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Moon Rapture Book 7

Page 11

by Rice, Rachel E.

  She couldn’t wait long without confiding in Brian. Better to get it over with instead of dying a thousand deaths. She would die that one at his hands because she thought Hunter had given up on her. And if he did, she wanted to be dead.

  “Thank you. But I need more rest. Remember I had to hike through the woods with bug bites and all. I probably got bitten by something. I’ll be okay with a little rest.” Brian leaned down and kissed her on the head and pulled the comfortable up to her breasts. Haley’s eyes closed and he walked away from her and closed the door behind him to the room.

  Chapter 18

  Hunter and Tracker sprinted through the thick brush, avoiding the large pines. They surged down the trail leading to the parked truck hidden behind trees. The bikes were supported on the trailer by tie downs. Hunter inspected the bikes. No one had been near them or the truck.

  When Hunter quickly unhitched them and they were setting on kick stands he said, “This is mine and that one is yours.” He pointed to the sleek black one for Tracker. “I know how you like black.” Hunter reached in the back seat and came up with two helmets. He tossed one to Tracker. Tracker glanced down at it and smiled.

  “Now you have a helmet to go with your sleek leather jacket and those fancy tight leather pants. But that doesn’t make you a biker,” Hunter said laughing. “Have you seen a motorcycle like this before?”

  Tracker walked close getting a better look and a feel for it. His eyes wavering from the Kawasaki to Hunter’s. “It’s a Ninja H2.” Hunter smiled nodding his head. Tracker sauntered around it smiling. “If I have to kill myself, let me take the Ninja,” Tracker said walking up to Hunter’s silver bike. Hunter shot him a turned up smile.

  “Why can’t I ride that one?” Tracker insisted with an equal smile. He knew the answer but still it didn’t hurt to ask.

  “Because you’re not ready and this one’s my baby,” he said caressing the fender and seat as if it was a woman and he was going to make love to her, but she needed a bit of foreplay before consummation.

  “It was made special for me. And I don’t want you falling with it and damaging it. When you’re ready to handle a bad boy like this, then I’ll give you the mechanic’s number. You can start by spending some of that money you inherited from your grandfather. That is, before you get engaged and that young girl of Robert’s have you married before you have any fun, or have a woman suck your dick,” Hunter said to Tracker.

  “I had it done once. I know how it feels,” Tracker said with a wide grin as if remembering that moment.

  After Tracker unlocked the tie downs a smile crossed his face as he pulled his motorcycle down from the trailer with Hunter’s help. He turned to Hunter with his eyebrows meeting, and a serious look in his eyes. “I’m not going to marry Robert’s daughter. I’m not attracted to her.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to marry you,” Hunter said raising an eyebrow. “She’s a beauty. Where are you going to find a werefemale that beautiful?” Hunter questioned hitching his leg over and sitting on the seat ready to take off.

  “I want a human like mother. All the Samsa men have humans, I want one, too.”

  “That’s once in a lifetime. If I could have found a werefemale I would have jumped at the chance to marry her. But they were all sterile. All the ones my age. Now is your chance to get someone like us. Half human and half shifter. That last one will make you a good wife. ”

  “You take her.” He climbed on the bike, kicked the kick stand up and started the motor.

  “I have a mate,” Hunter said with a tightening of his throat. Composing himself, “Do you need any instructions?” Hunter nodded referring to the bike.

  “I’m a quick study.”

  “You have a lot of power between your legs. Don’t let it get away from you.”

  Tracker reached for his cock smiling broadly, “I know, big brother.”

  Hunter rolled his eyes and shook his head, laughed, and pulled off from Tracker. He didn’t wait or look back. But Tracker didn’t let him out of his sight and caught up with him a mile outside of Samsaville.

  Pulling off the highway, Hunter put the kickstand down and took off his helmet, and reached inside his leather jacket for his cell. Tracker came to a sudden stop hurriedly near and taking off his helmet.

  “I think I was born to ride.” Hunter chuckled at Tracker’s words.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself. It takes years to master a bike like yours, and a lot of hours in the seat. “When we get to San Francisco, I suggest you take lessons.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “You’re not me. Now do as I ask little brother.”

  With his phone to his ear he placed a call. “Father, we didn’t find Haley.”

  “I told you he could have taken her anywhere. It’s not unusual to move her from place to place. What is unusual is for him to stay in one place. That means he’s not afraid of who comes for him or he wants the female badly, which means that he will fight to the death to keep her. In any case he’s dangerous. ”

  “I don’t care, I’m going to look for her and bring her home for however long it takes. Tracker is staying with me.”

  “Be careful of that lion. And protect your brother. It’s hard enough for your mother to endure what you’ve been through. We can’t put her through more trauma,” Wilder said.

  “I called to tell you to have someone pick up the truck and trailer. It’s not far from the interstate.”

  “That won’t be a problem. It has On Star. I can have someone from the police department get it. Be well my son.”

  Hunter looked at Tracker who appeared to be fascinated with his new toy. Tracker looked up and saw Hunter getting ready to move on. He had on his helmet and when Tracker observed to his right, Hunter was riding fast and hard down interstate eighty going west.

  Tracker followed Hunter into a gas station not long afterwards.

  “Must have forgotten about the gas. In any case, I don’t want to need gas and don’t have it. “Pay for the gas, I’ll get water.” Hunter strode inside looking for the water. When he came outside he saw Tracker surrounded by two young men. As he got closer they weren’t men at all, but shifters and they weren’t any shifters, they were lion shifters.

  “Well look who we have here,” they said taunting Tracker. Tracker was too young or too inexperienced to be afraid. In a matter of seconds Hunter reached Tracker and came up from behind the gas pump and stood next to him.

  “What do you want? If you want a war between us then this is not the right place for it because there are men in that building watching. We have survived long around here because they don’t know we exist. So you decide what it will be. Me, I don’t care. I just as soon end this now,” Hunter said his fangs shooting out and Tracker watched and did the same. Their claws sprang out seconds later at the same time.

  All they needed was for the two lion cubs to make a move to shift, and that would be the end of them and perhaps Hunter and Tracker would be hunted by the humans for killing two teenagers.

  When Hunter put in his bluff, he knew these were mere cubs. Just one month from nursing from their mother’s tit, but they had the instincts and the stupidity to want to attack a grown werewolf. They should have known that he wasn’t traveling alone and not with two bikes setting there.

  “We’re not looking for trouble,” one twin said.

  No not at all especially since Hunter showed up. They didn’t turn and walk back to their truck but instead they faced Hunter and Tracker as they backed up never let them leave their sights. Hunter and Tracker watched as they got into their truck and tore off down the highway.

  Hunter knew they were getting close to Brian’s compound because they were his sons and they had an uncanny resemblance to the lion shifter.

  “I can’t leave you a second without attracting attention. Must be those tight leather pants that you claim are attracting the females.”

  “They must have caught sight of my large cock and wanted to measure theirs
with mine,” Tracker said his mouth turning up on the side with amusement.

  Hunter removed the nozzle and pumped the gas into the tank. Tracker hunched his shoulder, shook his head and smiled. They climbed on their bikes at the same time.

  Before placing on their helmets, “I need a drink after this,” Tracker said. He had not shown any fear but he was decidedly shaken by the situations.

  Tracker didn’t have any experience with the kind of things he may face. Hunter knew this too well, but he had to get used to this because this is his future and his life as a grown werewolf. A fight for control of a small area. A fight to keep their life a secret. A fight to prevent the lion shifters from taking over. A fight for a woman.

  “This is against my better judgement, but I’ll stop at the next bar. I guess you deserve one drink. And we need some rest.”

  Chapter 19

  In a valley where homes setting alongside of hills and steep mountains, Tracker and Hunter cruised down Interstate 80 on their motorcycles enjoying the remaining hundred mile ride to San Francisco. They had traveled this highway many times going home for one emergency after another since Hunter and Tracker had been living in San Francisco. But this was the first time they noticed a bar. Maybe it was because they had never thought about stopping and maybe they never needed to stop for a drink. But out of nowhere a flashing sign caught Tracker’s attention.

  Tracker leading now that he felt comfortable on his motorcycle headed off the main road and parked his bike. Hunter spotted him, turned, and pull up next to him. “I’m tired, Hunter. There’s a hotel across from the bar. Let’s stay the night.”

  Exhaustion was never in Tracker’s vocabulary, nor in his DNA, but for some reason he wanted to relax and after days of grueling hunting for Haley, he deserved to unwind.

  Hunter didn’t know why he agreed, but he did. It may have been because he too was tired and didn’t realize it or wanted to admit it. His weariness had gotten him into trouble before because he never knew when his strong body had quit on him. When that happened, he slept for days and now he couldn’t afford to make the mistake of not listening to his body. He had to be well rested for whatever was coming.

  Because in a werewolf’s life there was always something coming and why should this time be different?

  They parked their bikes out front and stood and stretched. Tracker broke into one of his patent smiles. Wide and full of white polished teeth, “I was born for this kind of life. Being on the road and riding my motorcycle,” Tracker said to Hunter.

  “What about Robert’s daughter? Are you planning on riding her on the back or you planning on buying her one,” Hunter said with a closed smile.

  “Neither. I told you how I felt about her,” Tracker said as he sauntered in the direction of the bar looking handsome, tall, and dangerous.

  The place had a large parking lot and it was littered with pickup trucks of all types. “You have to be careful around humans. You never know when they have had too much to drink and will start a fight. Save your energy for the lion shifter. Keep your wits about you and don’t drink too much,” Hunter advised Tracker.

  All of what Hunter had said to Tracker was new about humans, the drinking he heard from his father, but did his best to ignore him.

  He didn’t understand Hunter’s advice about humans. He worked with them every day and none had bothered him. It could have been because he ran Hunter’s company. Hunter disclosed that they are werewolf shifters, and the employees couldn’t discuss with any other humans what the Samsas are.

  The humans agreed to sign a nondisclosure agreement. If they disclosed anything about the Samsas they would be out of a job, or worse if they revealed who the Samsas were. Because they didn’t want to know what the worse would be, they respected the agreement and behaved in a manner that suggested that Hunter and Tracker Samsa were two ordinary businessmen who happen to be rich and eccentric.

  All Tracker wanted and desired that night was to get close to and smell a human female’s body. The moon was full and he wanted an excuse to talk and laugh with one. Maybe if he got lucky, take one to bed. Tracker had to warn them first, but he didn’t know this. He never had sex with a woman or werefemale. He got a hold to a werepanther who sucked his dick and scratched and bit the shit out of him, but never a real relationship. Now the moon was dictating his needs and his desires to enter a female.

  Hunter preoccupied with his thoughts of Haley, forgot about moon rapture. If he had remembered he never would have agreed to go into the bar with Tracker.

  When the impossibly handsome men opened the doors, they stood a moment, their eyes surveying the room searching for danger. All human eyes focused on them as they sauntered inside and up to the bar. Tracker’s eyes searched the bar and they laid on a beautiful blond girl of twenty or twenty one. Hunter saw her too. He saw the look in Tracker’s eyes. A look that only a young wolf couldn’t conceal. Tracker wanted to fuck her and no one could stop him except maybe Hunter.

  She turned to him locking eyes with Tracker.

  The woman’s eyes blue as his are green. Blue as Hunter’s. She was mesmerized to see these two handsome statuesque men dress all in leather with a full head of tousled thick dark hair. Hunter’s hair straight, Tracker with short curly hair. Their shoulders wide looking powerful with broad muscular chests. Tracker stepped forward smiling. He had beginning to learn his appeal for attracting females to him. And he appeared eager to test his limits.

  He didn’t care that she was sitting with a group which consisted of two women and three men. But Hunter cared. He saw the jealousy and fear in the men eyes. Fear that they could lose their girls to the two impossible handsome men.

  Hunter and Tracker took a seat at the bar and Tracker gazed around. Then the women in the bar began behaving unexpectedly. One after another they pranced up to the bar, and leaned over to show their ample butts, breasts, or throw their hair around in a teasing manner with Tracker salivating at the sight.

  After all it was a full moon and humans were controlled by the moon, especially females.

  Tracker never knowing the behavior of human females, smiled and offered them a drink all the while Hunter sat gazing at him. Tracker was just being himself—a werewolf becoming a yearling and eager to mate.

  “You need to finish your drink and we need to leave,” Hunter said after they ordered two beers from the owner of the bar a red headed Irish type.

  “Do you live around here?” When the bartender asked the question he knew the answer.

  Hunter shook his head no and placed the price of the two beers and a tip on the bar. When he looked to the right of Tracker, Tracker was in a deep conversation with the pretty blond with the blue eyes and a stunning figure. The kind of figure humans kill over. Her breasts large, her waist small, her ass full, round, and hard.

  All Hunter saw was the back of Tracker and the face of the girl. Tracker whispered in her ear and she immediately left returning to her group sitting at the table in the corner to Hunter’s right. A blond haired scruffy guy of twenty one with dangerous dark eyes caught Hunter’s glance. Then the blond haired scruffy guy turned his frustrations to the beautiful blond girl who blew smoke in his face.

  “What are you doing?” Hunter questioned Tracker.

  “I gave her my number and told her when she was free of her boyfriend to call me.” Hunter didn’t think it would be soon. He thought it would be sometime in the future, otherwise, he never would have gotten a room at the hotel across the way.

  “You said you needed some rest and now is the time to leave before we can’t and someone gets hurt in here. I have to find Haley remember. Besides, you will never see that female again. So why waste your time.”

  Hunter and Tracker were watched as they stood and looked around with Tracker still with his eyes on the girl and her staring him down. Hunter had to hit him on the shoulder to get him to move. Tracker did reluctantly.

  When they were outside Tracker said, “You know she wants to fuck me.”
br />   “I don’t care what she wants. I’m getting two rooms for the night and I want you up early before dawn.” Tracker shrugged. He had plans of his own. He watched at the moon and his rapture came over him.

  After riding their motorcycle across to the hotel, Hunter got the room and gave Tracker his key. “You know you should have gotten double beds,” Tracker said.

  “I don’t fancy sleeping in the same room with an out of control young pup who want to fuck everything that moves,” Hunter said shaking his head.

  “Well you don’t have to worry about me. You’re not my type.”

  “A man.”

  “No. A werewolf,” Tracker said. “When I want to have sex, it will be with a human female.”

  “I hope you have better sense,” Hunter said stopping at Tracker’s door and watching him go in and close the door. Hunter opened the door to his room and dropped his key. He didn’t feel like taking a shower it would wake him and he needed to sleep.

  When he woke, it was because he heard a loud bang. He knew that sound because it was the sound of a gun. There was one thing that werewolves feared and it was a gun. They could deal with anything else, but a gun, only humans used guns to settle things. And then he thought of what Wilder had said about his grandfather and a gun. Hunter sat up like a rocket, and then jumped to his feet.

  Pulling his tee shirt over his head and slipping into his leather jeans was taking too long. He dashed out of the door in bare feet and banged on the door of Tracker’s room and no answer. He thought he would cause too much attention if he broke the door down. It may have been difficult but it could be done. He had the strength. Instead he checked the door knob first. And the door opened.

  Lying on the bed was Tracker. He had been shot and blood was everywhere. Hunter rushed to him remembering what his father had said, “Watch your brother and don’t let anything happen to him. Your mother can’t take the trauma of losing a son.”


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