Until My Heart Stops Beating
Page 13
Over the next couple of days, the evidence of how damaged her relationship was with her father was evident. When she tried to start a conversation, he acted as if he hadn’t heard a word she said. When she sat in the same room with him, he would leave, having dinner at the same table was out of the question. Her mom was disgusted by her father’s behavior and made no secret of it. The house was in total chaos. Her mother was true to her words. It was a war brewing inside the Jones home, a cold war and there was no warmth in sight. The atmosphere was as frigid as the inside of an igloo. The situation had Makeba distressed. It didn’t feel good knowing that her engagement was causing a rift in her parents’ marriage. There was one thing that gave her some solace and that was knowing that the next day was Wednesday, the day she’d be flying out to Chicago to be with Declan for a few days.
It was a dreary day. The sky was smoke grey. There were strong winds and heavy rain. Makeba was having second thoughts about flying out. Perhaps she should postpone her trip for another day. She was surprised that her flight had not been delayed or canceled as a result of the inclement weather. She was fearful to board the plane in those conditions but she pushed past her fears and boarded the flight as she said a silent prayer for traveling mercies. Thank God the flight was only an hour and twenty five minutes.
Makeba exited door three on the arrival level. She looked around. Declan was nowhere in sight. A few seconds later she heard someone call her name. As she turned to her right, she saw Sam waving for her to come to him. She approached him as she held on to her luggage.
“Hello Sam,” she greeted solemnly, wondering why he was there and not Declan.
Picking up on her disappointment he kissed her on the cheek then said, “Declan had an emergency at the office. He asked me to pick you up. I hope you don’t mind.”
Forcing a smile she replied, “No I don’t mind. Thank you for coming.”
“No thanks necessary Makeba. It’s good to see you,” he countered as he took her bag and placed it in the trunk.
“It’s good to see you too. How is Granny Whitaker?”
“She’s fine. She can’t wait to see you.”
He opened the door for her to get in the car. “She hasn’t stopped talking about you since she got wind of you coming.”
That was welcoming news to Makeba. She took to her so well. Granny Whitaker was one of the few members in Declan’s family besides Sam that she was actually looking forward to seeing.
“Are you taking me to him?”
“I have strict instructions to take you to his place and nowhere else. You’ll love it too. It’s beautiful out there. He bought it just for you. I’m hoping you guys will let me crash there from time to time,” he chuckled.
“Where is it?”
“Patience my soon to be sister. Patience.”
Did he just call her his soon to be sister? Did he really like her as much as he led on? His behavior was surprising to her. Was he real or was it all an act? She wanted so bad to ask? If she did would she offend him? Would he even bother to answer?
“You don’t mind Declan marrying me?”
“That’s not the question you wanted to ask. You mean do I mind that my brother is marrying a black woman right?”
She was a little embarrassed about being read. “Yes.”
“Why should I? I mean, why should I mind just because you’re of a different race. If you love someone it shouldn’t matter where you come from or what race you are. Personally, I'm proud of my brother for not letting anything or anyone come in between him and the woman he loves especially something as trivial as the color of her skin. Love is blind. If it isn’t, it should be. I know my brother loves you. He lights up like a Christmas tree whenever he speaks your name. Never have I ever witnessed a woman having such an effect on him. I liked you from the moment I met you. You're a good person and you’re good for Declan. A good woman is a good woman no matter where she comes from, who her parents are or the shade of her skin color.”
“Thank you Sam. That means a lot.”
“Makeba, I know you didn’t feel welcome the last time you were here. My mom has always been somewhat of a bitch even to white women she thought weren’t good enough for us but it isn’t about my mom or anyone else who doesn’t approve of you and Declan’s relationship. It’s about the love you guys have for one another. My only hope is that I find a woman that makes me feel and glow the same way he does when you’re around or when he talks about you. Sometimes he talks so damn much about you I want to tell him to shut the hell up,” he laughed.
Makeba snickered at his last statement. “I hope you do too Sam.”
“Ah,” he smiled, “I think Declan found the last diamond in the ruff.”
“No he didn’t. It’s a lot more of us out here. Your Mrs. Right will come. You’ll see.”
“I’ll patiently await her.”
No other words were exchanged until they reached their destination.
Makeba was in awe at the property. Declan had outdone himself once again. He purchased a four bedroom home on the beach. This used to be one of her dreams as a kid, to have a house on a beach or somewhere near a lake. It was as if he had lifted the multi-layers of memories in her mind and discovered her deepest desires.
Sam had dropped her off over an hour ago. She had been sitting on the deck enjoying the view of the clear blue sky, the waves as it splashed against the shore and receded back into the ocean, and birds flying overhead. It was tranquil. As she laid back on the chaise, she closed her eyes surrendering to the hypnotic sounds of nature. The chirping of birds and the sounds coming from the ocean was so relaxing it sent her into a deep peaceful sleep.
A sweet smelling aroma tickled her nostrils. She turned on her side trying to ignore the smell but the growling of her stomach made it difficult to ignore. She rose from the chaise the moment she heard what sounded like cooking spoons hitting the edge of pots. She stood. A smile spread across her lips after noticing the table on the deck had been set for two. She entered the dwelling making her way into the kitchen. Declan was standing at the stove cooking. It was a vision she would never forget.
Declan turned around. His heart pounded against his chest at the sight of her. His mouth curved into a smile as he picked up the bouquet of red roses from the kitchen island.
“These are for you my lady,” he said handing them to her.
“Thank you. They’re lovely.”
“Not as lovely as you are.” He leaned into her pressing his lips against hers.
She laid the flowers on the counter wrapping her arms around him. The comfort and security she felt being enveloped by him melted her like butter. Emotions overwhelmed her to the point of no control. Without her volition she bawled in his arms.
He was disheartened by her sudden onslaught of tears. He hated to see her cry. Immediately he released himself from the embrace but held onto her hand. With his other hand he turned down the fire under the pots. He pulled her into the living room and sat her down on the sofa. “Why are you crying? Tell me everything. Don’t leave anything out.”
She pulled herself together so that she could tell him about the disagreement she had with her father regarding their engagement. Declan listened without interruption. At the conclusion of the story he enveloped her in a loving embrace, expressed his everlasting love, and assured her that he would be understanding if she wanted to wait a while before they started planning the wedding. He promised to give her all the time she needed, and reiterated that they weren’t going to end their relationship for anyone, not even their parents. He loved her too much to live without her. Makeba assured him that she didn’t need any more time. She was ready to make wedding plans and wanted nothing more than to be Mrs. Declan Whitaker, the sooner the better.
“That’s my girl,” he said as he gently nudged her from the sofa. “Are you hungry?”
“Then let's eat. You go on out on the deck. I’ll take care of everything.”
“I can help.”
“No, my lady. I’ve got this. Go on, relax.”
She sat at the table as she had been ordered to do. Makeba watched as Declan brought in dish after dish then filled their wine glasses with red wine. Once all the food was placed on the table he lit a candle and sat it in the center then sat down. A brief grace blessing their dinner escaped his lips. They ate to their fill of a meal which consisted of garden delight pasta, homemade spaghetti sauce, five cheese garlic bread, and garden salad as they conversed about any and everything.
After dinner she helped him clear the table. They took care of the soiled dishes together. She washed while he dried. Afterwards they shared a quick shower.
“Lie down on the bed,” he told her.
She obliged him.
Declan left the room momentarily. When he returned he told her to lie on her stomach. He then commenced to lighting the many candles he strategically placed around the room. He put on the CD player and listened to love songs by various artists. After grabbing the edible strawberry body oil off the dresser, he mounted the bed next to Makeba. Slowly he removed the towel exposing her naked body. He poured a few drops of oil in his hand, rubbed his hands together, and began massaging her neck, carefully, moving down to her arms and back. Every so often he would replenish the oil and resume smoothing it over skin until her entire body front and back was covered in strawberry oil. When he was done he laid the empty bottle on the dresser and returned to the bed. Starting at her ears, he allowed his tongue to explore every curve inward and outward. The feeling sent chills throughout her body. She let out light moans. He lay to the side tracing her body with his fingertips as he watched her reaction. One thing he prided himself on, was making her feel good. From the looks of things he was doing a hell of job but this was only the beginning. Before the night was over, he intended to make her fly away from earth to a celestial plane.
Declan kissed her gingerly from head to toe. Suddenly he stopped. “Where are you going?” she asked looking up.
“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Declan hurried to the kitchen. He grabbed two small pickles from the pickle jar. One, he cut up in thin slices. The other, he left whole and placed everything on a saucer then returned to the bedroom. “Turn onto your back and keep your eyes closed.”
“Just do it!”
Once she was on her back he climbed onto the bed. With his free hand, he parted her legs wide. Afterwards, he removed the whole pickle from the plate. Pure elation set in the moment he heard her take a deep breath when she felt the cold pickle being inserted inside her. He placed the slices around the surrounding area. He pulled himself up to the level of her lips parting them with his tongue and kissed her with so much passion she felt like someone had set flame to her flesh. Abruptly ending their lip lock, he began tracing her body with his tongue in search of the snack he prepared for himself moments ago. She gasped as she felt his tongue against her love nest. With each lick he sucked up a slice of pickle. He kept doing this until it was all done. He wasn’t finished yet. With one hand he massaged her breasts as he began to eat at the pickle inside her love tunnel. Here he was again turning her on to something new, something fantastic, that was sure to send her over the edge. He chipped away at the pickle as he played with her clit. She didn’t know what to do. It was too many sensations going through her at once. The more noise she made the more intense his touches, his kisses, his licks and sucks became. Once he finished the last of his pickle he sucked the juices dripping from her until she trembled like she was having convulsions. She screamed in the process as if she was being tortured. Declan smiled poking his chest out. She had validated how skillful he was at his task once again. Gripping his hard elongated penis, he entered her gently, going deeper with each gyration of the hip.
Once fully inside the warm, moist and most intimate spot of the woman he loved so dearly, Declan, took no prisoners. Before she could calm herself down from the highly intense orgasm she had just experienced, he turned her on her side. He placed one of her legs in between his and the other on his shoulders. He entered her sideways giving her all he had to give. He lowered her leg from his chest to his side as he fell backwards onto the bed. She moaned as she squeezed his foot that was now in her face. It was almost as if he was scissors cutting into her. Whatever position he had her in she was loving it. She was sure they would have to do this one again.
Declan squeezed her thigh as he gyrated his hips. He increased his speed as tingling sensations set off sparks inside his body. With rapid motions he felt himself disappear deeper inside her treasure chest. She was tight and wet. He could not get enough. She felt so good that he wished he wouldn’t cum for hours but that was wishful thinking. He was on the edge of an explosion. He had to stop it. He couldn’t come yet, not yet. Quickly, he pulled out. She thought something was wrong but it wasn’t. Everything was right. He wanted her to cum while he brought himself down in an effort to savor the moment. He turned her on her back and ate her like it was a second helping of the spaghetti he had prepared earlier. Again she screamed releasing the uncontrollable feeling that ravaged through her. She tried to stifle it. She didn’t want to be so loud but hell, it couldn’t be helped. What he was doing to her warranted that reaction. She needed a release and the only way she could get it was to scream.
She didn’t know how much more she could take but she wasn’t about to lie down like a rug and make him think he put the big one on her. She had to show him she had tricks too. She pushed his head from in between her legs and with all the force she could muster she pushed him down on the bed. She massaged his member until it was stiff, standing as erect as a flag pole. His eyes widened at the sight of her wrapping her lips around him.
“Awe shit!” He whispered.
She licked up and down his shaft. She raised her head a little and began sucking on the tip of his penis like it was a banana laffy taffy. He hit the mattress with his fist thinking she was definitely keeping secrets. How could she? Yes, she had given him this treatment before but he could tell from what she was doing now she was holding back the last time she performed this act. He was losing his damn mind. She took more of him in her mouth and tightened her mouth around him sucking harder and increasing her speed. He grunted as his back arched and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He grunted again this time following up with a slight yell. He raised his head but she pushed him back down. She opened her eyes glancing up at him. His facial expression was priceless. She got back to the matter at hand. It was time for him to cum. She sucked even harder as she played with his balls. It felt so good Declan thought he was going to break down and cry. He couldn’t do that. He had to hold it together. Where the hell had she been all his life. He groaned again as he felt his body losing control. While holding on to the edge of the bed tight, he let out a loud guttural moan deep down in the back of his throat. She released him just in time letting his penis squirt creamy white liquid onto the bed. He pushed her down on her back lifting her legs on his shoulders. He delve deep inside her walls making love to her until she exploded all over him. He fell back onto the bed trying to catch his breath. He was depleted of all energy. He wanted to get up and take a shower but it couldn’t be done. He didn’t have the strength to move. He pulled her into his chest.
“I love you my lady,’ he declared barely above a whisper.
“I love you too babe.”
Those was the last words exchanged between the two of them before drifting off into a deep coma like sleep.
Half-awake, Makeba ran her hands over the other side of the bed. She felt nothing but empty space. She got up, took a quick shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She slid her feet inside her slippers and made her way into the kitchen. To her surprise she had company and it wasn’t Declan.
“Granny Whitaker!!”
Slowly, she turned around with a devilish grin on her countenance. “None other sweetie.”
“Granny Whitaker, you can walk?’
“Shush child. This is our little secret. Go set the table on the deck. I want to have breakfast under the morning sun,” she said smiling.
“Yes ma’am.”
Makeba took the dishes and some cutlery to set the table outside. She returned to the kitchen to get glasses, the orange juice and extra napkins. Granny came out on the deck with a plate of freshly baked biscuits, sausage, bacon, a plate with scrambled eggs and a serving bowl filled with cheese grits.
Makeba was shocked when she saw the biscuits and the grits. “Granny, what you know about cheese grits?.”
She guffawed. “I know a lot more than you know honey. I’m from the south. I know about cheese grits, fish and grits, homemade biscuits and gravy, fried corn bread and collard greens. Soul food is just another way of describing good food. It’s not about race. Its geography honey. We southern folks can whip up a darn good meal can’t we?”
“You are something else.”
“I know. Now sit down and eat.”
Makeba took her seat still tickled by granny’s antics. Here she was sitting at the table in a regular chair and not her wheelchair. She wanted to question her about why she went to such lengths to fool her family but she wasn’t sure it was a good idea. She didn’t want to risk getting on Granny Whitaker’s bad side by prying into her affairs. Granny was an ally she would like to keep on her side.
“Declan called me early this morning to ask if I’d like to keep you company. I told him it would be my honor.”
“Oh Granny Whitaker,” she smiled.
“I had Sam drop me off. Declan had a very important meeting to get to at the office. Since you were still sleeping when I arrived, I figured I might as well fix something good for us to eat.”