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The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5)

Page 16

by Tigris Eden

  “No offense, Jes. I know he appeared to Faith and Sylvie, but let’s be real—children are gullible. Easily manipulated. What if what he showed her was a version of his truth, and not the truth? What if we’re all running around with our dicks in our hands? It could be his way of putting us out of the game so that more shit goes down we aren’t aware of. We’ve dealt mostly with the infamous Red or Black Hand organization. Whatever the hell they are calling themselves. Melissa has been handed over to the wolves. We’ve been living the good life. I have two kids I want to see like all the fucking time now. Ronin does too, although he won’t say shit to you all. You have your son, and your family restored. Can’t we all just leave well enough alone?”

  “And chance the Unveiling?” Dietrich asked. “Are you stuck on stupid Royce, or have you always been?”

  Royce growled in his direction.

  “You think because my kids like you that I won’t fuck you up? Wrong, man. So wrong.”

  “I think what my brother is saying holds some merit. I also think we should look further into what’s presented to us. We can’t just walk into Tartaros and ask Hades if he’ll come quietly. I don’t see that happening,” Ronin said calmly.

  Leave it to his brother. He always had his back.

  “We don’t have that much time,” Jorunn spoke up quietly.

  Royce didn’t really know her well enough yet, but what he did know of her, he liked. She had a quiet mind. Not like the rest of the drones sitting at the table. Well, they weren’t all drones, but Draven was asshat number one out of the bunch. He was seriously on board with Enri’s request. He couldn’t read Jes or Gabe, and that didn’t necessarily piss him off, but he wanted to know what they were thinking. Jes was making it pretty clear she was on her man’s side.

  “I think if we rush into this we will be making a mistake,” Xee said. She was the know-it-all. Gabe’s mate, and a para-housed—or she was. Dravaggio, their still-missing leader, had gone on some sort of demonic walkabout. No one knew where he was, and really, no one brought it up. It wasn’t that they didn’t care because half the time, when he was in attendance at the Unit’s building, Royce could hear what most were thinking and too afraid to voice out loud—what would happen when the voice incubus returned?

  Everyone thought about it, but again, no one was talking. Himself, included.

  “You’d be right, Xee. Rushing into this would create a shitstorm none of us are prepared to face. We’re not just fighting to protect our secrets. We’re fighting for everything. I think somewhere out there, someone is having a good laugh at our expense.”

  “Why don’t we see what Gabe’s brothers have to say?” Xee suggested.

  “It wouldn’t be a bad idea—have them chime in, give us some feedback. This is too huge a decision for us to go off one person’s request. A request we all know is being made for selfish reasons. He all but admitted to being the one to torture Jes,” Belinda chimed in.

  Leave it to his girl. She always said the right thing.

  “Fine, let’s consult the Angels. How about we find an Oracle while we’re at it? I’m in charge here.” Draven’s voice compounded the tension already circulating the room. Royce could see the divide Enri caused.

  “Dude, do you even hear yourself?” Adam asked. He sat at the far end of the table. Severely under-fed, the Vampiri looked like shit. Royce knew why he wasn’t eating, but figured it wasn’t his shit to deal with, so he wasn’t going to chime in on the I give a fuck express ride.

  “I’ve already made the decision. We’re going after Hades.”

  “Draven. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “This isn’t a democracy.”

  “No, but it isn’t a dictatorship either, moron. We need every available resource at our disposal with this. Hades is not some run-of-the-mill character. He’s not even your low-level thug. We’re talking about the keeper of the fucking underworld. Guardian of Tartaros. Be smart. Did Enri offer any guidance, at all?”

  Royce already knew the answer to that question but he wanted to put it out in the open for everyone to hear.

  “He didn’t,” Jesminda said.

  “He won’t either. Can’t you see this fucker is just toying with us? Like he always does. We can’t trust him.”

  “He’s mated to my sister. We’re doing exactly what needs to be done,” Dietrich chimed in. He’d been quiet most of the debate. It was only a matter of time before he spoke up. He was seething. Royce knew Dietrich was pissed at himself for allowing his sister to stay behind. He could understand where the male was coming from, but they still needed to proceed with caution.

  “Why can’t we get him to drink from the cup first and thhen help him?” Ronin asked.

  “There isn’t much time. The Defiant Ones are awake. We may not have heard from them, but we will. We need to help Enri get what he wants. And in return, he drinks from the cup. Dietrich will get his sister back and we can all live to fight another day.” Draven growled.

  “She’s been Blood-kissed. Do you even know what that means?”

  “I know a little about it, yes.”

  “Well, let me give you the rundown. She will be forever tied to Enri. The only way out of it is through a shredding of the soul. What do you think will happen if her soul is shredded? Because I can promise you that fucker won’t be anteing up to the game and offering his black soul.” Royce shook his head in disgust. Was everyone really this stupid?

  “I understand that, but you don’t know Yewa. Not like I’ve come to know her. If anyone can turn the tables on Enri’s dark heart, it’s her. She’s a healer—not just in the physical sense, but in the emotional as well. There’s a reason she was put in front of him,” Jesminda countered.

  “Gabe, you’ve dealt with the Fates. You think that could be the case?” Xee asked.

  “Could be, but those bitches are also known for weaving false hope, too.”

  The glass door to the war room opened and Ann, their resident head doctor, walked in. Royce didn’t care for her.

  “Human’s aren’t invited.” Ronin sneered. His brother didn’t care for her, either.

  “Xee’s human,” Ann reminded them.

  “She also gets a pass because she warms Death’s bed. You, bitch, are here to fuck with us. Don’t forget, I know all.” Royce tapped the side of his head before turning back to the others.

  “I can get you an audience with Hades,” the human whispered.

  That got everyone’s attention. Including Royce.


  Ann pulled up the sleeve of her blazer, revealing several tattoos that adorned her skin. But the two that stuck out—the two Royce knew all about—were the stars covering her wrists. She had the mark. Not just any mark. Abaddon, Gabriel’s bitch-ass brother, only gave that mark to those who could freely walk among the dead. But not just any dead. Those who bore this mark had a fast pass to Azrael’s realm of Hell, who just so happened to be besties with Hades. Ann wasn’t just doing Abaddon’s deeds—she was also doing work for Azrael. She was an Enforcer and by the look of the bars that ran across her right wrist above one of the stars, she was a fucking lieutenant.

  Gabe cursed.

  The others weren’t privy to this part of the information. The only reason Royce knew about the tats and what they meant was because he wasn’t always a goody-goody back in the day. He’d come across an Enforcer or two in his long life and most all of them were women. Women sent to tempt, kill, and drag your ass back by the balls—kicking and screaming—to the gates of Hell.

  “I’m sure Hades is going to love this.” Royce snickered.

  Yewa pulled in a deep breath. Enri left her. Not only had he left her, he’d cemented her to the ground. Now that her mind had settled and her tongue was no longer loose, she saw clearly. Mortified by her actions, she groaned out loud. She’d practically mauled Enri. He’d done everything in his power to ensure she didn’t want to be around. But, he’d taken her to see a movie; they’d talked. They’d
conversed more than she had with anyone in a long time.

  Regardless of the choices he’d made and the lives he’d ruined. Deep down, behind the asshole façade, was a man who wanted to be accepted. That’s what it boiled down to. He didn’t want to admit it—and because of that omission he’d gone after what he thought he wanted. What he thought he deserved.

  There was movement to her left. Someone was watching her. She could feel it. Could hear the subtle beating of its heart as it lay in wait. Back home, animals were not feared. They lived alongside each other in peace. Each ensuring they didn’t encroach on the other’s territory. She wasn’t familiar with this place, didn’t know the terrain or its inhabitants.

  Now would be a good time for Enri to appear, Yewa thought seconds later as a branch snapped beneath whatever animal was out there watching. It wasn’t dark, but it wasn’t light, either. Yewa tried to kneel to lower herself to the ground but remembered she was stuck in place.

  “If I could slap you right now Enri, I—”

  “You’d what?”

  Startled, she turned in the direction of his voice and found him standing beyond a downed tree covered in wet moss and vines.

  “I’d slap you. I think I already said that.”

  “I apologize for leaving you.”

  “You can’t go around leaving people in the middle of foreign territory. I can’t protect myself. What if something bad happened? You promised nothing would happen to me.” She was hysterical, she knew, but he’d left her. She wasn’t going to hold back. Enri stood there, not saying anything. He wore a smirk on his face.

  “I don’t normally admit when I’m wrong.”

  Yeah, he may have said that—and he may have even apologized.


  He’d apologized.

  He’d actually apologized.

  “Did you just—”

  “Apologize? Yes. But you were so into your tantrum, I didn’t want to stop you.” His smile was wide. She knew she couldn’t move, but she lunged for him anyway and hit him in the face. Enri anticipated the move and she fell face forward, right into the hard wall of his chest. When she looked up, they were right in the other’s space.

  Her heart kick started, prepared for the marathon he always caused as his breath fanned over her lips. Yewa didn’t remember what led up to what happened next—she just understood she felt it everywhere. From the top of her head to the soles of her feet. And all they did was stare at each other.

  “Aurora was right. Fuck, your eyes are amazing.” Enri kissed her.

  Really kissed her.

  Her knees buckled from the sensations streaming through her body. Whoa, he’s never kissed me like this. Or maybe it was each time their lips connected it elicited different variations in emotions. The pit of her stomach created mini tsunamis. The sounds she’d made, Yewa only heard from other women—never from herself. It was a longing, a need trapped deep beneath the turmoil she’d long thought no longer existed. She’d been walking through her life an empty shell, but with Enri, she was full. Full of emotions, ideas, and words that would have never before graced her consciousness. She’d remained unchanged until Enri. Dead. But now, very much alive.

  His arms tightened around her waist and she could feel the beginnings of a growl crawl up his throat as he nipped at her lips. When he invaded her mouth, she gave up control. The wet, warm glide of his tongue danced alongside hers in a beautiful pattern.

  “I apologize,” he said against her lips softly. Almost like a prayer.

  What’s come over him? For the briefest of moments, Yewa was cautious. Her body froze as her mind went over all the things she knew to be true about Enri. He was a trickster. Used people to get what he wanted. Was he using her? Of course he is.

  “Don’t.” Yewa pulled back.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t try to soften me up with your kisses and kind words.”

  His eyes widened for a second before he ran a hand through his hair, tugging on the strands. He huffed out an irritated breath before he stepped toward her.

  “Yewa, normally, I would say you’re right. I would try to soften you up with whatever I thought necessary. But I mean it this time. I still want the same things I wanted before—none of that has changed. But one thing has.”

  He was nervous. Or he was playing at being nervous? His hand went to the back of his neck where he squeezed. His form was so rigid. Whether it was a true ache, or just his body’s way of adding to the game he already played with her, she wasn’t sure.

  “All of a sudden, now you’re into me? What’s changed?”

  “A lot has changed. We’ve been spending time together and I’ve come to like you.” His eyes expressed sincerity, his body language conveyed his words, but she was still hesitant. Omari would call her foolish. Or more aptly, he’d use a phrase like fucking stupid. But when Enri touched her, she lost all her wits. All thoughts of what she should be doing and what she wanted to do were superseded by his mere presence.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t have to.” His voice smooth, but held a gruff undertone.

  His voice, alone, is bait.

  “Why now?”

  “Why not now?”

  “You said you still want the same things. If I remember correctly, you also said you didn’t have time for me.”

  He nodded his head in agreement.

  “True. I said those things, and I meant them at the time. Aren’t I allowed to reevaluate and adjust? I may be perfect”—a grin slid across his face— “most of the time, but sometimes, I make mistakes like the rest of the mortal world. Whether I’m above them or not is not the issue. It’s a part of the process. It’s the will of life, in any of its forms. It moves forward, adjusts, adapts, and continues along on its course.”

  That was true.

  Life was a constant change.

  “What do we do now?” Yewa questioned.

  He stepped forward and waved his hand out in front of him.

  “Now we take time to enjoy the carnal beauty of each other. You, me....”

  His eyes were changing again. Brilliant stars, galaxies. She could see a slew of activity in the depths of his orbs. But she also saw the need. The intent to make contact with another warm body. Maybe there was truth to his words. You said you’d be there for him. She was there for him. But in this capacity, she wasn’t sure being something to pass the time with was something she could commit to. If she did this, there would be no going back. If she fell and he wasn’t there to catch her this time, she’d be forever lost in his deception.

  Enri didn’t give her time to protest. She was back in his arms to be devoured by his lips once again. Controlling the kiss, Enri led her down a path of unfiltered emotions she was too afraid to put a name to. Things were happening too fast and though her body rejoiced, it also remembered. It remembered the things men had done to her. It remembered the pain from another male’s body had caused her own.

  Yewa stilled in his hold.

  “Please stop. Wait.”

  Enri froze. Somewhere between the kiss and their exchange of words, they were now lying in a bed of purple moss. It was soft, fragrant. She knew she was giving off mixed signals. Not that long ago, she’d been ravenous for his attentions, her mind and body wanting what he was now offering. He watched her closely with eyes alight with fire and need. She wanted to be the one to quell his desires, but she was afraid. Didn’t know if what she had to offer would be what he truly wanted. Unclean. Used. Not fresh—and hadn’t been for quite some time. She was scarred, disfigured in some places. She refused to let her physical appearance define her, but there were times when doubt would creep back in. In Fion, no one looked at her with romantic notions. She knew her eyes couldn’t hide the living death she’d grown accustomed to. But still, she pushed forward. Every day. She didn’t know if she’d ever be free, but Yewa promised herself when she was, she’d do everything in her power to do what was asked of her within reason. She’d
heal those in need. People wouldn’t have to suffer like she did. And kids—she wanted to hold a baby, even if she couldn’t hold her own child. She could, at the very least, get pleasure from holding others. She’d done that and more while in Fion. But now, this was something she wasn’t prepared for. It wasn’t something she’d added to her list of ‘things-to-do.’ To lie with a man. To be, dare she admit to herself, wanted by a man. Did she want to be wanted by Enri?

  “What is it?” He crooned.

  Enri’s gaze searched hers, and she could tell he looked to calm her nerves.

  “I don’t know if I can be what you need me to be.”

  Enri’s response was to kiss the valley between her breasts, which were now exposed. She’d all but stripped in front of him earlier. The mortification that came with that realization had Yewa turning her head in embarrassment.

  “You’re everything and more, Yewa. Understand? Everything.”

  Was it because they were mated he felt these things? They were attuned to one another’s emotions, and he was either really good at hiding them, or what she felt coming from him was real. Please, let this be real. She may not have factored in wanting another man to desire her, but now she did. Craved it. Not from any man. She wished it from Enri. She needed him to want her, the way she wanted him. When had things become so twisted and confused? Would she ever be ready for something so intense as a real relationship? There was only one way to find out. And now that her desire burned bright, she wanted more. Much more.

  “Can we take this slow please?” Yewa whispered into Enri’s neck. She pulled in a deep breath, taking in his unique scent and found power and comfort in that one action. She couldn’t place the smell, and because he’d pulled her gently from the crook of his neck and was now looking down at her with understanding and need, she didn’t sift through her memory to even find its likeness.

  He brought his forehead to hers, and in a very smooth, deep voice he crooned, “I can do slow for you, Sundara.”

  Chapter 14


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