my lungs shuddered against my ribs before I managed a shallow breath, and I blinked hard. Luciano was still, his lips twisting and jaw clenching as I came to terms with what had just happened.

  “L- Lucian-n-no…?” Trembling, my voice was weak, and tears welled in my eyes. Pressing his forehead against mine, Luciano reached to grab my hand, entwining our fingers in a tender gesture. Clutching him tightly, I shivered as gasping breaths dried my throat.

  “Do you want to keep going, mia Aya?” My breathy moan met Luciano’s grumble of a question, and he pressed his lips to mine before retreating from my depths. My walls quaked in protest, legs wrapping around his waist to draw him in. Gasping at the sting, I nearly choked as his tongue slathered his taste against my inner cheeks.

  Rolling in their sockets, my eyes ached as my body curled tightly around him. Luciano set a gentle pace, his rod soothing the white-hot desire that clung to my insides while his tongue delved into my mouth. With each soft thrust he grunted, and he grabbed my other hand to hold them both on either side of my head.

  My orgasm came up on me with the force of a train, and I ripped my lips from Luciano’s to cry out a shrill sound. Convulsing underneath him, I clamped down on his length with all the strength I had left. Each ridge, every vein, was clearly imprinted against my walls, and he thrust deep to ride my waves of pleasure with a loud groan of his own. Shoving his face in my neck, he left hot, open mouthed kisses on my quivering skin and squeezed my hands.

  “Oh- oh- It’s hot! H- hot!” I was on fire, my muscles burning and skin melting as Luciano shuddered on top of me. Cramps twisted the sinew in my legs when I curled my toes, and residual spasms attacked my spine. “Ermn-n-n-n…”

  Noises escaped my throat that I didn’t even know I could make. Shivering from the force of my experience, my legs fell from around Luciano’s hips to hit the bed with a hard, echoing thump. My mind was blank, and Luciano sucked in air to send a rush of cold up my neck before extracting his nose from my flesh. Through hooded eyes I watched him shake his head dazedly, the monster hiding behind his orbs smiling wickedly down at me.

  Smiling back, I sunk into the mattress to bask in the gentle waves that lapped at the edge of my consciousness.



  “That was quick. I thought it would take longer.” Tossing Marco a middle finger, I took a deep, hard breath of air that smelled of nothing but sex. Behind me, my brother shut the door with a short chuckle, and I pulled open the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. “No offense, of course. I don’t know what it’s like to have sex with someone I care about. I can imagine that’d make for a quick nut.”

  My lip curled at that, and Marco held up his hands in surrender. Ripping off the cap, I lifted the bottle to my lips to take heavy gulps. My legs still trembled, and behind my boxers my cock ached; it put me in a good enough mood to ignore my brother’s idiot comments. Swerving to Aya as she sat on my bed, my eyes narrowed on her bunched-up form. She shivered noticeably, her chin resting on her knees while she stared back at me with the sweetest smile curving her lips.

  “Georgio hasn’t called or anything yet.” Sauntering over to Aya, I caressed her hot, red cheek as Marco’s declaration prickled my spine. My mind still moved sluggishly, desperately clinging to the vestige of this woman. Slipping the water bottle into her hand, I clenched my jaw as the contents splattered up the plastic from her shaking.

  “He won’t call. He’d rather give up on her than fuck with me. Non ho bisogno di una ragione per rovinarla, e sarebbe sciocco farne uno. There are plenty of other whores to torture without risking his life.” Marco stared at my back, and I could sense his doubt. He didn’t know Georgio like I did, though. He didn’t spend his life living in that mansion, being molded and warped by that sick piece of shit.

  No- you decided to take this for yourself, as yourself.

  “So all that’s left is Sylvi…” Glancing at my brother, I nodded curtly while my hands balled into tight fists at my side. Marco all but grinned, but he’d never liked our boss. All he saw was an insecure chicken shit that needed to beat on women to affirm his power.

  At least Georgio doesn’t pretend to be something he’s not, though.

  “I’ll gladly see to your ragazza di coniglio.” Stiffening at the sing song quality in Marco’s voice, I narrowed my eyes on him as his grin turned shit-eating. My lip curled, revealing clenched teeth bared in threat, and I took a deep breath of the heavy air with flared nostrils.

  “We’re leaving.” Bending to retrieve my shirt, my gruff command only pulled another chuckle from Marco. In my peripheral I watched him shake his head, and I clenched my jaw tightly before tossing the fabric at Aya. Her dress was ruined, and I wasn’t going to go buy more any time soon.

  Locking the door behind us, I shoved my keys into my pocket before taking Aya’s wrist in my palm. Her pulse throbbed wildly, skin sticky and warm, and I reached to scratch my jaw with my free hand. Fucking her had been short and intense, but I didn’t necessarily want to do it again. Frowning at the thought, I glanced down at her still pinked face and wide, sparkling eyes.

  It was a necessity to take her. To keep her from harm’s way. To remove the one thing Georgio wanted from her. He wouldn’t want her now. Aya was too used to physical pain because of Trevor. That piece of garbage had done her favor, bruising her porcelain skin.

  Taking the hallway in long, purposeful strides, I held back a groan at the thoughts that swirled behind my eyes. There was nothing wrong with not wanting to fuck Aya. I just wanted her near me, looking at me like I was her world.

  I sound like a fucking idiot.

  “Fratello…” Marco’s call paused my trek, the screen door handle clenched in my tight fist. Glancing back, I narrowed my eyes on the sagely expression he wore; it never ceased to irritate the shit out of me how easily he could sense me. “It’s okay to admit it, you know.”

  His gaze flickered to Aya, and my lips twisted into a sneer even as his unspoken words floated around us. Pushing open the door roughly, I shielded my gaze from the bright sunlight before catching sight of my car. It was still where I’d left it, and I pulled out my keys to thumb the ‘unlock’ button.

  Aya took up her spot in the passenger seat, and I rolled down my window before tossing her my near empty pack of cigarettes. Backing out of the small lot, I flexed my fingers against the wheel with a grimace.

  “… Are you going to kill Sylvi?” Navigating the busy streets of the city, I scowled at Aya’s probing. Tightening my grip on the wheel, my hands itched to connect with Sylvi’s pretty boy face. My mind worked slowly, weighing the pros of killing my so-called brother against the cons.

  “No.” Drawling my answer, I reached to take my cigarette between stiff fingers before continuing. “Killing Sylvi means I’ll be investigated. If Georgio is still pissed I didn’t choose him, he could use it as an excuse to order a contract on me. Even if he’s alive, living with Sylvi is still better than dodging assassins until they give up.”

  Not to mention they’ll probably go after you instead. Wrapping my lips around the butt of my cancer stick, I took a deep inhale as the thought trickled into my scope of attention. You wouldn’t be able to handle that, mia Aya.

  “But Marco said anyone that’s not dead is a problem…” Glancing over the center co
nsole, my eyes narrowed on Aya as she watched me with anxious expectation. Her tremors had died, cheeks pale and somewhat gaunt, and I exhaled roughly before turning my gaze back to the road.

  “He’s right, but killing Sylvi only makes the problem worse, Aya. Someone else will get sent to replace him. Georgio will come back.” Tossing my spent cigarette out the window, I grimaced at the scenario that played behind my eyes. Chances were that Georgio would send someone fresh and young to replace Sylvi; someone I wasn’t going to cater to. Georgio will come from Italy as often and for as long as he wants.

  “S- so… you have to hurt him- want to hurt him- but not too bad?” My nod only produced a sullen silence, and I reached to brush Aya’s cheek. I knew why she wanted Sylvi to die; he could warp and twist anyone’s mind easily. She’d experienced that first hand, and it terrified her.

  “I told you not to worry about it, mia Aya. There are fates worse than death, and Sylvi will become well acquainted with them if he tries his shit again.” All of the ways I could pound on Sylvi flashed through my mind’s eye, and I tightened my grip on the wheel. The memory of his anxiety at lunch tightened my muscles, and I could hear his swine-like squeals ringing in my ears.

  Speeding up, I took a deep, stabilizing breath to quell the bloodlust that coursed through my veins. My knuckles ached to drive into Sylvi’s face- to ruin that thing about him that made him so successful. Twitching in irritation, my cheek strained as I clenched my jaw.

  Tyler was right, as usual- Sylvi should’ve shot Aya. The very fact that she was alive, with me, safe, was going to ensure his suffering.

  “Luciano?” Brought from my murderous thoughts, I grunted absently as I navigated my way through the city. “Are we going to stay at Sylvi’s?”

  Aya’s tentative question worked the wheels in my head, and I reached to rub my face. Releasing my lungful in a gust, I took a turn roughly before opening my mouth.

  “Yes. Now stop asking me about it, Aya.” Grinding out the command through my teeth, I rolled my head to ease some tension. It did nothing- there would be no relief until after I’d dealt with my brother.


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