Book Read Free

Falling for You

Page 18

by Heather Thurmeier

  “Evan. What are you doing up? Where’s Cassidy?”

  “I heard something so I got out of bed and started filming. I thought you were Cassidy. I guess she must still be in bed … or something.”

  He hoped to hell he sounded casual. He clicked off his camera and held it by his side.

  Zoe’s eyes narrowed, taking in his attire as she walked across the room. He felt naked with his shirt hanging open.

  “Sleeping, huh?” She trailed a single finger across his stomach. “I’m sorry I woke you. If you need help getting back to sleep, I’m pretty sure I can think of a few ways to tire you out.”

  Evan shivered at her touch. It was like ice, and not in a good way. “Thanks, but I think I can manage on my own. Besides, didn’t you just come from a date with your dream man?”

  “Yeah, but he left me at the door. You could walk me to my room.”

  “I’m going back to my room since it appears Cassidy’s still sleeping and I’m not needed. I’m sure your cameraman can make sure you get to your room safely.”

  “You know where I am if you change your mind.” Zoe lifted the edge of his shirt and fingered the hanging threads where a button used to be. “You’re missing a few buttons. Did your shirt give you some trouble tonight?”

  Evan held his gaze steady on hers. “Buttons can be complicated.”

  “True, sometimes I have to use my teeth.”

  “Thanks for sharing. Goodnight, Zoe.” He backed into his room.

  “Sweet dreams, Evan. I know mine will be.”

  Evan closed his bedroom door and collapsed onto the bed.

  That was too close. Cassy is off limits from now on. I can’t ruin my reputation with work or get more involved with her than I already am.

  And what the hell kind of repellent can I buy to keep Zoe away from me?

  • • •

  Brad paced in front of Evan and the other crewmembers. “Dudes, I don’t know who to pick.” He ran his hands through his hair.

  “You must have at least one front runner.” Chip spoke, the impatience clear in his voice already. In all the years Evan had known Chip, patience had never been one of his strong suits.

  “Oh yeah, Zoe. That chick oozes sex appeal. I bet she’s a tiger in the sack based on how she kisses.”

  “Great. So Zoe is in the final two automatically, and the others are in the bottom three. America can fight it out for who gets to stay.”

  “No, wait. I’m not sure.” Brad rubbed his forehead again. “What about Cassidy? I know she’s totally playing hard to get with me because I broke up with her. It’s driving me crazy. What if America votes her out? Maybe she should be the sure thing and Zoe should be in the bottom. There’s no way America would vote out Zoe again, right?”

  The crew remained quiet.

  “Come on. Someone must have an opinion.” Brad started to border on whiny.

  “I’m not sure I’d trust America with Zoe again. They didn’t like her the first time she was in the bottom three. Who says they’ve changed their minds?” Evan didn’t want to sway Brad’s opinion too much, but the sooner Cassidy was off the show, the better it would be for everyone and putting her up for the vote might just get that accomplished.

  “True,” Brad replied, obviously still unsure of his decision.

  “It’s not hard. Just pick one girl you really want at the end and let America figure out the rest for you,” another crewmember said.

  “I know what I need to do.” Brad walked away without any confirmation of who he’d decided to put in the bottom three.

  “So who’s he going to choose?” Jake asked from beside Evan.

  “Not a clue.”

  “Doesn’t really matter in my case. My girl isn’t one of the favorites to win, so I think I’m going home tomorrow.”

  “Erin and the kids will be happy to have you home again.”

  “Yep, and I’ll have enough time and funds to take the family on a quick vacation before school starts.” Jake patted him on the back. “Looks like you’re sticking around until the end with Cassidy, huh?”

  “Seems that way.”

  “What’s with you two, anyway?” Jake dropped his voice. “You seem pretty close these days.”

  Evan’s heart jumped into his throat. “What are you talking about?”

  “Seems you’re interested in more than good camera angles on this project.”

  “You’re imagining things.”

  “After all these years of friendship,” Jake said, shaking his head, “I thought you knew you could trust me.”

  “If you’re throwing the friend card around, then I’m going to use it. Be a friend and stop asking questions you know I can’t answer.” Evan held his breath while he waited for that to sink in.

  Jake nodded his head and looked Evan straight in the eye. “You do what you need to.” Jake’s voice was so quiet Evan had to strain to hear him. “Just don’t get caught doing something stupid.”

  “It’s not like that, Jake. You don’t know this girl.”

  “She worth losing your job?”

  “I don’t — ” Evan shrugged. “Maybe.” It was the best he could offer his friend. The truth was, Evan didn’t know for sure one way or the other. All he knew was at this point, he owed it to himself to find out.

  “What about your vow to not get involved with anyone? You finally figured out that’s impossible and stupid?”

  Evan sighed. Had he decided she was worth that risk? Was not being with Cassidy a better alternative than being with her and maybe getting hurt someday in the future? “Maybe. I don’t know, okay?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep this quiet. I’m going to pack. I want to catch a ride home as soon as my girl gets voted off.”

  “Tell Erin I say hello.”

  Evan hoped he’d said enough to convince Brad to put Cassidy in the bottom three, but not too much to cast suspicion on his motives. Only time would tell and the elimination ceremony couldn’t get here fast enough.

  • • •

  Evan was in complete disbelief that Cassidy sat across from him in the interview room again. He’d been sure when Brad had put her in the bottom three, America would vote her out. But for some reason, they hadn’t.

  “How do you feel about being one of the final girls in the competition?” He started the interview with the provided questions.

  “I’m shocked,” she said, shaking her head. “I never dreamt I’d make it this far. I thought I’d be the girl who gets sent home the first week.”

  “Let’s talk about your last challenge. This time it was a private date with Brad, correct? Where did he take you?”

  “We had dinner outside at the Mountain View Terrace restaurant in the chateau. We shared a nice meal and admired the view of the mountains for a while.”

  “Sounds romantic.” He didn’t want Cassidy thinking romantically about Brad.

  “Yes, I suppose it was romantic with a table set for the two, and an outdoor bed with about a million pillows so we could relax together and enjoy the stunning view. I’m sure most girls would dream of this as a perfect romantic moment.”

  But did you?

  “Did you take advantage of the romantic setting to get closer to Brad?”

  “Um, well … ” Cassidy blushed a light pink. “We lay on the bed talking for a while, which was nice. I know Brad really wanted to kiss me, but when he leaned it for it, he bumped my glass of wine and it spilled all over my blouse.”

  “That’s terrible. Were you able to continue on with your date after you’d cleaned up the mess?”

  “No.” He could tell Cassidy struggled not to giggle. “Unfortunately,” she continued, “the wine was going to stain my shirt and I needed to get it cleaned right away so our date ended a little early.”

  “Did Brad walk you to the door and kiss you goodnight to end your very romantic private date?”

  “He did walk me to the door, which was nice and I appreciated it, but after the wine spilled on me, I was cold
and really wanted to take a shower and get into some clean clothes. So no, we didn’t kiss at the door. I think we left the romance on the terrace with the dessert we didn’t eat.”

  Ah, poor douche bag Brad. Epic date failure.

  “Are you hoping you’ll get another chance for a kiss during this last challenge?”

  Evan wasn’t nearly as bothered by these questions as he would have been a week ago. He knew Cassidy’s feelings for him were strong and Brad wouldn’t get another kiss any time soon. Still, a little part of him couldn’t help feeling jealous at the idea of having to watch them together again at the last challenge.

  “Since I don’t know what the challenge is, it’s hard to know what to hope for.”

  “The competition is down to two girls. How do you feel about Zoe being here with you?”

  “I’m happy for Zoe since she really wants to be in the final two, but I wish I had someone more enjoyable to spend my last few days in the house with.”

  “What do you mean?

  “I don’t think it’s any secret that Zoe and I aren’t best friends.” Cassidy rolled her eyes. “She’s made it very clear she’s the only one meant to be with Brad and the only one who deserves to be here. I guess since she’s the last woman standing, maybe she’s right.” Cassidy finished with a shrug like she admitted defeat against Zoe.

  “But she’s not the last woman here. You’re still here. Doesn’t that mean you deserve to be here, too?” He cocked his head to the side.

  Doesn’t she realize she is way more amazing than Zoe will ever be?

  “I guess America must think so since they voted for me to stay. Or maybe they want to keep me around so they have someone to laugh at. Everyone loves the underdog, right?”

  “So you think Zoe is the running favorite to win?”

  Cassidy adjusted herself on the couch, tucking one leg under the other. She looked tired of answering the relentless string of questions.

  “I don’t know. America doesn’t get to vote for who wins, so the choice is all up to Brad. I’m not sure which of us he likes better. I guess the last challenge will probably help him make his decision.”

  “Are you worried about who he’ll choose in the end?” he asked, honestly curious.

  “No,” Cassidy replied sounding confident. “Zoe and I are two different people. Once he has a chance to spend a more time with each of us, I think he’ll realize he likes one person a lot more than the other. We’re so different, I think one of us will simply be a better fit in his life.”

  Better be Zoe.

  “Do you think your history with Brad will make a difference in his choice?”

  “Of course it will. How could it not? We have memories together. He already knows what it’s like to date me, so he’ll have to decide if he wants me again or if he wants to try someone new.”

  “Are you ready to date Brad again if he chooses you?”

  “I don’t know. I wish I had an answer for you, but I don’t.”

  Evan scanned the sheet of questions. “I guess that’s all the questions I have for you today. Enjoy the last challenge and good luck.”

  “Thanks,” she said, smiling one of her amazing Cassidy smiles at him. “I need all the good luck I can get.”

  I think we both need that.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cassidy stood in the kitchen comforted by being back in the familiarity of the house she’d called home for the last few weeks. Especially since it meant she finally had a little space from Zoe. Sharing a suite with her at the chateau hadn’t been a picnic for anyone.

  Cassidy whisked eggs in a bowl and dumped them into a hot skillet, then topped them with cheese and ham. It wasn’t healthy, but it reminded her of home and that’s exactly what she needed right now.

  Everywhere she went there seemed to be a lot of packing going on. Cameras were coming down from ceiling corners, mic packs were being inventoried and placed in boxes, even decorations were being removed from the walls and bubble wrapped.

  She’d snuck downstairs when she’d heard Evan go into the shower so she could have a few camera-free moments. The alone time was bliss.

  “Whatcha making?” Zoe asked, coming up behind her, also without her cameraman. Seemed they’d both managed to ditch their responsibilities.

  So much for bliss. “An omelet.” Cassidy rolled her eyes and wished Zoe away.

  “Make me one, too.”

  “How about you make it yourself?”

  “I don’t know how.” Zoe leaned back on the counter to watch Cassidy. “Now if you asked me to make Death by Chocolate Cupcakes, that I could do. An omelet, not so much.”

  Give her one and she’ll go away.

  Cassidy sighed and put the finished omelet on the plate and handed it to Zoe. “It’s not low-fat and borders on burned. Enjoy.” She turned her back and started fixing herself another omelet — one she’d actually get to eat.

  Zoe grabbed a coffee and wandered out the back door with her omelet in hand and without so much as a thank you.


  The door opened again.

  “What now, Zoe? Need me to hand feed you, too?”

  “I can feed myself, thanks.”

  Cassidy turned, spatula in hand. Susan stood with her arms crossed and looking — well, looking pissed. “Hey, Susan. What’s up? More helpful tips for me today?”

  “I know you think this is all gonna work out between you and Evan after the show ends, but it’s not, so you should get over him now and save yourself the heartache later.”

  Oh boy.

  Cassidy attempted to look innocent. “I’m not sure what you think is going on, but Evan’s just my cameraman.”

  “Sure he is.” Susan took a few steps closer. “Listen. I’ve worked with Evan a long time, so I know the signs. He may say you’re different, but you’re not. You’re just like every other girl he screws on production.”

  Cassidy cringed at her words.

  “I wouldn’t waste your time on him. You actually have a chance with Brad, don’t mess it up by screwing around with Evan.”

  “Thanks for the advice, but mind your own business and I’ll mind mine.” Why did people always think they could tell her what to do? She wasn’t anyone’s pushover.

  Susan’s face turned scarlet, her eyes narrowing to slits.

  Yep, I’ve pissed her off. Great.

  Susan opened the back door again, but paused halfway out. “If I were you, I’d dress up tomorrow unless I wanted to look stupid on TV, but I wouldn’t want to stick my nose in your business or anything. Your eggs are burning.” She disappeared through the door without another glance.

  Cassidy turned back to the skillet to see smoke rising from the pan. She grabbed it and tossed the whole thing into the sink, running water on it. The water hissed and spit as it hit the hot pan.

  She suddenly felt like her future with Evan had gone the way of her uneaten omelet — burned and unappealing.

  • • •

  Cassidy and Zoe been told the final challenge would be away from the house, so they needed to pack a small bag, as well as get the rest of their belongings ready to ship home.

  Cassidy had enjoyed the experience, but she was ready for the show to end. The sooner they were on their way to the final challenge, the sooner the show would be over and she’d be free.

  Free from Brad bringing up feelings from the past she didn’t want to explore.

  Free to be with Evan — if he still wanted her. She had thought he would before, but after talking to Susan, she wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Cassidy grabbed the black backpack provided for the challenge and began thumbing through the T-shirts folded on her shelf. Of course, since she didn’t know what they were doing, packing was a challenge in its own rite.

  “Any hints as to what I might pack?”

  Evan stared at her silently.

  Cassidy sighed. Going back to the silent treatment got harder and harder every time. She couldn’t wait to be away from the
camera for good. To be normal around Evan, if he stuck around long enough.

  “Okay then, I guess I’ll pack one of everything and hope for the best. The least they could do is hint at what kind of clothes we might want to bring.”

  Of course, Susan had hinted, but could she be trusted after the whole Corona incident?

  She rummaged through her dresser drawers pulling out clothes and separating them. Some went right into the overnight bag for the challenge, everything else needed to go into her suitcases to ship back to New York.

  Her stomach tightened at the thought of going back to the city. With the show almost over, she’d have to face real life again. Her chest ached when she imagined waking up in her cramped little apartment after getting used to the sprawling mansion.

  How would she feel about Brad once she was surrounded by memories of him again? Was she really ready to head home with nothing — with no one? No Evan or Brad.

  Did she even want to go back to the city? Back to the subway station, lost among the throngs of busy people fighting their way to work. She could almost smell the ripe, hot stench streaming out of the street vents and the stuffiness of the thick air in the subway tunnels.

  She stared at Evan who was leaning back against her dresser casually recording her every move. She studied his face, the line of his jaw, and toned muscles of his arms.

  Or would she rather stay here with him? Was that even an option? Or maybe she should try somewhere new — somewhere warm, like California.

  He peeked his head out from behind the camera and gave her a curious look. She read his lips when he mouthed, “You okay?”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. Her head spun with uncertainty. Everything seemed so confusing all of a sudden.

  The possibility of not seeing Evan, not being near him, stole her breath away. What am I doing? I barely even know him and I’m worried about not seeing him every day.

  She ran her fingers under her eyes, wiping away the tears before they started and wouldn’t stop. She wouldn’t cry about this. Not yet. She didn’t even know how she felt about Evan yet, let alone how he felt about her. There was no sense crying over something she didn’t even understand.

  Cassidy placed the backpack on the top of the dresser. She could finish the rest of her packing later, but right now she needed to relax in a nice warm bubble bath.


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