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Billionaire's Black Secret Baby (BWWM Second Chance Romance)

Page 5

by Ciara Cole

  But in the end, it all went down easier than she could have hoped.

  They were taken in through a separate entrance from the general public gates and soon came face-to-face with Trent and the other guests in his private box. It was the perfect fall Thursday for football, the temperature crisp and the view of blue sky and white clouds from the window, magical.

  Jonah was all wide-eyed delight, though he stopped short when he saw Trent. “I remember you from my mom’s office.”

  “I remember you as well,” Trent said easily, and Gwen stood behind Jonah nervously as Trent held out his hand to shake Jonah’s. Gwen quickly made introductions, and Trent added, “I’m glad you decided to join me in my box for the game.”

  “It’s awesome! I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Can we really watch the whole game from here?” asked Jonah in awe, and Gwen saw Trent smile.

  “We have the perfect view right over the playing field. I can show you the best way to enjoy every bit of today’s game. You’ll almost feel like you’re right down there taking part with the players.”

  “Are you serious?” Jonah said, eyes bright and enthusiastic, as he looked from Trent to his mother, who gave her nod of assent.

  “Mr. Matthews knows a whole lot about this kind of thing,” said Gwen, without irony. “We’ve only ever viewed the game from the stands, so this is a big deal. There’s also the chance to talk about the plans you have for the school projects, which is great too.”

  “There’ll be plenty of time for that,” boomed a voice from behind them. “First, let’s get down to the fun part!”

  Gwen turned to find a familiar face walking up to them, a wide grin on his designer-stubbled face. She noticed Jonah’s eyes go even rounder as he recognized the popular blockbuster action star.

  From then it was just surprise after surprise. Two other celebrities, one a top-seeded tennis star and the other, a celebrity chef whom Gwen positively adored and followed all her recipes, joined them in the luxury box. There was the most fabulous catering available, champagne and cocktails, and fun drinks and snacks for Jonah.

  By the time the game was in the third quarter, Gwen had lost most of her wariness and just relaxed into the moment. Jonah was having the time of his life, his grin wide as he looked up at Trent with what could only be described as hero worship, as Trent pointed out some facts about the team and the game. Gwen chewed on her bottom lip watching the two of them seated close together, or going to stand by the open glass panels overlooking the field. Jonah was his usual outgoing self and Trent seemed to know how to draw him out further, making Jonah bring out his bright, warm personality. Trent playfully turned Jonah’s baseball cap to face backwards, and Jonah actually looked pleased, laughing up at Trent.

  Trent didn’t try to hog Jonah to himself, though and let them all interact with each other, but Gwen couldn’t help but notice that somehow, Jonah seemed to gravitate to Trent again and again. Trent always looked pleased when Jonah would shift his attention from someone else and just focus himself back on Trent, asking another question and eagerly waiting for Trent to reply.

  Okay, so Gwen didn’t expect Trent to be so good with kids. But then, his winning strategy seemed to know how to speak on equal footing with someone far, far younger. He made them feel like their opinion mattered and he spoke to them like he knew they understood everything he said.

  Gwen was happy that she did get the chance to chat with the other VIP guests and set up plans regarding their interest in making donations. To her relief, they assured her that they’d spoken at length with Trent who’d convinced them it was a great cause to get onboard.

  “The game’s a bit disappointing today, but I’d still say it’s been a success, won’t you?” Trent asked an hour later as he came to stand beside Gwen at the window. She’d been gazing across the enormous stadium to the surrounding frame of yellow, red, and orange trees beyond the coliseum. She’d enjoyed the excitement of not just watching the game but experiencing it from her grandstand view. Now she turned to Trent and gave him a smile.

  “In a number of ways, yes,” she replied. Her eyes shifted to her son who’d just re-entered from the private bathroom. He waved to them and then went straight to explore another corner of the suite. Gwen chuckled and faced Trent who was watching her face with an amused smile. Her look sobered as she met his eyes, and quietly thanked him for his aid with the donors.

  “It works in my favor, too, remember,” he told her with a casual shrug. “The more names I can bring on, makes for more PR. The bigger, the better.”

  Gwen nodded in understanding, then faced the open windows that made it feel like being more enveloped within the action going on around them. “The view really is gorgeous,” she whispered, her gaze running over the brilliant apple green of the field, the swathe of colors in the far stands representing the home team. Now she understood why anyone would pay a fortune to own a box like this like Trent did, or even rent it on a per-event basis for special occasions. Today was definitely a special occasion, getting to bring Jonah and letting him witness something new and exciting. That alone, made everything worth it, Gwen thought with a deep, relieved sigh.

  “Yes. Gorgeous,” Trent said, making Gwen suddenly break from her thoughts to look quickly at him and see he was looking straight at her and not the view. There was that strange fixed look in his eyes, but then before she could decipher it he’d turned away to walk to the bar. He started to mix a cocktail and waved Jonah over, saying it was something nice and fruity.

  Jonah bounded there eagerly and again Gwen had to watch those two relate easily in a way that felt like they’d known each other before. Jonah was naturally friendly but he’d never seemed so attached to someone so quickly. He leaned on the counter and watched Trent mix the non-alcoholic drink. He let Jonah help with the shaker and the boy looked happy to chip in. Minutes later Jonah asked if he could offer his mom a glass and Trent said of course. Gwen smiled her thanks as her son came and handed her the colorful drink, Jonah looking proud saying he helped Trent make it.

  Gwen took a sip and gave a thumbs-up, saying it tasted amazing. She returned her son’s happy beam, and in her heart she decided she wouldn’t change this present, this now, for anything. She’d been scared of Trent and Jonah being seen together, but so far no one had acted suspicious. The other guests had been busy themselves, taking advantage of the outer areas they had special access to, such as the lounge and restaurant. Gwen didn’t see any of the others paying any extra notice of how Trent gave Jonah much of his attention. She figured they felt Trent was simply being nice because Jonah was Gwen’s son. Little did they guess the truth, thought Gwen.

  Not that she wanted them to guess. But seeing how restrained Trent had acted with Jonah, not pushing and just being polite and letting the boy come to him, earned Gwen’s respect. Now she felt more confused than ever what to do.


  In the days that followed the very eventful game, Gwen fully expected Trent to follow up with some other idea to get himself around their son. But Trent made no other bid for contact between him and Jonah. Gwen wondered if Trent had lost interest now that he’d spent some time with Jonah? Maybe he’d realized fatherhood just wasn’t his thing, and he’d rather have the freedom his life now afforded, free of complication?

  Or maybe, he’d decided it was best after all, to keep his son a secret? Gwen felt a perverse feeling of anger, wondering how Trent could choose to shut Jonah out. The boy was so smart, affectionate, and mature for his age, and no one could help but adore him. He still raved about the luxury box and all the merchandise that Trent had got for him. Gwen had frowned to see all the expensive items but Trent simply pointed out that most of it came with the luxury suite and since Jonah had been his guest, it was the least he could do.

  Gwen had never seen Jonah so glad and even ecstatic, as he brought up every chance to talk about the whole experience. When he kept asking if they’d see Trent again, Gwen had a sinking feeling, wondering how th
e encounter must have had an impact on the boy. He wasn’t exposed to that much male attention except at school or among her extended family and friends. He had male figures he looked up to but Gwen could tell he’d felt a real connection with Trent. He began to ask more and more questions, about who Trent was and if he was friends with her.

  “No, it’s just business. You know all those classroom projects that are getting completed after months of waiting? Well, it’s donors like Trent who’ve made it possible. Also, he’s the one behind the other new donors. With his help we coordinated the effort of up to five other philanthropists and they’re funding this and other projects in the state. Isn’t that pretty cool?”

  “I think it’s awesome,” said Jonah with a dramatic clap of his hands that made his mother smile.

  “His education campaign is also going to provide computers, books, and supplies that the school budget just can’t cover,” Gwen added. “The teachers will be making the announcement sometime this week, so all the kids can make some nice drawings and art to say thank you and I’ll have it posted on the school board and the foundation website.”

  “I’ll get started on my thank you painting right now!” said Jonah. “I can’t wait to see what Trent thinks of what I make.”

  Gwen’s lips curved in a wider smile watching Jonah scramble for his drawing materials. She was just as enthusiastic as him about the present results of Trent’s whole education fundraising drive. It was already getting major coverage on some main news sites on the web and in the dailies. Gwen had taken to doing online searches to see how much goodwill Trent’s image had been accruing thanks to his efforts. She’d never allowed herself the heartache of viewing data about Trent in the past, but now it seemed she couldn’t get enough of the pictures, the profile pieces in glossy magazines or the TV reports onscreen where she could watch him giving an interview or making a comment at a business event. In every frame he was drop-dead gorgeous, be it in his bespoke suits or more informal attire. It just didn’t seem that he had any plans for a family after his wife died, so Gwen wondered why she even bothered getting worried about him laying claim to Jonah.

  At least, she’d given them a chance together and that should be enough.

  Maybe after the project had been finalized, everything could go back to normal as if nothing had ever happened and Trent never found out about Jonah. They could all get on with their lives as before, and life would stay simple and drama free.

  But drama was exactly what Gwen got that following week. In the morning the teachers had gathered to paint the rooms that were being remodeled in the school, when the news spread that one of the donors would be arriving to help out with the actual construction.

  With barely any warning beforehand, and before Gwen even wrapped her head around it, Trent had shown up with a camera crew ready for work.

  “What’s going on?” Gwen asked him as she drew him aside the first chance she could. “The school board barely gave me any notice. What’s this I hear about you helping out yourself and what’s with the cameras?”

  “I think it speaks for itself,” Trent said. He was dressed in an open-necked pale blue shirt and dark pants, and still managed to look sexy enough to make her want to tackle him down and just consume him with kisses.

  Even the way he looked at her, with a hint of smoldering possession, had her cheeks flaming and making her wish they were alone and not among a crop of people who could let on about the crackling tension between them.

  Gwen cleared her throat slightly. “No, it doesn’t. You need to break it down for me. When did you decide on showing up here with a whole news crew?”

  “It’s not a news crew, just a few cameras from my PR team. They’ll take a few photos, record some footage and that’s it,” Trent told her with a calm shrug. “They came up with the whole idea for the photo op and I decided to go with it—especially since it looks like I might not be able to be there for the official unveiling.”

  Gwen missed a beat, surprise etching her features. “Oh. Why is that?”

  Trent let out a short sigh. “It’s the same time as when I’m scheduled to be out of the country on business. I’m trying to work things around, because my team thinks I won’t get the full effect of having done a good deed if I end up missing the event. But it’s a high possibility.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll just have to see what can be done,” Gwen said, not sure how else to respond. She didn’t want Trent to feel like she was trying to get rid of him or anything, or keep him out of the whole process. When Jonah suddenly ran up to Trent with a happy grin, Gwen’s inner fear soared again, and rightly so. This was her everyday environment, and it was getting disrupted even though she was the only one, and Trent too, who knew they had a connection. She just felt like she needed to be looking over her shoulder any time Trent and Jonah were together.

  But Jonah was just so happy to see Trent, and quickly dragged him to one of the classroom boards to where Jonah had pinned his thank you art. It was colorful, cheery, and well executed, showing children taking part in different activities like skipping, gardening, and reading. Trent said it looked pretty awesome and that Jonah was one talented eight-year-old. The pride in his eyes as he said it made Gwen squirm all the more as she stood beside them, ever watchful.

  Then one of the teachers came up and pumped on Trent’s hand happily, then proceeded to pair Trent off with Gwen and her son to help with the remodeling. They were assigned to one of the classrooms and Gwen couldn’t have been any wearier about arguing or fighting within herself. Fate just kept setting things in motion and if she tried to hinder anything it would only make things worse. She planned to keep acting natural and just let the day play its course.

  All she could do was watch, seeing how well Trent and Jonah got along as they got into their task. “Have you ever painted before?” Jonah asked Trent with interest.

  “Actually, I have. You’ll be surprised to know, one of my hobbies is renovating or updating houses. Sometimes I just pick an old property I’m interested in and redesign it to give it a modern feel. Widen doorways, open a few walls while still keeping the integrity of the house. It can take a whole year or more to finish.”

  “A whole year? That’s one big place!” Jonah said with awe.

  Trent laughed and said no, it was because it was just him, having to play not just contractor but architect and interior designer. “I do use subcontractors, but I make sure I’m on site with them,” Trent explained, then asked if Jonah would like to come sometime and help him out with one of the houses. Jonah nodded enthusiastically while Gwen just bristled and slapped her brush harder against the wall. She sent Trent a death glare but he merely shot her a deadpan look and then turned to Jonah again with a grin.

  Gwen could barely hold herself in for the rest of the day. Once school closed and Jonah and the rest of the kids cleaned up, Gwen got Jonah to leave with one of her teacher friends whose kid was Jonah’s age and who’d watch him until Gwen planned on picking him up from their place later. She needed to get some things sorted with Trent first.

  She told him they needed to talk and he agreed. His PR people had packed up and soon left, leaving only two of his security personnel who waited in the parking lot.

  “I don’t think we set out any ground rules for your interactions with Jonah,” Gwen began heatedly the minute they were alone in the classroom. With everyone gone Gwen could now bring up the burning subject that had kept her from barely functioning since Trent showed up today. “And yet I thought you understood that you can’t go making plans to spend more time with him without getting it by me first,” she added.

  “I know what you’re saying,” came Trent’s patient reply. “But the more time I get to spend with my son, the more I like him. I’m not sure I can stay away from him.”

  Gwen gasped. Something burned in Trent’s eyes and it made her want to escape, run away with Jonah where no one could ever find them. Hadn’t she been scared of this very thing all along?

nbsp; Trent noted the look of horror on her face and sighed. “I told you, I’m not going to make any crazy or hasty demands on either of you. I just need to know how long you intend fighting me on this.”

  “For as long as it takes to keep Jonah safe.”

  Her gritted words made his eyes narrow. “And you’re implying I can’t? As if as his father I’d do anything to ever bring him harm?”

  “But you can’t guarantee you’ll protect him. From your family, and the whole shitstorm it would raise when everyone finds out that Trent Matthews had a love child when he was seventeen.”

  “Don’t go making up scenarios when they can easily be avoided. I’ll be discreet—something I’ve been used to since being in a loveless marriage for six years.”

  Gwen was knocked into silence by Trent’s dispassionately delivered words.

  “I want my son,” he said, with far more emotion than before. He moved from the table he’d been leaning against and stalked up to Gwen standing in the middle of the room.

  “You say that like he’s some bauble you can snap your fingers and just have fall into your lap like everything else you’ve had going your way since you were born. Jonah is my son and if I think it’s in his best interests not to form any attachment to you, then you should respect that.”

  “Wrong, Gwen.” Trent’s hands encircled her shoulders and pulled her close, his hold too firm for her reluctant frame to put up effective resistance. He aligned her against him, making her feel the outline of every muscle he possessed. “Jonah deserves a father and I’m here to make sure he wants for nothing else in his life—especially that.”

  Somehow, his words made her start with guilt, her thoughts flashing to that Christmas morning memory. Damn Trent for pulling this on her! She’d done the best she could and now, he made her wish she hadn’t been so single-minded about proving to herself all these years, that she didn’t need Trent and in tandem, neither did Jonah.


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