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The Captive Flesh

Page 15

by Cleo Cordell

  But she was not set apart, as he had been. She was accessible to all who wished to use her. Would Gabriel too be allowed to use her as the others guests were - or were slaves denied such privileges? She did not think she could bear it if Gabriel handled her as the merchants had. What if he should wish her to pleasure his cock with her mouth? She knew that she would accept his casual lust - her desire for him was so strong that she would deny him nothing - but she wished for so much more. Ah, to have his mouth cover hers. To have his fingers search out her tender places, draw down the moisture from her willing orifice. She doubted that Kasim would ever allow it.

  Marietta stared ahead as Selim, his women, and Gabriel approached Kasim. Perhaps Gabriel would not know her. They had exchanged the briefest of glances in the market place. Her face had been framed by the black hood of the robes of concealment. Would he recognise her as the owner of the stark oval face in which a pair of blue eyes had kindled with desire?

  Gabriel glanced across at her and she saw his face quicken with interest. Perhaps he saw only two singu-

  larly lovely pale-skinned slaves, chained and arranged in postures of submission. All at once she had to know if he knew her. On an impulse she raised her eyes to meet his. Deliberately, she smiled. Recognition blazed in his face immediately. A fierce joy raced through her. She and Gabriel held eye contact for what seemed a long time. For just that space, she forgot her humiliating position, the fact that she was little more than an ornament to Kasim. She was once again a free French woman: a woman who could choose the man she was drawn to. She put all the warmth - the naked desire -she felt for Gabriel into that one scorching contact.

  Gabriel responded. Deep within his grey eyes a spark burned, just for her. He felt the same. She was certain of it. Her heart seemed to lift as Gabriel's mouth curved in acknowledgement before he looked away and took his seat.

  Only then did Marietta look at Kasim. The unfathomable dark eyes glistened as they looked slowly from her to Gabriel and back again. Her blood seemed to grow cold. At once she regretted her actions. She realised now that Kasim had been watching her closely. His face was unreadable, his eyes hard as stones. The well-shaped mouth was little more than a line. Giving no sign of anything amiss, Kasim acted the cordial host, pressing food and drink on Selim.

  Marietta watched the banquet progress with trepidation in her heart. She sensed that Kasim was displeased and she knew what he was capable of. Though time passed and nothing amiss happened, still she remained tense. Selim's slaves provided entertainment while everyone ate. The jewel merchant had brought many pretty women with him. Some of them were skilled jugglers, others were gymnasts.

  Kasim seemed to be enjoying the entertainment, but Marietta - who was beginning to know him very well -perceived a contained excitement in those lean limbs of his. So casually did Kasim cup his chin and stroke one long finger down the pale flesh of his cheek. The knuckles of his other hand, curved around the stem of a glass of ruby-coloured sherbet, were white. From time to time Gabriel glanced at Marietta, but she took pains now not to appear too interested. She felt afraid for herself, for Gabriel too, and did not wish to anger Kasim further.

  The most beautiful of Kasim's harem women now appeared and handed out sweetmeats, pipes and tobacco. Kasim clapped his hands and musicians appeared. A figure swathed in veils stepped on to the floor.

  It was Ley la. Her dancing costume was of aubergine silk, sewn with brass sequins. Under a transparent waistcoat her large breasts were bare, the nipples rouged, berry bright. She began whirling and stamping, marking time with snaps of her slender fingers. Her long ringlets and jewelled skirts flew out into an arc with the momentum of the dance. She batted kohl-rimmed eyes at the guests, flirting with them, making suggestive movements with her hips. Stopping in front of Selim, she kneeled back, moving rhythmically until her head touched the floor. As she rose her mouth shaped itself into a kiss. Then she wagged her pointed tongue in an unmistakable gesture.

  The guests watching clapped and called out in admiration. As Ley la dipped and swayed amongst them, they pulled at her silken skirts, peeling off and discarding the layers. Selim, his florid face shiny with sweat, joined in enthusiastically. Soon Ley la wore only the waistcoat and a wisp of silk worn like a halter; slung low between her legs and tucked into a thin gold chain which encircled her waist.

  She leaned forward so that her heavy breasts hung down. Her cleavage was deep and shadowed; the full globes brushed her thighs as she dipped right over and rotated her shoulders. The shiny black coils of her hair spilled around her on to the carpet. Selim gave a low growl and grabbed for her.

  This prize is mine!'

  Leyla smiled and dropped to her knees in front of the jewel merchant. She assumed the submissive posture but raised herself up so that her pelvis was thrust towards Selim. The thin silk clung to her pouting sex, outlining its shape and fitting closely to the indentation made by the slitted lips. Selim was breathing fast. Leyla wriggled her hips invitingly. The heavy breasts jiggled.

  'Impatient for me, eh? You beauty/ he said thickly. Not so fast. Selim knows how to pleasure a woman.'

  His meaty hand stroked her soft flat belly, toying with the gold chain at her waist. Then his big fingers strayed down to the halter of silk that cupped Leyla's sex. Two fingers reached between her legs and gathered up the silk halter into a thin ribbon shape. Selim pulled on the halter to loosen it a fraction from the waist chain, so that Leyla's sex was freed. He made a slight adjustment, bringing the ribbon down the centre of the sex and tightening it again. Grasping her flesh-lips where they joined her groin he exerted pressure so that they opened and then settled back. Now the naked sex lips were parted around the narrow strip of fabric, pouting out one to either side.

  Selim began moving the ribbon slowly up and down, exerting a subtle pressure on Leyla's bud of delight. With one finger he caressed the strip of thin silk, stroking softly in an upward motion. Soon there was a slight, but definite, bulge against the thin fabric. A little longer, and the silk grew dark with Leyla's moisture. Selim sighed with pleasure.

  'Ah, see how the kernel of delight swells against the silk. Why it is extraordinary! So firm and swollen. Never have I seen such a one. I must taste it. My tongue demands this woman's sweetness. I cannot wait.' Selim flashed a glance at Kasim, awaiting his approval and getting it as he expected.

  'Of course,' Kasim said smoothly. 'You may have the use of this slave. Any others you wish also. And I may have the use of one of yours?'

  Selim's glistening eyes were fastened between Leyla's thighs. He did not seem to have heard Kasim. Now he drew the silk halter slowly, so slowly, through Leyla's legs. At last the pouch of her sex was free. The rim of red flesh, visible between the swollen outer lips, was moist and shiny.

  'Spread for me,' he ordered hoarsely.

  Leyla complied, using her fingers to open the flesh-lips. She pulled them up slightly, so that her remarkably developed pleasure bud stood out hard, glistening redly. Selim was transfixed. His eyes narrowed with pleasure. His full cheeks trembled as he moistened his lips with his tongue. He pressed the musk-scented silk fabric to his face and inhaled deeply.

  'Perfume of the Gods!' he groaned. 'Forgive me Kasim. I was quite overcome for a moment. This woman is a treasure. Take whichever of mine you wish. All my women are well trained and submissive. Their delight is to serve.'

  Kasim stood up. An enigmatic smile was printed on his hard face. Across the room Marietta gave a shiver of apprehension. Claudine was watching Selim, who had gripped Leyla's waist and was lapping at her sex like a dog. Everyone in the room seemed to be watching the little scene. Leyla's head was thrown back. Her buttocks trembled. She began to moan as her fingers stroked Selim's thinning hair. Some of the other merchants were also being pleasured. While they thrust into willing slaves, or lay back accepting the attentions of lips and tongues, their eyes were fastened on Selim and Leyla. Sounds of skin on skin, rustles and sighs, filled the opulent, shadow painted chamber.r />
  Only Marietta, alert to Kasim's mood, noticed the determination in his gait as he walked some distance from the erotic tableaux. She followed him with wide eyes, knowing his destination even before he stopped. The moment before he reached Gabriel, he looked full at her.

  He makes this decision to punish me, she thought. He knows that I desire Gabriel and he will use this occasion to humiliate him. Kasim reached Gabriel. He pinned him with a glance.

  'You heard your master,' he said. 'Take off your clothes and spread yourself for me.'

  Realisation flooded Marietta. Kasim was not going to lash Gabriel, as she had expected. He was loosening his belt, freeing his strongly erect phallus.

  'I'll have your mouth first. Then I want your arse,' Kasim said crudely. 'And if you do not please me it will be the worse for you.'

  She could not stand it. Kasim was doing this because of her. He meant to humiliate Gabriel utterly. Already the other guests were showing interest. They were all going to watch. Gabriel got to his feet slowly. A deep flush stained his cheeks but he began to disrobe as Kasim ordered.

  'No! Kasim . . . please . . . don't . . .' The cry left Marietta's throat before she could swallow it.

  She froze at once. There was no help for Gabriel. She knew Kasim never responded to pleas for mercy. She cursed herself for being a fool. But the damage could not be undone. With a face like thunder Kasim re-fastened his belt. Suddenly he was at her side.

  He slapped her face, almost playfully. Then took hold of the chain and jerked her upright. For her ears alone, he whispered: 'Still so rebellious? I judged you well. You have not disappointed me. Come then, my treasure, you shall watch. It will add to my pleasure.'

  Marietta realised too late that she had been manipulated. Kasim had wanted her to protest. He had sensed that there was a deep attraction between herself and Gabriel. Now he would use that fact to his advantage. Never would he waste such an opportunity to humiliate them both. Her throat burned. How heartless Kasim was.

  The blackness inside him was deep and fathomless. Ah, but his sensuality burned so brightly. She could not help but be drawn in by it, to find the reflection of herself in him. Even as part of her recoiled, another part responded, reaching out, aching for what was to come. One day she would punish him for this, for his piercing insight. She hated him for having such power over her, even while she longed for him. If ever she penetrated that reserve, the coldness that he wore like a cloak, she would take her revenge.

  As she was pulled to her feet, her sore breasts swayed. The movement of her thighs chafed her oiled flesh-lips. The hungry sex awoke, demanding release. Despite her churning thoughts, her fears, the spicy oil still worked its sensual spell over her. She caught her breath at the sight of Gabriel's body. He was naked now except for a leather pouch that fitted tightly over his already swelling phallus.

  Gabriel was perfect in his male beauty. He was strong, defiant as she was, and proud. Even as she had seen him last, slimed with sweat, marked by the lash, and shuddering in the aftermath of sexual release, she had been impressed by that stubborn pride of his. It had taken a lot to break Gabriel. Perhaps she did not need to fear for him. He must have endured much in all his years of slavery.

  But deep inside her heart she knew that Kasim's personality, incandescent for her like a darkly glowing jewel, eclipsed Gabriel's beauty, his strength, like the sun burnt out the moon. Kasim, dark and slim and dangerous, was a past master in the subtleties of chastisement. Inside him was a rod of iron. Cold, unbending.

  Gabriel, and she too, would be spared nothing.

  Marietta felt a stirring within her that was not entirely sexual. It seemed that she was at the apex of this forced triangle, and in that there was a sort of power. With a defiant set to her mouth she allowed herself to be led into the centre of the room.

  Gabriel's hands reached for the leather thong that encircled his waist and kept the leather pouch in place.

  'Leave it,' Kasim rapped from across the room. He was bending close to the chained slave, whispering to Marietta as he freed her from the pillar.

  Gabriel allowed his arms to fall to his sides. He stood with his shoulders back, his strong legs slightly apart. Kasim made a movement of his hand and Gabriel sank into the submissive posture, taught him by Selim.

  He was not afraid of what Kasim would do to him. Selim had trained him well. There could be no act, however debased, that would shock him. He thought of those early times, when Selim had broken him to service; the way a horse is broken to the saddle.

  He had been required to stay naked at all times. To wait on his master, sleep curled up on the floor beside his bed, and to clean Selim's then hard-muscled body from head to foot, daily, with his tongue. While he learned to use his hands and mouth to coax pleasure from Selim, he must suffer his stem and balls to be bound with thongs. Sometimes he thought he would explode with the sweet pressure. All pleasure, even self-inflicted, was denied him until he had proved that he deserved to be rewarded. It had been a time of torture. The harness around his waist which held the ivory phallus in his anus, had chafed and maddened him.

  But oh, the joy, the feeling of hot and willing surrender, when Selim allowed him his first climax. Then Selim had allowed him women to pleasure. And he must hold himself back as before. At the time he had hated his master. But now that he had acquired the taste for sensual pleasures he looked back on those times with affection.

  Kasim advanced towards him, leading the blue-eyed woman behind him. The old memories faded. All Gabriel could think of was his joy in the moment. He had eyes only for her. Her face was as he remembered it; perfectly oval, with a small straight nose and a sensual mouth. The eyes were as blue as flax flowers, bluer than any eyes he had ever seen. As for the rest of her - nothing could have prepared him for the wonders hidden under the black robes she wore that day.

  What a marvel her hair was. So pale, almost silver. It tumbled over her shoulders in a riot of curls. The gold collar, set with moonstones, was a perfect foil for her colouring. He had to admire Kasim's taste. The woman's body seemed perfect to him. Her limbs were long and gently rounded. She was not opulently curved like the dancing girl who had so captivated his master; rather, she was almost slender. The deepest curves were where her waist flared into generous hips. Her breasts were not over-large, but very high and round. There seemed to him to be a wonderful symmetry to her form. And between her thighs was another wonder still. He had glimpsed, but briefly, the pink shell-like sex, surrounded by more curls of silky blonde hair. Kasim had dared to break with tradition and leave hair around the pubic lips of this choice slave.

  Gabriel found the sight almost overwhelmingly erotic.

  Kasim clapped his hands and slaves ran to remove Gabriel's pile of clothes and bring a small low table.

  'Bring more lamps too. I want to see everything clearly,' Kasim rapped. He had undipped the chain from the woman's collar and was feeding it idly through his fingers.

  'So Marietta, we have Gabriel to ourselves this day. There is no crowd to interfere with our enjoyment of this rebellious slave.' He grinned. 'But perhaps he is obedient after his public lashing. Shall we test his obedience?'

  Marietta. Gabriel absorbed the name. Marietta. She looked uneasy. Her hands hung at her sides. She glanced through lowered lashes at Kasim, obviously unsure whether to assume the usual submissive posture. Gabriel sensed the tension between them. Why does Kasim not order me to pleasure him at once, he thought. Then he understood.

  Kasim was punishing him and Marietta. He had seen the looks that passed between them.

  Gabriel began to feel uncomfortable. It was unwise to provoke this man. He knew Kasim's reputation. It was said that this man could stir you to pleasure until you felt that your soul was peeled bare. And after, you would be gasping for more. It was also said that Kasim's passions ran deep, and he was reputed to have shown an extraordinary amount of restraint where Marietta was concerned. The gossip amongst the slaves was that Kasim had not yet taken he
r to his bed. Gabriel did not believe that. Such a thing was unknown.

  But the stories he heard about Kasim must contain a grain of truth. He was an enigma and he would be an implacable enemy. A muscle ticked in Gabriel's jaw. He waited, aware that the spice of danger had fanned his excitement. At his groin the leather pouch grew tighter as the fabric strained to contain his erection. He found the thought of being spread for this man, of having to take his cock into his mouth, more disquieting, more arousing, by the moment. His earlier bravado seemed foolish now. This was not a man who would be ensnared, weakened, by the power of his senses.

  Selim was one thing. Kasim was quite another.

  'Move closer to Gabriel,' Kasim said to Marietta. 'Does his strength not make you afraid? But you need not fear. For this is a well-trained slave, docile and willing to offer himself for his master's pleasure. Is that not so, Gabriel?'

  Gabriel answered. 'Yes, lord.' His voice was deep. Marietta thought she detected the slightest trace of a tremor in it. She felt an answering response. He is wary of Kasim, she thought, as well he might be.

  Marietta stood looking down at the kneeling slave. Close to, he looked enormous. His powerful shoulders were pulled back, showing the planes of his chest and belly off to advantage. The thighs, wide apart, were taut and corded with muscle. He was as tall as Kasim but more strongly built. It was odd to see a man in the submissive posture. In the harem all the slaves were female. The only males in Kasim's household were guards and they were refused access to the private apartments.

  Gabriel's calm grey eyes stared back at her. There was no sign of that earlier intimacy in his direct gaze. She felt an almost unbearable urge to touch him, to stroke back the unruly hair which tumbled over his brow. There was an innocence in Gabriel's remarkable face. The high cheekbones, the straight brows, and the deep-set eyes were those of a man who had suffered and triumphed. But in the set of the jaw, the curiously soft mouth, she detected traces of the pure young boy he had once been.


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