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The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5)

Page 23

by Tigris Eden

  “There is only one version you need to concern yourself with,” he rasped against the sensitive flesh of her ear as he bent forward and inhaled deeply. His voice torn, strained.

  “Which version is that?”

  “This one,” his arms banded around her waist, securing her tightly against him, before his lips were on hers. Enri drank deep as his tongue swept inside, and with a groan of satisfaction, she could feel the tension leave him. Yewa moaned into his mouth, her body and mind overpowered by the weight of his as he pressed against her. Enri tangled his fingers into her hair, holding her in place. He moved his tongue in slow, deliberate strokes, as if he had all the time in the world.

  This is not good. He needed to leave. Tearing herself away, she spoke harshly, “You can’t be here.”

  His grin said otherwise. “I can be anywhere I wish to be, Sundara.”

  “If Omari and the others catch you here, things will be bad.”

  At that, he laughed. And it was loud.

  Covering his mouth with her hand, Yewa tried to shush him, but he was having none of that. He nipped the pads of her fingers, making her yelp. His eyes held hers. He watched her intently as his hands in her hair maneuvered her the way he wanted. Enri’s eyes warmed as his tongue slid past his lips to lick her hand.

  “Stop doing that.”

  “Or what?”

  “I just showered; I don’t need your tongue on my skin.”

  “I beg to differ. I think that’s exactly what you need. My tongue. On your skin. Licking you, fucking your lips, your pussy.”

  Her eyes widened at his words. She was not going to let him get the best of her. Even if her body was agreeable with all he was saying. She wasn’t going to succumb to his charms. Not again.

  His eyes went to her mouth, and her belly plummeted as her face heated.

  Don’t look at him. She cast her gaze down quickly, staring at a spot on his chest. But Enri didn’t allow that, either.

  He grabbed her chin, and when she closed her lids, he rumbled fiercely, “Open your eyes.”

  When she did, he was staring down at her with equal amounts of anger, and confusion. “I hurt you.”


  “And still you stuck up for me in the war room?”

  She pulled in a deep breath and closed her eyes. “You were there?”

  “I’m everywhere,” was his only response.

  “And now—where are you now?” She asked quietly, peering up into eyes that were now a bluish-gray.

  “Now, I’m here with you. Completely with you.”

  She wasn’t going to take that in the literal sense. He wasn’t completely with her. He was just fully with her there, now.


  “Because I can be. Because I want to be. You make me feel things I’m not accustomed to. I…” He hesitated before he spoke again. “I find I cannot be away from you. When you’re not around, I have pain.” His hands slid down her arms and his fingers tangled with hers before he brought their joined hands to his chest. “There is pain here. A fierce sense of longing that makes me ache when you’re absent.”

  “Then you’re back to ensure you feel no pain. Is that what I am to understand? So that you don’t hurt?”

  “Yes,” he said curtly.

  “And when the pain goes away, will you leave again?”

  “The pain is gone now,” was all he said before his hands glided into her hair to hold her still. His tongue slid back into her mouth, and her entire body was once again set into motion, to drown out the noise her mind was making in protest. The kiss started slow, exploratory even. But soon, they were both moaning into the other’s mouth.

  A tiny thrill raced up her spine when Enri’s hand began exploring the edges of her towel with his fingertips. Her arms slid around his shoulders when he pulled her up. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom and into the open living area.

  “Are you wet for me Yewa?” Enri asked between kisses.

  Her only response was to moan into his mouth, his kisses steadily increasing the sensitivity of her body. His was slowly building her fire, taking down the weak wall she constructed against him. With swift feet, he carried her over to the bed, untangled his mouth from hers, and gently tossed her to the mattress. The heavy weight of his body settled atop hers, and his eyes roamed over her face slowly.

  “You are quite the beauty, Sundara.”

  She didn’t respond, and she knew he didn’t expect her to. Instead, Enri kissed her again.

  “I can’t stay away from you. What’s happening here is a problem for me.”

  Hard and unforgiving, his mouth punished hers as his hands reached and unfastened the towel at her breasts. The cold air of the room sent chills along her skin. Yewa, open and exposed, tried to cover herself.

  “There is no need to shy away from me.”

  Of course, there was. She was once again naked, and he remained fully clothed.

  “Again, I lack clothing, yet you still wear yours.”

  To that, he smiled. “I can remedy that. Is that your only problem?”

  No, it wasn’t.

  “You left me.”

  “I did, and I’m going to do it again, but not until after I’ve fucked you proper. Remind you that you belong to me.”

  Yewa pushed at his chest, making him back up and she scooted back until she hit the headboard.

  “No, this isn’t right. You don’t get to do this—come here, be with me, and then leave.”

  “I don’t have much time,” he growled. “I have to see this through.”

  “I can go with you.”

  He shook his head violently. “No, Yewa. You can’t. There are things I must do. Things you cannot see.”

  Closing her eyes tightly, she did her best to stop the pain from overtaking her. How did he not understand?

  “Do you love me Enri?”

  That brought him up short. She could see it in his eyes the moment he shut down.

  “No,” he said gruffly.

  Fine. She’d change tactics.

  “Do you need me Enri?” she asked this time.

  “Yes.” This time the word came out as barely a whisper. But he’d admitted that much. He admitted he needed her. Maybe he couldn’t love her, or maybe he needed someone to show him how to love. Because if she could find love with Enri, then it shouldn’t be hard for him to find love with her. After all, they were mated.

  “Then take what you need, Lord Chaos,” she said firmly.

  Yewa watched Enri. His hooded eyes regarded her as his tongue swept across his mouth blooming a warm red from their kissing. Tsking, he said, “Yewa, you’re giving me free reign?”

  She nodded.

  “To take what I need?” he asked slowly.

  She nodded again.

  His deep growl echoed into the room making her shiver while her thighs clenched. His hands were hot to the touch as he cupped the sides of her face. His breath, sweet, as he spoke against her lips, “You understand you’ve come to mean something to me?”


  “Remember that. Hold onto it because when I fuck you, it’s going to seem as if all I’ve just said was a lie. You will not hide your body from me, it’s beautiful, scars and all. Each one is a testament to your strength and will to survive. Never think that you’re not beautiful to me, because you are.”

  Enri undressed quickly—there was no preamble, his actions were clear. He needed her, and he intended to take what she offered. Enri entered her in one hard thrust.

  “Fuck, you feel good.”

  Like a raging storm out in the middle of the ocean, he crashed into her. She flowed under him, and with every push and pull of their bodies she fell farther and faster into a world where only Enri existed. A place where he loved her, and she loved him.

  Yewa surrendered.

  Enri took everything.

  Left nothing of her soul, and when she woke a few hours later, he was gone. The last thing sh
e remembered was the gentle strokes of his hands on her face before he pulled her into his arms to sleep.

  Chapter 20

  They had a little more than an hour, and still Royce felt like his head was swimming in a pile of crazy. He was sure he’d have gone into beast mode if Belinda’s crazy, fucked up aunt touched his arm one more time. He didn’t care if she was the so-called greatest beauty that ever lived. As far as he was concerned, she was a crazy ass hag despite her beauty. She held nothing to Bells. Nothing.

  “Let me get this straight,” he reiterated—for what seemed like the hundredth time. Cleopatra would change things. She’d say one thing, but then contradict herself a moment later. Royce would go back over what she’d told him, and then she’d laugh and say something she thought was charming, and start over again—adding another tale to the story. “You’re saying someone killed the dawn, and if her powers aren’t transferred, night will remain?”

  “Yes, the beautiful one who draws the dawn has been replaced. Although Ora doesn’t like to be known as Dawn or Aurora. She prefers Ora.”

  Who cared what the god or goddess preferred to be named?

  “It’s not the Defiant Ones?”

  Cleopatra waved a fan in front of her face as if it were truly hot. They were sitting in an air-conditioned building inside the Enclave. The woman was certifiable.

  “No. You will know when the Defiant Ones make their move. But—to get back to the original question—Hades, as you like to refer to him, is Osiris. It will be a very dangerous task you all take on. I sure hope my niece will not be among you when you take up this journey.”

  “Belinda will not be going. I’m trying to find another way. How else do we get Enri to drink from the cup?”

  “The only one suited to drink from the cup is Apophis. The one who threatens to destroy the world must be the one to heal it.”

  She’d called Enri, Apophis. A name he had not heard in a long time. He’d been around during the reign of Cleopatra, but he’d never crossed paths with her. Little Yewa was telling the truth. These gods and goddesses really were ones of many faces.

  “What about his adoptive father, Osiris? Is there no way to appeal to him to come quietly?” He knew it was a stupid question the minute the words left his mouth.

  Cleopatra threw back her head and cackled. Even her laugh was crazy. And men fought over her? He called major bullshit on that one. There was nothing remotely appealing about the woman, from his standpoint, and the only way she’d be able to bring a man to her bed is if she kept her damn mouth shut. Like forever.

  “He will not go gently. There will be death in the future for anyone who would try and get Hades to leave the Underworld.”

  “What if we brought Enri to him?”

  Cleopatra tapped her black fingernails against the tip of her chin. She seemed to be deep in thought. Her eyes closed, she rocked forward, then back before opening them.

  “It could possibly work. If you, perhaps, were to get Enri to agree to go as your prisoner. Have the Enforcer take you—she can get you past the ferryman at least.”

  Great. Now they would have to take that bitch, Ann, with them. Royce wasn’t keen on this particular part of the journey, but he’d talked to Ronin and Belinda last night while the twins were sleeping. They decided he’d go just to ensure the members of his team returned somewhat intact.

  It looked like he was going on an adventure to the Underworld, and in order to get there he’d have to endure multiple obstacles that had the potential to get any one of them killed. They were immortal, but not in the literal sense. The true immortals were the gods, themselves. He was just someone lucky enough to not have his head removed from his shoulder while living for a fuck ton of years. He planned on living for a fuck ton more, but if Draven kept up his bullshit, he would endanger their whole way of life.

  Chapter 21

  Enri hated going to Infero’s. The one person he could neither call friend nor foe was the one person he had to go see. And the bastard was the owner of the club. It was a swanky joint in the very high—maintenance and high-traffic area in New York City. It opened at dusk and closed right before dawn. But since dawn had yet to be seen, the bastard was making a killing. Tahl ran his nightclub from his palatial office that overlooked his establishment, much like the one Enri, himself, took interest in. The only difference between them were their mannerisms. There was such a thing as being brutal, and then there was Tahl. He was more beast than man—and even though he walked in a man’s skin, he was anything but. Enri, at least tried to blend in.

  “I’m here to see Tahl,” Enri said to the doorman, who was a bruiser but human.

  Enri and Tahl had an understanding—Enri stayed out of his way, and Tahl stayed out of his.

  “Boss is busy now,” the male said, his arms crossed over his beefy chest, his legs shoulder-length apart—as though the size of him were enough to scare off people who wanted an audience with Tahl.

  Enri leaned forward and sneered. “Lebron, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s right,” the man answered, surprised.

  “Well, Lebron, if you want to be the first, I can make you the first,” Enri said, stepping closer to the male. The doorman was tall, but he wasn’t that tall. Taking Lebron out would pose no problem for him, but Enri was trying this new thing where he asked questions prior to dismembering body parts before answers could be retrieved. So, he was giving him options. Sort of.

  “The first what?”

  “The first guy to die—by way of public execution—where your innards become acquainted with the outside world and I use your blood to spray paint a mural of you on the sidewalk as a memorial to your dying soul.”

  “Fuck off, pretty boy.”

  That was the wrong thing to say. “Oh, so now I’m pretty?”

  “I said fuck off.”

  Lebron pointed a finger at Enri’s chest—and that move, right there, was the catalyst that fueled his shit day. Yewa wanted him to all but bow down to her womanly wiles. His father, who really wasn’t his father, made it a point to become a side player in his game of wills. And toss stupidity in the mix for leaving Yewa asleep in her bed, made for an angry being. Enri didn’t give a fuck about Tahl or his rules; he simply reacted. Lebron’s face sparked with surprise before his eyes dimmed, signaling his death. Enri held the man’s heart, still warm and beating, in his hand as he watched the doorman’s lifeless body drop to the ground. Seconds later, the heart followed suit. He wasn’t one to disappoint. He promised Lebron a mural. And a mural is what he got.

  Enri stepped over the now-dead Lebron and opened the door to Infero’s. The club, itself, was pulsing with music. People were dancing and screaming over each other to order drinks. Perfume, hairspray, smoke, and pot wafted in the air, mingling with the smell of stale beer and even staler air. But there was more, a lot more going on than normal. The crowd parted as he walked through and Enri found he knew most its patrons. What the fuck is going on around here? There were gods and goddess gathered in corners, some of them whispering as he walked by. He could hear every word they were saying, too. Ungrateful bastards. When the hell? Had Earth become a free-for-all? And why were they all gathered at Tahl’s club?

  “Did you see him?” one whispered.

  “Don’t look now, but it’s Chaos and he looks pissed. Fuck, do you think he’s going to go ape shit?” another said.

  “He can’t do shit; there hasn’t been any light for days. The prophecy clearly states that when the sun falls from the sky, we are free to roam.”

  Oh, so this is what they thought this was. Enri would have laughed, but the situation wasn’t at all funny. Each deity and their demi-brats could walk amongst men only a handful of times during a full rotation around the sun. But, if the sun was no longer shining, well, they could basically hold their form a lot longer. In some cases, indefinitely.

  You really fucked up this time. Not really—they didn’t know his sister was alive and well, she was just relieved of her duties. Dear
old mom, hadn’t fallen from the sky. She was just pre-occupied. He had a replacement, but now he was rethinking things, starting to see them for what they were. Everything had a price, and he may have just ensured his would be steep.

  “Any of you seen Tahl?” he asked the crowd of partygoers. If there was one thing they knew how to do, it was party.

  The older, bolder deities ignored him while those still considered babies raced to do his bidding. “Lord Chaos, Tahl is not here. We were simply given haven until we were told we could go free.”

  Go free. Not on his fucking watch. It was one thing to want to shake shit up; it was another entirely to let the dogs out. Literally. Otherwise, he’d have let them roam.

  “You’re going to have to make an example of one of them.”

  “Oh, so now you speak.” Enri said to the voice in his head.

  “I’ve always spoken, I am Sound.”

  As if that summed it all up.

  “Ekho, I don’t have time for your shit.”

  “You will make time. What you’ve done is far from what I would have expected. You were tasked with reclaiming the throne.”

  “See, now, that’s where you got me twisted. I can’t be tasked with anything. I’m not your pawn. I don’t do your bidding. I’ll get the throne when I’m good and goddamn ready to get the throne.”

  “Time is running out. Soon things will become all too clear to those who have been sheltered and left in the dark.”

  He knew exactly who Ekho was referring to. Humans. They would bear witness to all they truly thought was the stuff made of dreams and nightmares. He couldn’t have the two clashing. It’s not at all what he was seeking from the start. What he wanted was recognition, acceptance, and lastly, his just due of what was his. All of it is yours. All of it was his. From the beginning to the end. Darkness may have begot Chaos, but Enri created life. He was the one who’d given it the spark, started a series of events that, over time, multiplied and divided into what the worlds were now. He was the architect.


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