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Hostage!: A Hugh Ranier Novella (Hugh Ranier Short Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Robert E. Crull

  “I’m not seeing why we’d need to put guys in the field for this when what we need is cell phone records and tower coordinates,” she said.

  I was a bit taken aback she’d had that much knowledge of the details of what would need done.

  “Yeah, that’s the bulk of the work alright.”

  “So the fee Al has to pay is worth it to bring this to a close. Don’t you think,” she said.

  “I’m with you. Thanks Laura.”

  “Did you tell her how this was going to be done?” I asked.

  “Didn’t say a word, but she damn sure nailed it.”

  “I know.”

  “Go ahead and make the contact. I have to say this so, let me say it. We need a backward search of the numbers that called her and something that looks like a consistent position. We’ll run the numbers from her contact list to eliminate the friendly parties.”

  “Why do you do that?”


  “Tell me how to do my job. Every time we see each other.”

  “I know Al. It’s my shit not yours. I have all the faith that whether I said anything or not, you’d do just fine.”

  “As long as you don’t think of me as inexperienced because of my age.”

  “Not even close. You have far more skill than I do.”

  “Then let me use it,” he said.

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  “No. I said something because I wanted to make sure we’re good.”

  “We’re good Al. We’re real good.”


  “Like I said, it’s my shit not yours. You do your work your way because I have no problem with the results.”

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “When do you think you’ll have something?”

  “If I can get the time I should know something by Friday. Monday at the latest.”

  “That’s good. Please let Laura know. She’ll be point from now on.”

  “Sure,” he said as he turned to leave.

  “And Al.”


  “Thanks for coming in on such short notice.”

  “You bet.”

  It was two in the afternoon and I the early afternoon nods were beginning. Lunch had done me in. Mario’s was great but, there was so much food. I put a significant dent in it but in the process wounded my energy level.

  I left the office and walked past Laura at her desk. Her knowledge of the electronic work which needed to be done on the Stephanie Brothers case was still a mystery.


  “Yeah,” she said.

  “How’d you know what needed to be done on Stephanie’s case?”

  “You think all I do around here is run the books?”

  “No but, you’ve not been that deep in any of the cases.”


  “So how’d you know what to do?”

  “Your boys like to talk Hugh and, if you ask them the right questions they’ll give up their own mother with instructions how to do it.”

  “Now that surprises me.”

  “Don’t let it. Outside of this office these guys would lose fingers and toes to keep you and Don safe.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “They’ve as much as said it to me,” she said.

  “That’s nice to hear.”

  “I think so.”

  “What’s she think,” Don said walking up.

  “Our guys would lose fingers and toes to keep us safe.”

  “I’d hope so for what we pay them,” he said.

  “I was saying it’s nice to know our team thinks that about us. Means we’re doing something right.”

  “That’s why these guys are always available Hugh. We treat them well,” he said.


  “I’m getting coffee, you want some?” he asked.

  “Yes please.”

  “Comin’ up.”


  “Whats the plan for the weekend,” I asked Laura.

  “Going to spend some time looking at cars.”

  “You’re not getting rid of the Impala are you?”

  “Not at all, but you guys gave me a hell of an idea.”

  “What was that?”

  “To buy a daily driver to keep Maybelle off the road.”

  “Sorry. Maybelle?”

  “The Impala.”

  “In all this time I didn’t know she had a name.”

  “Don,” she hollered across the reception area.


  “Whats the Impala’s name?”

  “Gertrude maybe.”


  “No. It’s Maybelle.”

  “See Hugh, Don pays attention.”


  Don walked over with the coffee and set it on the counter.

  “What kind of driver are you looking at?” he asked.

  “Maybe one of the smaller SUVs or crossovers.”

  “Thats a big gap with the Impala isn’t it,” I asked.

  “Yeah I suppose it is.”

  “I mean some of those crossovers would fit in the trunk.”

  “You’re not wrong.”

  “Good luck with the search,” Don said as he left the area.

  “I better get back to it.”

  “Ok,” she said.

  I stuck my head in Dons office.



  “Have you gotten any intelligence on the inside of the HQ building yet?”

  “I called Amir earlier and am waiting on him to get back to me,” he said.

  “Ok cool. Does it make sense to pull a replica in the warehouse once we know?”

  “Wouldn’t be a bad idea, no. Would make things in the space a lot more familiar and our guys more effective.”

  “I’ll see if I can have a contractor come in here to set up some temp rooms.”

  “Good plan,” he said.

  “Whats your plan for this evening?”

  “Don’t have one. I think Victoria is going to be with some of her friends tonight. You wanna do somethin’.”

  “Dallas stayed last night and is working from the house today. You ok if she tags along.”

  “Yeah man. I’d like to get to know her a little better.”

  “Great. Let me give her a call in a bit to see if it works for her.”

  “Lemme know.”

  As I was headed across the hall my cell phone rang.

  “Hugh Ranier.”

  “Hugh, Christy. I’ve spoken with the owners and their fine with you accessing the property this weekend.”

  “That’s great Christy. I wanted to take a potential decorator to see the house, let them start with an approach.”

  “That’s wonderful Hugh,” she said.

  “When could I pick up the keys?”

  “Lets say Saturday around ten. Does that work for you?”

  “Sure. Thanks Christy.”

  “Your welcome. See you Saturday,” she said ending the call.

  In my office I picked up the phone and dialed Dallas.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hey. Don and I are going to go to dinner tonight and want you to go with us. Does that work for you?”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “I’ll be back out at the house before five, we’ll probably eat at about seven.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see if I can whip up a little snack for when you come home to tide us over.”

  “That’d be great.”

  “See you soon,” she said and ended the call.

  Dinner plans set, I got the number for the decorator off the tablet contact information. I’d never used a full service in the past, and had a level of excitement and concern all at the same time. Excited to see what they’d come up with. Concern over how much it was going to cost. Don’s words kept coming back to me in the times of concern. I had plenty of money, finally.

  “Good afternoon
. Thank you for calling Batts and Ree decorating. This is Michael how may I help you?”

  “Michael this is Hugh Ranier. You were referred to me by Dallas DiRose.”

  “Yes, of course. How is Dallas?”

  “She’s fine.”

  “How can I help you Hugh?”

  “I’m purchasing property in the Blairsville area and would like to do an interview to see if your firm can decorate for me.”

  “Certainly, when would you be able to come to the office?”

  “Come to the office? I was thinking it would be best if you came out to the property so we could get a jump on it.”

  “That’s not normally the way we do business Hugh. We like to have a meeting to discuss style and direction before we look at the actual property.”

  “Listen. If Dallas gave you a recommendation I trust you have an excellent firm.”

  “Thank you Hugh.”

  “Can you make an exception to your policy?”

  “Let’s talk a little about what you’re looking for first.”

  “Ok. Should I describe the house or just tell you what I’m looking for?”

  “Both if you don’t mind,” he said.

  “The house is set on a semi flat lot. It’s stacked stone on the exterior with flat roofs.”

  “How large is the house?”

  “Just under six thousand square feet.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “I’m looking to have a resort feel from the place when your all finished.”


  “I don’t have many requirements other than I want it to be a relaxing space for myself and a few friends.”

  “Based on what you’re telling me Hugh, I think we can make an exception.”

  “That’s great! Would you be available Saturday?”

  “Yes, my team would be available.”

  “I’m getting access to the property Saturday about ten in the morning.”

  “What’s the address?”

  “I don’t know. Could you meet me at the office of Blairsville Realty.”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “Let’s shoot for ten thirty.”

  “We’ll see you then.”

  “Great. Thank you,” I said and ended the call.

  The weekend was going to be as productive as I’d set things up in my mind. I was happy.

  I thought about leaving but forgot I needed to call a contractor to setup the mock space in our warehouse and build out Laura’s office. I reached for the phone and dialed the contractor I had used to build the Kennesaw house.

  “Scott. Hugh Ranier.”

  “Yeah Hugh, how you been?”

  “Been good.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  “I have a couple construction projects I’d like you to oversee.”

  “Alright, can we meet tomorrow to discuss in person?”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “Maybe mid afternoon.”

  “I think I’m open for the afternoon. Just come on by when you have the chance.”

  “Thanks Hugh. See you tomorrow,” he said ending the call.


  I’d made it back out to the house shortly after five. The traffic wasn’t too bad and the drive was easy. I opened the garage door and parked. Going inside I clicked the remote.

  “Right on time,” Dallas said from the kitchen.


  “A snack.”

  “Perfect. What’s the snack?”

  “Apples with caramel dip.”

  “Nice,” I said.

  “How’d the day go?”

  “Lots of little things. A new case popped up just before lunch. Another walk-in.”

  “You seem to be getting a few of those here lately.”

  “It seems so yeah.”

  “Were you able to contact the decorator today?”

  “Yeah, Michael says hello.”

  “He’s just so adorable. I like the work his firm does.”

  “I was doing some thinking today and thought I’d like to wait to show you the mountain house after it’s all finished. Is it ok with you if we wait?”

  “I was looking forward to seeing it but, I understand why you’d want to wait.”

  “Why don’t we go up Friday night and stay at a resort. While I’m with Michael and company, you can get yourself pampered a little bit.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Lets do it,” she said.

  “I’ll find a place who has availability and let you know where we’ll be going so you can make your appointments.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Let’s have that snack. I’m feeling a bit peckish.”

  We busied ourselves around the house until it was time to go to dinner.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  “Just about. Putting on last minute lipstick.”

  I walked into the master bath and she was standing there, naked. Again.

  “You really don’t like clothes do you?”

  “Not really. Reality is I didn’t want to get any makeup on my blouse.”

  “So you took everything off?”

  “Can’t be too careful.”

  “I suppose not,” I said.

  “It’ll just take me a minute to dress.”

  I looked back into the bedroom and saw she had her outfit all laid out, ready to be put on. I didn’t understand the process, but I wasn’t at all familiar with womanly dressing rituals. It was kind of like watching a tiger in the wild stalking its prey. I was as clueless about hunting prey to survive as I was how a woman got ready to go anywhere.

  “You look puzzled.”

  “I am, I hate to admit.”

  “What’s bothering you?”

  “I see a dress and strapless bra and shoes.”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Is that all there is?”

  “You betcha.”

  “Seems like there are a couple things missing.”

  “Most likely your right. I mean I could wear panties, but whats the point.”

  “It’s cool with me. I was just curious.”

  “And besides I’ve never liked the look of panties bunched around my ankles.”

  She caught me completely off guard.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Picture it. Is it a flattering look to you?”

  “Well,” I said blushing. “I suppose not.”

  “My my. You’re four different shades of red Hugh Ranier.”

  “Still getting used to all this.”

  “Is it difficult for you?”

  “It’s different. That’s for sure.”

  “You didn’t answer me.”

  “It’s a little difficult yes. I’ve never met anyone as open as you are.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  “It’ll just take some time.”

  “You sound like you’re not sure of all this.”

  “I don’t know. You’ve pushed me a little out of my comfort zone I guess.”

  “Are you a prude?”


  “Are you comfortable with me being naked?”


  “Then what is it?” she asked.

  “I guess it’s I’m not used to all the sexual innuendo.”

  “I’ve not thrown any double meanings.”

  “Were you just playing with the panties around your ankles statement.”

  “No, I don’t look good like that.”

  She wasn’t kidding.

  “I’ll get used to it.”

  “We need to resolve this Hugh or it will make waves for us later.”

  “Can we talk about it tonight after dinner?”

  “That sounds good. I do want to work it out. It’s not my way or the highway.”

  “Me too. I’ll get there with a little coaching in proper reaction,” I said.

  “The correct reaction is the one which feels right. Always has been.”

  I wasn’t sure I understo
od why I’d gotten embarrassed by her comments. It could have been the perpetual fifteen year old virgin who lived in my head. The solution was for me to take out my inner child and kick its little ass as Don Henley would say. We’d get it worked out, if it was nothing more than me just getting used to it.


  Dinner with Don was almost like running a gauntlet. He rapid fired stories about my days in the Navy and my numerous failed relationships. He even brought up the bleach bottle blonde again. The less I heard of her for the rest of my life, the better off I’d be.

  I was focused on driving back to the house. It was dark and traffic was much heavier than usual.

  “Hugh,” I heard Dallas say.


  “Can we finish our discussion?”

  “What’s to finish? I need to open up a little.”

  “I don’t want you to be forced into something that makes you uncomfortable,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “Do you know why you react like you do to my talking about sexy things.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you want to know?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Ok. I’ll try to tone it down a bit then.”

  “Now see, that’s not what I wanted either.”

  “There is a middle ground. It doesn’t have to be one way or the other.”

  “I like the feeling I get when you’re teasing me.”

  “But you get embarrassed by it.”

  “I think that’s ok for now. I’ve just never been with someone who was as open about sexuality as you are.”

  “So you don’t want me to change?”

  “Not really. It’s exciting,” I said.

  “So you don’t mind being embarrassed?”

  “The little boy in my head will have to grow up sooner or later. And, since I’m in my fifties I guess now is as good a time as any.”

  “I’ll be gentle,” she said with a giggle.

  “Oh I’m sure.”

  With that we pulled into the drive of the house and into the garage.

  “Would you like a night cap?” she asked.

  “A bourbon would be great.”

  “Two bourbons coming right up.”



  “There are some round ice balls in the freezer specifically made for this purpose.”

  “Got it,” she said.

  I went to the keeping room and started a fire.

  She walked into the room with a two glasses and two fingers of bourbon spilled over a round ice ball.


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