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Saving Molly

Page 3

by Lana Jane Caldwell

  Molly rubbed her body until that small wave of pleasure made her moan. She stopped, hoping she hadn’t moaned too loudly. If she did, Joshua would think she had been using her ill husband. That thought was dirty to her. The picture of William in her mind just about stopped her pleasure all together. The quick thought of Joshua and the wet, white shirt clinging to his muscles did her in. Her body shook as that pleasure came again.

  Flushed and feeling better than she may well have felt for months, she walked to the kitchen where Joshua was sitting with a notebook and pen, writing. “Hi, I’m so sorry I took a bit long.” Molly apologized.

  “It’s not a problem, Mrs. Cassidy you’ve been nice enough to give me a heck of a chance. The last thing I should do is complain.” He stated.

  “First off, you can call me Molly, okay?” She said.

  “Sure Molly. I do appreciate the chance you’ve giving me. There was nothing for me back in my home town anymore.” He explained.

  “Really Joshua, you don’t realize how much you can help me out.” Molly admitted.

  “Well, with your husband being hurt, I’m sure you might have run into quite a few problems. There are men who will take advantage of a woman in those circumstances. Even if her husband is still alive, they will won't do business with you, or at least not give you a fair price, I’m sure. That’s how it was back in my part of the country.” He told her.

  “Your right, it’s that way here too.” Molly pulled a frown. “However, if you work out and you like the job, and are able to do it, this could be a good deal for both of us.”

  “Don’t you mean all of us, there are three of us, right?” Joshua looked at her closely.

  “Yeah, I meant all of us. William is very ill though, I don’t know. Oh never mind. I don’t want to put all my problems on you.” Molly stopped. The truth was she felt bad, just lying to Joshua. He seemed like such a good man.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad either. I just like talking or writing. I guess I’ll be quiet and let you do what you need to for a bit.” He smiled and then looked down and began writing in his book.

  “So what are you writing?” She asked, curious.

  “Just a little story. I kind of like making things up, and I do little short stories in here.” He explained.

  “That’s really neat. I’ve never known a guy to be creative like that.” She said.

  “I only do it where no one can see, um, you won’t tell anyone about it will you?” He looked nervously at her.

  “No don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” She smiled and turned to make breakfast.

  Molly hummed as she cooked. Suddenly she remembered that Joshua was also in the room, when she heard him clear his throat. “Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” She apologized to him.

  “No you didn’t. It’s nice to hear a woman’s humming in the background. Since I was a little boy, my mother used to do the same thing. I always loved sitting in the kitchen when she was cooking. It was always so warm and comforting.” He smiled as he remembered the years with his mom.

  “Okay, really it may take me a bit of time to get used to you being in the house with me.” She told him.

  “You would think you’d still be used to your husband being around. You said he’s only been ill, what, a week right?’ Joshua asked. “A few weeks now.” Molly replied.

  Oh crap. Molly hadn’t thought about that aspect of her story. How was she going to cover this one up. She hated lying, but didn’t really want to tell him about her husband being dead. She was stuck in a spot where she didn’t know what to say. “Yeah, well he was always so quiet and left me alone a lot of the time.” It sounded lame to her, but he seemed to accept it for now.

  “Well, I’m not quite that quiet. Most of the time you’ll hear me, before you see me.” He chuckled.

  “Let's eat, hope you enjoy it.” Placing a thick steak and some potatoes in front of him. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Water is fine with me, it’s one of the best drinks for you, you know.” He answered. “Will you sit down with me and eat. I hate eating alone.” He offered her.

  Normally, the woman would either wait for the man to finish and eat once he’d left, or go to another table and eat. “Sure, if you wish.” She answered.

  “Yeah, I don’t know if you could tell, but I’m not of the same mindset as a lot of men. My mom was on her own and raised me to treat women with respect. They aren’t slaves for men to take advantage of. They should be able to enjoy life just as much as I can.” He explained.

  Molly smiled. “Your mother sounds like a great woman.”

  “She was and I sure miss her a lot these days.” He looked off into the distance.

  “How long ago did you lose her?” Molly asked him.

  “It was two years ago now. Seems like only yesterday at times when the pain of loneliness closes in.” He answered.

  “I’m very sorry for your loss Joshua.” She said.

  “Thanks Molly.” He smiled at her, the sadness erased quickly with that simple process.

  Molly studied him as much as she could, while he ate. The guy was handsome alright. A regular hunk. He had a thin nose, chiseled body, not too much muscle, but the kind that was lean. “He looks good enough to eat.” Thought Molly. There was that hot, wet feeling again.

  His hair was light brown, cut short and was still slightly wet around the edges from washing. Taking in a deep breath, she could smell his manly cologne and the soap he had used. It smelled so good. William had always used plain stuff. He didn’t want to smell manly, because he wasn’t a man. He only liked men. Shaking her head in disgust at the memory of her husband, Molly looked at this man across the table and felt something different.

  It wasn’t just the moistness she had felt, but she actually liked him. She thought he seemed like a nice guy. He looked up and caught her studying him. Instead of getting upset or asking anything, he simply smiled at her, and went back to eating.

  She took that as saying, it was fine if she looked at him and studied him. He had nothing to hide. Molly kept looking at him, wondering about his mother, and how she had taught him to be gentle and compassionate. Molly bet, he would be a completely different type of lover than William had ever been, or rather never been. For one thing. She was certain that Joshua Adams would not be into men or boys at all. He would want a woman in his bed. Another thing that came to mind was that he was passionate and he most likely wanted to make sure his woman would be satisfied. Maybe it wouldn't just be about making babies for him, or for his pleasure. Molly had noticed the bulge at the front of his denim jeans.

  Blushing at the last thought, not knowing where it had come from, she gasped. He looked up quickly.

  “Is everything okay Molly?” He looked at her concerned.

  “Oh I’m fine, sorry. It’s just really odd to have you here, and to eat with you.” It was not something she had ever done with William. He always expected her to wait until he was finished his meal. He would sometimes eat so slowly that Molly would be ready to pass out from hunger. It was because she had caught him once in the barn with a boy of 18. They had both been naked and William had been sucking the boy's cock. Molly didn’t want to know, what else they did after she left, but William had seen her look at him. The look had been one of shock and then it had turned to disgust.

  Odd for Molly to have so much free time during the day, she decided to bake a cake for supper tonight and cook a nice roast. She was so into the free time and doing other things that she forgot about keeping up with her story of having an ill husband. Joshua had stayed in the kitchen most of the day with her, and had only been gone for a few minutes to his room. Returning to the kitchen, he stopped her cold with one question.

  “You know Molly. Did you remember to feed your husband today?” He asked her. Molly chilled. The fact was, she hadn’t even thought about keeping her story straight. All she would have had to do was take a plate, stay there for a bit like she wa
s feeding him and it would all be okay. However, now she was caught, pretty much red handed.

  Looking down at the floor, she tried to figure out the best way to approach the subject. How could she tell him and still expect him to trust her in other ways. She looked at him and saw the question on his face. Was she lying to him.

  “Joshua, I think I need to explain things a bit more to you.” Molly started and then sat at the table, looking up at him. He joined her.

  5. Molly's Plan

  “My husband William died about a year ago. I’ve been running everything by myself. I can’t do it anymore, cattle sales are coming up soon, and none of the men in this area are going to buy from me. The fact that I’ve turned down several of them already for marriage has made me something of a marked woman already. So I needed someone to come and help me out, but I don’t want to get married, I can’t, I didn’t love William, he didn’t love me, we only had sex once, and that’s not what I want from the next man I find.” She poured out everything. “I hope your not mad at me. I only needed a ranch hand. I figured if someday I find love, I will find it but I won’t settle for one of these losers around here. They are all older than dirt and truthfully, I had one loveless marriage. I want something more, like you find in the books.” By the time she finished she was looking down, afraid to look into his face after hearing the truth.

  “Well, first off. I wish you would have told me that, when we first met. I wouldn’t have been upset. I would have understood. I can see your point for not telling me. You had no clue that my mother was my only parent and that I wasn’t raised like normal guys. I had to fit in for years, when other men talk down to women and I find it hard to accept. I know where you will have problems, however, aren’t they still going to question whether we're married?” He asked.

  “Yes they will. If we tell them we are waiting for the paperwork, got married in your hometown or somewhere else it might work.” She said.

  “I have a better idea. We get married, and I will hold you to nothing for the marriage, unless you want it. That way, we can produce the paper and it will never be questioned.” He answered.

  Molly sat back, looking at him, not really sure if she could trust him. She had lied to him already. Why should he even offer her something so simple? Could this work? Would they be able to pull it off. What if someone expected them to have kids? Well no, she could explain that away with the work they would need to do on the ranch. It had worked all those years with William.

  “Well, I guess we could try that.” Molly finally answered.

  “Good. When should we tie the knot?” He asked.

  “Might as well do it tomorrow. It will make perfect sense to everyone in town.” She said.

  “Okay, I can wear my suit I had on when I first came. It’s the best one I have.” He smiled at her. “Don’t you feel better now that we got everything out in the open?” He asked her.

  Molly smiled at him, “sure.” She knew that feelings were brewing deep inside her. When he had first said “Why don’t we get married”, she had hoped he wanted to for real, not just to help her out. It had shocked her to realize that she felt this way about a man she had only met this morning. But there was something about him, not only the physical attraction she felt, but she was drawn to him in other ways.

  This was not something she would be able to share with him. He didn’t feel the same way about her. There was no way he could.

  “By the way, it smells wonderful in here. You’ve been busy today.” He smiled at her, it was something that made her warm inside to see that smile again.

  She smiled back. “I baked a cake, some fresh bread and there is a roast in the oven that will be done in a few hours, for supper.”

  “Wow, I feel like a king Molly. Thank you so much for doing all of this.” He looked at her with honesty in his eyes, bent down and kissed her on the cheek. Pulling up a bit, he looked deep into her eyes, then he lowered his mouth to hers and gave her a light kiss. He didn’t stop. His passion came through in his kiss as he probed her mouth with his tongue. His kiss had passion. Molly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. This was not something she had ever done before and she felt like an amateur.

  He broke the kiss off, “I’m sorry Molly. I don’t know what came over me.” He walked out of the kitchen.

  Molly stood there feeling completely naked. She had just let her defenses down completely. Only to find, he hadn’t done it on purpose. It was nothing more than an accident. She had almost felt the spark of love or what she thought was love, when he first kissed her. That comment he made, and the fact that he left her standing there empty, was her answer. Tears fell from her eyes. She couldn’t let herself slip like that again. It would be too dangerous to let Joshua Adams that close to her heart. She knew she would give her all to be with him.

  Molly worked on getting supper ready. She didn’t feel quite the same happiness as she had before. Knowing that she would want to take advantage of the marriage benefits, but also feeling that after this afternoon he wouldn’t. She figured it would just be more years of unhappiness and more of a sexless life.

  6. Love At Last

  “Supper’s ready.” She yelled out to Joshua a few hours later. He walked into the room, “It smells wonderful.” Sitting at the table, he waited for her to serve him. “Will you eat with me?” He asked her.

  “Only if you want me too.” She stated.

  “I would not ask, if I didn’t want you too.” He said simply.

  Grabbing a plate for herself she sat at the table with him. Eating in silence she did not study him this time. She knew it would be too hard. Tears would escape from her eyes if she looked too closely at him. Already Molly was having trouble keeping them at bay.

  “Molly, I need to tell you something.” Joshua began talking.

  “It’s okay, I understand it was a mistake. I get it.” She said without looking up at him.

  “No, that’s not it at all. Well, the fact is. I’ve never been in love before. When I first saw you open the door, my heart did a flip. I swear. If I could have swept you up at that second I would have. I thought you still had a husband, and well, I’m not that kind of guy, even if he is out of commission. When I found out that he wasn’t around, my heart got all excited again. I reacted out of excitement when I asked you about the marriage thing, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.” He stopped talking and looked at her.

  The tears were pouring from her eyes. He had said he loved her but also that he didn’t want to marry her. Molly didn’t know what to think, her heart was hurting. First she felt the excitement of knowing she was loved, but then he pulled away from her.

  “Molly, no, don’t cry.” He stood up and walked around the table. Grabbing her hand he made her stand, the Joshua sat on the chair and pulled her down into his lap. “You don’t understand me. I want to marry you. I desire to marry you. I want you to be my wife. I can’t stand the idea of not having you. If I marry you, it’s for real, not something just to fool people so they will buy cattle from us. I will honor you the way a husband should treat his wife. We will make furious love and often. That is the part I cannot keep as first promised. So Molly Cassidy, will you please be my wife, completely?” He asked her.

  Her smile was huge. She felt as if she couldn’t smile any bigger. “Oh yes Joshua, Yes. I want to be your wife in every way possible.” She answered him.

  He kissed her hard. Searching her mouth with his tongue. It was urgent. He needed to know she felt the same way he did. There was no breaking off and apologizing this time. This was for real as he sent her love with the tender yet urgent kisses. Caressing her mouth with his, he was gliding his hands on her back, down to her round buttocks, and gripping them firmly. “I know we should really wait, but can you let me make love to you?” He asked.

  “You are the man, it’s your choice.” She told him.

  “No it’s not going to be like that with us. I want our love to be what we both want. I don’t want to
control you. I want to be with you, half and half, you and me conquering the world. Molly, I want to make love to you and have you feel the love I have for you.” He explained.

  Molly knew she was in love. This time there was no doubt about it. “Let’s go Joshua Adams. I want you to love me as often as you want me. Make love to me. Show me a real man. A man that knows that I am a woman, a desirable woman.”

  Picking her up, he carried her to his room. Kicking the door open, Joshua placed her gently on the bed. “I want to undress you slowly, do you mind?” He asked.

  She shook her head no, as he began removing her clothes. Finally she could stand it no longer and finished the job herself. He chuckled at her, “Impatient are we?”


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