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Page 6


  They stare at me with a wild mean face as if waiting for retaliation to the action they were about to commit against me. An excuse was what they were after just to find a reason to start a fight. I was determine not to be push around.

  ‘It’s about time we showed him what we’re made of!’ Joey said.

  ‘Not yet Joey, he needs to be educated about not talking to other people’s girlfriend!’ Tony responds angrily.

  ‘What do you mean Tony?’ I asked.

  ‘Tony? Dude, am I your friend that you have to call me by my name? Have we become close buddies lately? Refresh my mind, as it seems that I must have been suffering from amnesia or maybe psychosis? I don’t know which one it is but which one do you thing? You must know the answer but as far I’m concern I had not been diagnose by a shrink.’ Tony responds in a wry cowboy wit.

  His boys zealously tittered.

  ‘Listen I don’t have time for this non sense.’ I retaliated.

  ‘You listen very carefully.’ Tony said as he points his finger in my face.

  ‘Come on Tony let’s take him.’ One of his boys backs him up.

  Wicked mind, I thought.

  ‘Not yet!’ He responds and then said, ‘You’re already in trouble for chatting with my girlfriend. So from now on you shall call me Mr Smart.’

  Startle I grin at him as I fold both of my arms. Then deep in my mind I could hear Tony repeating the same non sense. I put one hand on my mouth to hide the uncontrollable grin. I wonder if he knew how ridiculous he sounds. There was no way I could hide the funny expression on my face as I rewind the same thing in my head.

  Playing hard but not being smart I thought to myself …and beside if only he could see himself saying that garbage, he would have realised how stupid it was to say something like that.

  ‘What? Am I a clown now? Do I look like a clown to you?!’ He asked flying into a rage as he glares at me.

  ‘You’re either joking or crazy.’ I sarcastically said as I tap his shoulder.

  ‘Beat him up!’ Joey exhorted his desire.

  ‘Do you hear the demand of my boys? Give me a reason why I shouldn’t let them play? Beside they are dying to play kick your butt! Ever heard that game? No worries once you’re on the ground with your pretty face smash then you’ll know that game.’ Tony diplomatically extolled his colleague’s request.

  ‘Why don’t you ask your demonic clown to stop hiding and talking in your shadows. He should come out in the light to fulfil his demand by himself.’ I said as I walk backward, keeping eye contacts with the gang and bowing in a ridicule manner while I grin at them.

  ‘Tony, he’s taking the piss. Let’s get him.’ Allen who was also part of the gang whispered.

  ‘Yes it’s about high time we shut that big mouth of his before he get away.’

  Joey agitatedly hissed out.

  At the back of my mind I knew what was waiting for me. I smell trouble. It was trouble I could neither prevent from occurring nor defuse before it escalates. It was a well laid out plan which they were determined to succeed. After all Michael had stood up against Tony’s oppression and it turn out to be embarrassing for the gang.

  ‘I totally agree with my boys.’ Tony Responds.


  ‘You’re taking us for a ride.’

  ‘Am I?’

  ‘You know what? Since I’m a gentleman I shall give you sixty seconds to disappear and then we’ll come for you. When we found you your pretty girlfriend won’t be able to recognise you. We shall practice disfigurement surgery on your face with our knuckles. Beside, my boys are hungry for some training as we’ve got doctor’s wannabe in our team. As my old man said, training and practice is the definition of perfectionism.’ Tony said.

  After standing mute at her front door Samantha intervenes, ‘what’s your problem?’

  Tony and his gang glance at her.

  ‘Stay away nothing to do with you,’ Tony growled.

  Samantha frowns at me. I nod for her to get in. She worriedly stares at me but miraculously understand what I meant. She walks inside.

  Tony was looking at his watch and taking a peek at me while holding his pack.

  After all someone in his family wasn’t dumb, I thought thoroughly after his last warning. I increase the speed of my steps which I took backward and said ridiculously while I bow to them, ‘Good luck on your hunt and I shall be looking forward for our future acquaintance.’

  ‘On my timing, your sixty seconds start now!’ Tony cried out aloud.

  ‘You’re mad. Are you trying to let him get away?’ Joey whispered underneath his breath as he bump and push himself through Tony’s back shoulder.

  I could still hear both of them though. Faster I could hear my inner self talking. I wasn’t afraid of them but I just wanted to avoid a fight. Tony stand firm where he was standing keeping his right arm up in front of Joey, blocking his way.

  Then he turn to Joey and said, ‘Trust me, this shall be fun.’

  I turn around and run.

  ‘Forty Seconds!’ Tony shouts out angrily.

  ‘Run as fast as you can! You can’t outrun us!’ Joey screams out to praise his friend’s claim.

  I ran as fast as I could. I wanted to beat them though out number. I could outrun them. The path I chose ten years ago, way of a Bushido had given me strength of loyalty, discipline and a sense of security. Self-defence is the core value of a last resort which I had learned to use only when my life is under threat. My Sensei will expel any student who disobeys the rules of the martial art’s school.

  Under the Japanese martial art tradition my teacher aka sensei had taught me how to control my temper. Way of the warrior aka the bushido had allowed me to accept others for who they are. Love, respect for others and myself was the driving force to seek peace. I had to find peace in all circumstances even at that difficult instance.

  Ahead a few metres down the junction a few pedestrians queued to response with the traffic light. I dart among two old ladies and a shop keeper, who was sorting the fruits outside of his sole business. Out of nowhere a cyclist comes out from a nearby cyclist path on my left in between two shops. He was on the pavement and blocking my way.

  ‘Thirty Seconds, Phil! Shit.... I’ve forgotten to tell you that I’ve lie about the timing! Here we come!’ Tony shouts sardonically.

  I was planning to dart the cyclist but everything was just way too fast. She sees me heading towards her that she cried out while she presses the break. To avoid falling down I throw myself in the air to accommodate a front summer sault. I land on my leg follows by a front roll to break the fall. I end up losing my balance while I struggle to stand and fall flat on the floor in a press up position. My face was inches from being smash to the pavement.

  Pure Luck, I thought.

  ‘Are you ok Sir?’ A young lady’s voice said from the back.

  Sweat from my face drops on the pavements. I quickly stand up and at the same time, somebody pull me off from the pavement from my elbow. It was a blond girl with a familiar face which I fail to notice where I had seen her. Perhaps one of the beautiful faces I had seen at school.

  ‘Phil, Sorry I didn’t see you. You were too fast.’ She said.

  I look behind her and see them pedalling fiercely for me. I had no choice but to react in order to avoid them. The fight was inevitable.

  ‘Hi, umm, no problem, it was my fault.’ I said as I watch Tony and his gang behind her riding furiously as mad men.

  ‘Excuse me have we met?’ I asked her.

  They got closer.

  ‘Yes, I’m Tania and my science class is just across yours.’

  ‘Of course you are, Tania indeed. Sorry I knew I’ve seen you somewhere but just misplace your face for some reason.’ I respond nervously as I watch the circus getting closer to us.

  ‘Good run this morning. Never knew you had it in you.’ Tania said in a flattery and complimentary manner.

  By the electrical pole was her sport’s bicycle.
br />   ‘Is it yours?’ I instantly asked.

  ‘Yes it is,’ Tania said.

  I noticed that she was gear up in her bicycle suit and shoes but I had no choice. I jump on her bicycle and ride out without her approval, ‘Sorry, I’m in trouble. I’ll lend it and I shall bring it back in ten minutes.’

  ‘You’re mine Phil!’ Tony said as he rides with more effort to catch me.

  I glance at Tony and Tania. She was gaping at me in shock.

  Tania glances at Tony and instantly realise that I was in need of her help. She nods at me, ‘Ok, I live three streets down the road through the alley I came from at two Olion Road.’

  I glance at her at the back and nod to acknowledge the quick agreement. I made my move. The gang had caught up with me. Now the getaway was a challenge. I move ahead towards the crowds at the traffic light who was crossing the road. With the front of my shoes inserts in the pedal lock I was able to exert a powerful momentum.

  I felt a big hand trying to grab me by my shoulder. Then I heard, ‘You aren’t going anywhere! We’ve got you!’

  The Traffic light changes from green to amber for the pedestrians and cyclist. I was moving fast that Tony’s grip slip off my shoulder. I quickly glance at the opposite direction of the road as I concentrate of not colliding with the oncoming vehicle.

  The traffic light turns red. Tyres of my sport’s bicycle were already over the road on the crossing. I put more effort and I was gone, straight through the next alley. I heard loud horns coming from behind. Without delay I heard several screeching sound of braking tyres and a loud bang of metal bashing into metal.

  ‘We’re coming for you Phil!’ Tony fumingly said.

  I slowed down a bit and notice that Tony and Joey managed to cross through. They were waiting for the other three. It seems one of them hit at the side of a green car. Behind that car a tail gating black car seems to have a near miss. The drivers had stop and was arguing with them. Somehow they said something to convince the drivers not to take it further and all three was back on their bicycle.

  The alley I was in was a back road for cyclist and pedestrians. A short cut which connect to another main road a few metres ahead. In between was blocks of flats but the road was rarely occupied.

  I felt uncontrollable anger arousing. It was reaching its boiling point. Enough was enough something had to be done… I need to put an end to it. They need to understand that I’m not afraid of them. The only thing that stood in my way was the bushido’s code of conduct which I’m supposed to abide by…

  I put the bicycle aside to the wall of a block of flat near a waste bin. I got off the bicycle and wait for them. The light becomes green and the other three somehow got away and regroup. Tony leads them towards me while the rest follows.

  ‘Brave boy!’ Tony shouts as his voice echoes the alley of tall flats.

  ‘We can’t wait to smash the living out of you!’ Joey responds aggressively and aloud.

  They stop near me, dump their bicycle and race towards me. The team of bullies encircle me. Defenceless and powerless was how I felt for a moment.

  ‘Ryan, why don’t you let him know how much our little operation cost us just to catch him?’ Tony said.

  ‘Luckily, the car which I and my buddy Allen smashed into, belong to my neighbour.’ Ryan said.

  ‘Right now you’ve piece off my boys really bad. Let me introduce you to Allen and by the way you owe him a bicycle.’

  ‘I don’t owe anything to you and your tugs,’ I respond calmly.

  ‘You will be liable to our cost!’ Another gang member answers furiously.

  ‘And you are?’ I ask sarcastically as I grin at him.

  ‘Oh, meet Harley. After today you shall know all of us by our names.’ Joey said with a jovial smile.

  ‘Your claims are senseless and baseless.’

  ‘We shall be the judge to that.’ Harley responds.

  Tony slowly approaches me and said, ‘Resistance is futile.’

  ‘Surrender to our demands is the only option.’ Joey says as he makes his move from my side.

  ‘Option to meet your cost….’ Harley says as he slowly moves from joey’s opposite with me in between.

  ‘Cost of your liability….’ Ryan says as he close on me from behind.

  ‘Liability towards us…’ Allen says as he copied Ryan movement from the other side of my back.

  They surround me and close the circle I was in. I close my eyes and listen to my surrounding. I filtered the sound of echoes of horn, vehicle’s engines and the different voices. I focus my mind on the sound of the gang’s movement. Their footsteps and voices was enough to certify their actual distance with me.

  ‘Are you mute now?’ Tony amusingly said as he carries on to slowly close in.

  ‘Gentlemen, somehow we’ve manage to fed his tongue to the dogs.’ Ryan blathers as he laughs and closes in.

  ‘Frighten is the word for it.’ Harley derides as he also laughs and walk towards me.

  ‘Indeed, I can sense it as well.’ Allan said as he mimics his gang’s movement.

  They were all close enough. An arm’s length was all I needed. I open my eyes and react by quickly moving backward into Ryan and Allan’s trap. They both take the opportunity to seize me by my arms and lock my shoulders. Joey and Harley make a rush for their prey.

  I instantly produce a side kick for Harley’s belly which throws him off the ground, pushing him backward and finally, landing him on his butt. I quickly retaliate to the second oncoming threat by producing an immediate sidekick to my opposite flank. Joey went down in surprise as the blow fully made contact to his ribs. He folds in half and lay down on one knee trying to catch up with his normal breathing pattern.

  ‘Impressive Phil but you’re not going to get away.’ Tony said as he watched the defeat and humiliation of two of his friends. He opens both hands and makes his fingers crack under tension as he close them into firm fist.

  Then he strides towards me and prattles angrily, ‘Hold him firm boys. It’s about time to fracture those healthy bones of yours!’

  Ryan and Allan had interlocked their grip within my shoulders. They intensify their grip at the command of Tony. He head for me like a mad bull. I made a jerking motion with the arm which Ryan was holding. It slightly upset his balance that his upper body quickly head towards me. I head butt Ryan with a sweeping blow to the head.

  Dawdle, he plod away with his head in his hands. There was a slack which compel me to act urgently. My arm was loose. Immediately I use it to throw Ryan in front of me. I kick him in his belly and the abrupt force sent him rolling towards Tony. They both flow backward hitting the waste bin.

  Allan had lost control of his grip. He was trying to find a flaw in my technique for him to make an attack but it all happened too fast. I move in front of him. He insists on not releasing the firm grip. With an open hand armed with rigid fingers I execute it firmly at Allan’s throat to upset his oesophagus flows of air. He puff, release me and hold his throat with both of his hands. I fully extend a fast and effective one eighty degrees, axe kick to his face. The powerful blow of my heel drop him to his knees and he fall to the ground.

  I ran to my bicycle at the wall near the waste bin and ride it out of trouble. I was happy that I manage to empower all of them.

  ‘Wake up boys! He’s getting away!’ I overheard Tony shouting as I cycle off of the alley.

  ‘Come on let’s get him, his getting away!’ Joey infuriately screams out.

  At the end of the alley I made a right turn and cycle on a tarmac of secondary road. I follow the single carriage way of two lanes and made a left turn. I follow it as it snake its way through a dense forest. Behind me, the bullies behave like hooligans as they howl, scream and shout.

  The old man came out of the meditation and opened his eyes. He looked at his watch and notice that it was time to move on. He had waited for it for his whole life. The future and his destiny were at stake.

  His frail body struggle as he st
ood up. He stares at the edge of the horizon enjoying the splendid complex of colourful sunset. It could be the last one I ever see he thought. He felt sad but he had to take control of his emotion.

  He trudges to the far left side corner of the plateau. Then he turned around, facing the path which led to the single carriage way and glance at his watch for the crucial time. Quickly he dropped to his knees, rest and wait for the present outcome to re-occur. The future is uncertain, his mind dictates.

  ‘Come on boys!’ Tony bark at his gang as they try to catch up with me.

  ‘We’re coming Tony!’ Joey responds as he rides fast behind Tony.

  ‘He’s not gonna get away!’ Harley said aloud.

  I tap the gear lever underneath the brake to a higher one, cycle harder and faster. The gang slowly drop back. The road was swallowed by dense forest which provides fresh air and proper sun shade. Farther down the road I could see a pathway at the side of the road.

  I furiously ride towards it. Then once I was at the pathway I stop. I notice that thick white and rocky sand covers the pathway ahead. Thick vegetation on each side of the footpath accommodates it. I went through it slowly while I try my best to avoid the uneven, bumpy holes and rocky stones. Keeping the bicycle’s thin tyres in its natural undented state was important.

  After all I had an ethical obligation to hand it back to its owner. Honouring her kind generosity was a must as I felt bad in the way I had asked her to lend it to me. She had no choice except to accept the harsh proposition of lending.

  As I move on through the pathway I notice that I was exposed to an open ground. The thick forest slowly disappears. I look at the time on my digital watch as I cycle near the end of the path. It was time to get in before mum begins to think that I am missing. The open ground seems to have a dead end. Something caught my attention as I cycle off at the end of the lane to the open ground which seems to also have an end. I turn towards it and a man dress in black lays silent on his knees. I get off the bicycle, rest it on the grassy ground and look at him.


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