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Moon Rapture Book 7

Page 4

by Rice, Rachel E.

  But Tracker and the rest, hadn’t seen a fight they weren’t ready for, or a female they didn’t want to fuck. These were the bad boys of the Samsa clan and it was a good thing that they were around to help out. Because war was coming and the Samsa pack was ready and strong. Strong in numbers and strong in spirit.

  When the Audi cruised effortless to the gate of the Samsa Ranch, and the iron gate swung open, it was late in the evening. As they neared the large ranch, the dogs were out of the kennel and running freely. Hunter knew what that meant. They were on high alert.

  Nearing the house, Tracker and Hunter looked at each other. Hunter had recognized the car. It was Devin and Katie’s. His heart sank. Haley had fallen asleep in the back seat. When the car came to an easy stop, Hunter opened the door and reached for her and carried her in his arms, after pulling her short dress down.

  “I’ll get the door,” Tracker said stepping ahead of Hunter. He rushed to the front door and opened it with his key and flung the door open, and Hunter stood with Haley in his arms. Walking through the wide foyer, on his way to the stairs, he came across his father.

  “Did you have to bring her here? We have enough turmoil in this family without adding more to it.” Hunter looked at him. He never heard Wilder raise his voice at him. He never saw a look such as the one he sees now. Wilder’s eyes deep and dark. His forehead furrowed into two rows. It was the look of a worried man. He hadn’t seen that expression on Wilder since his mother was kidnapped by Bane.

  That look had grown into Wilder’s face where it threatened to be permanent.

  When the others heard Wilder’s voice, they came out of the dining room one at a time. The first was Katie. She glanced at Hunter. Katie’s eyes met Hunter’s. She had a cool and remote look. Devin followed her and he smiled with relief when he saw Hunter holding Haley in his arms. Haley appeared to be exhausted, her hands limp falling to her side. She lay looking lifeless in Hunter’s arms as if she is a precious doll a child would carry. Haley opened her eyes slightly, looking up at him then placing her hands around his neck, and closing her eyes once more.

  “I’m going to marry her. She’s going to be your daughter in law he proudly says to Wilder. She’s going to be a part of this family.” Haley’s eyes opened wide and she gazed around looking at all the eyes on her.

  “Put me down, Hunter,” she said softly, I can stand.”

  Hunter did as Haley requested, and as her feet touched the floor she met Katie’s eyes staring at her and Katie’s swollen belly from her pregnancy appearing ready to give birth soon. Haley saw Devin standing on the side of Katie and reaching for her hand.

  “I’m more than happy to hear the news,” Devin said.

  “After dinner, I need to see all the males in the library,” Wilder said his eyes searching around and landing on Hunter.

  “What about the women. Aren’t we entitled to hear what will concern all of us?” Haley said with Wilder shooting a glare at Haley, one eyebrow raised.

  Haley had never been afraid of a man or werewolf in her life but Wilder scared the hell out of her when his deep blue eyes fixed on her. He said more from silence than most humans or animals say with conversation or howls. Then his haunting blue eyes swung to Hunter.

  Wilder turned and walked away. Tracker and Hunter didn’t know what to expect but it wouldn’t be pretty. Wilder wasn’t known for light conversation. Hell he wasn’t known to talk very much. What he said today was more than most of them have heard in weeks.

  Katie walked away from Devin. “I’ll show Haley to her room,” she said smiling at Haley and taking her hand leading her to and up the stairs. Hunter watched at the two of them. But Haley thought it was something about Katie’s smile that was unsettling.

  Hunter decided to see his mother first, then meet the others in the library. Adrienne sat quietly alone at the dining table. She looked up at him standing in the doorway. “Come and sit down, Hunter.” She gestured at the chair next to her.

  Hunter strode over to her and sat down. “Are you hungry?”

  “No, mother.”

  “What’s wrong with father?”

  “Life. It has gotten complicated. He thought that all he needed to do was grow his pack, love me, and his sons, my sons by his brothers, and the rest would follow. He got everything he wanted, but what he needed, and that was peace and have his family around him. There’s a burden of having sons. He didn’t expect a pack with only one female. Nothing has gotten easy for him, it has only become harder,” Adrienne said her voice soft. Her green eyes sad.

  “When are you coming back, Hunter.”

  “But he has Lycell and Drayton to help him.”

  “Your father has always been the leader of his brothers. They look to him for guidance. Lycell has always been headstrong and a warrior. He doesn’t know when to seek peace. And Drayton, he will do whatever Wilder says and that annoys Lycell. Wilder’s sons have been fighting and that makes your father unhappy. Lycell has more sons than Wilder and he taunts Wilder about that all the time.”

  Adrienne lowers her head with a small smile as if she’s hiding a secret.

  Hunter stands passing his hand over his mother’s hair. “Don’t worry, mother. Things will get better.”

  “I don’t see how it could. Wilder was depending on having Lycell and my sons to help with the war that’s coming from the Alaskan clan, and now we have the lion shifters stalking our family. We’ve tried to call your brothers at school, but we can’t get in touch with them. We don’t dare leave the compound now, it’s too dangerous.”

  Hunter held his mother’s hand. He didn’t like seeing her upset. He didn’t like that she looked worried. Her beautiful young face wearing the look of a woman older. “I have to go to this meeting father has called.” He walked away still holding on to Adrienne’s hand until she released it.

  When he strolled into the library, he was surrounded by Lycell and Drayton standing near the mantle of the fireplace. One stood to the right of Wilder’s wingback chair and the other to the left. It was a family portrait. Across from them on the large leather sofa sat Devin, Hunter’s twin. Flanked by him are Thorn and Damon and standing behind the three was Tracker. As Hunter entered the room Thorn and Damon stood.

  “Sit. We don’t have time for formalities,” Wilder said. His eyes dark and scanning the room. “Where is Robert?”

  “I’m here,” he said entering. “Where are the others?”

  “They will be here shortly,” Lycell said. “They can’t just pick up and leave school as soon as we have a minor problem.” Lycell didn’t tell Wilder that he hadn’t located them yet.

  “You call lion shifters at our door, and the Alaskan werewolves declaring their independence of our pack. Soon the Alaskan wolves will be at our door as well. I hope not at the same time as the lion shifters. And did I forget to mention the lion shifters already are here.” He gazed at Lycell. “Thorn and Damon saw to that,” Wilder said his tone dry, lifeless, and cold.

  “What were we to do, uncle?” Thorn asked. Wilder reeled his head in Thorn’s direction.

  “You did what you had to do. You are alive. Few are alive who had tangled with lion shifters,” Lycell said.

  “That’s because they weren’t yet cubs,” Drayton added. Thorn and Damon slumped down. Silence hung in the room. But the silence was broken by Wilder.

  “We can all hold up here and have a united front to fight them off, or we can take the war to the lion shifter and the Alaskan clan.”

  “Or we can give him the girl,” Devin said. Hunter walked over to the right of Devin and stood over him.

  “She will be my wife, my mate. Isn’t that what you wanted?” His eyes deepening. The hair on Hunter’s back raises.

  “Devin, have you learned nothing?” Wilder questions. “With lion shifters they will never stop. Even if we give her to him, he will hunt us down to the last of our kind and kill us. We have to kill him first. We have no choice. The question is do we wait or do we take the fight to him?�

  “I say we take the fight to him,” Lycell said. His sons agreed. All the werewolves agreed.

  Robert who stood quietly listening said, “Have you thought about the consequences of your decision. He has concealed himself enough that no one knows he’s a shifter. They see him as a human. One of theirs. If we go around killing his entire pack, then the humans will hunt us down and come for us.”

  The room once again became quiet.

  “You’re not one of us, Robert. You’re a human,” Tracker said. Robert turned with his mouth in a hard line. He knew Wilder and his brother’s wouldn’t let anyone attack him, but the younger werewolves were too unstable for him to know what they would do.

  “Tracker remain quiet until you become a yearling. I hope by then you have learned something,” Wilder said. Tracker apologized by way of a nod to Robert and with a look. Robert understood and accepted his apology. Tracker was a pup when Robert saved his father’s life. Robert had saved all their lives one way or the other.

  “We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t,” Lycell said. His head went up, he took a long hard breath as if he was ready to howl, and blew out the breath. “Then we have to choose the lesser of the two evils, and hope we can withstand the fall out.”

  “I agree,” Wilder said. He needed Adrienne. He had been without her reassurance. He needed to hold her in his arms and he needed her to make love to him. His need for sex came after life and death decisions. Not before. He stood and walked out of the room.

  Wilder found Adrienne sitting in the dining room staring at a plate of uneaten food. She glanced up when she saw his shadow descend over the table from the sun coming in from the open window. He took her hand and she knowing his behavior looked into his eyes. She saw his unquenchable desire for her.

  She stood without a question and they walked together.

  During these times where everything was in turmoil, she needed him as well. Together they would rid themselves of the troubles they felt about their family. Maybe getting lost in each other’s bodies would wash away their built up sexual tension, and bring them back to their time in the cave, when it was only them and no one else. Not Lycell or Drayton.

  Maybe they needed a few hours together lying close to lessen the raw passion that they both felt for each other where Adrienne could abandon herself to Wilder’s raging turbulence of sex and love.

  Chapter 7

  Haley followed Katie up the stairs and opened the door to a room. “This is not Hunter’s room. I want to be with Hunter. In his room,” Haley said irritable. Her mouth in a hard line. Her eyes heated. Her breath shallow.

  “You can’t sleep with him until you’re married.”

  “And where did you find that? In one of your guidebooks or manuals on how to fuck two brothers at the same time?” Haley said watching Katie’s face change colors. “Who gave you the right to tell me where I’m supposed to sleep?”

  Katie ignored Haley’s statement.

  “I’m Devin’s wife and if I wanted, I could have Hunter too. So you better accept what I’m giving you,” Katie said smiling at Haley.

  “I think you are full of yourself. You have what they call a sense of self-importance. You believe that you can do anything you want. But it is a false sense and you can’t do shit. You can’t control Devin and you can’t control Hunter. Devin fucks around and now you want to take over the person you think will make you happy, and will be faithful to you, but you’re too late. He’s mine.”

  Haley pushed Katie out of her way. She turned to walk to the door and Katie backed up stood in front of it. “I could tell Hunter that while you were in the lion shifter’s house, he fucked you. Better yet, I could say you offered yourself to him. He would believe anything I said no matter how ridiculous it sound because he’s jealous of my relationship with Devin, and you’re unpredictable and he knows it.”

  “I’m unpredictable but not in the sense you’re talking about,” Haley said. “Hunter knows I love him and would never let anyone touch me. You should have known he wouldn’t want you after you slept with his brother.”

  “Here’s where you’re wrong. He wanted me more.”

  “It’s was Devin who wanted to share you with Hunter. That was so he could fuck every female shifter that wiggled her tail in his face. Then when you were sleeping with Hunter, he could do what he wanted. Now get out of my way.” Haley pushed Katie aside, opened the door, and spotted Wilder and Adrienne headed for their room in the new addition, which lead far to the back of the ranch.

  Wilder and Adrienne supervised the building of this addition and Adrienne decorated it. It had a two baths and two showers. The brothers agreed because she was originally Wilders mate and he chose to share her at Adrienne’s agreement.

  Haley scampered behind them and found Hunter’s room and closed the door. She sat on his bed and let out a satisfied breath. She kicked off her shoes and dropped her dress and panties on the floor. Then she crawled under the covers naked.

  Haley wasn’t the only one lying naked. As soon as Wilder closed the door to the large spacious open space he created for Adrienne, she stood and began peeling her dress off. Wilder watched at her as he stepped out of his jeans. Then his shirt came off next. Adrienne hurriedly headed for the large oval tub. She wanted to feel Wilder near her and inside of her as soon as possible. She wanted to have him to herself and away from the noise of the Samsa ranch with crying pups and angry yearlings.

  She needed to tune out all the noise hovering over the ranch. She needed him to give her an orgasm as only he can.

  And Wilder needed the assurance of Adrienne’s body. He needed to fall into it and know that she was there and would be there for him when his problems were beginning and were done with.

  Bending and turning on the water for it to flow inside the tub, she felt its warmth and stepped down inside it. She scooted up and Wilder climbed down behind her. He closed his eyes and let out a moan of pleasure and a breath of satisfaction.

  He’s sitting leaning back, eyes closed, as Adrienne lies against his hard length. Her hair caressing his chest. She’s twisting against him trying to get comfortable, but finds that he becomes hard and excited as she moves her body against his groin.

  He leans his head forward to kiss her shoulder. Passes his hand over her long hair and pushes it to the side to get a better look at her beautiful long neck, and her beautiful back, and her beautiful buttocks. No part of her is a disappointment. Her small breasts buds at his touch. They haven’t changed much even with all the babies, Wilder thinks.

  His firm length grows longer, and moves closer into her laying between her buttocks, as his hands moves from her legs to her breasts. Her breasts are heavy and full but not from pregnancy. Wilder is excited. More excited than when he first lay with her. Skin touching skin. Insatiable passion exploding through both—werewolf and human.

  Adrienne’s nipples hard like pebbles, and Wilder knows what she needs. His hands passes over her mound and follows the slant between her legs. His finger searches and finds her folds, and then her clit. He is putting his large finger inside her to prepare her and with the other hand his finger is massaging her. She moans as her head tilts back and rest on Wilder’s chest. She opens her legs wider and her panting and moaning grows.

  No one hears her because the large room is sound proof. No one will hear when Wilder carries Adrienne to their bed and she will suck his large cock and no one will hear his loud wolf call when he reaches his climax and no one will hear him panting for more.

  No one will hear when Adrienne screams for Wilder as he places his hard unyielding penis into her and she gasp from surprise and need.

  No one will hear when they come hard and fierce and hold each other tight to block out what is about to descend on them and their family.

  Chapter 8

  He had come to San Francisco when he was eighteen. Brought here by a family who adopted him at birth, he didn’t know who he was or what he was. All he knew is what they called
him. They called him Brian. And when his adopted parents died on their estate, they left him very rich but not much else. He never knew anything about himself.

  He went on to college and graduated and started a tech business. Made more money than he knew what to do with so he traveled throughout the United States. Then while in Europe he discovered his true identity, and he discovered that he wasn’t a human after all, but a shifter. Not any shifter, a lion shifter.

  Never knowing what a shifter was and how animals reacted to him, he decided to do a little research. While in England he walked into a library and found books on folklore. Reading it he saw pictures of a human and a picture of what a lion shifter looked like. Although it resembled him, he didn’t want to entertain the idea. How could he be a human and a lion at the same time?

  How could the Andersons not tell him, and then it occurred to him that maybe they didn’t know because he didn’t know himself. However, that didn’t make sense. Someone had to know even if his parents didn’t. It was impossible to think that he was the only one of his kind. He never did find the answer because he didn’t pursue the idea further.

  Flying back to the states he dropped the information in the back of his mind trying to forget it. And he did forget it for a number of years.

  Settling down to running a company took up most of his time and he found that he could forget everything he thought wasn’t important, but one month the need for a mate became undeniable strong and unquestionable intense that he couldn’t control himself, nor could he suppress the insatiable desire to be with a female. So he drove around one night looking for a place, a night club. That would be a logical place to find a woman, he thought. The internet was out of the question. He was looking for a certain type of woman. A woman that had a voracious appetite for sex. Not the ones who sold sex for a living but the ones who couldn’t live without a need to have sex ever night.


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