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Billionaire's Black Secret Baby (BWWM Second Chance Romance)

Page 15

by Ciara Cole

  Tamira closed her eyes shut and felt like she could evaporate on the spot. Resting her hands on his chest, she tried to shove him aside so she could flee from the now stifling meeting room. But he was like a solid boulder, immovable. Instead he pulled her closer, her body flush against his as his arm closed like a band of steel around her middle.

  “Open your eyes, Tamira,” he said softly.

  Tamira felt her heart hammering in her chest. He pinched her chin in his thumb and forefinger and tilted her face to him, but still she didn’t oblige him, her eyes tightly shut. She could feel his breath fan her face, warm and minty fresh. He wouldn’t try to kiss her, would he? Not when anyone could come in. Tamira could picture Nisha’s face if she came in and witnessed that.

  Even now he was too close for comfort. He made her gooey and shivery just being this snugly pressed to him.

  “Okay, then. Just listen,” he said, soft laughter rumbling in his voice briefly, before he moved his cheek close to hers and whispered, “There’s no harm if we simply have it both ways. We can work, and play. We’ll keep our professional relations by day, and at night we’ll continue our fun and games. No one ever needs to know. And when the project is over we can reevaluate the situation. Agreed?”

  Eyes still closed, Tamira couldn’t help but picture it in her head. Well… she had to admit it was a very, very tempting prospect. She really didn’t want to lose the opportunity to take on the Cavendish brand. It would look good on her portfolio, no doubt. And if she was honest, now that they’d met again she wasn’t happy at the thought of this being the last she’d see of Rafe.

  She couldn’t possibly be falling for him, could she?

  The very thought had her eyes flying open in alarm. Who fell in love so foolishly nowadays? After barely three days of meeting him? Tamira shook herself mentally. Not a chance. This was just physical. And she’d prove it. She’d take the project, indulge in some no-strings passion after hours, and have a blast. No romance, no expectations. It wouldn’t work out anyway. Rafe Cavendish and his type would have their future brides possibly betrothed in advance since they were cherubs. He was a third-generation heir to a billionaire fortune after all.

  While she came from a far less glowing background. Tamira didn’t feel ashamed of her roots—far from it—but she was realistic enough to know there was definitely a divide. There was also the fact she was black, and Rafe Cavendish was not. She didn’t know much about interracial pairings except for the fact that they came with a whole lot of drama. So Tamira was just fine, settling for something casual that was to both her benefit and his.

  “Made up your mind yet, or would you like more time to think about it?” Rafe broke into her thoughts, and Tamira focused her eyes on his handsomely chiseled face. Those hazel, thickly lashed eyes had a sizzling quality that melted away the last of her misgivings. Drawing in a ragged breath and hoping she wasn’t going to regret this, Tamira finally gave Rafe Cavendish her answer…

  Chapter Nine

  They’d barely got the contract for the project underway, yet here Rafe was already springing surprises. As a thank-you for Tamira agreeing to the deal, he offered to take her to a high-profile art event that evening.

  Tamira wasn’t sure what it would mean, considering she still hadn’t made up her mind where their personal and professional lines were drawn. As if sensing her thoughts, Rafe told her to simply consider it as part of their official obligations. “We’re more or less a team now. A lot of industry people will be there, and they’ll sit up and notice when they realize I presently have the best name on my team.”

  Tamira had blushed thinking how much Rafe took her in high regard. When she thought of the whole mistaken identity saga and how miscommunication happened, she knew she’d have to be more careful in future and always do things with eyes wide open. No getting blindsided because she was scrimping on details. If Rafe wanted to make it known that Tamira was now connected to his project, she was all for it. Creating a buzz was always part of the creative process.

  Little did she expect that the buzz would prove mostly negative. Well, at least from her point of view. Who would have thought that others would read things so wrong?

  The art event was one where both Rafe and Tamira knew lots of people. It was like a boilerplate for both their lines of business, considering the show was about materialism in modern art. Things were to get somewhat awkward, it seemed, as Tamira and Rafe were seen arriving together.

  As far as she knew, they were individually proud of their professional careers—and they had pride in their egos. Now they were running into a few questions from people that needled them both. For example, people assuming that Rafe was with Tamira to desperately save his athleisure line (true!) rubbed Rafe the wrong way. Left to him, he wanted to believe he could do it on his own and considered Tamira as simply extra insurance to make it work. That and the way his support team had been adamant about needing someone with her outlook to get involved in the project.

  Then there were others who thought that Tamira was with Rafe to try and woo him sexually to get his business (false!). This bothered Tamira no end. She didn’t strive so hard to get this far to have people speculating that she did it with her body. She might have walked in on Rafe’s arm, and she could imagine the picture they presented, both being single and eye-catching, individually and as a couple. But it was no business of theirs to theorize whatever did or did not have to do with the project on its own merit.

  Thankfully, there were the others who knew them both and praised them for finding each other, while thinking the two of them probably hit it off splendidly (well, they did!).

  Tongues would always wag, whether or not they had any personal involvement behind closed doors. Tamira realized this and took it all in her stride. Knowing what she did of human nature, and after years of battling her way up through the ranks to gain the acclaim she now enjoyed, she wasn’t going to let this minor drawback worry her. Her best comeback would be to make the whole project a shining success. She wasn’t so sure now, though, about the other aspect of maintaining a sexual connection with Rafe while busy with the project.

  The possibility of it clouding her judgment was weighing too heavily for her to treat it as casually as before. What if they got caught? Someone could find out if they weren’t discreet or if they slipped up in any way. Then everything being bandied around would practically be confirmed, no matter how much of it was mere conjecture.

  Tamira had no doubt that after the way the evening went, Rafe would have put things in perspective himself. He was bound to see things her way. Right? Because the project was all-important, so they couldn’t risk having anything jeopardize that. No matter how firebrand the sex, it just wasn’t worth it.

  So how Tamira ended up agreeing to go back to his apartment, and having sex with him, was beyond any powers of human comprehension. One thing she knew, they were in his car driving from the event and there was tension in the air. The evening hadn’t gone as planned, but they’d rode through to the closing without showing any outward reaction to all the speculations going round that filtered to their hearing or knowledge. It was other people’s opinion, whatever. Possibly even gossip spread from rivals from either end of their spectrum in the industry. Tamira had her share of them, and no doubt Rafe did too.

  The whole event began to look like a big lark and they even started to laugh it over, especially when they brought up one character or the other from the event that had struck them as hilarious. Most of these opinionated bigots were just faceless anyway, with no bearing on what was really relevant in the same industry they tried to undermine with their “point of view.”

  “You should have seen their faces when we walked in,” Tamira said on a chortle. “And did you really have to invite me to dance? I felt like we were under a spotlight.”

  “Music was meant for dancing,” Rafe said with a shrug, glancing from the road to send Tamira a grin. “Can’t have a beautiful woman on my arm and not want to give her a
t least one spin on the dance floor. I enjoyed having you in my arms, Ms. Fontaine.”

  His gaze drew to hers again and slowly Tamira’s smile faded. She’d liked it too, and while dancing she’d almost been able to forget the watching eyes and tattling mouths.

  Her companion was so dashing in his Armani suit and tie. No other male in the room could hold a candle to him. And the way he looked at her made her feel like a work of art herself, while he never spared any of the other beauties in the room even a look.

  More than a few had tried to steal his attentions. A young handsome billionaire CEO heir would hardly go unnoticed at such a prestigious event graced by eagle-eyed socialites and debutants. But to their chagrin, he seemed fixated on his brown-skinned partner, whom anyone could see was a true beauty, holding her own with grace, style, and confidence. Her attire flattered her curves, and its simple elegance drew even more attention to her pleasing attributes in ways the more artificially augmented females in their dripping jewels and couture gowns could not achieve.

  Even with all the turbulent undercurrents that had shadowed the outing, Tamira didn’t regret one moment being around Rafe. There was no way to tell how long this attraction would hold her spellbound. It might all come to a natural conclusion when the project ended. No, there was no “might” about it, Tamira said firmly to herself. She was all for being realistic, and she just couldn’t see any reason for them to keep being together once the business end of things ran its course.

  Tamira tore her eyes from Rafe’s smoldering gaze and looked out the window at the direction they were headed. “This isn’t the way to my address.”

  “No,” he said. He slanted a look her way, and it sent a shiver up and down her spine. “It’s not too late to turn around if you want.”

  Tamira couldn’t believe this man. She was fluttering inside from all that had happened since they’d met again just that morning. Again and again circumstances kept them building this link that couldn’t be pushed aside. She kept shifting ground and being indecisive about what she really wanted, and now she realized that sometimes it was okay to let someone else simply take it out of her hands.

  Instead of replying, she simply looked away and kept her eyes straight ahead, trying to steady her breathing. Rafe also chose to stay silent, driving the sports car with calm precision. Considering what she just tacitly agreed to, Tamira was surprised with how sedately she was taking the situation. She should be freaking out! Sex wasn’t a game to her, and it definitely wasn’t standard for her to agree to random trysts, yet here she was. Heading off with a man with one aim in mind: to take her body, possibly use and punish her for his pleasure and so much more. Pleasure would be reciprocal, no doubt about it, but there was also no question who would be in control here.

  Tamira had always prided herself on being levelheaded, maybe a little conventional, yet every time she was around Rafe she passed the threshold of propriety and became a different Tamira. One who liked the bondage, discipline, and other deviant practices she’d once considered as “not really her thing.” How wrong she’d been—and how glad she was to find someone like Rafe who understood just what she needed.

  What if there was more?

  Clearing her throat slightly, she turned in her seat to look at Rafe. That patrician profile with its handsomely defined edges was a thrill to take in, and Tamira couldn’t help but admire her specimen of a lover. He no doubt sensed her regard and flashed a cocky smile, the devil. “Have something to ask me?”

  “Yes, actually.” Tamira swallowed slightly and tried not to shift nervously in her seat. “The time we spent together. Those things we did, I mean, with the role play and all the ‘scenes’ like you told me they were called. You know, when I got tied up or all the impact play and the rough sex.”

  She paused and caught his little smile. “Interested in finding out more?”

  Tamira was all at once reluctant, and yet excited. She chewed on her bottom lip. “We’ll have to discuss it at length first, of course—but yes, I think I am. Would you teach me?”

  “Yes, Tamira, I’ll teach you whatever you wish to know. Actually, I’m way ahead of you with this,” he said, making Tamira’s eyebrows climb. He added, “We’re headed to one of my private locations in the city. I newly had the place fitted, so this is the first time I’ll get to try out the whole set of chambers and props. I designed everything myself, and I look forward to finding out what you think about the setup.”

  Tamira gasped in outrage as her mind quickly made sense of his meaning. “I can’t believe you’re taking me to your… your sex lair!”

  Her breathing was coming fast and hard. He really was despicable! What did he take her for? Why was she getting hot from this?

  “You said yourself you wanted to learn more. A student needs the right atmosphere and structure.” He slashed her a look, that sexy mouth twitching suspiciously. Tamira could have smacked his face if he dared laugh!

  “Relax, Tamira. It’s not some extreme dungeon spot where I plan to perform all kinds of depravities on women. I merely conceived it for fun at first, and enjoyed seeing my ideas take shape. It only just got finished like I said, and the first thing I thought of was you being there with me.” His hand reached for hers, lifting it to his lips for a kiss. Ugh, such a charmer. Tamira snatched her hand away and saw his grin.

  “Think of it simply as setting the mood. Sometimes, it takes the perfect environment to get things done right. If it turns out you’re not comfortable with anything at all, then I promise we’ll leave right away.”

  Tamira settled back in her seat, going a little pensive. Well, she asked for it. What was a few hours of bondage and sex games? They were both consenting adults after all. And she trusted Rafe. In a way, she felt mollified that he trusted her too. She wasn’t so thick to assume he’d do this with just anybody. At least she’d be the first to try out his little hideaway. Wasn’t it about time she started living to the fullest, exploring her sexual side and finding out what worked for her and what didn’t?

  She felt reassured in the knowledge that Rafe had the patience to talk it through with her first so that she would know what she was getting into. Suddenly, life was taking on a whole new vista. Tamira had no illusions that this meant anything deeper than it was. Neither of them were looking for romance or any real attachments.

  Still, Tamira made a note to ensure that Rafe understood that while they were together, they would at least stay mutually exclusive. After the first few times, they’d gone without a condom; they’d talked about it, and Tamira was glad they’d cleared each other up about such issues as both of them being clean and Tamira already being on the pill mainly to regulate her period. They’d made sure to avoid being reckless again, and she was glad they’d kept to that ever since.

  This way, Tamira could actually focus on just experiencing everything. She was glad it was Rafe, and not someone else. Wasn’t living about making memories, following where your heart led, and taking chances? Tamira vowed to never let anything have her doubting her choices ever again. She’d make her own mistakes, her own path, and count it simply a journey well charted. Now, she couldn’t wait for what lay in store for her not just tonight, but even beyond.

  Chapter Ten

  A cool, shadowy room.

  Pinned on her were bright hazel eyes now gold flecked, reflecting his desire in them. Rafe’s features were fierce, jaw clenched and lines harshly etched. Need. So much savage need evident on his face. Tamira couldn’t imagine a more beautiful sight.

  He seemed a different person entirely. Or maybe it was just the angle she was viewing him, with her there on her knees. He stood in front of her holding her gaze as he unzipped his pants. His black dress shirt lay unbuttoned at the throat, the sleeves rolled up the powerful cords of his forearms. His black tie was wrapped around Tamira’s wrists, which were bound behind her back. His intense gaze made it impossible to look away from him as he fished his manhood free from the opening. To say his erection was impressive
was understating the fact. Just staring at him grip the base in his fist made Tamira wonder at all those times before that she’d ever fit it all inside her mouth or sex. It was still a wonder how she managed it.

  Her eyes flashed back up to his, exposing her throat-drying anticipation, her yearning. He watched the emotions play on her face as he lazily pumped his fat member in one hand. And then his other hand reached out to trace her jawline with his knuckles. “Everything about you is an aphrodisiac,” he rasped. “How captivating you are.”

  His thumb skimmed over her lips, before pushing into her mouth. Tamira sucked on the digit, keeping eye contact with her dominant lover. With a growl, he withdrew his thumb and tangled his fingers in her air, pulling her close to his thick shaft. “Take it in your mouth, Tamira.”

  Tamira felt a lash of shyness, yet she couldn’t think of stopping now. She gingerly edged out her tongue to his beautifully veined member, a deep ivory shade and emanating a clean, earthy scent that made her inner thighs strum. It projected in an arch and reared when she started at the spot where the sac and shaft were connected, and took a long lick. Rafe’s sharp intake of breath had her eyes flying quickly to meet his in concern. “Don’t stop until I tell you to,” he growled.

  Tamira nodded, resolve building inside her as she reminded herself of the things she’d learned about what he liked and responded to, from their nights together just the past weekend. And intuitively she knew just what got to him the most. Like now when she feasted on him like he was a melting ice cream cone, running her tongue all over him, slurping his thick and heavy shaft and making it all sloppy wet. Or when she was rubbing up her face on him, then gobbling him up whole, till she was choking and gagging on him, saliva and precum dripping from her lips and chin. Rafe liked a whole lot of nasty, and Tamira wanted to push herself and give him something to take him to the edge.


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