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The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5)

Page 21

by Tigris Eden

  Dear gods!

  Her first orgasm. The books she read didn’t do the feeling justice.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful when you come,” Enri rasped against her belly. He’d lain his head on her stomach. Her fingers still tangled in his hair. Had she pulled him up? No, she couldn’t have, she’d been temporarily out of control for sure, but she didn’t think she’d actually moved him.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then I’ve either done my job fucking well, or not well enough. I think I’ll take this as a compliment.”

  As he should.

  His hand was still between her thighs, and as he stroked the soft lips of her opening, she shuddered slightly. She was wet. The evidence of her readiness had slickened her thighs. Should she alert him she was ready to do that again? Or that she was ready for him? Like really ready?. She was completely naked, and yet, he was fully clothed.

  “You’re still dressed,” Yewa blurted.

  “We’ll have to remedy that.”

  Only he didn’t. He pulled himself over her, and in a very quiet, hushed voice, he said, “Next time, I’ll take off my clothes. Right now, I need to sink inside your softness and feel your arms around me.”

  Her breath exploded on his last word. Their gazes locked, and without breaking their stare, his lips parted, his head descended, and he took her mouth. Tasting herself on his lips was pleasing. Enri’s body molded to hers as he kissed her. Her legs opened, allowing him to settle perfectly against her opening. He was still clothed, but when she felt his hand slide between them and felt him freeing himself, she almost froze.

  He must have sensed her hesitation, because he paused momentarily, rose up on both elbows, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “Please tell me you’re ready,” he groaned. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold back.”

  She was ready.

  More than ready.

  Just a teeny, tiny bit scared.

  “I’m ready.”

  Silence fell over the room, and the only sound heard were their breaths mingling and the rapid pace of her heart as the blood rushed through her veins.

  Yewa could feel the head of his penis as it breached her opening. Time froze as Enri slowly entered her. There was a tingling in the pit of her stomach as the feeling of being full intensified. It wasn’t a bad feeling. Her body ached for his touch, longed for the connection.

  “You are so beautiful, Yewa. Can you feel me?”

  She couldn’t answer, only nod. Too wrapped up in what was happening between them to form a coherent response. Enri’s gaze was tender as he raked his gaze over her face. He moved his hips in a slow, even pace and with each glide of his length she could feel herself falling deeper and deeper under his spell. A sense of urgency overtook her, and she didn’t know what she should do with her hands. Did she place them on his shoulders? Did she grab the wrinkled sheets on the mattress? Tug on his clothing? She didn’t know the proper way to have sex with someone.

  Enri never broke eye contact. He stared at her, and what she saw there took her breath away. He was as amazed as she was. And maybe he didn’t know it yet, but he cared for her, deeply. Why else would he offer to give her this? For two people to connect on this kind of level was soul shattering. Somewhere along the way, Enri had unlocked her heart, and taken hold of her soul. Whether it was before or after the blood kiss, she didn’t know. Because of Enri’s facial expression, she could sense his vulnerability. It brought out a protective side of her she’d not been accustomed to. As her body adjusted to their rhythm, she found she needed more, wanted more. Her hands were still at her sides, but as she moved them to touch his hips and urge him forward his pace picked up. Caught up in his sudden enthusiasm, she squeezed the thick length of him as he glided in and out.

  “Fuck, you can’t do that.”

  Was she doing something wrong?

  “I’m sorry.”

  Enri grinned at her, and buried his head in her neck, where he lightly bit her. “No, you’re fine, just fine. I don’t want to misread you. I’m trying to take things slow.”

  “I don’t want slow. I feel something. It’s rising,” she panted.

  It was consuming her, and soon her hips were moving, her pulse feeding each of her actions, guiding her. There was a barrage of sensation taking control of her body. Of their own accord, her legs opened wider. Enri took that as permission, and shoved both his hands beneath her ass, lifting her lower back off the bed. The new position allowed him to dig deeper. The spot he hit now acted like a jolt of electricity. With every push, energy gave way to a strong current of pleasure. Her breathing accelerated, and as her chest heaved in and out, a burst of energy surged through her. It lit up her entire body with heat. Something was happening. Something she wasn’t ready for. Her healing powers were joining their coupling—only it wasn’t draining her, but intensifying and melding with Enri and his energy. She was bonding.

  Oh gods, no. He wouldn’t like this. Not one bit.

  But it was too late.

  Whatever was happening, Enri felt it, too—and it didn’t stop him. He rose above her. His true form taking shape as his wings appeared. The tips reached out, piercing the concrete wall. His fangs were longer, and the horns were back. When she caught his gaze, his eyes were completely black.

  “Mine,” he growled.

  When she didn’t say anything, his eyes bore into her as if he were willing her to understand.

  “Mine,” he growled again. “You are fucking mine.”

  “Yours,” she whispered.

  It was true. She was his, but before she could process what any of it meant, he rose up on his knees, making her bend farther, and he roared. There was not one human chord in the sound that erupted from his mouth. Enri bent forward, seeking out her neck. Yewa grabbed his shoulders so she could raise herself up, but it was almost impossible with his wings in the way. She managed to grip his arms, as her power took control, and the energy washed over her repeatedly until she could no longer stand the sensation.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening,” Yewa cried out. Her body began to convulse with pleasure. She tried to halt the oncoming sensation, but was unable to stop it. One moment she was writhing beneath Enri’s deep thrusts, and the next she was swept away on a wave of intense ecstasy.

  Enri’s pounding movements continued. His strokes were deep, long, and filled her completely. It set her on another path to an even more exquisite fall she barely had time to prepare for. His wings covered them both. And on some level, she knew he wanted her blood again. He wanted to take from her neck.

  “Take what is yours,” she whispered into his chest.

  His response was immediate. Enri sank his fangs into her neck. She felt full while being drained at the same time. It was far more pleasurable than she would have expected, and it quickly threw her into another fiery orgasm. The cords of muscle in his back bunched against his skin as his body hardened further. She could feel the heat of his seed as he released his own pleasure. He grunted, but didn’t unlatch from her neck as his pace slowed.

  When he finally stopped, he pulled back, examined her with piercing black eyes, and slowly sat back on his heels. Something changed. Something was wrong. She could feel it in the deepest part of her soul. He was pulling away, and he was pulling away fast.

  Chapter 18

  He was fucked.



  He was so fucked.

  This can’t be happening. I won’t let it happen. It was too late to say what wouldn’t happen, because it did happen. She’d bonded with him, and he’d done nothing to stop her. She’d even brought forth his truest of forms—the animal. And the fact that he hadn’t ripped her to shreds was telling. He gave in to her, allowed her to wash over him and properly own him. Her blood flowed in him as she bloomed under him. He needed to get away from her, away from this place. He had to stay on task, and she’d done her part. She’d been there for him. She’d helped
him. There was no longer a need for her.

  “I’ll be back.” Enri pulled the sheet over her naked body. Returning to a form that everyone was used to seeing, he walked out into the club and requested some water. When he returned, he didn’t look at her lying in the bed, but he could feel the heat of her stare. He walked over to a panel in the wall, pressed it. It opened to a bathroom. He ran the tap until it was warm. Grabbing a washcloth, he drenched it in the water, rung it out, and then brought it over to Yewa’s freshly fucked body. He couldn’t look at her swollen lips, or the bite marks on her neck and thigh. He was going to clean the evidence of himself off her, and then he was going to leave.

  Dietrich would come for her. He was already making the arrangements. He’d gone straight to Jorunn. Enri placed a knee on the bed.

  “Yewa.” He slid his other hand along her hip, taking hold of the sheet and pulling it down until her thighs were exposed. “Here, this will take some of the soreness away.”

  “Enri, what’s happening?”

  “Nothing’s happening.”

  She tried to catch his gaze. He looked down at his pant leg and studied the floor. Fuck. He wasn’t a coward. You are if you leave. No, he was doing the right thing. They were no good for each other.

  “Please, let me go,” he found himself whispering. “I don’t want to hurt you. Out of everyone I’ve ever known, you are the truest person I know.”

  “Then don’t leave,” she pleaded.

  He looked up at her. “I can’t stay.”

  “Why not?”

  He could see the pain in her eyes. The storm he was used to seeing in the gray depths were now dull.

  “Yewa, you know what I have to do. You’ve served your purpose. When I needed you, you were there. You helped me. Job done. It’s complete.”

  “This is total bullshit. I love you, Enri.”

  Two things he’d never thought he’d hear come from her.

  “Now you’re cursing again. See? I’ve rubbed off on you.”

  “Don’t try and change the subject, I could always use foul language. I chose not to. Stop letting your ego get in the way. You love me.”

  He didn’t respond to her words. Instead, he smiled. “Honey, I don’t love anyone.”

  “Your fear is going to be your downfall. I’ve given you my love, my friendship—even my trust but you’re refusing it. When just moments ago, you said I was yours.”

  Damn he was a cruel motherfucker. But he had to be. It was the only way.

  “A man will say anything when he’s balls-deep inside a female. I told you, I’ve never made love before. This is as close as it will ever come, I won’t deny that. But I don’t love you. I can’t.”


  It wouldn’t matter. He wasn’t going to allow her to be burdened with his shit.

  “So that’s it? I’m no longer of any use. Easily discarded.”

  He gave a curt nod, and stood. “Yes.”

  With that, he vanished. He didn’t even have the strength to walk away.

  Jorunn stood in front of the nondescript door that led to the club Enri had given her directions to. Yewa was here. Enri hadn’t given her much information except to say that Yewa was upstairs above the club in his room, and that he’d uphold his bargain as long as they upheld theirs.

  Draven was adamant about going after Hades. She had been, too, but after talking with Xee she wasn’t so sure now. Something wasn’t sitting right with her. The day was completely gone, shrouded with constant darkness. The humans were starting to wonder if the end of the world had truly arrived. Adam had done some damage control with the government agencies. It was his contact—one he didn’t give any information on—that had given them a little information on the current situation, but that seemed wrong.

  Draven conferenced with the other Unit leaders, and they all agreed the Defiant Ones were responsible for the perpetual darkness. But Jo didn’t think so. She thought it had everything to do with Enri. She didn’t know how she knew, but she did.

  Jo knocked on the door, and a very tall Sun demon answered.

  “Club’s closed.”

  “I’m here for Yewa.”

  The demon shut the door in her face and Jo stayed put. She wasn’t leaving without Yewa. Enri said she was here, and she was coming to pick up her mate’s sister—no matter the consequences. The door swung open and a woman with oily black hair appeared.

  “Follow me. Lord Chaos left specific instructions.”

  Lord Chaos?

  Jo followed the other woman up a spiraled staircase. There were other demons in the club cleaning up and talking quietly amongst themselves. When Jo slowed down to take in the scene, the woman hissed at her, and that’s when Jo noticed she had a forked tongue.

  “Keep up. I don’t have time to deal with the likes of you, Fionan.”

  “I wasn’t aware I needed to be dealt with.”

  “You will if you’re here much longer. Fionans are a delicacy for our kind.” She tossed her hand out at the others on the floor, and as if they realized what she was, they all looked up. Some of their eyes glowed red, others were an opaque black. “So unless you want to end up as our snack, I suggest you come, retrieve the woman in the room, and be on your way.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice.

  Dietrich was going to be pissed when he realized she’d gone off by herself. But Enri knew not to involve the others. They’d have tried to rid this place of its inhabitants. Dietrich especially. He would never want his sister in a place like this. When they reached the door, the other woman didn’t knock. She walked right in. Yewa was dressed in a pair of black jeans and sweater. Her hair was in braids that hung loosely at her back. When she saw Jo, she smiled.

  “Yewa, are you okay?”

  “Yes, of course. You’re here to collect me? Take me back to Fion?”

  “No, I’m here to take you to the Unit’s building. We can’t go back to Fion just yet.”

  “Oh.” Yewa sighed.

  Yewa’s shoulders slumped in defeat, and she quickly rose from the bed. Jo didn’t know what to do. She could tell something had happened between her and Enri, but she didn’t know if she could ask, or if it was even her place to inquire.

  “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

  Yewa turned her watery gaze her way, and Jo gasped. Her eyes had changed. Like her brother’s, hers had been brown before whereas Dietrich’s where white, but now Yewa’s were a stormy gray. Something had happened. She’d fallen for Enri.

  “I would like to leave.”

  That, she could do.

  “Okay. We’re leaving now.”

  He’d left her. Had no intentions of seeing her again. She understood that the moment he disappeared. The feeling in her gut she remembered all too well, from when she’d spent time with those horrible men. Anger, resentment. But the one thing she’d swore she’d never let happen again was someone using her. Enri used me. He had. He’d taken everything she had to give. Yewa knew there was hesitation with him, and she herself should have been cautious. But she was tired of just existing. She’d wanted to live, and had been since she and Enri had embarked on his journey.

  But he refused her love. Told her he didn’t love her back. That he couldn’t.


  His own ego was getting in the way of what could have been a pure and beautiful thing between them. Dietrich would know she’d fallen for Enri. Her eyes were changed. She’d already known what that meant early on, but she’d assumed it had everything to do with him showing her new things. That it was the time spent reading, exploring the outside world that was changing her outlook on life. She thought it was life she was falling in love with. Not Enri. Not at first. She’d given herself to him because she wanted to. It was the first time she knew what she felt was real. That what she was doing was right. But maybe that, in itself, was the jest. If she could find a way to let herself not feel the things she was feeling, then maybe she’d be okay.

  She knew what
the words casual and friends with benefits meant. Taea and her sisters had all but explained how the things worked in the world. She wasn’t so naïve, she understood. But with Enri, it had been different. Hadn’t it? Now her body ached, and her heart pursued the heart of another that didn’t want her affections. Though the wounds were fresh on her mind, if Enri appeared right now, she’d take him back. Forgive him.

  He shouldn’t have to face his father alone. He needed someone at his back, and even if she wasn’t a fighter, she was a healer. She could be there for him.

  The ride to the Unit was quiet. When the car came to a stop in front of a building she assumed was where the Unit stayed, she turned in her seat, looking at her brother’s mate.

  “I would ask that you allow me time to come to terms with things. Omari isn’t going to want to hear what I have to say. He’s going to be upset and unruly. I don’t want that. I just want to be left alone. Is there no other place you could take me, at least for a day or two, until I can better equip myself for the battle with my brother?”


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